Monday, 22 April 2024




YOUR TENDER BRANCH WILL NOT CEASE - The Essence & Value Of Life Series 006

Job 14:7, KJV 

"For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease."

You're welcome to a new day. This new day brings with it a new opportunity and what God is saying is, "your tender branch will not cease."

It means many things. One, God is giving you the assurance of ever being present and productive still. When that place says, "your tender branch will not cease", it does emphatically and with all assurance that as long as you're still alive - taking being on the earth, what shall be consequent of your life is productivity. The fact that your tender branch will not cease. So, we'll always hear from you. So, we'll always see the product of your calling and purposeful living. 

So far, we have seen what life should be spent on or given to. Meanwhile, today's ministration is targeting many who are down or cut down by some happenings and forces beyond them. It is appealing to those who have been broken and are in a state where they couldn't live life to the fullest or give the products of their calling anymore. Why? They are already suppressed. They therefore need help. They need a revival. They need to be awoken! What God is saying to you is that He'll recover you. The devil has made the horrible mistake of still letting you live. The fact that you still have the breath of life means you could still experience a bounce back and then a bounce back to a purposeful and productive life like before. You're just like a tree that is cut down but whose stump and root is still in the soil. It's just a matter of time, it will revive. The purpose for which God revives anyone is not for them to go on just being a matter - occupying space and exhibiting M-movement, R-respiration,  N-nutrition, I-irritation or sensibility, G-growth, E-excretion, R-reproduction, D- death (one day), A-adaptability and then C-competition which are all the characteristics of living things. No! Anybody that died that was resurrected in the Bible was resurrected for a purpose and to the intent that they'll live on to fulfill the mandate on them. God doesn't give life or spare life or reserve it for purposelessness. Rather, the major reason for such is to live life and continue to use it to make impact like before and better than before. Resurrection of life or revival of life is to live life more abundantly again in purpose. So, for those of you who have been pressed down hitherto, depressed, discouraged or hindered till now, an assistance will come your way. In any form you need encouragement, God shall support you and you shall be revived to bring forth new branches. If you need men to come your way to raise you up, God is supplying such helper. 

Note what you'll bring forth. It's a new branch. As we know, when a tree is cut off, it has no branches or leaves any longer for that is severed from the stump. Such tree would only be left with a stump and the roots in the soil. But after awhile, when it begins to sprout up, it will bring forth new branches that'll bring forth new leaves. Consequently also, there will be new fruits. New wine shall come from you. That's what the Lord is saying. At this your restoration this morning, you will live purpose like you used to live once more but in newness of life. 

We saw you yesterday, we'll see you today and contact you tomorrow as well. The declaration of the Lord is that, "your tender branch will not cease." It doesn't matter how many people are fighting you to shut down, close up or shut off. You will inherit all of them. They'll fall for your sake. As for you, we'll keep seeing you and your handiwork. The enemy might delay its bubbling or manifesting but it will sure sprout out in newness. Put this word of faith in your mouth. Let it become your confession. Say, "my tender branch will not cease. I shall bring forth new branches and new wine. I occur and I will reoccur. Always!"

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the word of faith and declarations that have become flesh.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 21:1-22:20, Luke 20:1-26, Psalm 89:1-13, Proverbs 13:15-16

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