Saturday, 6 August 2022




A CALL TO REMEMBER - Lead and Feed Series 004

Exodus 2:24-25, KJV  

"24 And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them."

In series 003 (not yesterday's devotional) but that of two days ago, I brought to us under the anointing why Psalm 23:1 should first be lived out as an instruction before we lay hold on it to put God in remembrance of meeting our needs. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want", it says. It means, if the Lord is not or has not become your own Shepherd (by your making Him so), you will reap poverty plentifully and suffer want adequately. On how to learn how to willingly and realistically surrender or make Him your Shepherd, read series 003 of "Lead and Feed Series."

The children of Israel sighed by the reason of their bondage in Egypt. They were nearing breaking point. "Sighing" reveals great discomfort. No one sighs who's not or had been under a weight or load. So, as they sighed, groaned and cried, their lament reached God. Now, what did that pulled trigger effects? It created an instantaneous response. That place read, "and God remembered His covenant with Abraham/other patriarchs (Gen.15:13-14, 18-21)." Now, what connection would this remembrance serve in relation to their own suffering? Permit me to say the remembrance of that covenant is actually their salvation. From the time God remembers, He recalls His promise to Abraham that his downlines would be strangers in a foreign land where they'll serve for 400 years before evacuation at 430 (Exo.1 2:40-41). Afterwards, He'll bring them out and have them possess the land flowing with milk and honey - Canaan. So, that remembrance brought to God's memory that "these ones are Mine. I owe an obligation to them. I can't but act. Their suffering should stop now. They should hereunto be delivered." If you check the next chapter, we for once get introduced to Moses, their soon to be called deliverer. 

However, Israel's groaning would have been in vain if they had not been grafted into covenant when Abraham was making it. All that nation at that time were in Abraham when he was cutting that covenant with God. A prove is that Levi was inside the loins of Abraham when he paid tithe to Melchizedek (Heb.7: 9-10). Let me tell you, if your great great ones cut covenants with spirits; even till date, those spirits may still want to see to your affairs especially if you've not renounced the works of darkness. If at any time you mistakenly act or behave somehow as to pull the trigger of remembrance of the terms of their covenants with your ancestors, just like the dead soldiers in Ezekiel 37, they'll rise up a great army and come and do whatever were the terms of those covenants to you. It doesn't matter if you're even in the diaspora. They don't need your permission to act. Someone or some people gave you over just like Abraham gave Israel - a whole nation to God to watch over. Even at the demise of Abraham, the watching over still continues. That's how stubborn a covenant is irrespective of its kind. 

Brethren, what am I seeking to establish? If there has not been a relationship of Shepherd-sheep between you and God, if you lament to Him that you're in need, He won't give you the satisfaction of a disciple. So, you can't but get to the point of hunger, disappointment, frustration, begging and salivation for anything that could temporarily cure you. That's the point described in the affirmative as, "I shall not want." If Israel was not in covenant with Jehovah, let them roar like thunder, God wouldn't have been that way obligated to them. What am I saying? Your relationship, sonship, commitment to God is what will bring His obligation. Sell yourself out first of all. Let all your acts proceed from Him. Make Him your sight and walk in His footsteps. Until then, you can't reap where you've not sown. How can you call Him "Lord, Lord" and expect salvation when you don't know Him? I have a beloved. I'm obligated to her because we're in a relationship. Another I wouldn't give attention to. "And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers (John 10:5, KJV).

Today, beyond any shadow of doubt, God demands you to lay your whole life down at His feet so that He'll govern your step by step. It is then you won't lack (because you'll be led to where God has seen there are green pasture and still waters). It's then you won't die untimely also because He'll ensure your path and that of the destroyer or eliminator doesn't cross (by His guidance that'll make you avoid it). 

PRAYER: [Confess your sins and call Christ into your life]. That was to those who needs Salvation. Decide to always consult Him for His leading. Pray that He'll hear you in the day of affliction.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 1:1-2:70; 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5; Psalm 27:7-14; Proverbs 20:22-23

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