Thursday, 1 August 2024


FRIDAY - 19TH JULY, 2024


AND HE HAS SET SOME - Your Baby Series 019

I Corinthians 12:28, KJV

"And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues."

When that place says, "and He has set some", it talks of God placing us in different functions. 

God sets some! To set means to "place." It also means, "God has called some by name." God who set A as an Apostle and B as a prophet called them by name first of all and set them in those functions differently. Like the teeth are set in the mouth without the canine supplanting the molar where it should be, in same manner, God has set some to function, manifest or occupy offices differently. Ephesians 4:12 talks of ministry offices and it will take us further. 

Ephesians 4:11, KJV

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers"

These are offices that those who occupy them would be gifted differently from each other. For instance, the Apostle is a sent one. He's empowered by God to open a new land or territory to other ministry offices. He's equipped with strong spirit to wrestle and conquer principalities and powers especially over nations, cities and places. Signs and wonders do attend his work. The prophet is both a foreteller (predictor) and forthteller (inspired speaker). He has revelation gifts and gift of discernment. The evangelist is a winner of souls with the gift of the gab whose work is specially attested to by signs, wonders, healing and miracles. He coverts sinners especially. The pastor is a shepherd who grooms the harvest sent in by the evangelist. He's usually a teacher with a patient and caring spirit. The teacher is different from a pastor who preaches but is one given special graces to reveal God's mystery hidden in the Bible to people. He teaches the body of Christ. 

You'll see that with the setting comes different functions and manifestations. That's why you mustn't covet anyone's calling. The reason is because you have yours. Find it and develop it. You've been set by the Lord somewhere also. He who sets the solitary in families has set you in a calling of His own choice and has equipped you with passion, talents, inclination and special obsession for that field. 

This also tells us that calling isn't a fraud. It is very genuine and true. God originated it and He seeks to perpetuate it in every living being He has sent here. There should be no one who should be idle. That's because God has ordained a work for him or her to do. When God created Adam, He puts him in the garden to till the ground. But even before then, He gave him authority to dominate or rule over the works of His hands. That is, he was given the responsibility of exploring, cultivating and maximizing all God created. His work is to bear rule on behalf of God and it shows in Adam naming the animals - where it is whatsoever he calls them they bear (Gen.2:19-20). God gave Adam a work. It wasn't Adam who set himself as a manager over the earth. It was God who set him in place and equips him to rule it. That work is his calling or what should be his life's job. However, that man or woman could have gone ahead to doing a contrary job. As a matter of fact, your calling or life's work (narrowly defined) should be your job since God intends that's what should totally preoccupy you and on which you should spend your lifetime. So, beware of working and not fulfilling your calling. That's where the idea of a career comes in. Anything you're doing which is not what God meant for you as CALLING might as well be regarded as your CAREER. It's possible to be a called musician but to go on to be an accountant. Accountancy would be deemed a career for you and not your calling. However, God might give a calling to another in accountancy which if he does, it won't be regarded as following a career but fulfilling a calling. So, I'm thinking the separation between career and calling is HE WHO GIVES YOU THAT WORK TO DO! If it's not your preordained job, then it isn't your calling and you can't drive it maximally enough to its peak because you won't even be verily equipped for it. Also, you can't derive maximum satisfaction from it. God favours every work or human endeavour and He calls people into them. Every work is sanctified and blessed by Him but can you testify the work or job you're on is your own calling (given mandate from heaven) or the one you're just doing to sponsor your calling or put food on your table? That's why some of you want to leave that job or work to go fully into the one you really love. You'd better leave it or redirect your kid into the path of such that fits their calling. 

PRAYER: Father, save me from misdirection. Save me from living outside my pre-ordained destiny. Give me insight not to misdirect my children.


Acts 25:13-26:1 & Psalms 11-16

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