Saturday, 8 March 2025





Genesis 24:67, KJV

"And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death."

The need for a comforter cannot be underemphasized. Rebekah replaced Sarah succinctly. It is so succinct that the Bible says, "and Isaac was comforted."

It means, Isaac wasn't comforted previously. He was mourning. He occasionally sheds tears or is emotionally depressed when he thinks of his mum's memory and what she was to him. He's not different from the woman with the issue of blood who was oozing blood until she met Jesus. When she met Jesus, the Bible used a language to describe what happened to her. Her issue of blood was stanched.

Luke 8:44, KJV

"Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched."

To "stanch" means to stop from flowing. It means to bring to a full stop. That's exactly what happened to Isaac when he brought Rebekah into his life. He was someone who mourned but who as soon as Rebekah steps in became comforted. 

"...and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death."

To be comforted means to quit mourning or expressing grief. It's not different from putting a stop to a flow. That is, what was flowing before Rebekah's arrival was stopped. The old ended for the new to start. 

I pray for those of you who need to have somebody replaced in your life that, "the old will be stopped for the new to flow!" As a matter of fact, I call forth the new in your life. Let the new begin to flow. Let new flow begin to issue. Have a new testimony. 

I call forth new issues. When the woman with the issue of blood had a stop in her continual flow of blood, a new season immediately began over her as the old was rolled away. Those of you who are still mourning because of the old presences or feelings, today, that memory is supplanted with the new and better. 

You've lived long enough mourning and experiencing darkness. As of now, it is light all around you. It is light all over you. I declare again, it is light all about you. I stanch every flow of the wrong issues in your life. I bring an end to their continuity. You'll from today be known for a new product and not what you used to issue. You'll today be known for happiness and not mourning. I'm hearing certain God's Word concerning you. The Bible says, "the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness" (Isa.61:3). That is what is happening to you right now. Receive it!

PRAYER: I receive the oil of joy for mourning.


Mark 13:1-37 & Numbers 22-23

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Friday, 7 March 2025




THOSE WHO LOST THE IRREPLACEABLE - Taken From Your Head Series 001

Genesis 24:67, KJV

"And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death."

If you have lost the irreplaceable, you may need to speak with Isaac. He knows what it means to lose the irreplaceable. Losing the irreplaceable here isn't the loss of someone due to one's carelessness or cause. It is when death claims the life of someone who's of immense value to you/in your life. 

One major thing that happens when people are taken over our head suddenly by death is that there's a vacuum. That gap is created because they are no longer around let alone available to meet certain needs they've been consistently meeting in our lives. Irreplaceable people in our lives may be parents, spouses or siblings. It may even be a fellow who's not related by blood or marriage but who's very close. Such disappearance is nothing short of calamity. 

When Sarah, Isaac's mother passed away, Isaac was alone. Apart from being emotionally disturbed for having lost a valued one in his life, he could have missed all the kinds of help the mother used to render. That could range from being a counsellor, encourager, cook etc. 

But the Bible records that he got a replacement in Rebekah. A better replacement for that matter. His mother couldn't give him sex but Rebekah even went on to comfort or give him that added ministration. 

Genesis 24:67, KJV 

"And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death."

Isaac brought her into her mother's tent. I don't think this is the culture back then but Isaac could have done this because that tent was available or because of his closeness to his mum or because he wanted some continuity where the mother had left it. You know, because he hoped to have someone who'll continue in her mother's stead. For that reason, she brought Rebekah into her mother's tent. That act is not without a reason anyway. 

Rebekah became his wife and he loved her. Afterwards, he was comforted! What I'm praying for each and every one of you who have lost an irreplaceable one is that you'll find a replacement and be comforted. Children who have lost parents need those who'll adopt them. We all know that. Else, they may not be properly raised and comforted. 

An irreplaceable one looks irreplaceable because of their great value or contributions to our life. However, God can give you another helper who'll do likewise or surpass them even in deeds. And as far as God is concerned, He wants your tomorrow to be greater than today. What He does is to keep equalizing us with the better. The path of the just is as the shining light which shines more and more unto the perfect day. God's thought for us is of good and of evil to give us a hope and a future. You can't diminish in your journey with God. He achieves that by finding you better persons and graces that can make you better. God won't allow you to retrogress or fail because of certain ministrations you couldn't receive into your life again. No! Death might have cut it off unplanned but whenever the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift a standard against him (Isa.59:19). That standard can be an act in the replacement God will give you so that you can be comforted, equalized and even win the situation on ground. 

I pray for you, "you shall be comforted! Anything that can end your mourning and bring soothing comfort into your life, receive it now in Jesus' name! May God give you persons where you've lost one (except for a spouse since that concerns marriage). You'll only need a man or a woman to bring back those good memories. So shall it be. 

PRAYER: The Restorer and Master Aider restores my comfort and joy. I am aided by the right person.


Mark 12:18-44 & Numbers 20-21

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Thursday, 6 March 2025




THIS SEASON IS OVER OVER YOU! - Marital Series 005

Genesis 2:18, KJV

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

God's declaration which has become my declaration is that, "this season's over over you!" You may want to inquire. What season? The Bible says, "and the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone..." That's the season that's over. The season of "being alone." That's what the Lord is pronouncing as having come to an end today in your life. Listen brethren! Over your life, the declaration is, "it is not good for you to be alone again..." 

Now, because the mouth of the Lord has said it, an introduction of a new season would come into your life right away. A new chapter would be opened and you'll be ushered into it. In that new chapter, you'll no longer be alone. Rather, you'll find a helpmeet - somebody specially created to suit you and crafted to meet your needs and vice versa. 

When God says of Adam, "it is not good that the man should be alone..." He meant his season of being alone is coming to an end. It means, "I'm addressing your being alone immediately." And what surfaces after that is, "and I'll make him a help meet for him." Before you knew it, God had to make Adam sleep and bring forth the woman from him which he later brought to him. When Adam sees her, he gasps and says, "this is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man" (Gen.2:23). 

This is what God is doing now for some of you. You have expected till now, being hindered from marrying till now, jilted till now but God is saying, "I am making him a helper fit for him."

You've suffered loneliness enough when you should have been brought out of it. The declaration today is, "it is no longer good for you to remain alone (single as a bachelor or spinster). God in His infinite mercy is bringing you out of it. Another critical thing to learn from that verse is that it is God who declares one season to be over and another to commence. The Bible says in Psalm 68:6, "God sets the solitary in families." That's basically God's doing and not what any human does. The idea of marriage or the plans to bring Adam out of being alone in the garden proceeded from God and was God's idea. It wasn't Adam who suggested it to Him. What God has therefore decreed must be established over you. He has said and is saying, "it is no longer good that the man should be alone, I'll make him a helpmeet for him." It means you can no longer be hindered from getting married. God's mouth is the one that wants to bring you out of that season. Now, show me the demon, ancestral curse or what can keep you back in your state of being alone? Just nothing! As of today - this morning, your reproach is being rolled away and God is making you a help meet. The season you have used without this effective help of the helpmeet is over. What God is saying in the spirit realm concerning you is, "it is no longer good that XYZ remains alone, I'll make him a helpmeet for him." However, God is giving husbands to the females also. Do you receive and align with this declaration?

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I agree and receive the saying that it is not good that I should remain alone. Therefore, I welcomed my God made helpmeet.


Mark 11:27-12:1-17 & Numbers 18-19

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Wednesday, 5 March 2025





Genesis 2:18, KJV 

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

There are those the Lord is making a help meet for. Do you mind knowing those who are? The Bible verse we've been considering says, "and the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

When this verse reads this way, some might have thought God said He would create a help meet for an idle man (one with no specific work) but who's alone. No! Adam was never idle. He's a fully occupied man. When God says, "it is not good that the man should be alone...I will make him a help meet for him", God meant, "it is not good for Adam to be alone in the garden (in his home) and in the work He has given him." That's the major reason why God says, "for this purpose, I'll make him a helpmeet for him."

Why would God make Adam a helpmeet for him if there's never an intent for that? God knows Adam and the sort of work he has been called to do. For that reason, God had to create or fashion someone who'll be able to see the same work as pleasing and not as offensive. Why some couples never assisted each other is because they found the work the other is doing unsatisfying or unfulfilling. There's nothing Eve needs to meet in Adam's life if there was no assignment Adam has accepted and was doing that if any would co-labour must be someone who wants to do the same thing. 

Also, God created Eve to bodily (structurally) and emotionally suit Adam. I don't know Eve's temperament but it sure was given to compliment Adam's. 

Let me tell you this. Eve is tailor made for Adam. She is a vessel based on Adam's needs. Hear God speak once more. "And I'll make him a help meet for him." If you indeed found a spouse, that's how it'll be. Where you're weak, they'll be strong. They'll be created, given to you and would have been educated or trained just for the purpose of complimenting you. When your spouse doesn't fit or suit you, it means you married another person's spouse. You missed yours!

God knows each of us and He knows which of the women available at a particular time would fit or meet our needs. That's what He sent our way. May you find such help that'll fit you. If you purchase a dress that doesn't fit you, you can imagine how difficult and wasteful that is. The same applies to marrying a spouse that's not one's help meet. Instead of things falling in place, things will fall out of place. Instead of her being a help meet - suitable help for your life (meeting certain needs), she'll be creating needs!

PRAYER: Lord, carve me to be fit for someone. Lord, mercifully re-shapened spouses that aren't help meet to begin to meet help in their spouse's life. 


Mark 11:1-26 & Numbers 16-17

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Tuesday, 4 March 2025





Genesis 2:18, KJV

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

DID you observe that it wasn't Adam who asked for a wife or said, "it is no longer good that I remain alone, now I must get me a wife?" It is God who observes the gap to be filled and thinks of doing something about it. 

God cares for us and our times are in His hands. Know that and you'll be free from a thousand worries. Also, the faster you prepare and get ready for a wife determines when this voice of, "it is no longer good that the man should be alone" would come into your life. 

We've seen in the previous series that a man who has no home or work and is not bound by God's instructions doesn't need to consider having a partner. If he obtains one, it'll be an invitation to an accident and suffering for that woman. One, there's nothing to join the woman to to do or accomplish. The lady has nothing to boast of her husband. No already made or ongoing accomplishments on a thing called "work!" Also, there's no place to make arrival or proper arrival into. For Adam to have a house to bring his bride into, God had to earlier plant a garden for his sake. 

The idea of "planting" a garden suggests a work deliberately done and crafted through hardwork for someone's comfort. God intentionally invested in that garden to make it home-looking and comfy for Adam and the woman he later takes. 

Adam didn't post a poster for a wife. The moment God planted a garden, put him there to work and till it, he was lost doing that until God sees that, "how good it'll be if He has someone to work with, to keep his company, to gist with, discuss work with and closely do life with?" Adam was busy serving the will of God where he was put. He didn't even know he needed a wife. But, God saw the need for one and made preparation for it. I don't know if this has ever happened to you before. But if you're an obedient serving son or daughter of your parents, they'll often come home with things you really need that you never for once talked about with them.

Listen, those who served their Father must be served. Their needs would be taken care of. God will mind them. God will so much mind them that other insolent and rejecters of God's work would ask in envy, "what is man or XYZ that you are mindful of him Lord and the son of man that you care for him" (Psalm 8:4)?

Wherever you are, if you are sent of God and put there like Adam was put in a garden Eastward of Eden, you'll be taken care of. God will meet your needs. He's the One who sees. He sees the need of Hagar (Gen.21:17, 19). If you'll be jealous for God and be lost in the work or purpose He has called you to, you'll also see Him meet what is next in your life that you even don't acknowledge or consciously know is next. 

PRAYER: I give myself away to serving the will of God for my life.


Mark 10:32-52 & Numbers 14-16

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Monday, 3 March 2025



Happy New Month!!!


GOD IS MAKING SENSE - Marital Series 002

Genesis 2:18, KJV 

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

In a series I began yesterday, you saw how God began to make sense when He said to His listening audience - the rest of the Godhead, "it is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him."

God just didn't carelessly say that. He said it having observed that the necessary requirements have been put on ground. This instruction, "it is not good that the man should be alone..." is not meant for a jobless or let's say a purposeless individual who hasn't found what to live for. Not at all! 

How did I know that? When God said, "it is not good that the man should be alone...", He had one man in mind and that was Adam. Adam who God made in His image, gave life to by breathing into his nostrils, gave work of tilling and dressing the garden to and who God bound with certain instructions of not eating the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden. That is the state of the man God could turn and say to, "it is not good that the man should be alone..." 

Anything short of this is compromising that standard and the consequences would prove the violators wrong even in the nearest future.

So, if you're there thinking God is a pamperer who is careless about correct preparation, you're probably in error. God Himself took Adam through the process of having a home and a work (purpose) before bringing up the issue of marriage to his face. The Bible says, "and the Lord planted a garden Eastward of Eden, there He puts the man which He had created" (Gen. 2:8). Adam therefore has a home and a work. He has a place to bring a wife into and a work that is big enough that needs a co-labourer. Until Adam is this endowed with responsibilities to discharge, God didn't bring him someone who could relieve or closely serve as his assistant or burden bearer. 

You don't have the big mouth to say, "and it is not good that I should be alone", when you have no shelter and no definite work that you're doing. So, God was making sense when He said, "it is not good that the man should be alone..." That came from His observation that everything has been set and put in place for a woman. Even if she's brought to Adam now, it'll be good timing. 

That reveals him as a fair and thoughtful God. God's thought was, "Adam already has what it takes to be a husband, why delay again?" Through this, God lays for us a criteria and a road to walk even as men who anticipate a help meet in one's life. Are you ready to receive Eve? Do you have the preparation for receiving her on ground?

PRAYER: May I not trivialize the processes that eventually make things smooth. May I pass the test of a man who's ready not to be alone.


Mark 10:1-31 & Numbers 11-13

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Sunday, 2 March 2025



Happy New Month!!!



Genesis 2:18, KJV

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

There's a time when it is no longer good to be alone. It might have been good and okay before then. However, as any man or woman grows and progresses in his or her life's journey, he or she will get to a place where he or others would discover for him that it's no longer good or ethical that he or she should be alone. 

If you're a Bible reader, you'll observe that it wasn't the first day God created Adam He came to the realization that it was not good for Adam to be alone - therefore making or bringing him a mate. God had created Adam for awhile; Adam had lived for awhile as a fully grown up body or adult before the thought of creating the woman or giving her to Adam ever came up. If we were to look at the Bible, we would see proof of this in verses that ran ahead of the verse that says, "it is not good that the man should be alone."

God formed the man in Gen.2:7 and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. From that verse to 15 where Adam was put in the garden to dress and keep it while navigating downward to 16-17 where he was instructed not to eat of the tree in the middle of the garden which can cause death; you'll see through this walk that Adam existed and was allowed a time to breathe before the issue of marriage was brought up into his life. First is the work given to him. He was given the work of dressing and tilling the garden. From there, he was instructed on what not to do in order to test his love and obedience. 

It is dangerous bringing the issue of marriage up with a man who has not first discovered his purpose and put within the confines of God's allowing. If we were to metaphorically take this process of Adam and spread it on ours, I'll say getting to the stage or state where you realize you need a spouse takes time. It won't happen while you were in primary school and God didn't plan it happens while you were in secondary school also. God plans that you should have succeeded in finding your foot - knowing your purpose - having a life work you're pouring yourself into amidst the many instructions of God you're living up to before a season would come in your life where community of men, either through your parents or those with oversights over you would say, "don't you think you need a wife or husband? Imagine! You have everything. Here's a job! Here's an apartment and more importantly, you have a purpose or calling you're fulfilling that needs the help of a partner - one who'll be closer than a friend. Even your age also demands one! At such a time as this, one should consider marriage indeed. 

This is when it is no longer good to be alone. At such times, seeing the opposite sex near you brings comfort and not anxiety or fear. There are times and stages of one's life when it is thoroughly good to be alone however. If you aren't alone at that time, you might later become a failure in life. At such time, you need focus and the concentration of a single lady or man who needs time to have become somebody and have some achievements etched before any other person joins you. For Adam, God didn't just bring Eve to join him. God created and brought Eve to him when some foundations of achievements had been laid - part of which includes work or purpose. 

There's a time to be alone and a time when before God and humanity it is no longer good to be alone. What season are you? Ensure you do not desire one season to the detriment of another. Become who you should be and lay the foundation while a single so that when you bring another person into your life, there can be enough work for the fellow you're bringing into your life to do with you. 

PRAYER: I know "when" and when "when" is not! I understand seasons of life and manifest marriage or other key blessings at its time.


Mark 9:33-50 & Numbers 9-10

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