Tuesday, 7 November 2023




THE BEGINNING OF SAMSON'S MOVE - My Very First Day Series 007

Read Judges 13

Judges 13:24-25, KJV

"24 And the woman bare a son, and called his name Samson: and the child grew, and the LORD blessed him. 25 And the Spirit of the LORD began to move him at times in the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol".

In the course of this series, I hope you've encountered God and have been taken back to reminisce how you've fared till now and how you've administered the grace that God gave you since deposit. Or, have you been a waster of the resources with which God says you should see to the welfare of the world? God forbid!

Samson is another man whom the Lord started with. He became very great in the will of God. A one man battalion who has the testimony of "heaps upon heaps...(Judges 15:16)." Such is his own testimony. By his hands, God begins to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines. Many times what we remember of great men and God's vessel is their glory days only. We rarely remember their days of stirring when they were just developing their wings, seeking to fly. However, Samson just didn't start as a champion without a beginning. God began with him somewhere and you'd be surprised to know that it was while in the camp of Dan. That's where he lives and God came there to visit him just like He walked into the garden to visit Adam and Eve. 

Genesis 3:8, KJV

"And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day..."

God can walk into your space also. As a matter of fact, henceforth, you'll begin to experience Him unusually. Don't buy into the lies that some sells and spreads saying, divinity doesn't come to unite with humanity. When the Holy Spirit visits you, that's exactly what'll happen. You'll suddenly be made strong and capable. You'll be then made ready for use and harnessed for your course. The testimony we have about Samson is that, "and the Spirit of God began to move him at the camp of Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol". You might ask, "to what end is this move?" To the end that he might be used to deliver Israel. That move is what he has never experienced before. But one day like that, he made the record that the Spirit of the Lord began to visit and move him at Dan. All began at the camp of Dan. That's the place where the Lord started with him from. That means Samson also has his own history. He just didn't fling to rising to become someone that put thousands to flight or one that reaps the testimony of "heaps upon heaps". No, he started very small. He started while a lad we might say. When the stirring began, he would suddenly experience a power feel, an excitement and a propelling surging him on. He'll suddenly feel powerful and enabled to do extraordinary things like lifting weights beyond his age or that his natural physical power can't bear. I know some of his mates could have seen him as a show master. Whenever any had anything to lift and it coincides with this Spirit stirring, they might have called on him to help out or he might have volunteered. At such times, he could run miles and not get tired. At such times, he could do the impossible and what boys of his age would call others to come and watch in utter amazement. During that stirring and propelling towards giving deliverance to Israel, he began by testing his anointing out and he found out he could do supernatural things. When the stirring is not there or the Spirit has not rested on him, he found out also he's as ordinary as any other man. All these are the truths concerning his life. Samson had a time in his life when the Lord just began with him; a time that his training and testing of his supernatural wings for flight just started. This is a call to parents to observe closely what interaction their children are having with life and spirits around them. Here's the Holy Spirit moving Samson. What spirit moves and motivates your own kids? A child went to visit an aunt and there he contacts pornography! Imagine that boy being initiated into the unfortunate for the very first time in his life. That's how some adults became who they are just by one wrong initiation in their youths. 

You know, Samon's life and beginning reminds me of Joseph. A lad probably of the same age when God began to visit him too. The Bible recorded this concerning Joseph. 

Genesis 37:2, KJV

"These are the generations of Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen years old, was feeding the flock with his brethren; and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah, and with the sons of Zilpah, his father's wives..." 

This place affirms his being seventeen. That exactly was when God started with Joseph and started coming to him through the gift of revelation (dreams). 

Genesis 37:5, KJV

"And Joseph dreamed a dream..."

This dream Joseph had at the very beginning of his life would lead all the way to the greatness he'll have at the apogee of his life. Everything we talk of Joseph ever achieving have their roots in these his first dream(s). Same applies to Samson when the Lord declares His intention to walk with him and use him by first visiting him again and again for acquaintance with the kind of anointing He's giving him. 

Everything that Samson would call a miracle, wonder or the supernatural all started and had its firm roots at the stirring of the Spirit he received while at Dan. It all started there. Those were his humble days. Samson would go on to kill heaps upon heaps, tear a lion as a kid, carry the gate of a city, catch foxes and do the impossible with them etc. However, all these feats of Samson could be traced back to the beginning of it all - when God's Spirit began to visit him while at Dan. If we were to write or author the biography of Samson, it could have been, Samson: Peeping Into The Beginning Of Life Of A Man God Used. 

Nothing just springs up like that. There's always the first time when such man tastes of heaven's visitation and is initiated into an act or deed that he'll for all time move in. Your first time will come but you won't die there. You'll continue, continue like Elijah until you reach your own Horeb. You'll reach the height of it all. Though Samson died at day's end, yet the testimony is that he attains the peak of what he started and was known for during his days in Dan between Zorah and Eshtaol. He killed more Philistines all together at his death than what he did in all his lifetime put together (Judges 16:30). Elijah journeyed in the strength of the meal he was fed and journeyed in that strength (not to stop) but to arrive at Horeb (his destination) as set by God (I Kings 19:8). This is your testimony. You won't set early. You'll do this act you've been initiated into to arrive at Horeb. You won't say die so sudden. You won't cast in the towel that immediately. You'll fight all the difficulties and the challenges that litters the way of your calling until you make arrival. Arrival is sure and you shall arrive in Jesus' mighty name. And when you arrive, you'll tarry in glory and not suddenly be plucked down like Samson. Go in this thy might!

PRAYER: Lord, I go all the way to reach the climax of my calling and to tarry in my perfect day. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 16:42-17:24; Hebrews 8:1-13; Psalm 106:13-31; Proverbs 27:7-9

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