Happy New Month!
WHEN YOU TURN EASTWARD - A Table Set Series 003
I Kings 17:2-3, KJV
"2 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan".
I should quickly drive it home that once you're drivable and turnable Eastward or any direction the Spirit wills that the only thing that's allowed for your discovery is a good find and testimony of the God that meets needs. Eastward in God's agenda and locating of Elijah only leads to one place - Brook Cherith, before Jordan. Hundreds of men may turn their bodies Westward and some Northward and others, Southward, all of them together and in their multitude will never find the ravens for experience if they ever find the brook to drink from. And if they ever find the brook to drink from, they'd never be hidden from Ahabs or Jezebel who'll seek to take them out. Only where God leads you to hides you under His shadow. That is, where you're sent. The place that Equipment in the Holy Ghost authors you to stay.
The command that God gives to Elijah to turn Eastward leads to his being provided for. What you need or are looking for is in God's leading if you'll submit to be led. The idea is that Elijah would get there and meet it so - like God has afore communicated to him. Indeed, so it was. He gets there and the ravens immediately enter their services. He found it yea and amen. All true. All as they told him. He found a table set before him. That's what turning Eastward or turning where God would lead always lead to. By the time you arrive Eastward, you won't be the one running helter-skelter trying to do calculations and work out workability. Yours is to obey, His is to fulfill. Don't do God's work because He won't even by mistake do yours. There's no leading of God that leads to a dead end. You can't be led and be trapped where you are led without the Commander who admnistered you there taking thought for you again. That's why Elijah wasn't trapped at the brook. He who led him Eastward must again give instruction to lead him out - and this time to Zarephath. Some Christians miss the continuity of this God's operation by taking initiative and quickly jumping out of Cherith the moment the brook is noticed to be drying up. Let me ask you. Who brought you here afore time? Did you know the address to this provision mine? Could you have figured Brook Cherith or spoken to the ravens yourself? If you were handicapped in all these, you should be humble enough to submit leadership to God once more. Or else, if you jump out of your hiding place presumptuously, you may cross path with the destroyer and become a prey to forces that should fear you if you were led of God. Going forward, you'll see Elijah didn't end in a dead end and that's because God soon leads him to where another table has been set before him. He didn't own the oil neither the meal with which God provided for him yet at God's word on it, many days were covered. God's "turn thee hence Eastward" or "go to Zarephath" all lead to one end - a table set before him. You can't find differently from that. Your discovery will always be, "thank God for the table set before me". However, that's if you'll still yourself and go where He commands. This may be absurd to you especially when looking at the unattractive vessels God may want to use to meet your needs. However, yours is to obey; His is to fulfill.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the outcome of being led - for the discovery of a table before me. May I have faith in You even if I don't in the process.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 18:13-19:37; Acts 21:1-17; Psalm 149:1-9; Proverbs 18:8
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