Thursday, 2 December 2021





READ Psalm 127

I Samuel 1:27-28,KJV

"27 For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: 28 Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshipped the LORD there."

Give yourself away early. You'll be doing yourself a favour you'll come to testify of in days to come if you give yourself away early or do same for those you have oversight over. You have to use concerted effort to tear yourself away early from vocations, lifestyle or tasks that are not destiny related that you're currently reclining in. I know people who can't fast. If he discovers his call as a minister for instance, he must be ready to afflict his body with fasting and know that he may not always appear fat-flesh at the beginning if he's the set man of a God initiated thing especially. I know it is hard tearing or giving yourself away to your purpose when you've been woken to the burden of responsibility as an adult. There be many people that know they have calls on their lives but they'll tell you, "If I let this job go now to start as a newcomer somewhere, how do I survive since this one won't immediately speak? Meanwhile, I've built one to the peak of manifestation." You see, they're being militated against starting why they're here because they didn't enter or get admitted when others were. They've gone too far before discovery.  There's time for everything on earth. If God destines anyone to be part of David's mighty men but didn't gather when they were gathering, yet of that same generation of men; he may wake up to see he has been left behind [ I Sam. 22:2, II Sam.23:8]. For people being hindered to let go like that, find out if you're to go full term or per term. Even if it will be full term, unless the Lord needs you right away (which He'll compensate with covenants and blessings), retain your job to finance your obligations and ministry for stability. At the beginning also, those who are doing full term now (especially set men and founders) started like that.

Hannah did something that was hard. How many of you know that it is hard casting off a child, especially one's first child after one or let's say three years of weaning? Some will say, I still want to bond with him. God has no use of a three year old child. What thing will he be doing in the temple or around the house of the Lord? That is wanting to suffer the child and suffer his trainer. That's why many parents are not imparting destiny training into their little children. They believe they are not yet ripe for it. Hannah however did contrarily though with great determination and endurance of that pain. She separated from her first born that should comfort her that early. Sorry to say, many parents aren't resolute. I've heard some say, I can't let my own child become motherless at a tender age. So, they're not sending them to the academy where they'll get full concentrated training on the destiny of their manifestation. If you pray to God to find you where he should go and He instructs you, that God is enough to shelter this defenceless child. Except if it is not God requesting for the need for his enrollment.

When did Hannah tear off Samuel from her? Immediately after weaning [I Sam.1:24]. She lends him to the Lord to dwell in God's house forever. Samuel had not woken to the reality of life when his feet were put on the path he should walk. Is the Bible not being fulfilled that says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" [Proverbs  22:6].Before your children receives senses to argue, contest or rival with what God's will is for their lives, immerse them there, so that their waking up will be into the resurrection of things of destiny. Saint, it was hard on Hannah, it will be on you but be resolute also. Cutting off from one's beloved isn't easy but if you want to be made ready for life, you must learn to give yourself away properly into what destiny has for you. No one has two lives to live here practically on earth. This is the only one you have to make contacts. Ensure as you make encounters daily, it sparks and gives you a sense of satisfaction that you're doing what you should do where you should be. Separate yourself now and forever to the will of God - that profession. Time is still young even if this is your eleventh hour. This announcement marks another enrollment season. May God help you to leave behind everything that's combating you from giving attention and total attention to purpose. Paul when he discovered this purpose and the reality of where he should be fitted confessed in truth without lying when he says, "... I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ" [Phil.3:8, KJV].

First of all, settle the fact that your certificate is lesser than what God will make of you in ministry if that's where He's calling you to. If you're earning big in the secular and God is saying, "stop all and go to the seminary, it means you'll have to become a dependent like a student who may face embarrassment of being a dependent at times". However, dung (things left behind or to be left behind) don't always worth the glory of the calling that you'll one day begin to see.

PRAYER: [Worship with "I give myself away" song]. Ask for resoluteness and understanding not to be deceived to see dung as glory. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 9:1-11:1, 1 John 2:18-3:6, Psalm 121:1-8, Proverbs 28:27-28

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