Thursday, 31 August 2023





Song of Solomon 1:6, KJV

"Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept".

That place reads, "my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept". 

The first enquiry should be, "who makes the Christian a keeper of vineyards?" Who makes you a keeper over God's heritage? Who gives you a work to stand by and be a standby to some people? Who's He who raises some as deliverers for the oppressed? Who's he who calls some into the five fold offices? Who's he who gives gifts and callings to men? It's no one but God. 

At creation, the body parts of Adam are located where we all have them today because God located them there. The eyes doesn't covet being where the mouth is and vice versa. Every one of them has its office and this is solely God's doing and setting. Each one of us are regarded as making up the body of Christ. As the body parts of Christ, who then fixes and allocates us into office? It is God. The Bible records that when He led captivity captive, He gave gifts unto men. He gave some to be Apostles, prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers (Eph.4:8,11). It is God who solely calls and sets people where they should be. What you should watch against is the error of having called yourself. I'm not talking about the call to ministry only. God has called people to different areas, worlds and professions of life. The one who has called one fellow to become an Economist is the one who has called the other to become a Prophet. Just like God knew Jeremiah and appointed him a prophet over the nations before birth, so the Lord appointed the Economist also. 

It is this that should chide anyone away from setting or seeking to establish himself where God has not set him. Many people won't live their lives. The reason is because where God calls them to be is not where they have gone. Pressure or the desire to amass the things of this world might have dislocated and relocated some people to where though they have the riches, they'll lack the joy and fulfilment that renews one's bones. It is God who makes us keepers of vineyards of any field or area. If the Lord hasn't called you out to a field and allocated it to you as your vineyard to tend, it would be futile effort being there. That'll be nothing but displacement. That'll be nothing but dislocation. God has called for a nurse but she has gone to become a chef. Something can't but be missing and such people would find out on the way. My only prayer is that at discovery, you'll be humble and bold enough to acknowledge your mistake, turn back and enter into your original calling and mandate. Many people are always afraid of turning back though they know that's the right thing to do. It won't be easy but all of us know that if a pot leaks and we need to use it, what we first do is to mend it. Or else, wasted effort and work shall still abide. 

You must therefore not promote yourself into any office or field God is not clearly calling you to. Don't go abroad to study if that calling is not on you. You must also be called to step out. I looked at some beloved who are making it there. They even found adopters and institutions that are funding them. That's because their eyes were tilted fully to travelling abroad and no one have a tilted face towards something which is not first a revelation from God to his inside. The path to take or go is clear to them and by dint of hardwork even amidst many disappointments, they're eventually making it there. It means it's what God has commanded and so help must answer them there. But, you can actually die if it's not your revelation to begone abroad.  Those who won't are those who the Lord will protect only. And as far as I know, God only has commitment to those He calls into an area or specialization. If you're not, you have no shield or defence. Though He calls you god (if you've gone into your field and office) but you shall die like one of the princes if you become an interloper and intruder into another's (Psalm 82:6-7). It is God who set Adam where he should till. God planted a garden Eastward of Eden and sovereignly places him there with instruction to till and tend it. I tell you, you will answer to the work you're doing which wasn't the Lord who ordains that you do and vice versa. Beware! It is God who makes us keepers of vineyards, fields and specializations. He calls us into that space and not being called attracts consequences. Go where you're called, feel called and assured being called.

PRAYER: Lord, I acknowledge you as He who makes one a keeper of vineyard and a head of fields. Call me into mine.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Job 37:1-39:30; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10; Psalm 44:9-26; Proverbs 22:13

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