Friday, 21 January 2022




LET THE RECORDS BE BROUGHT - National Stories Series 003

READ Esther 6

Esther 6:1, KJV

"On that night could not the king sleep, and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles; and they were read before the king".

If you had asked me what other title I would title this, I'll say "Remembrance in Action". We read yesterday what permitted the enslavement of Israel in Egypt. It was not because Joseph died but because a new king arose that knew not Joseph. If he had known Joseph, he could have withhold hurting the descendants of his nation's benefactor. So, the lack of remembrance here was to the undoing of Israel [Exo.1:8].

In today's reading, Ahasuerus could not sleep. That was God at work because the Jews have been slated to be destroyed by Haman but God has started fighting for them. Out of no where, he requested that the book of records be brought. If you read the Bible very well; whenever kings are troubled, they request for wise men to come in to interpret the trouble of their souls or as natural men request for wine to cheer up. But why would the king suddenly in the night ask that the national archives be brought and searched? God puts a leading in him to go into the archives of past events. It was God who stung him awake, put unrest in his soul and it was him who satisfied him by making him find out about Mordecai's unrewarded deed. He requested if a thing was done him to which a Chamberlain replied in the negative. This is how the forgotten Mordecai, who's beginning to be out of favour and in line for mass destruction with his people begin to receive ascension and lifting back into favour. 

Forgetfulness is costly. It sentenced Israel to slavery and hard labour. It costs them lives of their sons. All because there was a Pharaoh who didn't know Joseph. That the Bible said, "a king arose who didn't know Joseph" means he could have learnt of Joseph's deed and if he had learnt so, he could have refrained from sentencing them to slavery out of insecurity and jealousy as if they are people of no noble man. He would have seen them as people of peace and not those who could mix with their enemies to hurt his people if a war breaks out [Exo.1:10]. But he didn't know. History was either not told him or it was not documented down at all. 

At a time when it seems ominous sound and tragedy was beginning to way lay Mordecai and the Jews, God began to revive hope in Mordecai and the Jews of His being their present help in trouble. The first act happened that shows God could override well cooked plans. The records were revived out of the blues. Who's there reading this? It doesn't matter how close you are to the grave or disgrace, what would bring you back will happen. What would redeem you from every evil planned against you shall begin to happen and you shall be vindicated. Without the evidences of Queen Esther against Haman as one who wanted to destroy her people, if the King had learnt that Mordecai was one of the ones to be killed, he would have had it investigated. Do you want to know why? The behaviour and reputation of Mordecai in records contradicts whatsoever reason a fellow could have raised of his being a law breaker. Was it not this same man that exposed two Chamberlains who would have successfully toppled down the king? How could such loyal, dedicated person have suddenly become of evil intention when he didn't partner with coup planners previously.  Suspicion must arise in the king that he was probably being framed. Though this was not outrightly discovered, yet we saw how God rose remembrance for Mordecai and how he got payment for what any thought had gone. 

You won't sink. Seeds that have been sown ahead of time by your predecessors or you shall speak for you when needed. Your good deeds won't just be in the books. They'll breathe and draw hearts to peruse them so that you'll be rewarded and begin to be brought salvation in Jesus name. All those who needs vindication because you were misconceived, misjudged or accused wrongly, past records set right would stand even at late hour to vindicate you. You won't go as they planned it. You're the Lord's redeemed.

PRAYER: Redeemer, the hope reviver, wherever I'm slated for slaughter, call me back. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 41:17-42:17, Matthew 13:24-46, Psalm 18:1-15, Proverbs 4:1-6

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