II Timothy 4:5, KJV
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
Mr. Cho has two mules which work his field. Ra is a hard worker while Kue is lazy, often in the habit of feigning sick that the farmer might not hitch him to the plough. With the same field to plough under the same duration, Kue would fall behind, not meeting up. Contemplating on his need, Mr. Cho slaughters Kue for meat and spare Ra to further serve purpose.
This exactly tells the story of some people's lives. Reverend Olusola Areogun shared a testimony of his wife been taken to the book room in heaven. There, she saw a minister who hasn't fulfilled the number of books he was called to write juxtaposed with a definite bound time he was in at that time. That isn't a good report card I hope you know. It is the news of failure which offcourse could still be corrected because the minister in question still lives and probably still has time for amends. That sharing testifies of a man who's seriously lagging behind in his work and ministry. Instead of making full proof of his ministry, he's still far from filling entirely the circle drawn for him by God.
For you to make full proof of your ministry, you have to become like Ra. You must apply diligence so that you can plough your allotted ground under its measured duration. Irrespective of your field or calling, diligence will hasten you and make your calling and election sure (known, recognized, saluted, established). Without seeking to be enlarged in your calling, you cannot be known with that calling. So, find under God what He would have you do per time and do it. As you discharge all those further, you'll be establishing yourself in your calling. To get that done, Paul gives Timothy the following instructions.
+ Watch: be observant and vigilant.
+ Endure afflictions (of ministry and all sorts)
+ Do the work of an evangelist (which makes him spread what he does)
These three would then lead to "making full proof of one's ministry." To have revealed to all eyes what your calling or ministry harbours, you must learn to take heed to yourself and the work, learn persistence in the face of all contradictions and reach out to making your work grow. For instance, a minister will be making full proof of his ministry by authoring, getting on radio, planting churches and doing all those. The Bible says, "give diligence to make your calling and election sure" (II Peter 1:10). Diligence is hard work. If your ministry becomes your meditation day and night, you can't but succeed or make full proof of it. If you can labour more than them all, your profit will appear to all eyes to see. Ra is able to labour more than Kue even within the same duration. It could finish its own field by diligence while Kue falls behind. As such, the farmer spares it to continue to live and farm. Meanwhile, He takes Kue away because he's of little consequence to his business and progress. Would you want to be feeding a mule that's not giving value in return? Same way, God preserves Paul because he must need appear before kings and fulfill all said of him which he also daily exercises himself to fulfill. He once was stoned, dragged out of the city and left for dead but he later rose to enter into the city (Acts 14:19-20). What about that? Why would that happen to him? Because he is yet to carry out wholly Jesus' name before kings and nobles. God preserves people for purpose and destiny's sake. If you can hook yourself with the will of God somewhere, you'd be saved today, delivered tomorrow and preserved until your work is done.
PRAYER: I am strong, able and on motion. I receive initiatives on establishing my calling.
Acts 25:13-26:1 & Psalms 11-16
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