Saturday, 5 October 2024




FIG LEAVES CANNOT COVER YOU - Where Art Thou Series 005?

Genesis 3:7, KJV 

"And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons."

There are those who at this time God's Word is coming are trying to experience what they used to experience while with God - standing before Him in fellowship. 

When Adam and Eve sinned and came to the knowledge of it, they were full of guilt and shame. Without God rebuking them or calling them to accountability, they reckoned they were wrong and so fled from His face. It takes God to call and ask where they are. Their response (in what Adam gives) hints at something having gone wrong with them. 

Genesis 3:9-10, KJV

"9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou? 10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself."

When the Bible says in Proverbs 28:1, "the wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion",  Adam's response and their run-away act vividly portray that. When you sin and lose your righteousness sense; your conscience immediately testifies to you of sinning and your heart being conscious of your wrong naturally puts you at the disadvantage of being confident. You'll begin to fret, shiver like a kitten. However, they just didn't flee also. They sought and tried looking like they were before they discovered themselves to be naked. So, what did they do? They sew fig leaves as clothes. That is the nakedness God's glory covered before sin came into their world to expose and prove them as nobodies who can't live without being covered (unfortunately with something physical and unlasting). Have you observed that when people stumble at sin or trespass, one major thing they are tempted to do is to cover themselves by covering or hiding their sin. That's what Adam and Eve tried out here. They thought the covering of their physical nakedness would fix things and return them to their status before sinning. However, that helps nobody because leaves can never substitute God's glory or provision for atonement for sin! Instead of covering your sin, the Bible admonishes the opposite.

Proverbs 28:13, KJV 

"He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy."

While in their glory days, they were naked and were not ashamed. Why? Because there's a supernatural clothing that they did not have its consciousness that clothed them, therefore  preventing against the knowledge of "I'm naked, now inferior and affected. As such, I'll need a make up or help which my own hand can provide." Frantic racing and dashing all around to keep things secret (like it never happened or like before it happened) is an act of a man who doesn't want to be discovered. To him, he'll lose face and be embarrassed. It would be better if the earth can swallow him alive but that won't even happen!

Oooh God, help those who are naked yet are sewing fig leaves (a solution that won't cure it to attempt it). Convict them that they'll need to jeopardize the pleasure of sin and find their way back to you to be properly clothed. Would you open their eyes to see this Lord? Would you wash them in the slain blood of your only Son and cover them with the garment of righteousness that they might take their sit and place as once was lost but now is found? The animal from which God sources the skin by which He eventually clothes Adam and Eve foreshadows the death of Jesus that takes away all sins (Gen.3:21). He's the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). 

If you'll come under His claims, you'll be sheltered! Your own righteousness is as the filthy rag at best. Take Christ's and be all new! Turn to page one to see how to be born again. 

PRAYER/ACTION: Bow your head and repent and God would do as we have asked.


Philippians 3:12-4:1-3 & Isaiah 40-41

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Friday, 4 October 2024




OUT OF HIS PRESENCE  - Where Art Thou Series 004?

Genesis 3:9, KJV 

"And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"

Once a man is no longer before Him, he is cut off from communication immediately and all spiritual vitality that makes a spiritual being a living spirit. God breathed into the first Adam and he became a living soul. Just because of the breath, he received life. "Araulah" wakes him up like a dead vehicle that has just received the installation of a new engine. As such, Adam could wink, move his body parts or speak. Previously, he was as dead as wood. 

When Jesus told His disciples to wait for the promise of the Father - the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:4,8)), He meant when He comes, He'll enliven them. And indeed, when He came, He brought with Himself liveliness. He brought power by which they could lift hand or foot and accomplish spiritual and ministerial things. Else, they'll have been incapacitated and powerless. As a matter of fact, before then, the church was not living and functional. 

This same experience is over time renewed and repeated in our lives when we stand continually before God. Those who have been uprooted, unfortunately transported or transplanted by distraction, luring or seduction of the devil may not know this joy. Why? They have left God's presence. That's why the Bible says, "thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore" (Psalms  16:11, KJV). 

So, instead of having joy which impacts strength, they are as lifeless as a stone. Joy is not patronizing them. They lack motivation, encouragement and initiative. They lack ideas and the power of intuition or the ability to be personally counselled. As such, they look used, spent and finished; resembling egg shells that have given up the substance in them.

More importantly, they are cut off from divine supplies of information that guides and orders the step of a man. They are therefore far from experiencing the sure promise that says "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). 

God is calling you back. Elijah is able to declare the decree of the Lord because fellowship and relationship has not been broken. If he were far away from God's presence and was not standing where communication could still reach him in the realm, he would have picked or known nothing to decree. Are you clueless about life? Come before God now. In God's presence, you'll discover what life is all about and how to spend it. You'll call unto Him and He'll show you great and mighty things which you know not of. In God's presence, you'll know what's next? In His presence, confusion is banished and you're permanently alien to which path or way to take. Why? There's light and clarity in His presence. 

PRAYER: Father, I receive light and clarity before You. May I not run dry of strength, ideas and spree of information that You alone gives.


Philippians 2:19-3:1-11 & Isaiah 38-39

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Thursday, 3 October 2024




Happy New Month!!

AT THE ROYAL COURT - Where Art Thou Series 003?

I Kings 17:1, KJV

"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the Lord God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."

By experience, I know when you cultivate intimacy with God, you'll develop special boldness and confidence. I just have this assurance that things are subjected to me and can be handled. That's even when there's turbulence. I believe in divine settlement and I can sing, "All is Well with My Soul." Intimacy can give you strong confidence that you have done all you should do and that God would do all that He should do. In intimacy with God, you cannot be shaken even when there are situational earthquakes all around. Why? You know you always have the King's hearing. Once He speaks especially, light and reassurance would flood your situation. 

Did you see the act of Elijah there? He decrees in confidence and so it is. He speaks with ultimate assurance that created the situation he called for. That's what standing in God's presence avails you. It arms you with the mind of "everything is impossible! Who else would God listen to if not a frequent like me?"

I want to bring you to the royal court. In ancient times, standing before a king is a rare privilege. There are even kings whose faces are not seen. So, when Elijah says, "as the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand..."; the Lord God of Israel is God Almighty and as Elijah notes, he stands before Him. God is King and Elijah is now before Him in His royal court - where other divine beings are and where He could be part of the proceedings and counsels of heaven. So, when Elijah says, "before whom I stand", he paints the imagery of being in the court of a great king, in whose presence and by whose  endorsement, nothing is impossible or hard to do. If you stood in the president's presence probably by the virtue of being his personal assistant, you know how much you could ask of him. 

As we all know, kings used to have the power of life and death over their subjects. Their decrees are not subjected to opinions or legislation of men. Kings are gods and they're treated so. So, when Elijah talks of standing before God, you should have an idea of his standing before a God that can grant all things. No wonder, he ceased both dew and rain for some great years. He even assures that nothing more happens on that closed case except by his word. Imagine such kind of bold talk! What did he swallow to have been this defying and unconcerned? Yet, a mortal like us. 

In a physical king's court, you won't find the whole town but you'll find the privileged  who might have been sent for by the king or are stewards before his face. Elijah is just one of such privileged with access, who has left the destination of the mob for the King's court. Welcome to the King's court. The King is here seated on His royal stool, ready to grant your requests. He is saying, "ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron, you shall dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel" (Psalm 2:8-9, KJV). 

Make your tender. You have the ears of the King as far as the earth stretches. You're this privileged to have been blessed because you're born again - have a regenerated spirit that intimates with the King. You have been brought into fellowship with Him who can do all things. If you'll not ask amiss to spend on your lustful or selfish desires (James 4:2-3), then you'll have the midas touch at every request of yours. As for us, what we should do should be after God's heart and will. We should be found, "declaring the decree of the Lord..." (Psalm 2:7). As such, you can't but collide with God's will and have answers always.  

PRAYER: I utilize grace to be personally discipline to cultivate your presence. I shall declare what the Lord has said.


Philippians 2:1-18 & Isaiah 35-37

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Wednesday, 2 October 2024




Happy New Month!!!

BEFORE WHOM I  STAND - Where Art Thou Series 002?

I Kings 17:1, KJV 

"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word."

In whose presence do you stand? God needs to ask that question in order to locate some people who are lost yet are rejoicing in their being missing. You need to be found. You need to be recovered. You need to be brought back home! I sense God redeeming men and gathering them from the four corners of the earth where they've been scattered and are vulnerable because they went without God's consent; from what they have done that has trapped and taken them captive but redelivering them into purpose by planting their feet strongly in His house and presence.

Some rejoice in standing before great men. You might have heard people say, "I have the contact of the governor." That's declaring the presence of He who they stand. They boast that way because they know the power and influence the governor has. With that relationship, it means there are things they could drag and order around. No wonder, Elijah could order things around in the spirit. If you're not a man of God's presence, how can you legislate that there should be neither rain nor dew except by your word. I'm sure no politician or big man in the flesh has such authority. That's the difference between standing before men and being stablished before God. Christian, rejoice in ever having the privilege to access God and stand before Him. When you're recognized with His presence, while others are done with, you'll be well compensated for. Someone might ask, "how do I know God?" Then, I'll reply, "how did you know your spouse?" If you don't court God, you can't know Him. Fellowship with Him by studying the Bible and you'll learn hows on how to stand or be a man of His presence. What does Elijah say concerning himself?

"As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand..." 

Yet, he wasn't praying or doing anything spiritual at that time other than the fact that he has not departed out of God's will for his life. When you're in God's will, you're continually before God and your wish are even commands! A man on a mission is always availed heaven's resources. 

Before who do you stand? Before who do you fellowship? Before who do you pleasure or spend your time? Before who do you take your being? Before who...?

Has the Bible not spoken true when it says, "in Him we live, move and have our being (Acts 17:28)?" The motivation of Christians should first be to be a man of His presence and not of pleasure, immovably standing and staring at the TV but a man found always before Him so much more that if he's walking or working, he could still be said to be standing before God.

Check yourself! Don't waste time. Don't let the sheet God brought down to minister to you depart without your catching or succumbing to it. Cling to it now. Surrender and confess to the fact that you have left His presence either when you sinned or violated God's will somewhere. Your conscience or the Holy Spirit might even be calling you to the remembrance of same but you may ignore it to your detriment. Speak to God about it and cry for a restoration as you go back to the place of intimacy. For those of you who left a geographical area to another outside God's will, retrace your steps back to the location you left without God having commanded it. That'll be your giant step to restoration and prospering. Don't tarry in Moab until you begin to count some losses!

PRAYER: Restorer of men to fellowship and their rightful places, I take my place (not only by confession but decision).


Philippians 1:1-30 & Isaiah 33-3

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Tuesday, 1 October 2024



Happy New Month/ Independence Day To Nigerians!!!


WHERE ART THOU? - Where Art Thou Series 001

Genesis 3:9, KJV 

"And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"

When this voice begins to interrogate you, just know that you have trespassed and moved outside the circle God draws for you. Everybody has a circle of operation. For Adam, God places a restriction on his eating   the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. The Bible says, "and the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die" (Gen.3:2-3). 

God's warning is so stern and so particular to them that the restriction of God is far revealed in what sort of distance He told them to keep from that tree - to not even touch it at all let alone eat it. God knows if they played round it, they might be tempted to take part of it. For that sake, he builds a wall of defence round them through the far reaching instruction He gave them. The moral is this. What you don't want to eat, you shouldn't play in its vicinity. Don't say you can't fall into any particular sin (notable or intangible in human description). If you play around it, it could ensnare you. God knows that very well and you yourself must come home with that. 

When Adam and Eve took of this forbidden fruit, they immediately disobeyed God and at once sin came into the world. Also, a number of things happened. They became aware of themselves that they were naked which promoted their fleeing to cover themselves with unlasting wears made of leaves. But what is leaf to God's glory? What is human shelter to God's shelter? What is human cover to the one God provides? Sin brings people into shame and guilt. Adam is a typical example. When God visits and calls out, he was nowhere to be found. The man who would rejoicingly and confidently meet God before had gone to hide himself because of sin consciousness. Is God speaking to someone there? God is also saying, "where are you?" I expected you to be here, to be in my presence like Elijah and other men of fellowship stand in the Bible. However, where are you? Where have you gone? What has displaced you? What are you beating yourself over that you have done? What has happened and broken the fellowship between us?

Or is it that you have relocated to a place I didn't author? Have you travelled abroad out of popularity and pressure when your Shepherd didn't lead you there? And now He comes meeting an empty space!

I pray for you that you'll not have disappeared when God is coming to inspect or reckon with you where He had put you. Some would have left where God was coming to at such time. It'll be a great disappointment. God is calling and asking, "brother/sister, where art thou?" Is your feet still planted in the house of the Lord or... Do you still journey with those who says, "I am happy when they say, "I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD or..." (Psalms  122:1). Answer those questions and resituate yourself in God's presence and will this once. Don't do anything or go anywhere that would be tantamount to breaking the circle God draws for you. For those who do, the voice they hear is such questioning their displacement and saying, "where art thou?" That's nothing but a disappointment!

PRAYER: I refuse to be removed where God has put me. Anything creating sin consciousness in me, may I mark them and have them dealt with.


Ephesians 5:22-6:1-9 & Isaiah 29-30

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Monday, 9 September 2024



Happy New Month!!!



Acts 27:20, KJV

"And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away."

One of the chapters of the Bible I love reading is this one. It's a travelogue and I enjoy it when people share their experiences especially ones that are testimonies and would lead to giving glory to God. May you too have avenue to share your journeys and experiences in life. May you have the mouth to say the Lord saved me many times and at a time and on a journey like this. 

Such is Paul's experience. On his journey to Rome, he faces no little besetting of the wind - known as Euroclydon.  God however assures the safety of his life and those onboard with him. It is natural for those who travel by sea to face the perils of the sea and for those who quarries the stone to be hurt by it thereof. Irrespective of where you journey to or what sort of transport you take, be assured of God's salvation. 

When neither sun nor stars appeared in many days (amidst other reasons for their worry), they despaired being saved. Who's passing through hard time there and is beginning to despair because signs of hope that he expects aren't signalling or making appearances. Have you anticipated the appearance of a mate, helper or even fund? My God, the One I serve day and night says I should tell you that not a strand of the hair on your head will fall to the ground. He said, "I'm right by your side as your salvation."

Stars and sun before the invention of the compass were the only and sure guides of sailors who were far and out of sight of land. To worsen their problem, they are no where to be found because the sky is overcast. As such, this guidance couldn't be tapped. What a trouble!

Of the knowledge of this and the besetting wind, they gave up that they should be saved! But despite the hardship, it was as Paul was told. They all had the outcome God assured. There are those who where they are have not seen the sun nor the stars in many days. They have hoped for salvation but no ray of it has shown up. These might include inmates in jail or those who are bedridden by sicknesses or accidents. You might have thought all hope was gone but the Redeemer of men will bring you back to see freely the sun and the stars above your head. To those God is baking who seems to have been forgotten at the backside of the desert, listen, He hasn't. He who bears record of the number of the hairs of your head (paying attention to such insignificant detail), shall He forget or forlorn you? Your time soon nears when the affliction of this present time that you're experiencing shall end and you shall be brought out from oblivion, from following the ewes pregnant with kids to shepherd God's heritage, that He'll submit to you. 

However, there's need for patience to have its full effects. It'll make you into a perfect man. That's why it seems God has forgotten you or left you to such speeding and intense pressure even unto the point of breaking. However, you won't break because God has invested in you to equal the test and pressure coming your way. Afterwards, the balloon would be deflated, a way of escape will appear and you shall be saved and turned forth as gold. When you do, all eyes shall behold their king in Science, Art, Education, Politics, Religion (or that human endeavour God is raising you for) and the shout would be, "indeed, the man God has chosen."

PRAYER: O God of Creation, direct my noble cause. Guide me with jealousy towards overcoming all obstacles and standing on the hill.


I Corinthians 15:1-34 & Proverbs 9-11

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Happy New Month!!!



Ephesians 5:16-17, KJV

"16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

When I say, "you will travel', please, do not misconcept me. We are a people of purpose; a people of destiny. We are not vague; we are not purposeless. We are not given to world's craze but rather to the understanding of the will of God. For the Bible says in Ephesians 5:17, "wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

When you do, it'll save you from a lot of fallings and helter-skelter that brings no satisfaction to the soul. 

I know what the will of God is. I do it and I call other men to do same. Because I understood what the will of the Lord is, I can't fall into irrelevancies or magnify the unimportant. However, my understanding of what the will of God is (what He wants and likes done) makes me call many sons to destiny and sonship. 

Whenever I say, "you will travel", I intend, "you'll travel towards your goals and into your destiny." I simply meant, "you'll fulfill your destiny." But what you have to know is that there was no one who fulfilled his destiny who didn't travel. I didn't mean "to necessarily travel abroad" though that might be required of the destinies of some people. "To travel" here means to "walk a distinguished or peculiar road." You can't arrive at a destination without having walked a road or gone on a journey. It is the road a man walks that therefore makes him and presents him a usable vessel whithersoever God wants him used. That's what I meant. And as far as I know, God is still raising, sending and travelling men. As such, He considers no cost to expend to sponsor such. 

You will travel! You will travel! I said you will travel! God will carry you and send you on the errand of destiny that can fit the kind of man He wants to use. There's always a man God wants to use. He may begin as a child (immature) but he needs become a son (mature and trustworthy). One of the things that'll make him graduate into sonship is the road he walks and the journey he undertakes under God. He may not leave the shores of his country yet begin to walk the path and go on the predestined journey of God for his life. On this note, may nothing hinder you from journeying. May God clear your path of stones and stumbling blocks that are hampering the will of God from beginning to be expressed in you and through you. 

PRAYER: Lord, let nothing hinder my graduation into sonship as the rightful man you want to use. I become like Moses - a man you can trust in all your house.


I Corinthians 15:1-34 & Proverbs 7-9

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