Tuesday, 15 August 2023





READ Gen.13

Genesis 14:11-12, KJV

"11 And they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their victuals, and went their way. 12 And they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, who dwelt in Sodom, and his goods, and departed".

There are two places on earth: where God is and where He has left. Ensure that you're always where God is. Your everyday safety is tied to that. 

The undoing of Lot begins when he separates from Abraham to pitch his tent towards Sodom (Gen.13:10-12). The Bible witnesses however that the people of Sodom are wicked before God (Gen.13:13). Do you know that in all you do, you must ensure you do not miss God. If you leave where God is to where God is not, you'll have successfully missed God. Many people there be who are just like Lot. They're leaving and separating from where they have good cover to leave for a place where in the nearest future, they'll be taken as prey. What difference would it have made for Lot if he never moved towards Sodom. He does and only turns prey to the events of life. He became a victim of circumstance and a war he knew nothing about. The movement of Lot to Sodom just coincides with the warring of some kings and unfortunately, the king of his city was defeated and put to flight. On that note, Lot and all he has is taken as booty of war. Only for a fellow who came to tell Abraham, the Hebrew. If not, Lot would not have been recovered at all. He would have gone just like that. When he was packing for relocation and settlement, he was actually going where he'll coincide with the evil of the day to come. What difference would it make if he were led by God and had not chosen by sight or prevalent economic situation (Gen 13:10). 

God is our insight into the future we yet don't see and He gives protection to His own who carries Him along all the way. At this level, I don't expect a Christian who has walked with the Lord for at least five years to make decisions on his own on where to live or settle any longer. Such should have understanding enough that there's no where on earth that's safe except where God tells one to stay. Or else, you can pack from A and go to become prey in B. Look at Lot, he just became a cheap prey and war booty because he went to live where he shouldn't have. It doesn't matter who you are or what you have, if you miss God, natural events that shouldn't have caught you but which do happen to natural beings would catch up with you. You'll just be trapped like a fish in an evil net (Eccl. 9:12). The regrets would be much. 

Our insight into escape of futuristic evils is God. I don't have to know all that the future holds. What matters is hearing God on where not to stay, who not to go with, where not to invest my money or where to generally. If I ever get such correctly, if there's a pit down the line hidden or obvious, I shall escape it. God can't lead you and you'll have the testimony of having gone to be ditched. No! The Bible says, "the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want" (Psalm 23). I shall not want means, "I shall not lack or miss anything". It means you'll search all your goods and it'll be whole. You'll inspect your house, number your men and none of them will be wanting.

Numbers 31:49, KJV

"And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us".

Did you read, "and there lacks not one man of us?" It means they missed nothing. That'll be because the Lord is your shepherd. If He is, it means there won't be any area of your life that'll be lacking or wanting. You won't have the testimony to have suddenly incurred lost somewhere. If He ever shepherds you, it'll be to shelter, abundance and great bounty. You won't say, I have losses to count in this area. If you do, you're wanting and in want in that area. But God doesn't lead us to diminishing. He rather leads us so that our path and that of the destroyer will not meet. I pray for you, you won't miss God. You won't fall prey to the circumstances of your time. You'll always be ahead of what's coming. You'll escape today and forevermore. 

PRAYER: Lord, I am not taken unawares. I am shepherded and shall never be in want (look up for an area to be settled or met). All shall have been fixed for me by submission to Your leading.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Nehemiah 5:14-7:73a; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13; Psalm 33:1-11; Proverbs 21:8-10

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