Thursday, 29 July 2021



I really thank God for His visitation. I just have so many things to say. Meanwhile, there are moments when even if you have a thing to say, other string-tight commitment won't allow. At times, there won't be enough stirring at all. A reminder that we're but humans while Christ in us is our hope of glory. 

So, for being privileged to write or communicate God's burden to the body of Christ; in humble adoration, I say, glory to God.

People of God, don't take simple things for granted o. That includes being able to feed and feed properly. If after eating doughnut; chin-chin and lollypop follows, you should know that's a miracle God keeps repeating for you on daily basis. If your mouth never dries even if it's because you don't have the demands of ministers to fast, still thank God. Even fasting isn't easy. That's why the Bible describes it as an affliction. 

If when you speak, you have ready listeners, you should thank God for them. It is not good when one is talking and nobody shows interest. But when you speak and people are relating, reacting, connecting, associating, intimating and are imitating, you ought to say, 'O God, what have you wrath?"

I told my beloved one day. I said "how good it would be settling down somewhere where one would just go out for crusades and some ministrations, then come back home to instruct the multitude of eager disciples that are learning Christ of one and dies hard to receive one back. You'll know there's no joy in hoarding blessings then. You only dig to the bottom when you have inquisitive spiritual children. The same happens in the classroom setting. Students can be short-changed of their portion from a teacher - a bank of knowledge if they don't ask questions or know how to relate with him. Other way, the best of the teacher may not be given if there are no new challenges to call it forth also. 

What you must know especially if you're a minister or even an upcoming is that there's a stage of growth you can attain where giving out will be naturally birthed or triggered in you. Why? You've been a good follower and have been equipped enough while in your season of 'make-me.' Now, maturity has brought you to a place where you even seek platforms to minister, impart gifts like Paul on others or seek doers you can share burdens and revelations with. Let time and patience bear its effects on you. Don't step into leadership or begin to offer a ministry if you have not been internally or consciously brought to recognize you are now in such season to dispense. When such time comes, naturally, you'll feel too burdened and pressed to discharge. You'll be like a mother at the labour room. Her only focus is to give birth. 

Do you know that if people makes demands on an anointed especially to hear him; do you know that teaching will be triggered? Often in Jesus ministry, the trigger to teach or climb the mountain for such happened when He saw the crowd. You'll be hearing things like "as the multitude press on Him.. [Matthew 5:1-2, Luke 5:1-3]. Kai!

There's something that calls your best out when you receive an inner feedback and communication that some people yearns for you and what God has given you for them. What God has given any minister isn't for him. That's why he can't minister to himself. That's why he must also follow some other ministers and learn to receive by faith from them also. I tell you people of God, no one is an absolute authority anywhere. 

The joy of communicating and being received is what births mighty works. All ministers reading this should pay special attention to these words. Have you not read that Jesus couldn't do any mighty works because He was not accepted? Look at what unbelief in a minister could cause [Matthew 13:54-58, Mark 6:2-6].

However, where there's acceptance, what always happen? ... mighty works in strong doctrine/teaching, healing, signs and wonders will proceed. God can recognize hunger when people have one. It is not the anointed that gauge what each in a congregation gets from God. They do. As an anointed teaches, you determine how much of the force of the Spirit or energy would flow to you and for your need. 

Rejection can be felt. You don't have to throw stones at the one you're rejecting. In same manner,  acceptance spurs you and urges you on and on. Kaimona! 

So, I won't take it for granted. I preached a message one day somewhere and somebody under the ministration met me afterwards and told me God gave him this same message sometimes ago but till then, he couldn't preach it. So, why not thank God!

So, I dedicate this short teaching to all the passionate enduring readers and followers of us as we follow Christ. Thanks for bearing with my long teachings.  I want to salute you for always reading our spirit-meat as Abba oils us. May it not stop blessing you. 

As you pray for the minister the more, God can use him more mightily. So, always remember him. I'll say, "you're beloved and verily cherished."

You won't lose your place. Amidst the great and the strong, God will give you a place.


Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812.

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