Thursday, 23 December 2021




IN ORDER TO HEAR SOLOMON - Witness Series 002

Read Matthew 13:44-46

Luke 11:31, KJV

"The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here".

When your heart is drawn after an anointing that a minister carries, there's nothing admirable and shocking you can't do to touch or establish contact with him. There's a mystery I have seen under the sun. It is that children of men do thirst after the anointing. Life in them thirsts after life of God. It has therefore become "like a hart pants after streams of water". It may be the truth, problem solving power or destiny portion that a minister carries that will draw men to him. By one, two or all of these, God can draw people to gather round an anointing. The reality of gathering is ancient and even predates Solomon. It was said of Jesus that unto Him the gathering of the people shall be [Gen.49:10]. Why will they gather? Due to the anointing. It is a sufficient reason to organize a program with the hope of seeing people come around. Even without organizing one, once you get anointed, you'll have followers and admirers. These are people that easily gather round any minister.

When we talk like this, don't think we're glorifying the minister who is an earthen vessel but in whom is the treasure. It is the anointing (Holy Ghost) upon a minister that draws people to Himself while using the minister. We however know that once a minister carries the Spirit and his operations are by Him, he also can't but be brought honour or recognition. However, all glory must be to the Lord. The Queen of Sheba isn't different from a thirsty heart as represented by many today. What she had heard of Solomon drew him. So, she came to see for herself whether they were so. When the anointing is in operation, many unbelievable are manifested that admirers and zealous hearts would be willing to spend time, energy, resources etc to come and verify. She had the reports of what God was doing through Solomon in her country but she didn't believe until she came. She later confessed half was not told her. The Sheba Queen was touched. She couldn't hold back again. To Jerusalem she must go and Jerusalem she went. Despite the distance, in order to hear the wisdom of Solomon, she still came. It doesn't matter to her whether she's from the South and the farthest of the farthest, listening to Solomon's wisdom and measuring him by same is what matters now. To see for herself, she'll do anything. When you have found hidden somewhere a treasure of great worth that can make you prosperous, I know you won't be too reluctant to sell your properties to acquire it. That's what she did here. She puts all other things behind her and strove for that only one in front. Your estimation for what you esteem is manifested in the sacrifices you can give to have same. To hear Solomon who the whole world was talking about, she came to Jerusalem not minding the distance. It's like visiting Africa from Fiji Island. It comes at a cost but to a yearning heart, such sacrifice is bearable. That's why Jesus was impressed as to have made an example of her to the unbelieving doubters round Him. "If she could do this despite the gulf that separated her from Solomon, what hinders you all from establishing one with me".

Today like never before, throngs of people are still establishing contact in faith. Let's talk less of those who are gathering online. Go watch the headquarters of religious institutions, camp grounds, prayer mountains e.t.c and you'll see that that ancient respect for gathering has not been eroded. Multitudes in our day won't mind taking transportation by road, rail, water or air to reach Jerusalem where a Solomon is established. All is to do what? To listen to his God given wisdom. You may wonder, why are these Christians troubling themselves to be gathering round a singular man like this? To them has it been given to understand this. He has become a carcass [Matthew 24:28]. That minister is the conduit of power in whom all abilities of God are passed and exercised to them. God is in heaven and we can each pray to receive from Him but He has also put calling on people which makes them stir others to great acts of faith to receive from God. If in order to receive by hearing, someone endured a great distance, what sacrifices are you giving to receive from God or through His anointed.

PRAYER: Let me hear the great news of God's act and faithfulness to the children of men which will set me on the journey of enquiry. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 4:1-5:11, Revelation 14:1-20, Psalm 142:1-7, Proverbs 30:21-23

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