Thursday, 24 June 2021





Psalms 127:4, KJV

"As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth."

It is a blessing having children in one's youth. Or let me say, it is a better blessing. 

We must know that some things are best done and verily beautiful when they happen without trespassing the appropriate time for it. You can't be graduating as an undergraduate at forty and think you're a superstar. The media might take notice of your perseverance and success but it isn't a very nice testimony.  "As arrows are in the hand of a warrior, so are CHILDREN OF ONE'S YOUTH."

That place didn't read, " children of one's old age." So, if you're giving birth late when as a woman for instance, you should have closed all under 35 or 40, the result might face one. That's why that place says, "just like arrows are in a warrior's hand, so are children of one's youth." Why don't you ask why children of one's youth is likened to arrows in a warrior's hand?

It takes a fellow who's also a youth - with strength, initiative, skill, aspiration etc to harness a growing child and shape such into what God would desire he becomes. Parents are moulders and if issues break forth into their arms when there is still capacity and interest of a youth for adequate training there, you'll see them bring a force into grooming such child into becoming one that could be sent on an errand of destiny without being afraid. 

If a man has a child at sixty, the man would be eighty by the time the child hits 20. Is it an eighty year old man that wants to train a complete child at that old age? You know youths. Despite the fact that many parents are youths also who are still relevant in the world of their children, these children wearies them and see them as far back and ancient. Now, is it an eighty year old man that would now do better? The old man might be too feeble curbing his youthful exuberance. He'll be tired and let him be. Yet, God doesn't want that. That's why that place read, " are children of one's youth."

Only children of your youth are like arrows in a warrior's hand. A warrior is a trained fellow. Arrow itself is useless even when polished without a handler. It would just be in the quiver without its purpose for invention being accomplished. If arrows - polished arrows, made ready for battle should however find its way into the hands of a warrior - one who's skillful in shooting it, you'll see what he'll achieve with that arrow. You will watch with mouth agape how someone uses arrows to accomplish great things. Yet, you had tried doing the same but it was not happening for you. The difference is that he is trained to use arrows while you are untrained. Arrows don't use themselves. Men does. Unless they're concentrated in a man's hand, the destiny, endowment and potentials of arrows won't appear for recognition. Arrow can kill. It can injure. It can pierce. All these capacities of arrows would only be felt if the right person (fitted for the arrows and one the arrows are fitted for grabs it). Until then, expect nothing.

So also are children of one's youth. Since the parents are still young with so many dreams of what they might want these children to become - it is these dreams, thoughts and desire that would drive them into raising children that could discharge the potentials of arrows in them. Those of you with children, do you know how to use your children? Do you know what to turn them into? Arrows in a warrior's hands are turned into killers. That's its purpose. Children in your hands would become what? 

I pray that this God's free gift in your hands would be trained in God's fear, discipline and knowledge that their discharge in life would appear so different and contrast from those raised by those not in their youths. Have you not observe that children grandparents helped their own children raise are always over pampered. Instead of their lording it over those children in godliness and enforcing their godly will on them for a better future, it's such children that dictates things. They'll be eating without brushing! Why? The grandparents strong will or forces has done what it could do in raising the parents. At their stage, it has pedaled down into accommodating and tolerating. That's why you'll see grandparents advocate their grandchildren from being dealt with many times by their parents who are still focused in discipline and what should be. Force of leadership can reduce by age too. This and many more contributes to the raising of arrows. 

God has you in mind. Today is your day, it won't be tomorrow. The waiting mothers would receive opening of womb and those due for marriage shall marry. Some things are best done in your youth.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me the harnessing of arrows. May I bring up children to meet purpose.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Kings 6:1-7:20, Acts 15:36-16:15, Psalm 142:1-7, Proverbs 17:24-25

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