Monday, 6 May 2024


FRIDAY - 3RD MAY, 2024



Psalms 105:12-13, KJV

"12 When they were but a few men in number; yea, very few, and strangers in it. 13 When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people."

If I ask of you to plot the graph of your life's journey, what would you plot? All of us have our life's journey. That's what could culminate in a biography at a latter time. 

You know, those two verses above reminded me of my own journey and at looking back in retrospect, it always get me into thankfulness. At times, I would look back and wonder at how fast things have been. For instance, I could still remember vividly how I was in primary, secondary or even tertiary institution sometimes ago. How's it that the clock had ticked so fast that I'm now here. Now in the now with a family of my own and my own affairs to see to. It always bug my mind. I also do remember the words of one of my secondary school teachers who'll say, "what are you looking for? What do you desire? In the process of time, you'll have it all." And whenever I look back, it is with gratitude 'cause I've seen the fulfilment of those many things. 

On our life's journey, there's a time in our lives when we are small - a few people. Being small here doesn't only refer to number or our numeric strength but hints at our days of small beginning. If you are married for instance with a family of your own, children and people around you that you support, you cannot be considered as small or few again. You have added to yourself and unlike before when you needed support from parents, siblings, uncles, aunts and all around to survive and chat a course, you're now holding the steering wheel of your vehicle with the responsibility to drive and deliver some people to a destination. You're now a man or woman of your own. 

Jacob or let me say Israel had such smallness. There was a time when Israel was small and few in the land God had afore promised to their father, Abraham. They were not only few in number but were strangers in it. They had no permanent residence but wandered as nomads from one place to another seeking for rest and settlement. That was the day of their small beginning. They couldn't even boast of an organized army at that time. Jacob and all who went to Egypt symbolizes this. The wandering of Abraham, Isaac and even Jacob hints at this. At that time, they were not different from a single brother who's trying to find his foot and seeks to settle down. 

At such time, you'll see such brother travel from one place to the other, cross from one job to the other. What's he looking for? He's looking for rest. At such time of smallness, he needs God, His protection and His defence. God sure gave that to Israel many times. There were powerful kings who could have violated them, however God shielded them from their abuses. Where they had no strength of defence, God defended them. A revelation that God is the administrator of our lot and He'll keep with Himself to the last day all we have committed to Him. 

Nomadic Israel moved from one nation to the other. If you'll look at your life's journey, you've moved from one place to the other also - trying to find what satisfies and where to dwell. A brother recounts the story of his life. He said after his Service Year, he went to stay with his uncle, then a mentor. From there, he travelled abroad for further studies but to return to the country to start a set-up. It was after then he relocated to another african country where he now operates from and lives. You see, such is life. Such is one's journey. It could take a curve here or follow a straight line there. That brother had his small days. Offcourse, when he needed his uncle, mentor and all he stayed with to provide, protect and help him out. But now, Israel is big and that's the intent of God. It's that as we journey, we become independent of all our carers though not Him. Our being independent is not of pride or self boast but of having become men and putting away childish things. We become a man of ourself - sufficient in God's grace and the education of life we might have received till then.

For those who are still on this journey, may God grant you godspeed. May all impediments to quick journey be consumed right before your face. For those who have reached a milestone, may God keep you further on your journey . May your path be as the just's. So shall it be.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Judges 15:1-16:31, John 2:1-25, Psalm 103:1-22, Proverbs 14:17-19

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