Tuesday, 27 June 2023





Read Ruth 1

Ruth 1:14, KJV

"And they lifted up their voice, and wept again: and Orpah kissed her mother in law; but Ruth clave unto her". 

He will also come to you. He will not tarry. When He sees it, He'll persuade you of it. May you however be persuaded. The "go, join yourself to this chariot of the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:29)" shall forever be an instruction to some men in their own generation. While it may not be speech echoed in same words, it'll be for an intent to take a blessing that could pass by if one is nonchallant or undiscerning.

Orpah and Ruth are two foreign women who are wives to Naomi's sons: Mahlon and Chilion.  These sons however died in Moab with their father, Elimelech. This leaves Naomi with these two daughters in law. 

Naomi decides to go back to her native land and would not have these two women follow her. She praised them for having suffered and endured much for the dead and her sake (Ruth 1:8-9). From how both of them deals kindly with Naomi, we have an insight into the fact that Naomi is a good mother in law.  She's not burdensome. She requests them to go back to their land and their gods. They would not leave her alone but out of her much persuasion, Orpah turns back. She makes her choice and destiny gets sealed.  Ruth however refuses. She cleaves to Naomi. She continues to hang on. Naomi earlier says, "if she were to give birth today, will her sons grow up so soon to marry them". It means there's nothing to hope for again from her. Meanwhile, Ruth wouldn't budge. She rather vehemently sticks to her mother in law saying, "where you (Naomi) dies is where I'll die; your people and your God shall be my mine as well". This is a subtle prophecy which later comes to pass. Seeing this vehemence, Naomi allows Ruth take the journey with her. Ruth has therefore made her choice too. Nobody will ever accuse God and be successful. That's because God will avail all of us opportunities to take. Whether you do or don't is now yours to bear. 

Their arrival however is marked by abject poverty but eventually Ruth finds rest with an Israelite of the tribe of Judah called Boaz, a wealthy man (Ruth 4:13). This is how she firmly enters into Christ's lineage and passes for Christ's great grandmother. Surprisingly, the chronicles of the journey of Elimelech and Naomi is named by her name, "Ruth". We're reading the book of Ruth and not even Orpah today. Not even of Naomi, her mother in law but of a woman who follows the path that leads to blessings but first littered with hardships. That's what circumstance almost separated her from. You see, you can be joined and detached. Take heed. Morally, don't let anything snatch you from the faith. You might encounter persecution or rough days but do tarry there. Christ's lineage that these two women were formerly attached to through the handles of their two husbands is a symbol of being in Christ or in faith. Their husbands' death is likened to a temptation or any such thing that gives an excuse to be cut off from faith forever. However, any who endures shall be saved. This is revealed in Ruth eventually. 

Many mysteries shall be unfolded by God to you if you'll journey with Him. The Wise men physically sees a star that leads them on. In your own spirit, you can receive an information that'll be calling you out to a future you do not know yet. The problem of many people is that they prefer to stay in the familiar instead of going with God into the unfamiliar. The unfamiliar may be the unknown and it may be scary but that's where your profit lies. Jesus once told Peter to launch out into the deep (Luke 5). If you'll ever catch fishes that'll break your net, it's not by witholding when you should take a risk that worths it. The call to launch out or join yourself to something or someone should not be any human conception. That's where your safety is. Be quiet enough to pick God amidst your surrounding noise and act accordingly on His instruction. Who told Philip to join himself to that chariot is what matters. He'll meet everything simple and settled. Entrance and space would be afforded him. Herein will your risk pay off as you faithfully trust He Who has spoken Who also will do it. 

You must know how to take a lifetime opportunity. Your life and destiny just depends on it. If Naomi had passed all alone to her native land, what would be the fate of Ruth? If the Ethiopian Eunuch had gone on his way like that, will Philip have any joy of heart or register a witness to heaven that he's trustworthy? The chariot is one on motion. It can only avail you a time as willed by God to take it. If you won't come in when it shall give you such handle, it shall leave. This is why we must be sensitive and quick men. Men who with much discerning could see how much God is calling us to. There's someone with a calling you should join. There's a spouse you must be joined to. The reason is simply because their lives will be your leverage. Let God sovereignly shine the light of which chariot to join to you. That isn't what your head can do for you all alone except you'll like Satan waylays you somewhere. 

PRAYER: Father, guide me in my choice. Let me see destiny in people and not despise my destiny handle. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Kings 8:1-9:13; Acts 16:16-40; Psalm 143:1-12; Proverbs 17:26

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