Tuesday, 15 March 2022





Read I Sam 30:1-15

1 Samuel 30:8, KJV

"And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all".

At the arrival of David and his men, they found out that all theirs: including wives and children have been raided away and Ziklag burnt with fire. They wept until they had no strength to weep again. The discouragement towers so much that many people spoke of stoning David for their wives and children led away in captivity. Mark that! When people are offended, they transfer their aggression and one of such that receives such vehemence is their leader. Human nature is always looking for someone to blame or hold responsible. This is why a leader must have a big heart. Like we read, David encouraged himself in the Lord. When there's no encouragement coming externally again, may you still have a lamp in you burning to your salvation. On that note, he enquired of God and was told to pursue and that he'll overtake and recover all. 

Is any there who's saying, "Mine is too late. I came really late. I should have followed this passion of mine some years back. Now, I'm already left behind. Look at me, not even a child since my years of marriage."

Do you know the encouragement I'm receiving for you this morning. "That you'll go all the way and equalize". "Equalize" here is not competition but God is saying, the possibility of having been behind is as real as the possibility of catching up. You'll become all what others have become. This teaching is not only to delight you or console you but it's actually the practical truth being uttered and not a teaching done to just stimulate you. 

Did you not see how impossible it was for David catching up with those raiders? Already, they left days ago. Even at arrival of David and his men when they could have pursued, it was cry they were crying and emotions they were expressing. Activity they could have gone about once and for all is what they later did and not immediately at discovery of what happened. Yet, because the Lord said it, there was a divine catch up. Listen to me, without the anointing, divine things are unobtainable. It is the anointing that reaches for them in the spirit and imparts them into our lives. How far or great have you been left behind? I say, let there be a divine catch up! When we say you'll catch up, we do not intend that other colleagues who have ran or achieved ahead of you would be stagnant and not progress again. It only means God will double you up to catch up. You'll do double of their work to catch up. Like Elijah ran to catch up because God hastened his steps and eliminated stumbling blocks off his way (I Kings 18:46). Did you not read there that David pursued? When the revelation dawned on David to pursue and he did, he didn't give room for wastage of time or distraction again. His two hundred men who were so weak to continue were left to stay behind. They did not bear unnecessary burden with them. That's wisdom for catch up. You see, when the anointing has come to aid you to catch up, your eyes would open to all areas where the devil had had handles into your life to delay you or hold you back. You'll do away with wastage of time that makes a man think trickles of time aren't as important as the entire twenty four hours. 

Today, you're catching up because by the Word of His mouth which won't go back, God is causing you to catch up. Like David met help on the way through that fainted servant of the Amalekite, God would give you those who would help you achieve easily your dreams. They'll help you locate your dreams and wealth in life. These may be mentors in your calling or career. Fathers or mothers who have mastered the vocation and could give you in two statements what it takes to succeed. So, how won't you make it since your coach like that Egyptian knows where the destination is and is pointing specifically to you where the Amalekite with his host have built their camp to stop over? They'll accommodate you and put their resources at your disposal. The encouragement this morning is to stop weeping over the years spent in sin and non discovery of purposeful living. Now that the time of ignorance has passed, rise and pursue. Pursuing is deliberate. Give it attention until you catch up with your mates who have reached destination or are nearing it. Look, when you pursue rightly, overtaking is possible, then recovery. What is recovery? If you ought to have been a Dr. or Prof., it is still possible. If you ought to have built houses and own properties, it is still possible. All the gains that should come out from your pursuing purpose at the time it should have been pursued which others already accrue are still possible. Today, you overtake and recover all. 

PRAYER: I overtake and recover all. In pursuing, let me do so in determination. I refute distraction.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Numbers 21:1-22:20; Luke 1:26-56; Psalm 57:1-11; Proverbs 11:9-11

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