Wednesday, 29 January 2025




A BETTER MEMORIAL - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 016

Isaiah 56:3-5, KJV

"3 ... neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. 4 For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my Sabbath, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; 5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off."

One of the joys that we don't pray to be withheld from anyone is the joy of carrying one's own baby. When people don't have this joy, they're intermittently demoralized and discouraged especially when there's a trigger to recall their state. It might be when they see wards of set mates do or achieve the landmark. At such moment, they're always reminded of their state of barrenness. However, there's a better offer than sons and daughters as promised by God to any eunuch. 

I'm not saying, don't try. However, if all you know to do within the confine of medical assistance and spiritual assistance has failed, you might need to explore the option of today and receive the blessing that attends it. 

Verse 3 calls the eunuch being described here, "a dry tree." A dry tree would refer to one that has been severed and is not good for anything but to be discarded or burnt. That reveals how eunuchs are viewed and little esteemed during this time. They are cast aways and the rejected. Now, as dry tree, it means they can't reproduce or father a child. It means they're sterile or infertile. This passage may not necessarily refer to those eunuchs whose testicles were pressed, crushed or whose penises were chopped off. It rather refers to those with problems of infertility or sterility. They are as dry tree that doesn't bring forth or produce fruits. 

God has a promise for them and any other type of eunuch who can't reproduce or bring forth children that should carry or pass on their names. What does God say? "For the eunuchs who keep my Sabbath, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant, I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off."

This is what every human being want to ensure to the best of their knowledge. It is the reason for which they give birth or desire children. They don't want their legacy to disappear or their name to vanish. Since eunuchs don't marry let alone give birth, God is saying, "He'll give them a name better than sons and daughters and one that shall never be cut off."

It is not every human legacy or name that'll be remembered or recalled in generations to come. We all know that. We all know that many names will be lost and forgotten in the sand of time. Popular names of billionaires, celebrities or great men today might fade 100 years from now. However, God promises that these eunuchs will have a better testimony in His house and within His walls even in His coming kingdom. 

Telling them to keep the Sabbath, please Him and hold unto His covenant, God declares to them His promises. Since a memorial is always remembered and not forgotten, this shows how they'll forever be unforgettable in God's mind and through the faithful examples they might have laid by their pleasing lives. They'll just be examples to future generations. 

Stop mourning for having no child. If you can live so well as to leave great acts, they can stand as monuments to pass you to generations to come. Why do you think people write books or release an album? It's so as to pass themselves on. However, this promise given to the eunuchs is stronger than such legacy! It is everlasting as the Lord promises them. Let this be the hope of anyone who couldn't reproduce children. Be comforted. Rather, live a pleasing life of impact that can transcend time. You may not have physical children to inherit and pass on your name but acts can do that. We wouldn't have had "Acts of the Apostle" if some people never acted or got used of the Holy Ghost to move things and do great acts. It's the story of their great achievement and Holy Spirit's move through them that was documented for us to read. Same will be passed down to generations to come. As we also know, those men and women won't also lose their heavenly reward. You can be an eunuch whose case defies any help but how to live above that shame is what God has just intimated you with. 

PRAYER: My deeds are worthy of praise and transcending generations. My walks on earth impact, endure and draw heavenly applause and rewards.


Matthew 20:17-34 & Exodus 16-17

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Tuesday, 28 January 2025




ACCEPTED IN THE BELOVED - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 015

Deuteronomy 23:1, KJV

"He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD."

Going to the Old Testament, we see that castration is a thing of shame and public disgrace. This might be due to the fact that Yahweh's law encourages procreation and marriage. In the Old Testament, there are a number of verses that hint at this disfavour of eunuchs. 

First is the one quoted above which is our anchor verse. Anyone whose testicles has been crushed or his manhood chopped off is not to join the congregation of the Lord. Also, in Leviticus 21:20, we have a reference to anyone with "a crushed testicles" who's not allowed into the priesthood. All these establish the fact that eunuchs are not verily favoured in the Old Testament. Though some found good positions as attendants and top officers serving great kings, yet they're still regarded as "half men" by their societies because they neither could reproduce or father. As such, they're largely disfavored. 

However, this disfavour becomes favour in the New Testament. First, there's an inclusion and an acceptance in the beloved, Jesus Christ. In Acts 8, we read of an Ethiopian eunuch who came to Jerusalem to worship. This man serves under Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. On her way back to Africa, he reads the book of Isaiah and is eager to have understanding on what the passage says. God, who sees every human's heart sent his way Philip, the evangelist who expounded and interpreted to him Isaiah 53. From there, Philip preached Christ to him. Later on, this man was accepted into the fold when he was baptized by immersion. 

We therefore see through this that the former wall built to exclude eunuchs have being pulled down. In the beloved - Jesus Christ, the rejected or cast away finds acceptance and friendship. 

On another note, Jesus speaks favourably of eunuchs in Mathew 19:12 when He tells his disciples that, "except to those it is given." Those are the people who can live as eunuchs. Here, Jesus listed three categories of eunuchs. He speaks of the metaphoric one who might choose not to marry for the kingdom of heaven's sake. In this way, Jesus redeems the general public image of eunuchs as it hints high consecration for a divine service. Redemption is nothing short of this. And even to the other two categories of eunuchs, the fact that Jesus exhort that it's better to stay single like them or any of the three paints a good picture in favour of eunuchs. 

Are you there with a problem that seems irrecoverable? You are accepted in Jesus Christ. If medical help and healing have failed, don't forget that before God in heaven, we'll all be clean, devoid of all our infirmities. Redemption has raised us back to perfection however. We are all accepted in the beloved and are brethren either free or slave, sick or healthy!

PRAYER/CONFESSION: I am (mention your full name). I am weaned of every inferiority complex but emboldened with my superiority complex in Christ.


Matthew 19:16-20:1-16 & Exodus 15

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Monday, 27 January 2025





Matthew 19:12, KJV 

"For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it."

Do you believe with me that it becomes calling and a way of life for those who can accept that saying? The saying to remain unmarried, single or a celibate. 

If we should look at the Old Testament, several of the eunuchs there were castrated for a singular purpose. To serve as attendants in the king's palace without distraction but loyalty to the king. In the book of Esther, we have someone like Hegei, a eunuch. II Kings 20:18 also predicted some certain sons or descendants of Hezekiah serving as eunuchs in slavery in Babylon. Popularly, eunuchs served in ancient culture around palaces, courts and harems. Little wonder, it was an eunuch who was posted to see to Xerxes' harem of women in the book of Esther. 

One of the major reasons why they were castrated is to fit them or get them ready and focused for a profession. Does that amaze you? So that they'll not serve with unfaithfulness, they're either castrated or their male organ chopped off. With this, they can follow with focus the call of their vocation that's on them. 

You may not be a physical eunuch. No injury might have been inflicted on you for the purpose of serving as a perpetual slave or attendant somewhere but I want you to take the manner of life of eunuchs and their consecration on you. Because of their emasculation, infertility or abolishment of their male power, they become focused and undistracted. Without physically harming yourself like eunuch's, discipline yourself in this year 2025 to have their focus, attention, loyalty and pursuit of goals towards what you have discovered as your life's purpose. This is the key to success. If you can pursue like the eunuch your goals without distraction, you'll delight God Almighty for having eaten the meat of He that sent you and finishing it (John 4:34). 

PRAYER: May I run the race set before me with patience and void of distraction.


Matthew 19:1-15 & Exodus 13-14

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Sunday, 26 January 2025




ELIJAH: A MAN SUBJECT TO LIKE PASSIONS - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 013

James 5:17-18, KJV

"17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months.18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit."

I've taught on this topic years ago but the Holy Spirit is reviving same topic and teaching in me again. It is for a purpose and may it be fulfilled. 

We've been talking on celibacy, your calling and giving oneself away to one's call and the demands it might make on one whatsoever. We've emphasized that for you to ply a path in life, you must be made into a container like those who have walked that path before you. I believe I qualify as a minister. Though I'm prospered, I'm not covetous or seeking to be wealthy. I'm not chasing after shadows. If we have food and raiment, we shall be content the Bible says. 

I Timothy 6:6-7, KJV 

"6 But godliness with contentment is great gain.7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."

That doesn't mean I don't have the good things of life. Meanwhile, what I'm saying or teaching is that I've been made like my predecessors who what they live by is the food given to them. You can't be a minister of Christ if you don't have His spirit or attitude to things. Though bodily exercise is profitable a little and I do little exercise yet I don't have what it takes to be an athlete or a boxer. However, I have indulged and overindulged in all practices by which one could receive impartation and separation into being called a minister. I have done it and still do them often. They must not wear off. It is in its not wearing off that we remain who we are - a fellow and member of this path of the called to ministry. A minister must not neglect the Word but look unto himself and the flock committed to his care, enjoy prayer, find it loving to preach or teach, love sobriety and enjoy it and cherish other exercises, attitudes and characters of the Lord Jesus. 

Today, we look at Elijah, a man subject to like passions but one who rose and did extraordinarily beyond his human passions, weaknesses and limitations. When the Bible says, "Elijah is a man subject to like passions yet he prayed that it would not rain...or that it should rain", God wanted us to be without excuse. As a matter of fact, what God was doing is drawing an example and a model for us in Elijah. He was saying, "you have no excuses. Elijah was a man like you. However, his human passions (which includes all passions and cravings in human) didn't get the better of him. Rather, he excelled. In what did God make an example of Elijah to having excelled. The Bible says, "he prays fervently that it would not rain and for three and half years, it didn't rain and again he prayed that heaven would open and it was so." Yet, he was a man surrounded by weaknesses and limitations. If you had seen Elijah in the flesh, you would have known this. He looked like any of us. He talked like any of us. He ate rice and beans like any of us. He slept and farted like any of us. He was scared and threatened like any of us. He had sexual urge like any of us. He was hungry, thirsty and helpless like any of us. He even once wished he died like some of us might have had. Elijah is no better than us. He was tempted in every way as we are. Despite all these vulnerabilities or frailties, he still did the extraordinary. He still went on to pray fervently (exerting energy physically) and (spiritually as one whom virtues went out of in the process of praying like it went out of Jesus when touched by the woman with the issue of blood) but had his requests answered.

If Elijah is therefore a man as we are (with our frame, composite and mind) and could achieve the impossible or extraordinary; we ought remember that if we share in his passions, we can share in his possibilities and achievements also.

You may be a man subject to like passions. You may be another Sola, Joshua, Chioma or whatsoever. However, you have a role model who inspired to great things despite being a man who was surrounded by human weaknesses. The only thing in place is that he was a righteous man who prayed an effectual fervent prayer (James 5:16). "Effectual fervent prayer" hints at doing whatsoever your hand finds to do with your whole might. I pray for you that you'll break all human barriers in you or around you to great success. Every human being is lazy. We want to sleep; we want to rest and we want to procrastinate things. But despite all these, you can achieve beyond the limit and circle of human weaknesses that came with you because you're a human made of flesh and blood. No matter how strong you are, if you run some miles, you'll want to rest. You'll want to because you're human. A robot might not necessarily feel that way because it is iron or steel. But that you're flesh or blood limits you, fills you with certain destructive and distracting yearnings. You possess will and you may tend to do or go the opposite direction like Adam and Eve chose to disobey God. But for a robot, once programmed, it sticks to its commands. However, despite all these limitations, you can still be used of God to do the extraordinary. It just takes a little consecration. For Elijah, he was a righteous man (one carrying a consecration and a way of life) who prayed and had results. If you'll harness yourself with discipline, focus, strong consecration and abandonment to the path you've discovered, you'll achieve the surprising also. May this be our testimony. 

PRAYER: I live above my inherent and inherited human passions or weaknesses; I shall do wondrously. I embrace the consecration and ways of life that makes great.


Matthew 18:15-35 & Exodus 10-12

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Saturday, 25 January 2025




GIFTED FOR CELIBACY - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 012

I Corinthians 7:6-7, ESV

"6 Now as a concession, not a command, I say this. 7 I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another."

If you've followed me till now, you'll understood that we started out discussing, "except those it is given to." "Those it is given to" in the words of Jesus are those who could stay without getting married due to some certain reasons. Don't forget we interpreted what it means "to be given to." It means "to be enabled or conferred upon." If you have not been made after the manner or likeness of he who it is given to and who by makeup can remain single or a celibate, we concluded you cannot live that life, walk that road or embrace such calling, manner or disposition of life. 

It ain't Jesus only who affirmed that. In the explanatory reading in I Corinthians Chapter 7, Paul agrees with that also. While he advises that all people could be and remain like him - an unmarried; he however recognizes the impossibility in that when he says, "but each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another."

It means while Paul wanted everybody to be single and a celibate like himself, he recognized the fact that they might not be gifted or made for such a life as himself. And indeed, what you're not gifted or equipped for, you can't do. One of the marks that you're not called where you're claiming you have call is not having equipping with gifts or abilities there. You can't say God has called you to teach and the Bible is dead to you. If the Spirit of God that brings illumination and quickening is not attending to you, then you should test your foot somewhere else. You might be called but it may not be to teach in particular. 

Paul recognizes the fact that for anyone to be fitted for any manner of life or embrace a particular manner of life, he must first of all be gifted or enabled towards it. 

Paul is a gifted celibate. I could have become one basically because I love the indoor and like staying alone. Though I'm married, I just like being alone. That's why I could sit to produce a devotional monthly. I don't have a great network of social life. While I check on my flock, I'm not the type of pastor that wants to develop overly social relations with people. I have stayed home for a week before without touching the corridor of my house let alone stepping outside the compound's gate. I stay at home a lot if there's no ministration or public business. As a matter of fact, I do encourage my wife to travel or go check on her family. I don't mourn when she's away as long as I have my Bibles, kind of books I like to read and would be let alone to continue fellowship with God and ministry. That's why most of the celibates in history are introverts. They are mostly melancholy or phlegmatic. If they ever come from other temperaments, it must have been tempered to be a kind of recluse or instilled with ability for loneness. So, it takes a gift, an adjustment to a manner of life or an enablement for anyone to live a particular manner of life.

Quoting Paul again, he says, "if anyone thinks that he is not behaving properly towards his betrothed, if his passions are strong, and it has to be, let him do as he wishes: let them marry - it is no sin. 37 But whoever is firmly established in his heart, being under no necessity but having his desire under control, and has determined this in his heart, to keep her as his betrothed, he will do well" (I Corinthians 7:36-37).

We can see two types of people here. First is the man (and likewise woman we should reckon) who cannot have his desires under control. That inability to have his desires under control may mean he's not gifted or called to be a celibate. However, the other brother (and likely a sister we may reckon) who has his heart made up and his desires under control would pass as a potential celibate and may not have a reason to marry because his passions are not driving him too hard. So, I will not advise you to remain a celibate unless you personally have grace or the gift to put your desires under control. Gift is what makes anyone do supernaturally or extraordinarily what others (without same gift) can't do. Gift is our edge over others in what we specifically and individually are called to do. If there's a life without gifts, what he does or claims to do will be with friction and it won't be appealing to anyone because it won't look effortless. Covet the gift for anything you want to do or are called to do! Once it's replicated, you'll know smoothness and ease. Only then will you tarry long in doing that thing and rejoice in doing that. Why many people who are not gifted for celibacy have made shipwreck of their faithfulness and ministry claiming they have such call is because they were not made for that life. We didn't read that Jesus struggled with his emotions or that Paul was immoral. Those two that we know as pure celibates did well managing their emotions though they had their manhood intact and could engage like any healthy and proper male. Don't deceive yourself, don't go to any Bible School or join some denomination in Christendom to take celibacy upon yourself if you're first not called into it. If you do, you'll fail and embarrass yourself secretly even if we don't know about it. 

PRAYER. Lay your hand on your head. Minister to yourself by calling and stirring every dormant gifts in you to work.


Matthew 17:14-18:1-14 & Exodus 8-9

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UNDERSTANDING THE TWO SIDES OF THE COIN - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 011

I Corinthians 7:1-2, KJV

"1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

There are those who say, "I can't help it." This "I can't help it" that has made some homosexuals and pervert of what God created as good and perfect began to raise its head when men began to say, "I can't help it" and began to violate the sexual boundary that says, "marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled..." (Hebrews 13:4). Meaning, unless you're married and recognized so, you ought not taste or eat sex. That violation of sex is one of the oldest. Before we talk about misuse of sex, that one is worth picking on. 

Paul in writing to the Corinthians gives a reply saying, "it is good for a man not to touch a woman." "Touch" here is suggestive because it means"sexual relations." If the Bible says, "it is good...", then it is if we'll see why it is good. Now, that lone reply also dispels the assertion of some who says, "I can't be disciplined around the opposite sex." Even if you'll eventually marry, there'll still be a time of your life (no matter how short) that you'll need to stay single and expectedly a celibate. So, till you get married, your admonishment and what you must work with is, "it is good for a man or woman not to have sexual relations with the opposite sex" (I Cor.7:1). 

However, once this period is over or you're in the zone where you're ripe for marriage and have the wherewithal to sustain a home, you can then marry. We also believe that by the time you'll near or approach this zone of life where you'll have been deemed ready for marriage, you might not until then face sexual pressure, burn for sex or desire the opposite sex. 

If your seven year old, eleven or even seventeen is saying, "mummy, I can't help it", then something is wrong. Either they've been earlier exposed to what they shouldn't and have been matured forcefully to be in want of what shouldn't be their priority - sex! That'll be your own failure as a parent. While it's not wrong for an eleven or seventeen year old to have sexual urge, what is wrong is him or her saying like Samson, "I can't help it. Get her for me for a wife. It is now and not later. I can't defer" (Judges 14:2, 3). It is this, "I can't help it" that makes a loose man or woman of many even in the work/business world in our time. They just want to have sex and are less concerned who they have it with. Why? They've developed the habit of not doing without it. They've trained their appetite to be wild.

It is this inability to defer that makes many unripe kids go into the business of seeing the nakedness of each other. Like Solomon said, "do not arouse love until it may" (SOS 8:4). The truth is love (passion) is being aroused easily in this our world. Perversion and sexual pollution seems inescapable. When you turn on your TV, you might see it in movies or even adverts. When you hold a phone, an ad might pop up that doesn't consider your begging to differ. When you're in a public transport, the music the driver would refuse to pause might paint its picture and when you walk the street, you might hear it ring out from one mounted loud speaker.

Paul acknowledges that period of doing without sexual relations. However, he advices us (as men and women who wants to do right and abide in the confines of marriage) that we should get married to avoid fornication (doing it outside a legally constituted union). 

This would mean after marrying, anyone of us is not expected to seek sex or pleasure outside that same confine we had entered into to prevent being tagged as having fornicated or sinned if we had had sex without marriage. 

If you've erroneously believed that it's impossible, "a man cannot do without touching (having intercourse) with a woman and vice versa, verse 1 of I Corinthians 7 debunks that. However, it also recognizes our escape from falling into sexual sin - to marry. 

However, if you're so indiscipline now around ladies but have cultivated the habit of tasting all you see, even if you marry (choose one amidst many to avoid) transgressing into sexual sin, you might soon trespass outside your union and transgress when you roam, desire and burn for other women or men than you have at home. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be morally upright and free of every sexual entanglement.


Matthew 16:13-17:1-13 & Exodus 6-7

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Thursday, 23 January 2025




REMAINING A CELIBATE FOR HIS GLORY - Fitted For A Manner Of Life Series 010

Matthew 1:24-25, KJV

"24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: 25 And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."

Do you know that Mary remains a virgin until she had given birth to Jesus? Yet, she was living with Joseph, the carpenter. Do you know that Joseph, the carpenter didn't for once decide to top the pregnancy of the Holy Spirit in Mary by sleeping with her even once before delivery. May God teach you anew so that you'll see again and again that it is possible to stay a celibate like Joseph, the carpenter even when you're surrounded by sexual temptations. May you not spoil yourself and become porous like a flung gate. May you maintain the consecration needed for the birth of your own "holy thing" too. 

When Gabriel, the attending angel appears to Mary, he announces God's plan to her and tells her she will conceive. Mary asks, "how shall this be seeing I know not a man." Gabriel assures her not to worry but tells her that, "the Holy Ghost shall come upon her and the power of the Highest shall overshadow her: therefore that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God" (Luke 1:35). 

That makes Jesus' paternity God's or divine. If Jesus had been conceived through a man's sperm, Jesus wouldn't have been qualified to stand as lamb for the sins of the whole world (Matt.1:21, John 1:29). He would have been a blemished lamb and a sinner like any of us.   Don't forget, every human being born through the sperm of any man is a man conceived in sin. David affirms that in Psalm 51:5. To bypass that blemish was why it had to be by the Holy Ghost. This insemination that's going on in the medical world isn't new to God. God did the first one when He injected Mary and she conceived.

I might also make a thing of the word "overshadow." When a man lays on a woman in sex, he kind of overshadow her. It's therefore not strange that we are now reading that the Holy Spirit overshadows Mary. At that overshadowing, conception immediately happens and the blameless and sinless baby came to being. "Overshadow" here talks of a power eclipsing Mary or enveloping her. It is that power of the Holy Ghost that brought about the pregnancy. 

Now, of all the children of Mary, only Jesus had a different paternity. Joseph is only his step dad. God Almighty knows how unfortunate it is for anyone to grow up without a father so he raised a willing man in Joseph to fill in that physical gap on earth. 

The Bible then has this to say after all these had happened. "Joseph didn't know Mary until she has brought forth her first born." Let's ask, "who's Mary's firstborn if not Jesus?" This makes the explanation so far valid that only other children and siblings of Jesus have their paternity to be Joseph. But what I want to draw attention to is the fact that Mary had to remain a virgin for those periods. Don't forget that the Holy Spirit didn't have physical intercourse with her. So, the hymen or what have you was not in anyway broken. It became broken when baby Jesus passed through her birth canal and came out. It was after that, some days or months after that did what she and Joseph were dying for (sex) could then have been done.

So, we won't be wrong if we say Joseph didn't deflower Mary. Do you know who did? First and technically, the Holy Spirit who impregnated Mary and secondly and physically, baby Jesus who passed through and opened up her birth canal or matrix. 

Today, let us give a standing ovation to two of our brethren, Brother Joseph and Sister Mary who delayed gratification and didn't pollute or pervert the work God had started towards birthing the Saviour of mankind. It was a great and uncommon sacrifice. May many more be this consecrated for the greatness God wants to birth through them. After all, celibacy isn't evil or old school. It can be temporary and the Bible recognizes being a celibate until marriage. 

The Bible says in Hebrews 13:4 that "marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge." May you copy?

PRAYER: May I not destroy my (the) consecration that'll birth God's own holy thing through me.


Matthew 15:29-16:1-12 & Exodus 3-5

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