Wednesday, 2 November 2022



Happy New Month!!!



Luke 12:16-18, KJV

"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods.

Welcome to the season where you have to run so that growth won't outgrow you. God is ready to force you to exercise yourself. This agriprenuer on whom we've been studying for awhile has a breakthrough that he never planned for. His land was reported by the mass media to have brought forth plentifully. Journalists, reporters and all sorts of exaggerators came in to have recorded and have him interviewed over same. Even, the president called in and sent emissaries to congratulate him for same. His plentiful yield like no other was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.  In Nigeria, there's a festival called Argungun festival. It's a festival where people go to fish and the fellow or fellows with the biggest catch get rewarded. Such kind of reward for bountiful, plentiful harvest is what turned in for this agriprenuer. Even foreign nations were astounded at how the land (the instrument of wealth of someone) which is an equal gift of God to all could have been partial in bringing forth plentifully in that manner to just one man. Research started as to detect what type of soil he planted in to have had such bumper yield. Soil scientists were carrying samples of his soil to the lab, yet the land was reported to be like any other. This can't but be God's blessings.

Many visited and he and his land became the news but when all departed home, this man became unhappy, sick and confused. The reason isn't because God hasn't blessed him but because God has blessed him so much that he lacks room and preparation to contain it. So, he was forced to begin to rack his brain as to how to trap all these blessings. This kind of reasoning, he hasn't done it before. He was used to managing his small barns. Those were the ones he probably earlier constructed when he set out in agriculture. But now, he's in trouble. Like a man that growth has caught up with and one growth could kill if not properly managed, he's desperately doing thinking and seeking a means of escape. At the end, heaven gave him another breakthrough. He insightfully resolved and concluded that he'll build larger barns. How would he get that done? He'll vanquish these by pulling it down and building larger on same ground? This is how the blessing of the Lord destroyed the first housing of this man which he had built as a warehouse sometimes ago. God is speaking to me now. He said, "some of you have related with narrowness and strictness for long that you have become narrowed yourself. So much more that you're saying, "I'm comfortable with this space. I'm used to it and it's serving me. I don't want to be stressed or shaken out of my comfort zone by any other work." This attitude and belief system is counter productive. God said, "I want to give you a larger room but your clinging to the old, former, less is not letting Me do that." So, this attitude is making some tell God to keep His blessings. It's not everyone who has the courage for hard-work or accommodation of stress like this woman (II Kings 4:24). She admonished her beast's handler to go at the maximum speed possible with her. Kai! Lazy people, God is here. He's saying, "I want to tear heaven and rain. Are you ready to do the thinking and hard-work that being blessed always require like this agriprenuer? Are you ready to pull down your old barns (thinking or way of life) for a new and better ways of doing things. When blessings come at a higher level, strategies also can't but change. How you handle money can't but change. You must reason and think faster than before and work with such effectiveness that only a calculator has. Today, if you're ready to be exercised - to be put to work and maximized by God who created you, raise your hand and say, "here I am." Now, God has identified you. Get ready for blessings that will tear your barns, sink your ships and indeed could endanger your life. Get ready. You'll discern them to have come from God  and this morning's move. When it does, share your testimonies. Bless you!

PRAYER: Lord, put me to work. Exercise me to my maximum capacity. Give me the blessing challenge that'll do that to me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 1:1-3:15; Hebrews 3:1-19; Psalm 104:1-23; Proverbs 26:24-26

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Tuesday, 1 November 2022



Happy New Month:Welcome To The Union Month of "OreOlu."



Luke 12:16-18, KJV

"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods."

People, God wants you to laugh and you will. God's revelation of this current teaching to me actually made me laugh also. As you do, manifestations that'll cause laughter will follow. But before then, let's recap all that God has dealt us on "The Large Place Series." "The large place" is a room, spacious space, height, hill or mountain top. It's where God has created room for you to settle in because He allows you to find acceptance. The room He has therefore created for you without restriction is what gives you free hand and free hand enough to manifest as you so desire. Being in the large place means arrival at destination or the  designated. Being where your soul as preordained by God has long awaited. Been where the earnest expectation of the creature awaits your manifestation. So, at arrival and occurrence to them, they eagerly watch you and listen to receive what God has slated you to give them at that time. "The large place" is a place where all eyes are on you. You role model to multitude who has caught your rising light. All in all, because your time has come and you've been delivered out of narrowness and brought into your large place - your Rehoboth that's free of contention left and right but rather with rights to exercise, you can't but prosper in that destiny land. Once the time comes and heaven says, "now", heaven and earth must gather to make you king. At "The Large Place" also, there's enlargement and a breaking forth into God's larger portions. All at "The Large Place."

But what does our loving Father has for us this very day of November as a continuation of "The Large Place Series." The Spirit asked me, "what does it mean for one's land to bring forth plentifully?" What does "ground" even signify in that verse? For this agriprenuer that we've been studying on, land to him is off course that naturally fixed estate that he plants on. Land is his own instrument of wealth. Land is land and when planted on, it may yield little, big or bogus harvest. This agriprenuer sowed seeds and we read that his land (instrument of wealth) brought forth plentifully. That may be because of manuring and doing of anything that could boost harvest. However, let us give all the glory to God because it is God who owns the rain and the sun by which what he planted got fed to give him such plentiful harvest. A place also says, "I (Paul) have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase (I Corinthians 3:6, KJV). So, who's the ultimate decider of humans' outcome in life? God controls the natural factors that make one reap bountifully well or sparingly. If God shuts His heaven and there results a drought, I hope you know what that will mean to any land even if it's naturally fertile. In the absence of water, manuring a land for planting is even useless. All in all, his land brought forth plentifully due to God's blessing of the work of his hands. 

People, you can have special results and this day is your day of special result and testimony. It was a land that brought forth plentifully here. What if it's your own she goat or cattle that's bringing forth plentifully? Yes, God wants you own cattle if you don't know. It's a fertile source of wealth nowadays. A she goat is seen as very fertile if it brings forth four or five. To shock you, your own goats, cows may begin to break grounds by giving birth to nine-ten children alive! They're covenant cattle! They're meant to be exceptional and break boundaries like yourself! Why won't you become rich then? Why won't you have to eat, sell and spare? What makes people wealthy is that they possess and retain more than they expend. Their reserve and income always exceeds what they could think or decide to spend in actual reality. Today, let your inflow surpasses your outflow. Did you read in that place that the land of that agriprenuer brought forth plentifully? Now tell me, when will a thing that's plenty finish? You'll use it and you'll get tired of it. Because it's not finishing, you'll be forced to begin distributing same round town. You'll intentionally announce a bonanza or reduction in price so that people can buy in order to make room for another stock. God says I should ask you to present your instrument of wealth. What is it? For some, it is land, animals, vehicle, building or even themselves! In a manner that you can't comprehend, that your instrument of wealth will surpass all expectation to begin to bring forth plentifully. Multiple yield is breaking loose into your life now in order to hasten your steps to God's large place of achievement and fulfilment. Without sinning, committing crime or joining the occult, I declare that your own "land" (your instrument of wealth) be capacitated to bring forth plentifully. If you are, begin to think more creatively, insightfully, motivationally, spiritually, maturely as to bring to this world plentiful tangibles that'll be acknowledged and seriously rewarded. Let God posses you to write, compose, draw, paint, programme, invent plentifully. Deliver in bulk. Enter a cycle of spree production. Production that will proceed in mass to shock the world. Begin to mass produce non stop. Like the tree of the Lord that's full of sap, be fertile, full of vitality and nutrients. Have something to bring forth always (Psalms 104:16). Get oil. Anoint yourself and anytime that instrument of your wealth. At seasons of devouring and destruction, same will be passed over and spared. It's your instrument of wealth, it must be redeemed and always kept alive to produce and reproduce. I declare over you in this Nov. month that you'll produce non stop. Some did prophesy non stop in the Bible (Num. 11:25). So, it's possible to produce and not run out of production and that's actually your experience. So, begin to bring forth plentifully in what you do and yet remain in production.

PRAYER: Thank God for the potent power making you and your tools yield plentifully henceforth.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Lamentations 4:1-5:22; Hebrews 2:1-18; Psalm 103:1-22; Proverbs 26:23

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Monday, 31 October 2022





Luke 12:17-18, KJV

"17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? 18 And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods."

Always, God wants you to be roomy and ready. Your preparation must always be on ground for what God has set out to do or will do. There be those who says God has not done them any good. What if God opens the windows and floodgates of heaven? Will you have ready room enough to contain the outpourings of God? God hates wastages. One time, He showed us how much he could do by saying, "bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it (Malachi 3:10, KJV). This is the extent that God could go. If He should open the tap, hope you won't later regret not maximizing it. Hope you won't begin to chide yourself and be self absorbed that you miss the multitude of opportunities that you could have taken advantage of. Once God opens heaven to pour out His blessings, if you're a contractor, multiple projects may come in at once to your shock. Do you have capacity and well developed system enough to handle it? You, you're a minister. What if in a just concluded crusade, it's your church many of the souls find their ways into? Will you be ready to pastor at thousand level and bear all like Aaron in your heart before God? You better be ready for work. You better grow now. You better become roomy on the inside, mentally, spiritually, in faith, in being led by the Spirit and even in strength. Just be there. Just be ready. Why is the Lord saying this? God comes to the ready, the prepared and those who have met the requirements. Even when He promised pouring down blessings that we won't have room or space enough for, it was a promise and return to only those who pay all their tithes. That is, those who have fulfilled a certain requirement. You should ask yourself, what requirements am I to fulfill to have secured such outpouring of God. Am I ready by what I do? 

If there's one thing I like this agriprenuer for, it is that since he was in business, he never wasted any blessing, growth or increment God gave him. He maximizes every divine blessing and increment so well that by it, it could be measured visibly by men that he was a rich man. It is very obvious he is. He is not a waster but a good steward of all sent to him except that he is not a complete and total steward by acknowledging God with the first fruits of his increase. The mistake you mustn't make whenever you receive outpourings. He rather became too wise, selfish and leaned on his own understanding. What should be the proper process was therefore broken and he reaped the consequence. Yet, you could see in him no carelessness in not containing all that the rain and sunlight of God has brought him. He was saying, "where would I house this?" That thought troubled him from sleeping until through rigorous thinking, he resolved on what to do. He's a man of hard-work. He works and he thinks. So, he's naturally capacitated to solve some problems for himself. That brilliance could have deceived him also to think "his own hands provided all he ever needed for himself and not a God somewhere." Ensure you're not deceived but by humility and referencing God, grow and tarry in wealth. I pray that when your blessings arrive, it won't be then you'll be in search frivolously for containers  to house them. May you have owned and borrowed not a few. May you be roomy and ready. This man confessed his deficiency when he said, "but I have no room to bestow all these goods." However, thank God for late hour revelation which came when he says, "I'll pull these down and build greater barns." May blessings not catch you unawares. May you have barns ready to contain it. May you have done all so that you'll stand in the day of blessings. May blessings not confuse you and show your unpreparedness.

PRAYER: Prepare me mentally, spiritually, physically etc to handle blessings at my large place. Blessings will meet containers in my hands. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Lamentations 3:1-66; Hebrews 1:1-14; Psalm 102:1-28; Proverbs 26:21-22

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Sunday, 30 October 2022




BUT HE WAS ALREADY A RICH MAN - Large Place Series 014

Luke 12:16, KJV

"And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully..."

Some are saying, "God, why are you blessing him again? Is he not already rich?" Why should it be him his ground, business, venture will bring forth plentifully again? God is saying, "as for me, there's no better yesterday. My better to you is always unfolded by the day. So, I'll bless him and bless him more as he goes."

God is interested in journeying with you and blessing you so much that people would say, "what's he looking for again? Does he not have all things?" Once people begin to say these, you have become their envy. I found out that all the patriarchs became that in their surroundings. All of them begin little but they become great into thousands even under defying situations. 

God always have a plan. He has not ended with you. He's just starting. The Bible has this testimony to say about that agriprenuer. "The land of a certain rich man brought forth abundantly." Again? He has been blessed but by the abundance yielding of his land, blessing is being rolled on blessing for him. No wonder, he himself took time out to meditate on how he'll solve his new problem of storage and warehousing. It's because goods are still in his store and now more abundant ones have arrived. How will he then survive this great pile of stock? He has never known the large place or its experience before but because of this layer upon layer, he's getting there.

Quickly, let me say what God is bringing to me. "I want to build new houses for some of you. A larger, better and more accommodating houses. One that will has all your desires and meet your taste and demands. I'm building you a new house. I'm relocating you soon." I built a new one for this agriprenuer to accomodate all his new desires. I'm accommodating you too anew. 

People, God has not stopped raining. He will rain and rain until it is tangible enough in your life to become a flood; then water enough to bear your ark and make you float. I see you surviving and continuing because God is increasing you to be in the now of wealthy people. If your growth stops economically, you'll see that you'll soon be described as once rich. You're topping the table and you could still be listed and regarded to be in the now in what you do and what you've found to colonize because God is always bringing fresh deliveries and equalizing you with better and greater things. So, you or another shouldn't say, "but I already have enough." Look, your enough is not enough before God. He has the goods and He'll pour it out." Therefore, I cause your land, tool, business, venture, endeavour, ways to be prosperous, ever yielding plentifully and increasingly. Add weight from time to time. Break boundaries and shed that of yesterday on all sides for the growth of today. Let metamorphosis happen to you economically. This man pulled down old barns to build new, larger and more accommodating one. That's proceeding forward. Have such experience. No backwardness. 

PRAYER: I haul blessings upon blessings. I receive of him wealth after wealth.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Titus 1:1-16; Psalm 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 26:13-16

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Saturday, 29 October 2022





Read Luke 12:16-22

Luke 12:16-17,KJV 

"16 And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: 17 And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits?"

What you're reaping now may not be what you should reap. You don't have to be a farmer before you're regarded a "reaper." If you're a salary earner and you only earn little when you should be earning more, it means your land is not yielding to you its best. What you do especially if it's not affording you its best means you're not yielding maximally and so you may not know the plentiful life or have the testimony of this man we're to consider here "whose land brought forth plentifully" and so "sought a larger room" to accomodate the produces. You could see in him a hunger for relocation to a place where he could contain all.

Naturally when seeds are sown into lands, it can't all perform the same way. The parable Jesus gave here shows how farming, sowing and reaping works. Some will bring forth in thirty, sixty and then in hundred fold (Matt.1 3:3-8). So many things could cause the land not to yield its best. Infertility is one naturally. Not being where God wants you be: on your destiny work and in your destiny land may also not make you reap in hundred fold. There's a place each of us have been designated to experience awesome experience. Not being there is actually being out of position and not meeting with the ordained plans of God for us. That's why when God told Isaac to stay in the land and sow therein, he did. At that time, Isaac should not be in Egypt or anywhere even if they seem the popular places to be. When he did, what was the result? We were told that in the same year (when there was famine, when there was no rain or good rain), he reaped a hundred fold (Gen.26:12). Now, that's no longer ordinary. God aided him to have that and "how" is what we don't know. Naturally, it's hard for a farmer to have hundred percent. Rodents, pests, insects and lack of good storage facilities are things that reduce or militate against these chances even if God gives him a hundred percent yield. Human inadequacy and lack of proper facilities or storages may reduce it yet your own hundred fold with understanding could be retained. That's why this certain rich man embarked on building a better barn because he wants to retain all the "plentiful" , "hundred fold" yield sent to him. That his land brought forth plentifully means it towers to hit hundred fold. That's the maximal point. 

So, having seen that yields are in levels, we should congratulate this man whose ground brought forth plentifully. "Plentifully" means maximally. It means that land gave its best capacity. It means under fertilization, watering, proper sunlight etc, what that land should yield was what it yielded. May every Christian and those with calls be this land who will yield itself maximally and in hundred fold to the Master. It is this plentifully bringing forth that raised a question of "where shall I bestow all my goods?" He acknowledged he has been blessed beyond measure and what he had prepared and put on ground couldn't hold God's blessings again. The facilities that blessing met couldn't contain it and it isn't wise to waste God's precious blessings. He was a wise farmer and entrepreneur. He wanted to maximize this hundred fold blessing and yield of His ground or venture, so he thought of building a new facility. I pray, may you be forced to expand. May you be forced to do more, take more and become more. This agriprenuer never saw any reason for new facility but God forced one on him. When blessings came, he submitted to a greater plan and launched the greatest building project of his life. God is saying I should tell someone that "growth is coming." He said "your land will yield plentifully." Your land is what your hand has found doing. That same will perform maximally to its peak and you'll be made rich. New risings and steps that you have never dreamt of would be consequent because of that blessing. I see a change in status. A taking to a more roomy place. A settling in a place that contains and accumulates all you'll see. I see that you're enough to devise means to trap all heaven's blessings to you. As I talk, your yield has change and has taken a leap. Be blessed to seek a larger room, warehouse and barn.

PRAYER: Lord, bless me beyond measure. Let my land obey and bring forth plentifully. I reap maximally in my work. I reject curses and devourers. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Titus 1:1-16; Psalm 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 26:13-16

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THE LAND IN ITS ENTIRETY - Large Place Series 012

Read Gen.13:1-9

Genesis 13:9, KJV

"Is not the whole land before thee? separate thyself, I pray thee, from me: if thou wilt take the left hand, then I will go to the right; or if thou depart to the right hand, then I will go to the left."

Abram broke the silence by suggesting what should be done. Each side might have been afraid of suggesting the move for separation so that their motives won't be misjudged by the other? Abram as an elder however recognized blessings shouldn't be the cause to ruining their relationship as kins. He opens the land up to the choice of Lot. He told him, "raise your gaze up. Here's the land before us. It's not a small piece. Why should two of us be confined here? If you go to the left, I'll go to the right and vice versa." God is saying to someone also, "the whole land is before you." Do pay attention to what Abram said. He said, "is the WHOLE land not before you?" That is, where they are living at the time of suggestion isn't the whole land. There's more to see and explore and that's what Abram is now calling Lot to let them explore and maximize. If there's a solution to the straitness we are facing here, should we continue in that? No!  

The whole land! The whole land! Obviously, that place extends beyond where they are. That is an ascription to the "large place." It's the large place that will contain them and all their substances and then look as if nothing is occupying such new space. The large place is such a place that'll accomodate whatsoever manifestation each wants to manifests. The substances you have which becomes choky in your current estate and so gives you no breathing space and room would be swallowed up in this new territory. You'll just immediately feel you're small. Nobody gets to the roomy, the large or wide place and not immediately feel small in it. The land is so big that it always swallows its host. At such discovery, you'll agree you need to be added to until you fill the land and subdue it again and like the previous. Until your subduing it which comes by filling it to the brim with yourself and what could be called yours, you're not yet major or big. But by then, you'll be. None will walk a street without seeing your brand, product, corporate logo and knowing this is you even in your physical absence. The whole land is what God wants to give you. He wants to take you into an experience where your wealth will soon look like a drop in the mighty ocean. This will lead you to seek again that God's blessings that makes rich to make you equal to the new land you're occupying. A pointer that blessing is in levels and that blessing could be increased. God is interested in blessing you. Even in your new roomy estate, He'll bless you until you're filling up the whole land. Catch that!

PRAYER: Bless me to fill up the land. Bless me to enlarge my borders and coast. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Titus 1:1-16; Psalm 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 26:13-16

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Thursday, 27 October 2022




WE SINCERELY NEED ROOM - Large Place Series 011

Read Genesis 13:1-7

Genesis 13:7,KJV

"And there was a strife between the herdmen of Abram's cattle and the herdmen of Lot's cattle: and the Canaanite and the Perizzite dwelled then in the land."

That God blessed Abraham and Lot isn't enough. That their blessing is now proving to be blessing indeed is the major. Some have blessings but they yet don't experience they're blessed themselves. Their blessings have not yet begin to manifest consequences that must be immediately attended to. Any who's using just one room and calls himself superfluously blessed isn't. By the time you have a warehouse that can't take your goods again and complaints are coming that the new order has no where to be laid is when you're beginning to have this level of Abraham's blessing. Did you not read about the apostles? God added to them daily and their number increased until through oversight some of the brethren widows are neglected. You see, that's a problem emanating from being blessed and that leads to their saying, "look among you for seven men of good repute...", the rest was history (Acts 6:1-4). 

When the blessings of Abram and Lot towers, their herdsmen or managers begin to clash with themselves. Scarcity of resources is beginning to happen and competition and survival of the fittest in the land is becoming a thing to practise. So, inescapably, their stewards fight because each needs to be catered for. Who will watch his source of wealth: cattle, herds die of want of food or scarcity of water. That's why each side is fighting the other and saying indirectly, "you, relocate. Give us a breathing space because this space and resources aren't enough nor supportive of two persons again." Brethren, this is a sign of being blessed. When blessing is almost becoming a curse, you need another blessing to keep your original blessing to remain blessings. Or else, if blessings goes unsubdued and capacitated, it may bring ruins. Has there being a fight between you and your spouse over the space in the wardrobe, the parking lot etc? Or between you and your sibling or friend with whom you share space or room? God can take both of you to your space. Obviously, if you're a couple, divorce isn't the option. You only need to ask for an enlargement of coast. If a wardrobe isn't longer containing, having two settles it? 

Today, I see God doing for you both. If the God who blessed Abram also blessed Lot, will it be hard for that same Lord giving them ground, support and resources on which to raise and increase their blessings. Indeed, that's what eventually happens. Why get choked together when there's enough room for growth and expansion? I see you breathing fresh air as you're delivered out of narrowness, smallness that's making you watch your weight, growth and increment of your possession over the simple fear of having no store houses enough to harbour and contain them. 

PRAYER: Lord, take me to my wide place. A place that could accommodate my blessings. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46; Titus 1:1-16; Psalm 97:1-98:9; Proverbs 26:13-16

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