Tuesday, 14 November 2023





II Kings 6:17, KJV

"And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha".

We have to pray. We really have to pray that God opens our eyes to see. Not seeing is a deficiency. Blindness is not an asset but a vulnerability to many dangers. It's only a blessing for the blind to have as its guide he who sees. However, it pays to see for oneself. It pays to have the faculty that's aware personally and without looking unto any one for revelation or notices. 

In today's reading, the King of Syria would want Elisha to be arrested for having exposed much of his military plans. Having gathered intelligence on where he dwells, an operation "Catch Him Young" was sent by this Syrian king to nip Elisha in the bud. It's this that brought the many horses and chariots that have themselves surround Dothan. Indeed, Elisha is grinded in human parlance but for God who is with him. 

When his servant observes and sees this reality, he shouts desperately and wonder what they shall do - how they shall escape. However, Elisha is well confident because of what else he has seen. Apart from the physical reality around them, he has seen the spiritual reality that's for them. It's this succour he provides for his servant when he says, "they that be with us are more than they that be with them". However, this only scratched this servant, it yet didn't build faith in him until Elisha had prayed that he be brought into same position and status as he. He therefore prays that God will open his eyes. In a jiffy when this was done, the servant sees the entire valley filled with horses and chariots of fire. Only then could he agree that they that be with them are more than they that are against them. He saw their resources. He saw the beings that are not ordinary or physical yet tangible to influence the earth and its realities. In this wise, he resolutely rests in the provision of the Lord. How many times have we feared because of what we see - dread as physical fear but to the neglect of our divine resources that is more able even to the pulling down of great strongholds (physical or spiritual). 

Brethren, we need to see. We need to see beyond the physical that's common and is the special privilege of all. We can see through and see into the world of the spirits, discern good and evil; demons and angels. We need to see. We desperately need to see! Some have shared how it's not only humans that live on this terrestrial ball called earth. One might take it for a wonder and deem it impossible but if God should open your eyes to see, you'll observe that not all humans are even humans. If Elisha's servant's eyes were never opened, he won't know as reality that apart from physical horses and chariots that there are on earth, there are such models in the spirit. 

Paul praying for the Ephesians says this. 

Ephesians 1:16-18, KJV

"16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints..."

Whether your understanding is opened to conceptualize the Word or God's plan and activity on earth or you have insight into divine knowledge, all is a form of seeing - because it involves knowing being granted you. And until you see, you can't understand deep things. There are heights that we can attain, there are blessings that we can have and that's to have the blessing of the opened eyes. Even Psalmist hollers in prayer that his eyes would be opened. 

Psalms 119:18, KJV

"Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law".

He knows that without the opened eyes, without the scales falling off from the eyes and the capsule or casing of the Word being broken, he can not penetrate or see any wondrous thing from God's law. One thing is consequent upon an opened eyes. You will see wondrous things! Things that you cannot all describe. Things that until you saw you never believed existed. My prayer is short, simple yet shall be again effective on you today. It's that God will open your eyes/understanding. You'll know God's love plan for you and see into the riches of His glory. You won't be deaf and dumb children. When God pipes to you, you'll respond accordingly and you shall altogether fulfill your very purpose of existence. You won't miss out of the will of God because the Lord will open your eyes to see wondrous things (deep and uncommon revelation) from His Word. This way, your path will be naturally ordered and you won't fall into the pits of many. You're therefore saved. You're therefore delivered from what will happen but which like Elisha you have seen and now get warned by or warns others of. I see you with the blessed seeing faculty.  

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the blessing of the opened eyes and understanding. Enlighten me and let me see wondrous, awe causing and troubling things.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 21:1-22:31; Hebrews 10:1-17; Psalm 108:1-13; Proverbs 27:12

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