Sunday, 23 January 2022




INVENTORS OR DESTROYERS - National Stories Series 006

READ Gen. 41

Genesis 41:15, KJV

"And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I have dreamed a dream, and there is none that can interpret it: and I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it".

In the community of men, you'll see the "inventors" and then the "destroyers". Today, I want to elaborate on why expatriates must have rights and room to flower wherever they find to indwell. Pharaoh said this, "Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it come to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land" Exo.1:10.

On who should this heavy hand of Pharaoh fall? Any who has been investigated and found to be indeed and in all morality sense against the peace of the nation. When Pharaoh said this of the Hebrews, we knew he was only speaking his insecurity out though there were obvious suspicious basis for what he said. Israel was many and mightier yet this doesn't literally translate to fighting one's host or seizing power. One may have money and not have any interest in the politics of his country. He may not run and may not sponsor any but we know he can be a victim of a suspicious dictator who believes can use his wealth to sponsor a coup against him. You may be qualified and not pursue. Pharaoh identified why Israel was a threat but though they possessed those attributes, they never thought of moving in the direction of overthrowing the government. If their time to leave had come (let's say Moses and Aaron didn't show up), they would still have sent representatives to Pharaoh to let them go while recounting history in his ears and thanking him for such long years of accommodation which he himself don't know about. 

In today's reading, a Pharaoh (the dreamer) acknowledged Joseph by witness' report as he who could interpret dreams. Note how he said it. "I have heard say of thee, that thou canst understand a dream to interpret it". This verse reveals Joseph as a beneficial, profiting expatriate to any nation that receives him. He is an inventor. One who can proffer solution to the problem of the country he dwells in. Such men as these don't only have skill, wisdom, education but they're also the correct citizen in that they don't violate the law. Such kind of citizen is to be desired by any government and given a room to flower. This Pharaoh (the dreamer) recognized that in Joseph. That's why he entrusted the whole land into his hands. He brought him into politics. It wasn't Joseph who aspired or canvasses for an office through perspiration, lust or filthy lucre. That only came as a reward. So, it's not bad for expatriates to be given recognition for their contributions. Any that has the potential, ability and character etc and thus can, is or had applied such to bring development to his country of indwelling is a developer or inventor. Once he's law abiding though has not yet built them a car that flies, he is in the inventor or developer category. Such either creates an enabling environment for such creating vehicles that fly/those doing miracles in their respective fields or are themselves. They should not be discarded or reduced to non entities on the basis of colour, race, gender, education etc. They should be made citizens and seen so so that the host country can have them for himself totally while leveraging on all their abilities to become a nation utopia. Such should not be made like unto the Hebrews who were suppressed and made second class citizens. Welcome them rather. 

Such as plan its destruction, derogatorily defame it or refuse to abide in lawful order within its frame even though born citizens are destroyers.  Such the hand of the law should be heavy on. Have we not read who should be prosecuted and punished? Rom.13:3.  It is only on this second basis any government in the world should be seen being heavy on humans. Are they found out to be terrorists, law breakers or inciters of men to do so etc, let them face the tune of that. That's why the prison is created to sieve the chaff from the wheat irrespective of race, nationality, gender, education, status etc until such fellow's conduct is refined and fit for society again. That is if he is not carrying a death sentence. If Pharaoh had found this truth out, he would have harnessed all the brains amidst the Hebrews to build another great Egypt in his own tenure. However, insecurity blindfolded him to what these many and mightier people could yield him. 

This is God's wisdom and counsel to all expatriates to be a "Joseph" who would advance the land of their dwelling. Be your homeland's ambassador. If you've been received as a citizen, behave and live like one. 

PRAYER: As a Joseph in a strange land, may I not be short of being an inventor or developer.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 44:1-45:28, Matthew 14:13-36, Psalm 18:37-50, Proverbs 4:11-13

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