Monday, 1 January 2024





THE POTENTIAL IN YOUR BIRTHRIGHT - Abomination of a Husband Series 003

Genesis 25:31-32, KJV

"31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. 32  And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me?"

You're welcome to 2024. This teaching will help men to rise and stand upright. Do well to follow its series.

It is unfortunate that many don't know the potential contained in their birthright. So unfortunate that many don't know it's shock full of privileges and blessings for them.  Just like the birthright places Esau over Jacob, so also does the natural positioning of the male man positions him for headship and leadership at the home setting. The birthright also positions Esau naturally as the heir of his father. This speaks of a special privilege he enjoys just because he came first. In same way, the male man has some rights that if sold makes him lesser and reduced. If you don't know that you're a kind of first born at the home setting, you might sell this right and all the privileges that pertains to it to your wife. This way, you'll have successfully become an Esau who exchanges his birthright for mere food. He's such a willing fellow who gives valuable for worthlessness. You can exchange responsibility for convenience at the home setting also. Responsibility is costly to bear and you can because of this push it wholly to your wife or let her take the lead in it while you follow. There are women who are the ones giving to their families and meeting needs to the exclusion of the man. This is wrong. You're to rise as an example there. It's an Esau who always despises the birthright - what privileges and duties his position of birth confers on him. He lost it because he didn't see or understand the significance of the birthright. If he had been in Jacob's shoe who is farther at table from their father, he would have been made envious. He would even have seen Jacob for who he is - a thief when he requested for his birthright. In that wise, he would have protected his right as the first born. He didn't see any significance in his birthright and that made him sell it off. You know it's possible to have something precious and not know it's that precious until it is lost or out of your hands. To buy it back, you'll have to pay a greater prize for it. That's if it ever avails itself for sale. For Esau, the Bible says, "he sought with tears what he had lost but it was not given him (Heb.12:17). Who'll give it to him? Is it Jacob who has learnt first of all the significance of the birthright having suffered not being born with it? 

It is clearly revealed that Esau has no respect for his birthright. It is revealed in the statement he utters. He says, "I am at the point of death, who cares about the birthright? What profit does it do to me?" This is the problem of people. They are always desperate and at the point of extermination when they're looking for satiation. In this manner, they don't mind how costly it is what they give to have what they're looking for (even if that one is worthless and of lesser value). 

This has become the undoing of many men who were at the point of extermination when they needed sex and couldn't rein it in. They eventually had the sex at a higher cost than it was offered them. Some entered into some wrong and cheap bargain with wives who wanted to control them or prostitutes who seek their value of manhood. May you be sensitive. May you first of all have a revelation of how important you, your roles and the blessings that follows it are. You're created as God's right hand man - to bear rule in your family. You're also God's vessel - in who He wants to live. When you see yourself as God's temple therefore, you'll know your body is not meant for fornication or uncleanness this year. Who many are and what they carry or they have working for them, they just don't know. Until it is lost, they're not at loss or at a regret of something. You may say your own 'birthright' too holds no importance now because of this ephemeral thing you want to satiate yourself with. However, you'll soon seek it with tears and yet you won't have it. Never lose blessings on the altar of sin this year. Never exchange roles or duties with your wife. Don't switch places. Let her remain the "helpmeet" God called her. Women themselves are seeking for who to lead them. That's why they're commanded to submit or be subject to their husbands (I Peter 3:1). Don't change that positioning. God didn't make so from the beginning if you do. Protect your God given rights and exercise it faithfully. Don't say, "what profit does being a man, husband and father avail you?" If you lose your roles and the blessings that follow, you'll learn it. Esau who once asked what blessing the birthright has for him saw it after it was lost. He wanted it back but Jacob already had upper hand and sealed by the oath they both were party to and later the sealing blessing of Isaac when Jacob came to supplant Esau for the fatherly blessing. 

PRAYER: Lord, I want to rise, stand and stand upright at my duty post as a man and husband this year. I receive grace, wisdom and resources. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 1:1-2:25, Matthew 1:1-2:12, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6

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