READ Genesis 27:1-25
Genesis 27:20, KJV
"And Isaac said unto his son, How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, my son? And he said, Because the LORD thy God brought it to me."
I pray for you, the Lord will bring it to you. When the Lord brings it to you, you will locate it easily and your time of wandering shall be saved.
Isaac was old and he knew not the day of his death. To this end, he called Esau his son to go hunting and fetch him meat such as he liked for preparation of a delicious meal. He'll need to bless him before his death. They wouldn't know that Rebekah spies on them and has heard all.
While Isaac was jealous for Esau, Rebekah was concerned for Jacob. They each have their team member and one they were loyal to. May you not lack your man. It was Jacob's man (her mother) that helped him or else destiny blessing would have jumped him over. May God give you those who will watch your back and the back door for you. That was Jacob's advantage in today's reading. It's also your leverage in this life.
Where critical decisions will be taken, may you have those that will fight for you. On that note, Rebekah therefore instructed Jacob to bring two kids from the flock which she'll prepare into the kind of meal Isaac loved. Jacob's fear was eliminated and this plan was carried out. When Jacob got the food ready for Isaac, Isaac was shocked at how the process of getting a bush meat could have been so shortened for anyone. So, he asked, "how is it that you were so quick about it?" That question shows Isaac was not ignorant of how tedious hunting for animals could be. It was also a means of verifying who came. Jacob however said one thing that my emphasis will be on today. He said, "because the Lord thy God brought it to me."
We knew God didn't bring anything to Jacob because he didn't even go hunting. He only lied since the animals he prepared were domesticated animals. However, let's leave all those to concentrate on the feedback of Jacob to his father which is actually a possibility in any Christian's life.
Do you know God could bring things to you? We all know that it took Esau a considerable longer time before he appeared before Jacob. What if as soon as he got to the wild, he didn't have to spend much time but a shorter one than he spent before God brings it to him.
People of God, God is still in the business of bringing it to His children. Twenty of you can be primary school mates. You started all together from the beginning but after twenty five years, some of you might have gotten why they're in this wild (life or earth) while others are still roaming around to find a perfect game or even find their foot. When you meet some of them and ask, how are you doing? How's family? They'll have evidences to show for it. They already have those things and on every matter of life have been helped greatly like the Lord helped Uzziah. If it's on purpose, they're already functioning big time in the anointing of their callings and details of their careers. Nothing is just lacking because their names are fledgling brands that are now being noised around at their level. When God brings it to you, struggle is eliminated. The house some are not eating but saving heavily to build can be given you. What the world is dying to have, cutting corners to achieve all can be delivered at your doorstep. Gift and inheritance are two means through which God can bring it to you apart from reaping a bumper harvest in what your hand has found to do which can give you quick acceleration to achieve. Favour is another way of quickly gathering.
I pray for you that when you go out in the morning to fetch what to eat, it will quickly come to you. While scouting for what to bring home, you won't meet a predator. All the things that a man needs to be a man or woman in this life, may the Lord God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob betray them into your hands so that your journey will be quicker over your mates. Receive it.
PRAYER: God, you're a betrayer and deliverer of good things needed for life unto my bosom; give to me on time.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 10:1-12:13, Matthew 20:1-28, Psalm 25:1-15, Proverbs 6:6-11
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