Wednesday, 2 June 2021


YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED TO SPECIALIZE: The Call On Your Head - Pleasing God Series 003

Happy New Month!

Our full of sap Bible verse says, "when a man's ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him (Prov. 16:17)."

Why there's still headache is because you've still not understood this place. You have done exchange of duties and you want God to take dressing and agree with your new rule.

God is not calling you to do everything stated in that verse neither is He calling you to do the strongest stated there.

"Making your enemies be at peace with you" is the strongest. God says, "that's mine to take care of" while yours is "to please me." When you take care of God, God takes care of your enemy.

"Pleasing God" which to many people's minds is the difficult is actually the easiest duty to play by man. Why? ...because our pleasing God is by faith and not by works!

Hebrews 11:6, KJV

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

To our shock and that of He that sits on the circle of the earth, people are however seeking, trying, sacrificially engaging and painstakingly involving themselves in rigorous activities to convert and make their enemies be at peace with them.

So, they call him; acknowledge her birthday, send her gifts, hint him of their having food he can eat; make themselves inferior to him/her yet all these human sacrifices coming from logical thinking has not gotten them the desired peace or reunion they're dying for.

Instead, they infuriate this fellow the more. Then, they stop and question why they're not getting the desired result since they've done all the good they know to win the approval of such and such fellow.

God said I should tell you that you can't convert or win anyone by the multitude of your good or goods. No one has ever saved any human being from sin and his very self by offering himself. Only Christ does that!

God is saying, "handover to Me." Let Me convert your enemies. Though they're tigers, they'll begin to eat grass like sheep soonest after the work of God might have been wrought over them. You'll be shocked that these foes of one time would freely come to seek your hands in friendship. 

Don't think you have skills, education and stratagems to draw attention of your enemies towards you. That's why the more you seek to impress them, the more you depress them.

Stop doing God's work. Don't out of what you think is comfortable of the two tasks desire to trespass to do what God outlined to be His to do. Stick to your specialization. That's when you'll know true result.

May your enemy not only eat your food, collect your money, use you and your resources yet without loving or being at peace with you.

But if you'll give this work to God today, you'll be challenged to see what it means not to contest with a professional like God who's versed in converting people's enemies, even the hardest of them to be their friends. Saul was the enemy of the church breathing slaughter against it. This God Who knows His job to do met him and this same Saul became friend and advocate of what he was afore killing.

Don't touch that dial! God is the CONVERTER not any man!

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 3704 6812

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