Thursday, 18 April 2024




AND LIFE BEGINS BY THE BREATH! - The Essence & Value Of Life Series 002

Genesis 2:7, KJV

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."

Yesterday, I made a point on what life's greatest opportunity was. Obviously, it is being alive. It is when one is alive that any other opportunity could be availed one. At death, one is shut from all opportunities. If one will ever be qualified again for any, he or she will require a resurrection back to life. And as we know, that is an exception. The dead (in the state of still being dead) don't marry or pursue any ambition except he yet lives again (and becomes a living soul)

Today, I want to talk about the breath of life that causes life to begin. But for the breath, there'd be no life and no human would have been able to lift a hand or blink a eye. We have a strong testimony of Adam being lifeless at creation. When he was formed, he had the body but Adam had no life in it. Body of mud!The body could therefore do nothing because it had not been awoken to live and exercise the potentials or characteristics of any living thing. After forming Adam from the mud, God consequently breathed into him. What was released into him is what the Bible calls, "the breath of life." This breath of life is wind that runs through Adam and as a supernatural ingredient of God, it makes impact that soon reflect upon contact. It could have gone into the brain of Adam to wake him up to reality and existence but irrespective of where it went, even if it had to circulate the whole body before revival of the body lying down helpless was functional, one thing is sure, Adam lived and became a living soul at that instance . What a joy that God's handiwork eventually turns out the way He had wanted. 

Mark the phrase, "living soul." A living soul is someone with life in him as such could take life or being. Until he became a living soul, he was helpless. He couldn't rise, talk, stand or walk. So, what would be the intent for which God gave Adam His precious gift - the breath. It is to live and take being on earth. However, we ought qualify it that the breath in our nostrils or the spirit in us which makes us fully functional as humans is the most important ingredient that makes us who we are. That is life's greatest opportunity or asset to us. That is what the evil one wants to cut short so that you'll not be able to fulfill your purpose in the time you have to live. Life given you is therefore an opportunity to live and exercise towards destiny or why God had created you. We sure know that being a living thing, you can't but eat, drink and take pleasure in life. However, you weren't created to indulge or live in this as your sole purpose. They were only meant to be your survival and coping tools on daily basis as you go about the fulfilment of your purpose. Food is only meant to strengthen your frame for what you should be living for and so should other things fulfill their temporal needs in your life. Car, house, money should only aid your destiny fulfilment. They are only your tools not purpose itself. Imagine if God never breathed into Adam. What would he have been? Just a piece of art or body lying down on the floor with back to the ground. He would have no right, no will and no being to take. He would be useless and could a useless person exercise himself towards any purpose? If you ever moulded a thing with clay, you'll observe it could resemble your intent i.e a bird. However, it will lack one ability and that's to fly. That's the ability Adam receives when breath came into him. He could therefore exercise himself towards any work or activity in his daily living. If he were not a living soul, do you think he would serve the purpose of naming the animals or tilling the ground. God wouldn't have given him that. The dead don't understand instructions you know. A dead man can't interact and interface with the earth and his world in such a manner. So, God gave life so that man may use life to carry out a part of His own business in the sovereign will that He had afore known. The Bible says, "according to the purpose of God who works all things after the counsel of His will" (Eph. 1:11). Your creation is not to make you a non-entity on the earth but rather it's a demand for you to add your reason for existence into the human world. God has a plan and an intent to fulfill. He beats everything and aligns all things after that overall purpose. The breath of life is your opportunity to do so - to make life count. 

Like the church was never functional, alive or empowered to go about ministering until the rushing mighty wind of the Holy Spirit descended on them in Acts 2, a human without the life would feel that helpless. You might need to visit the mortuary to see the truth in that. They call such body without life corpses. They are as good as useless. However, if in the process of refrigerating or burying them, one of those bodies should sneeze or cough, immediately it'll be separated from the corpses. That's because life has returned into one and according to the formula we have at hand from God to work with, "the living should not be found amidst the dead" (Lk.24:5). He must sure be separated. So, if there's anything to thank God for, it is life. Life here is that you still have the breath or spirit that causes you to go here and there and do this and that. Once it snaps, one becomes incapable no matter how willing he might have been to live. So, what makes this body of ours very essential is the fuel, the invisible ingredient called, "breath of life" that runs it. If not, we are earth, mere dust. We know the fate that awaits us - to go back to dust. As such, let's hurry to make impact with this one in a lifetime opportunity called life or breath of life that God has given us. Talking of David in Acts 13:36, the Bible says, "For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers, and saw corruption."

All of us have our batches like products turned out from factories. The batch a father came with isn't the batch his son came with. By the time one generation goes, you'd see another generation come. However, before you do, may you have the testimony of having served God's will or pleasure or purpose in your own set, time, batch or generation. After that, may you be regarded to have slept also - for only the dead in Christ do sleep or fall asleep. Those are the dead who have the hope of resurrecting at the hearing of the trump of God. May you be counted worthy. So, before you'll know rottenness, decay, decomposition or corruption like David's body experienced, what will you use your life to do that'll be indelible after you? As you go to work today, ask yourself if you're living for the King and His kingdom (Matt.6:33). Query yourself, if you're seeking after His righteousness or values, to spread it and make your world better by it where you're placed. If God's kingdom and His righteousness hasn't become your crescendo or meat where you are as to thirst after it to do, forget it, you'll live carelessly, waste influence, opportunity and even the breath in you. As far as God is concerned, where you work may be your own garden which God has given you to till especially if it comes by your discovery that you're where God would have you be. Will you till it in your time?

PRAYER: Lord, help me not to waste life. Open my understanding to my fulfilment of purpose. May the kingdom and His righteousness be my meat and satisfaction to discharge and live out.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Joshua 11:1-12:24, Luke 17:11-37, Psalm 84:1-12, Proverbs 13:5-6

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