Wednesday, 20 December 2023




WHAT YOU SEED; YOU'LL REGAIN - Gone To Prepare A Place Series 005

John 14:1-3, KJV

"1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

Of these verses above, I want you to read the last verse again. It says, "and if I go and prepare a place for you; I will come again and receive you unto myself; that where I am, ye also may be". 

Yesterday, I spoke on seeding or sowing yourself. This seeding or sowing yourself however applies to giving oneself away to calling or a definite way of life. When you release yourself to go, you will fall down and die like a grain of seed but in your germinating back, many things to be grateful for will germinate through you. And indeed, all of us knows that a grain of seed at germination will bring forth abundantly more than the piece that was given away. This is the very reason why we must not withhold but give ourselves away. 

If you read those three verses, you'll see that the second talks about Jesus' departure and going away. That signifies His seeding Himself and giving Himself away to the cause of going to prepare a place for us. However, verse three assures that we shall one day have Him back. Jesus has gone and is still with the Father but it is guaranteed that He'll come back to take us to where He is (at rapture). And that place is no ordinary place. It's a prepared place. A furnished place. Properties that are designed and ready for our taking awaits us. These are the profits of Jesus ever seeding Himself or losing from His disciples to the Father. Not going wouldn't have guaranteed all those things He promised. 

Do you want to see the better life? Do you want to see some returns in life? Never be one who can't separate, seed yourself away and give yourself to a cause. Seed yourself. Jesus while speaking somewhere says, "he who seeks to save His life shall lose it and he who seeks to lose his life shall preserve it" (Luke 17:33). That's actually the truth. When you let go; when you give away, you're positioning yourself to reaping the dividends of that giving away. But if you'll protectively cover yourself and not aspire or give yourself away to a cause, calling or a chosen life that's calling you innately and intimately, you'll lose your life eventually. You'll gain nothing from your own life and that'll be because when you had the chance of seeding your life away and concentrating it on a specific and chosen life or vocation, you refrained. Whenever you refrain, that's a withholding from seeing the glory that's to burst forth after. No one knows the power of the hereafter in your going away except those who first seed themselves. Many people who gave themselves to a cause while feeling called to it eventually confessed they didn't know they'll be this blessed on such road. They indeed and in reality saw a great day and even entered into their perfect day eventually. They saw the many returns of having done so. If you'll ever regain yourself or have yourself back, you have to let lose of yourself now. You have to decidedly give yourself away to a decided life unto which you feel called so you can bring forth abundantly in the future. Those whose theirs will be the "kingdom, glory and power" are those who ultimately does not reserve themselves but give themselves away to serve calling and humanity somewhere.  

Moses' mother couldn't have predicted what would follow letting Moses go and casting him on the waters. When she did however, she saw the mightiness of God. She seeded Moses away by casting him upon the waters with all hope on God and in a manner not different from that of Abraham giving Isaac away. However, she received Moses back in a figure.

Ask yourself, "am I ready to lose myself? Am I ready to give myself away? Do I have faith tangible enough for such decidedly action? If you do, you'll see the glory of the Lord. Every miracle of a man starts from, "thrusting out a little from the land". Thank God Peter did. From there he yet receives, "launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch". Just from thrusting out, just from launching into the deep, just by your giving yourself to a decided action (which is calling for us), you'll see what testimonies and blessings would follow your doing so. If because Peter heeded, his nets break and the boats sink, guess what'll happen to you if you stop bantering with God but rather thrust out a little into your calling (Luke 5:6-7). I see you. You're in for a miracle and the emptying of the sea into your boat. 

PRAYER: Lord, give me the courage and understanding to lose myself. Jesus went away (lost Himself) to benefit preparing a place for us and then returning to take us to Himself. Show me the glory of the hereafter attached to my seeding myself away.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Haggai 1:1-2:23; Revelation 11:1-19; Psalm 139:1-24; Proverbs 30:15-16

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