Friday, 30 June 2023


FRIDAY - 30TH JUNE, 2023


EASTWARD! - A Set Table Series 001

Read I Kings 17:1-16

I Kings 17:2-3, KJV

"2 And the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, 3 Get thee hence, and turn thee eastward, and hide thyself by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan".

Far be it from me that I refuse the Word of my Lord. If you've been learning Christ of us, you'll observe that I've done a lot of teachings before around those verses I quoted above. As I meditated however, I felt the Lord appealing me with it again. When God does a thing like this, He sure has a reason to prove. 

Many Christians are not enjoying God. They are cut off from provision and this is because they've been cut off from information that comes from the direction God alone can solely give. Yes, information that comes from the head office. I've found out as reality in the armed forces that there is no sent force who doesn't keep connection with its base. Oftentimes, they're not only sent out by that base and from that base, they are watched out for by that base. There's what is known as intel. It's of utmost importance to the tactical operation of soldiers. They can use awhile to gather intel on their enemy so that they can be assured of victory. In all these, the base is key. Any soldier who will survive must not deride receiving and giving of communication back to the base. This two hand in hand is what gives victory. However, if you think you can win alone without heaven's backing, you can go in your strength and let's see how much you achieve. The Bible says,    "I Am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture" (John  10:9, KJV). I believe you've already entered by that Door and have taken the handle of salvation. However, is that all? Should children not be fed with the food deserving?

That place says, "and shall go in and out [with Me], and find pasture". Go in and out to do what? To find pastures. This is where multitude miss it. Instead of matching with God - being led out, instead of following after someone who has gone to search and mark for them where provision is, they hit the road themselves. That's why you're merry-go-rounding. That's why it's taking so long to ever find help. It's not because God didn't take thought for your welfare but because you despise it and move out alone. You're meant to use your Compass. Humanity, especially of the faction called Christians are not left to scout food and resources without equipment that can gather intel and report that this is where it is for sure. Even the vultures or we say the eagles as the place I'll quote states it only gather where the carcass is (Matt.24:28). Who taught them to be this accurate in where they go? How did they strike such specificity that they don't miss where the dead has died? With what instrument are they enabled? We are sure no one could be that accurate without having an equipping that scouts for him even ahead him. Indeed, the vultures are said to have a special faculty of smell so much they could smell even from a far away distance. No wonder, they don't miss where the dead has died. No wonder, all of a sudden they'll all gather round the table without having signalled each other. They just know individually and differently where provision is. So, wherever the carcass is, there will the vultures gather. Except that's not the house of their provision. If it has become it, they'll rightfully locate it. This is what has become a burden in my own heart as to why birds, ordinary birds that Jesus says we worth more than should be having edge above humans and then Christians in siting where the table has been set for them. We won't blame God for having not put in place for us equipping to find resources and do on time. We however need examine ourselves if we have not laid aside what is our own equipping for tracking provision. The good life is on offer but the good life is not always readily availed. You must be led out to its possession. The land God is not sending you to is the land you can't conquer. The worst is that it'll confuse and swallow you. 

In today's reading however, God as a matter of urgency, life and death tells Elijah to  leave where he is and change direction Eastward. Where many currently face will fail them. Unless you're under the special admnistering of God, you'd faced the wrong direction that leads to the dead end. You'll be looking sternly abroad for help when the help from above is without reproach. I don't know why we always sacrifice process for convenience in being provided for? Who told you God does not have you in mind? The problem is that since you've been born again, you graduated from submission of your body to being turned by the Lord that same day. God told Elijah, "turn thee Eastward". You don't ask for a redress if all is well. There wouldn't be need for turning if Elijah was facing where provision has been located and detected for him by the faculty of the Almighty (his first equipping to finding provision and life). Knowing he's out of concept, he need be updated and guided to where the carcass has fallen for him. To our surprise, if this compass were followed, it would lead to a place called Brook Cherith, before Jordan. That's where God slates that provision falls for Elijah. God knows where the dead has died and the Holy Spirit is your faculty of smell to finding it. All things are ready there. Debates are not entertained there. 'Dead' provision don't argue with the living who wants to gloat over it. Instead of meeting your provision 'dead' however, you hasten to your own way, where you're facing and where your mind is solidly set, only to discover that the provision there are 'living' provision (that have not been conquered and made available for you) and unfortunately such as not caught in the thicket for you. So, your Christian begins enforcement to make it obey you. Yet, there's a place Eastward by Brook Cherith, just before Jordan where all things must answer and surrender. The ravens there must meet you and the brook must offer you drink. A command has gone over their heads. That's God's provision discovered by being led. However, the children of my Father have gone their own way, hunting for their own food without taking advantage of their Compass seeking to say, "that's not where you should face. Turn thee Eastward!" If you do, if you ever do, you'd be shocked what the find would be for you. No one turns when the Lord commands it who ends in a dead end. They always see the proves of having been turned in obedience to God. Today, I'm not asking for much for you than that the voice of the Shepherd will come alive and clearly to you. Life lived by the voice yields victory even in a thousand encounters. May it be by His word you'll be turning whereever He lists. His Word is the guide to where provision lies where at your discovery, you shall stagger back in surprise and stammer appreciation to Him. This we have seen and proved. 

PRAYER: O God of creation, I humble myself to be turned whithersoever you list. I know it's a good end. My heart trusts safely in You. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 15:1-16:20; Acts 19:13-41; Psalm 147:1-20; Proverbs 18:4-5

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