Sunday, 17 December 2023




RELEASE THEM TO GO! - Gone To Prepare A Place Series 002

John 14:1, KJV

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me."

Did you know Jesus' disciples didn't want Him to go back to heaven? Does that shock you? Yes, they don't want Him to go back. That's why Jesus says, "it's expedient that He leaves because until He does, the Comforter can't come to them" (John 16:4-7). 

One way or the other, the disciples just want Jesus to still be with them. However, that won't be progress. That won't be forward thinking. If Jesus stays back, it is nothing but a manifestation of weakness and disobedience to God's will and plan. The disciples have their reasons for not wanting to let Him go - for sorrowing when He begins to prepare them for His departure but that reason is not as important as what shall take place hereafter. 

There are different types of pain and if we'll ever grow in this life, we have to deliberately apply purposeful pain to our lives. Or else, we won't grow, move forward or attain greatness. You can't want to be a First Class student and not jettison pleasure to cutivate solitude for study. That is purposeful pain. You're intentionally denying or hurting yourself for a purpose to be fulfilled. It's a good pain every one must learn to apply. The disciples don't want to lose their relationship with Jesus. It's like that of a groom (husband) and the bride (wife). They have known each others for years, come a long way together for years, interacted, related and mingled for years. It wouldn't be easy especially for the wife if the husband were to be separated from her for awhile. I've seen families at the airport who doesn't want their dads to go. You could see yearnings in the hearts of the children. They just want daddy to stay back. Their prayer is even that things might not work out as planned so his going is terminated. The wife might even suggest, instead of going there, can't your company speak to them to fix the training for here without leaving for abroad. All these are emotional statements obviously of love, care, friendliness but which one must not allow to overcome him especially when it's time to take the next leap, have the next door opened and take the next opportunity God is availing one. 

Jesus told His disciples, "let not your heart be troubled,  ye believe in God; believe also in me". 

Why do you think He needed to assure them? Because they were sorrowing and unsettled for His imminent loss. That's why He's telling them to be comforted. As Jesus is concerned, He's about to take the next flight back to His Father - where we'll all join Him one day. But initially, the disciples didn't want Him to go. However, He made them see reasons why He had to go. 

Now, let's come to you. Let's start from parents who are overprotective. A girl once won a scholarship but the dad refused to let her go abroad to study. The man was too fearful that she'd be lost. She wanted the girl to stay with him all through. The girl has enjoyed lovely companionship from him since the mum died and the man has promised in return to see to her well being and protect her as a testament to his deceased wife. It took the pastor to persuade her to let this girl go the second time she won another scholarship for gifted children. I could remember when I wanted to leave for campus, my mother was weeping and I was weeping as well. Before then, I had never been to any campus. I don't even know how life rolls there. I'm just assured I won't tresspass. 

What I want to say is this. There's no one God has not destined greatness with. However, when the time comes for you to step into it, it's either you're willing or not. It's either you're released or not. It's either parents and sponsors allow emotional chords to tie you down and drive you back or like Moses' mother did to Moses, they'll launch you out on the Nile (into your unknown world) and let their blessing be with you. There as you are, God will take you up. Overprotectiveness will hinder many from not becoming anything. It isn't that God has not appropriated a rewarding future to them but they are just too comfortable with where they are or have been. They are afraid of the fear of the unknown and they don't want the little upset that will bring blessings. 

Today, release them to go. Jesus went into glory. His going became our good - to prepare a place for us that where He has gone, we may be. Yours won't be different as a parent. A time is coming you'll rejoice you let your boy or girl take that step and go a particular way. You may be reluctant now but you'll look back at what He could not have become and what all of you tied to him or her could not have become if He had not gone. Imagine a future world sportsman that the father does not allow to train. Whose pride will that boy be when he begins to see him on TV? For this reason, let me speak the words of Jesus to those in this dilemma. "Don't let your heart be troubled. Believe in God and believe in the assured words of your wards, spouse or friends to behave and act accordingly so that you might see the reward of their taking that leap later. The deep is calling people to come. Will they heed or stay with the known, familiar and small?

PRAYER: Lord, give me discernment to detect destiny journeys of people. May I go to my glory.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nahum 1:1-3:19; Revelation 8:1-13; Psalm 136:1-26; Proverbs 30:7-9

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