Monday, 31 May 2021


MONDAY - 31ST MAY, 2021



Read II Kings 6:8-23, James 4:13-16

II Kings 6:8, KJV

"Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, IN SUCH AND SUCH A PLACE SHALL BE MY CAMP."

This Syrian king's action calls for derision. At the war room, he said to all his generals, "my camp is going to be situated in so and so place." His speech comes from boasting and a strong sense of self actualization also. He was talking as if he knew by such location where he commanded, things shall just fall in place for them and Israel shall be trapped.

He so much spoke with boldness, assurance and rejoicing of heart that you could see self deceit, and regard not for any other (especially the Almighty) in his utterance. The plan, stratagem and location of camp/ambush he was rejoicing in as a dream come through is what God without effort scattered through its disclosure to Israel by Elisha. God is quick to show to those who will tell Him to His face He's not part of their plans they're also on their own. 

Didn't the Bible say, "horses are prepared for the day of battles but victory belongs to the Lord (Prov. 21:31).

That's what he didn't look unto God for. He rather says in his vanity and lifting up of his soul with a sense of "I'm enough. It shall work", while saying, "in such and such place shall my camp be."

What right do anyone has to say this is how it shall be and that's how it must be? You can say that but you can't enforce it. What was the purpose of his building camps at those places? To trap Israel. Was Israel trapped? 

II Kings 6:10-11, KJV

"10 And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice. 11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?."

The man that was boasting and rejoicing to the success of his well laid plan though which had not been achieved is same who now in confusion asks why his plans are not succeeding. All of us should exercise ourselves in humility and know that he who is putting off his armour shouldn't pride himself like one putting it on. 

Unless your plans succeeds and it is assured your success can't be reversed, don't rejoice. Look at the disappointment expressed by the king of Syria as to why his plans didn't to why his ambush was not catching Israel.

May God teach you not to glory, boast or celebrate when success is far away or at all not at sight. May you learn humility that plans and knows only God gives success. 

There are those who are saying, "I'll do this tomorrow, I'll do that tomorrow. I'll go into that city and trade, accumulating wealth. However, you don't know what would be tomorrow. Due to this, how do you ought to talk so that you won't connote independence of God?

James 4:15-16, KJV

"15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil."

Whereas, that was the mistake the Syrian king made. He was so assured of his trapping Israel where he'll camp that he was saying so boldly with utmost assurance, "in such a place will I situate." It doesn't take long to reveal to him that his plans are not his to fulfill like the man who says he'll pull down his barn, build a bigger one and say to his heart, "eat, soul; for you have goods for many years in store for you (Luke 12:16-20).

What happens to such man? It was that same night his soul was requested of him.  See this as a reason to be humble instead of exercising yourself in futility. Don't let your pride make God scatter what you're planning in order to show you He reigns in the affairs of men and without His consent, no man lifts hand or foot. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not incur Your wrath by leaving You out of my considerations. May I take You as my greatest counsellor. I receive humility to include You and put You in front. Take charge Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 17:1-29, John 19:23-42, Psalm 119:129-152, Proverbs 16:12-13

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The Bible passage where God is bringing us the honey of His word says:

Proverbs 16:7, KJV

"When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him."

I asked while meditating, "God, don't be angry o. Is it that you lack jobs to do as to diminish to payment of attention to our enemies? Are they not those who hate us? Let them alone. Cut them off from us. As long as you are with us, their absence won't be touching."

God said, "Olusola, no! You actually need your enemy. Apart from your needing him, I need him. I said, "Father, reveal and interpret yourself to me. I'm a child. Satisfy my thirst to know!"

He said, "imagine if people are against you or see you in a wrong light; broken off and fragmented away from you; don't you know they'll spread negative stories of how they see you? Though, they may be wrong but they will make disciples if not many who will believe in that story of negativity which may continue down the line. So, your image is going to be affected and your name plundered." 

"My making your enemy be at peace with you or that of any be at peace with him is to eliminate a thing like that. If they're however at peace with you (since you aren't the one who's not at peace with them and so needs to be mended); they'll be delighted to give you their favours, work for your good, do and say you well. Don't think your enemies don't have what they can benefit you. They do. Unless they agree with you, they'll never give it. 

When the Oracle Himself has thus spoken, I leaned back on my bed and said, "thanks for speaking good to me."

He said also, "did I not say I need them?" Some who are offended in you or any other Christian might lose faith in you and so you or other brethren whom they're offended at may be stumbling block to their believing. Through you, they may not be able to come to me (Christ). I want them believe and know that Christians aren't bad and their God is good. Mind you, your enemy are not only unbelievers! Christians can have enemies who are also Christians also. 

God said, "I'm doing this work of amending the image of any who's offended in any of you and is your enemy by those reasons so that you all (whom they see as enemy) won't obstruct ME (Jehovah from being received by them).

These two reasons are why God will trek miles to ensure your enemy is united with you. If it were not so, we wouldn't have been commanded to do this below:

Hebrews 12:14, KJV

"FOLLOW PEACE WITH ALL MEN, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:"

As you live your life, may you strive to live peacefully with all men. War/strife is not our first choice of life but to live peacefully with others. It is however when Satan incites enemies at us that we fight war inevitably as the enemy contends with us. We can't keep quiet nor choose to lose voluntarily and call it humility or pity. That's foolishness.  However, it is better if as a warrior, one knows no war at all (if his enemies are all united with him)! Who tells you warriors don't even appreciate living in peace?


Await Series 003

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 3704 6812.

Sunday, 30 May 2021


SUNDAY - 30TH MAY, 2021



Read II Kings 6:8-23

John 15:20, KJV  "Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also."

Often, it is being revealed that an apprentice is not greater than his master. This is because what happens to the master do become reality in his life also. He is also a shareholder as long as he has not discontinued in the ways, doctrine, teaching, lifestyle, goal, passion e.t.c. of his master. 

In today's other reading, the Syrian king gives command to have Elisha arrested. After scouting, they headed for Dothan to handcuff him. Elisha was in the city with his servant (one who personally serves him and learns the prophetic from him) when a discovery was stumbled on by this very servant on the impeding doom surrounding them.

He cried with a loud voice, "alas, master!" If you look at it very well, it wasn't this servant that had issues with the Syrian Government and needed to be arrested. It was Elisha his master but because he professes loyalty and association with Elisha, he can't but face the same thing his master would face. To prove this, he was even the first to discover that host of soldiers have come to arrest his master. If Elisha had been arrested, I can tell you that he could have been arrested or as well assaulted.

So, the portion that masters do face do get contagious to their disciples who live their life after them or in their face.

Some years ago while I was learning ministry under the man God ordained for me; this man's ministry came under strong attacks of the devil and his work was vehemently resisted by the congregation and neighbouring people he was ministering to. Later on, when feedbacks were been given to the head of the rebellion's team that's fighting this my father's ministry, they had said "I was also with him (since I was afore known by this people) as they gave their report to the rebels' leader."

I was shocked that I would be counted with he who was being persecuted and was at the front line of the battle. I counted myself worthy of suffering with him. But why would anyone take cognizance of me, "a small minister? I never looked like a threat!" But because I professed connection with him and stood in loyalty to him at this time, it was not only his name that was being noised abroad but mine which many knew in that area. Like they said of the apostles, they pointed to us also and said, "come and see these men who had turn the world upside down"; yet, it was good we were doing (Acts 17:6). We were casting out devils from their daughters and teaching their sons the ways of God but they were offended to say we were embarrassing them as their children manifests, foams and were delivered.

You're not greater than any you profess association and loyalty with. If people are fighting them, because you have chosen to stay with them, they'll also fight you. We can expect the same thing they served to the master to come round to his disciple. Why? As long as that disciple lives the life his master once lived, he can't but reap the reward or consequences his master reaped. 

No Christian is greater than Christ. We would be persecuted. You will be excused rather if you stop being a Christian. But if you won't hide your identity but live as light that exposes darkness, you'll discover that men would insult, come after you and seek to do violence against you. Any who is not Christ like can't be persecuted. Since he has blended with the world through conformation, his light can't be intimidating and the world can't be at the peril of being exposed by him (John 3:19-21). But if he lives the life of Christ, he'll know that they that'll live godly in Christ Jesus would face persecution.

II Timothy 3:12, KJV

"Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."

Therefore, no disciple: after comer, down line or successor is greater than his master - predecessor or ancestor.  If you live their life (good or bad), you'll reap their consequences or reward. 

PRAYER: I take a stand for Jesus irrespective of persecution. I shall not be moved. I cut off from walking evil ancestral paths and having evil results as my forerunners.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 15:23-16:23, John 18:25-19:22, Psalm 119:113-128, Proverbs 16:10-11

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Saturday, 29 May 2021

PLEASING GOD SERIES 001 - 29/05/2021

TOO FAR FOR YOUR SAKE - Pleasing God Series 001

God can go too far for your sake. Yes, when you PLEASE Him. 

"Pleasing" is difficult if you don't know. If it were not difficult, why do individuals in relationship get discontented with each other? It's because pleasing is not easily stumbled on. 

In pleasing or wanting to please, you must forget about YOU and concentrate on the other. When the Bible says, "God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven"; that's a prayer that reveals the earth and its inhabitants who are described as grasshoppers before God have still not aligned to pleasing this God. In heaven (the model to pattern after however), they're not debating pleasing God. Perfect synchronization!

So, there is still daily contest of wills. God wants this; man desires the opposite. God has said in His Word, "do this"; man creates another to do for himself in his own world. Did you see conflict and spring of sorrow in many people's lives as they jostle with God?

The day God's will becomes your priority is the day that you'll start pleasing God. The day you can offer, forget, sacrifice, kill, burn, disdain, let go, sell away, eject, give off, cut off anything in order to PLEASE (win God's admiration and love) is the day GOD (who has been moved by this you're doing to satisfy Him) begin to pay you back in a fold unimaginable BY TRAVELLING TO THE UTTERMOST ENDS OF THE EARTH TO make people be at peace with you.

Proverbs 16:7, KJV

"When a man's ways PLEASE the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at PEACE with him."

GOD can die for some people. He can travel miles to see that everybody is in perfect harmony with them. It doesn't matter the stature, influence, education, background, wealth, eloquence, wisdom, throne, principality etc challenging them. Why? They're paying the ultimate sacrifice of PLEASING HIM. ...if you've been in this business of pleasing God, you'll agree it's difficult and hard to let God prevail over one's desires, cravings and ways. If one loses all these for God, should one not be rewarded? These are the things God totals together before saying, "what I'll give to you as reward for PLEASING ME is by proving to you that your enemy, even your strongest enemy would be at peace with you."

By doing ministry, being assured of His commitment and having been given the mouth of a striker, I have incurred some enemies but God sees my sincerity that I was not hunting to hurt people. I say what He wants me say and if many should get offended (like before) with that, the task is left to God to advocate my cause and appease them on my behalf.

People of God, pay the price and let God pipe you the prize.

Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings.

Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria. 

+234 81 3704 6812.






Acts 5:38-39,AMP

38"Now in the present case let me say to you, stand off (withdraw) from these men and let them alone. For if this doctrine or purpose or undertaking or movement is of human origin, it will fail (be overthrown and come to nothing);39But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop or overthrow or destroy them; you might even be found fighting against God!"

This is why I'm not moved. This is the medicine that assures me that what I'm doing will work. What gives assurance to my own heart is the fact that the ministry God called me to see to shall continue because God was the One that called it into being. I didn't originate it. I didn't want to be suddenly called a pastor. It was not prestige that drove me in there nor the big honorarium!

Gamaliel was able to help us see the divide. He said the disciples shouldn't be disturbed but rather left alone. He told them "why disturb them when there is a better barometer that could measure and secure for them continuity or discontinuity." He told the Sanhedrin in these simple terms, "if the new movement of these people is divine, it shall continue but if it's not, it shall come to nought." He uses examples of movements that were pioneered by one Theudas and Judas that were but no where to be found at the time he was talking. "Not even their relics", he said. "All was erased and the ashes of it can't even be gathered."

I want to announce to everybody that it is who God has placed something in his or her hands that the commitment of God would only be given to. Systems, movements, visions that doesn't stem from God won't see the light of the day. Government policy could stop it. Persecution could end it. The economy could fold it up. Millions of things could disengage and asphyxiate it from existence. Did I say millions? Uncountable of things rather could strangle it! Something or the other could end it like the movements of Theudas and Judas were ended.

I don't care who you are. If you open and launch a thing God did not speak to you to commission, it won't move. That's why many people are not doing well in a field or endeavour they are. They went there without a commissioning of the Lord. No word of God ushers them into the vision they're building and the things that they're pursuing. They have forgotten that we don't live on bread alone in the kingdom but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Daily instruction and guidance is a better food we live on in the kingdom. Our survival and continuity even in these last days is based on it. It is this word that calls us to travel at the first instance and even furthers to instruct us when to stop, where to stop and how to journey. We not only receive a kick starting word but a sustaining word.

Unlike the revolutions of Theudas and Judas, that of Jesus Christ as published by His disciples survived. It didn't die. Why? It was a divine vision and revolution. It has its roots from God. It was even the hands of God that fetched it into being and this made it persist. If you look through the ages, Christianity and Christians have faced a lot yet they have not been extinguished. Is it in Northern Nigeria where innumerable Christians have been killed or throughout the world where they're persecuted? If it were a movement inspired by a man or some brilliant, bold and oratory band of men, it would not have survived all these wilderness experiences and bad weather. The cloud would have diminished it and the flood would have washed it away. However, it is getting better and better instead. The blood of martyrs seems like fertilizer or a special juice that's watering the germination of more Christians. Because it's a divine initiative, it has persisted throughout all generation, in all places and under different circumstances. 

The mark that a thing is not of God or having appear from God is that it would discontinue when antagonized. This is my confidence that I can't be stopped in ministry if it was God that truly brought me into it. I'm trusting God for Morning Wings Ministry to continue and continue because I wasn't the one who said there is a need  to be met but God Almighty. It was that God Who saw the need to be met and called me to co-labour with Him and oversees this vision. On this basis, I believe we will continue. I believe our own boasts will not vanish into thin air like that of Theudas but that it will ascend to win the whole world to Christ.

The assurance for continuity and survival when hard times shows up is based on the only premise that God is the author and brain behind what you're doing. Any human initiative can't survive the coming storm of Satan and these last days. So, beware and check your motive for establishment!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 14:1-15:22, John 18:1-24, Psalm 119:97-112, Proverbs 16:8-9

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Friday, 28 May 2021


 FRIDAY - 28TH MAY, 2021



Read II Kings 6:8-23

Romans 12:20, KJV

"Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head."

There's a lawyer we have to do with but who is maltreating us. There's a thing she ought to have done for us within six months (even if she was carrying a step at a time) but which would soon be two years without being completed. I began to meditate. Since all entreaties have failed and it seems nothing is working, how do we go about this thing? Calls were no longer picked nor texts returned again.  Only 20% of charges is left. Documents are with her. What a deadlock! It's difficult arresting a lawyer with policemen. Lawyers and law enforcement agents are cousins. Reporting one to the other may not yield freely. Then, in my meditation, I stumbled on looking for a way to draw her over for dinner in some people's company. At the table, we won't confront her on her neglect/vices but just feed and release her. If she knows how to interpret signals, her heart would smother her, bear her witness of having done us harm and then instruct her again to compensate us with good. 

The Bible said the Proverb 31 woman does her husband good and not harm all the days of her life. While some have capacities for good; it seems some have capacities for causing delay, misfortune e.t.c. while not neglecting to be springs of concerns, prayer points and burdens to others. Paul said of Alexander the coppersmith, "he did me much evil" (II Tim.4:14). So, how do we deal with people like this: whose lifestyle is churning out evil or who by circumstances temporarily do evil?

It is not to repay evil for evil; railing for railing or blow for blow. It is rather to forgive. 

One day, copters of soldiers were sent to bring Elisha, the man of God; who was discovered to be the naughty fellow and thorn in the flesh of the Syrian Government for leaking many secrets by which they could have captured and intimidated Israel. None of their ambush plans was left untold by Elisha to his own son (not biological) but king of Israel. 

When the soldiers sent got to the man of God at Dothan and had bragged like any soldier would do, the man of God having being displeased with their act requested God to strike them with blindness. This is how these arresters were arrested themselves. You can as well kidnap your kidnappers. They would then be at your mercy. Receive such testimony!

He led them into the city where the king of Israel reigns. Come and see shocks that day as multitude of soldiers who have been disarmed and not different from a dog that can't bite were led to the king. Immediately, the king of Israel asked Elisha. "My father, should I smite them?" He wanted to return evil for evil, railing for railing e.t.c. But the man of God who was living in the New Testament ahead of time said," would you kill those you take captive from war?"

That's how they placed food and drink before this multitude of unfortunate and reduced to nothingness soldiers who ate in shame. After they had disgraced them in this manner, they let them go scot free (without a strand of their hair's head falling down). This is to show them God's fear! It reveals Israel is an elder brother to Syria as Heaven is far to the earth and God's ways is so surpassing to ours. Never compare death with sleep!

What did the Syrians say later when they got home? They said, "let us withhold from raiding them." So, they stopped their childishness from that day onward.

...but did you know Israel or Samaria didn't tell them to keep back? They read it themselves because they saw how foolish they were fighting and strategizing harm towards someone who could have returned same to them when he had his opportunity yet didn't. So, Israel proved his innocence and goodwill to them. If someone does you harm and you return it, what you're saying is, "let the cycle continues. Let's see who would win or get tired." Rather, break the jinx and be vindicated over the other. 

This is what differentiates a disciple indeed from any believer who has not been weaned. Today, begin to intimidate by forgiving others their trespasses. That's a better repayment for not treating you well. Do you agree?

PRAYER: Lord, teach me the mercy of forgiveness and the intimidation in it. Always give me the right wisdom for the hour. May I not however withhold on other matters where I should strike and vice-versa.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 13:1-39, John 17:1-26, Psalm 119:81-96, Proverbs 16:6-7

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Thursday, 27 May 2021









TEXT:  Galatians 4:1-15


Matthew 17:5, AMP

"While he was still speaking, behold, a shining cloud [[b]composed of  light] overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom I am [and [c]have always been] delighted. Listen to Him!"


What A will do that would satisfy God's heart isn't what B would do. The specific act may differ. Only that what Christians do to satisfy God's heart and earn his approval generally falls under being obedient and taking heed. For someone like Abraham, he believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. The specific act that would delight God and bring reward to you or me is what we don't know but let's in all our endeavours be obedient children.  When we have struck the deep of God's heart, we'll know we've done so because God Himself would raise dust and speak about it. It even shows in new promotions and approval.


The first time a voice like the one above testified of Jesus being God's beloved was at Jesus' baptism. However, God didn't say "listen to Him". That tells you winning of heaven's recommendation is deemed fit by God and comes by and by. As it is occurring to my mind, it's as if God has a panel of divine host that checks with Himself if a Christian or minister has indeed satisfied His heart as to win His approval. Do you remember at creation? God the Father was not only the board member seated and doing it all. God the Son and Holy Spirit were around which reflects in the language used, "come, LET US create man in our own image..." Genesis 1:26.


When you have satisfied God's heart, He'll appear to decide whether you've passed your exams or not. Unless you're tried, your word don't come.


"Listen to Him" that God the Father said places a higher degree of approval on Jesus. God is a careful God. He doesn't recommend a minister out in the hearing of others as one they can draw their demands on if the man has not been watched over the years to have a life that backs up what he professes. If he's not a doer of what God says, God has no business showing him to the world as a beloved son or daughter that their gathering and obedience should be given to. Of Jesus, it has been afore said that people's gathering shall be unto Him.


Genesis 49:10, AMP

"The scepter or leadership shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes to Whom it belongs, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people."


How it surprised me that when God wants to commend and compensate Jesus for being a beloved son, it was an instruction to "listen to Him" He gives out. It's a blessing when you're not refuted or rejected as a minister. Whenever a Christian is being refuted and rejected, he ought to find out whether he has first satisfied God's heart. Why did I say that? The Bible says, "when the ways of a man pleases God, He (God) makes even his enemy be at peace with him" Proverbs 16:7. So, all the remedy for acceptance is actually in pleasing God. If you can strive and seek to expend yourself to please this Father in heaven, if He turns to you, you'll be surprised at what He may reward you with especially if you're a minister. I guess it may be, "listen to him." After all the "you're my beloved son in whom I am well pleased", if " listen to him" don't follow, that beloved son is still like the heir who's but a child but who's under tutor and governor until the time appointed of the father for him comes. You break loose into the utmost and get trusted with the delivery of bread to others when "listen to him" follows "this is my beloved son".


PRAYER: Father, teach me to please You. I cut off irritants in me. I earn Your approval today and my life is better for it.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 20:1-22:24, Matthew 7:15-29, Psalm 9:1-12, Proverbs 2:16-22

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