Thursday, 11 August 2022





Read I Kings 17:1-16

I Kings 17:9, KJV

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

There are moments God is "crazy." God said He has commanded a widow woman to sustain (see to the continuous existence of Elijah) there. You know who a widow is and how economically challenged they may be yet that's who God sees fit to sustain Elijah. God could use anybody for you. On getting to this station, Elijah met the widow gathering sticks, called her to fetch him water and bread also. It was then this woman voiced out that what she has had not yet been prepared and that it was so small that it could only cater for herself and her child. After that last meal, they'll die. I see God redeeming you from all depressing economic situation. Elijah then stepped in, told her to go prepare it and make for him first. It was then he invoked the blessing upon her saying, what she has won't finish until full scale provision is restored. 

Brethren, at Elijah's arrival, that woman only had a handful of meal and oil. She only had their last meal but through agreeing to cater for the needs of the man of God (the one she recognized as the commanded one), a fountain that issues was opened to continue flowing for her. It seems to me that widows in the Bible have a special place in God's heart. If you are, God is obligated to see to your economic success also. Reason is because you have no husband's roles in your life and you need a replacement. God is the judge of widows and father of the fatherless (Psalm 68:5). Do you remember also the wife of the prophet who ran to Elisha when the husband died for intervention (II Kings 4:1-7)? God also gave her a miracle of making the little she had continue until. Yes, continuing for a very long period of time until there was no vessel to fill. The two miracles have their end but before their end could come, it had prospered both widows. 

God wants to speak to kingdom financiers today. Those God have told to cater for a ministry or a minister. There are people like that. God intentionally sends them to someone. I had said it that if God didn't command or commit you concerning a person economically, you'll give emotionally (to the wrong person or ministry) and so wrongly disburse the kingdom wealth which God has kept with you as a steward. You may be in a denomination and God may command you to see to another minister's welfare different from your local church's pastor or General Overseer (though you can't but give to them too since they communicate spiritual things to you - (Gal.6:6). God has what I call overall knowing and administrative control over His kingdom and church. He knows where needs are just like He knows where pastures are. So, He may call you to go give to someone in a place you've even never been before. He may reveal to you the address or even contact. He may tell you that as long as that minister lives, everything about his welfare is yours to bear or it may be once in a lifetime act. That's why ministers must be careful not to develop eternal economic relationship with any God has not ordained so for them. Stop sending them mails! So, before God could instruct you on this, even if you're the poorest man on earth, it means God has a plan to raise you economically so you'll be able to meet the new task. What did God say by the mouth of Elijah to this widow? "The barrel of meal won't be spent and the cruse if oil won't fail until..." God intentionally ensured it won't fail so that both Elijah and his host would be fed. God will raise kingdom financiers with their thousands, millions billions and uncountables who must first be disciples as to know whom God is sending them to in all meekness and not appropriate resources due to familiarity or like. God told me one time that He'll equalize me with whatsoever He calls me to do. "If I intend you build a church in the very middle of Atlantic Ocean, I'll equalize you with it: give you volunteers, men and resources to get it done. You'll just be telling them how you want it look like I've instructed you about. That's how the Ark of Covenant was built. God endowed Bezaleel, Aholiab and others while Moses showed them what to do (Exo.31:1-11). Did you see two categories who didn't fail God? No assignment is greater than the other. Each has its reward and it's God who would reward the strictness of their obedience to it. So, when God told Elijah that He had commanded the widow to feed him there, God was saying, though she's a widow who doesn't look empowered yet He has empowered her. Prophecy must sure be fulfilled. That Elijah would take his being from the hands of that widow with her last meal means something must happen to enlarge that widow so that she'll be capable of meeting Elijah's needs. This is why if God gives you resources for such reason and you house it, He might as well do a reallocation and behold another with the mercy of what He has given you to do. Resources in the hands of a disciple is not for fanfare only. They use it to sponsor God's will, the kingdom, the gospel and comfort His ministers. If you therefore desire enlargement, have eyes for responsibility. I'm from a family of twelve children. I'm the second born but the first male. God is helping me basically because He wants me to disburse to those behind me. So, it won't be a mistake if God gives me the bread of twelve children, two wives plus other dependents. There's no other reason why God raise some people to go ahead of others than this. 

PRAYER: I submit to be made a sharp threshing economic tool for kingdom advancement in Your hands for end time ministry. Lord, enlarge me to my responsibility. Equalize my sack to the task.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezra 10:1-44; 1 Corinthians 6:1-20; Psalm 31:9-18; Proverbs 21:3

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