Monday, 9 September 2024


 SUNDAY  - 25TH AUGUST, 2024


CONTENTED TO DWELL WITH HIM I - Kingdom Administering Series 006

Exodus 2:20-21, KJV

"20 And he said unto his daughters, And where is he? why is it that ye have left the man? call him, that he may eat bread. 21 And Moses was content to dwell with the man: and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter."

Contentment is not ordinary when leading is concern. When you're contented, it means you're at ease and satisfied with something. Nothing troubles you about the matter at hand. As in, your spirit or mind isn't raising any red flag. As such, you'll be deemed to have come to the position of being contented or pleased. To be pleased just don't happen. It is either it happens after measuring the facts and weighing sides or from an instilled peace, assurance and confidence from the Holy Ghost to you. 

This is homeless Moses! Imagine a prince who's suddenly stripped of his princeship. Moses is just like that. Now in asylum, no one recognizes him let alone esteems him as prince. He is now by himself, waiting to see what'll happen next. Just at that time, the set up of God takes off to work. Ruel's daughters arrive at the well to fetch water. Facing the bullying of rascal shepherds, Moses stands up to secure their rights for them. Upon being asked to dine and abide with them, he agrees with no qualms. 

Why would he agree? He first of all had to come to a place of contentment. Whether out of desperateness or from having reasoned that here's an avenue to meet the need of my homelessness, he agrees. Whenever God sends you on an errand to a people either as a Christian or minister of the gospel, contentment is one of the things to look out for in your heart. Contentment will bring sound peace and assurance that herein the Lord wants me lodge or stay. Also, there'll be willingness accepting you where God has sent you. Meanwhile, there won't be any willingness or acceptance to even see your face where God has not put your help. It's possible to have suffered some rejections until one meets with acceptance and settlement eventually. This happened to Isaac until he was eventually tossed to Rehoboth at last (Gen.26:22). Irrespective of the case that unfolds, if you're a man led of God, you'll know where and with whom God wants you to dwell. You'll be able to decipher if God wants you to make a tabernacle with a certain person in a certain place and at a certain time (obviously for a purpose God already sees which you'll reckon with after it might have happened). That contentment will be unusual and very pushy and revealing in you. You'll testify, "I'm contented to dwell here, work here or even go with that man or woman as my spouse" even when you do not really know their history or when there are contrary opinions at first. The trust will just rise and develop both ways. 

PRAYER: Guide me in the path I should take. Show me my Rehoboth - where to dwell and take godliness from.


Romans 1:1-17 & Psalms 32-34

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Saturday, 24 August 2024




KINGDOM ADMINISTERING - Kingdom Administering Series 005

I Kings 17:9, KJV 

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

Where God wants us to get to is where the resources in our hands and our barns await kingdom administering. God will call for it as He sees need. When He does, it is yours to give to whomsoever He ordains or instructs you to give to. How I wish all Christians will know this so that when they have need, they'll rightly turn to he in whose hands God has kept their resources. Turning to the wrong person (uncommanded) is what has led to the many rejections that many Christians have come to take offence at. They'll say, "I know he is able yet he didn't give me." Why should he give you when you're not the one he's waiting for. Every resources in heaven has owners. So is assignment. David wanted to build the temple but God restrained him and called it Solomon's assignment (I Chron.22:8-10). If a label carrying your name is not on a package, will delivery service mistakenly bring it to your house? When an angel brought a package as answer to Daniel's prayer, was it couriered to Shadrach or any of the other two friends? Everything has designation! Then, why should we make a mess of divine administering of resources?

If you turn to me, I'm not always obligated to help you. That's because you might turn to me when the resources in my hands await another fellow. Should I disobey God by not being a good manager of the resources He made me steward of because I want to keep human relationship? No! So, start by being led right to the commanded fellow first of all. Are you a minister or a Christian in need? You can ask God to send men to meet your needs or ask God to show you who can. 

If Christendom operates like this, no one will be hungry neither will A have more bread to eat and spare at the expense of B who has none basically because A keeps collecting what was meant for others. God is looking for obedient disciples that He can keep resources with who when He snaps a finger will release it to the commanded who now approaches him. In same manner, if you too will have your needs met, mark those who are commanded for your sake. Unless they're put under command for you, they may be helpless to help you. So, let us all learn the meekness of running only when we've been commanded. This way, resources will be well distributed and everybody in the body of Christ or this colony called kingdom will be provided for. 

PRAYER: I refuse to run helter-skelter. I hear the Shepherd's voice guaranteeing my leading.


Acts 28:17-31 & Psalms 30-31

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Friday, 23 August 2024


 FRIDAY  - 23RD AUGUST, 2024


KINGDOM ADMINISTERING - Kingdom Administering Series 004

I Kings 17:9, KJV

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

The truth is this, "you must be commanded." This is the basis of confidence. It is also your shield against error or being outside God's will. When God wants to meet the pressing need of Elijah, what did He do? He commands him to go to Zarephath which belongs to Zidon. First, we're seeing a sending to a location. Indeed, God do send people to places. Kingdom administering covers God telling a Christian where to live, who to marry and even which church or ministry to join. God has plans for all Christians. He wants to use them but it is not all church or ministry that are the same in function. As such, it's possible for a ministry not to have some operations which God expects would prepare a particular vessel for him. All secondary schools may have similarities in subjects offered but we all know that some have other engagements that make a better student. All Christians might share in some fundamental doctrines but there may be a place of differences in what calling God has given to some men with which to bring others up for a purpose He (God wants) fulfilled. Even if we feign there are no differences, ministries and callings will tend to emphasize diverse truths differently. 

God commanded Elijah to go to Zarephath. He didn't send himself there. He's like John the Baptist, a man sent from God and on a mission God approves (John 1:6). However, if God commands A and refrains from commanding B on the same issue, then agreement can never be reached. On that note, God had to command the Zarephath widow by putting her in a condition where she'll be favourably disposed to Elijah. If she were not the commanded widow, she might have blurted off Elijah even at the first asking of water or at his second request. Anyone you're sent to will tolerate you. There'll be this contentment and agreement to accommodate you. 

So, master that principle. Don't run the errand you aren't sent. Shame and embarrassment is what will await you there. That's when you'll begin to use human gimmicks to ensure things work. Many are cutting corners to meet needs now because they simply despised kingdom administering. They might have missed who to marry or relationship to keep, where to live or work or even place of worship. As far as God is concerned, there's someone that God has provided for or will provide for to provide for you. If you're a sheep who'll allow the Shepherd guide him indeed, you shall not be in want because every need of yours shall eventually be met until you can testify and say, "the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." They once wanted wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee but because the Lord stepped in, their confession changed to be, "I shall not want [continually]". Such is the confession of those who'll always carry God along in what they'll do or are doing. When the need arises, the One they had earlier invited all along would answer them effectively. Are you?

PRAYER: Lead me to where to live, work, church/ministry to join and then who to marry.


Acts 28:1-16 & Psalms 26-29

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Thursday, 22 August 2024




KINGDOM ADMINISTERING - Kingdom Administering Series 003

I Kings 17:9, KJV

"Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee."

When God told Elijah to get to Zarephath which belongs to Zidon, it wasn't an empty sending. God has made preparation afore his arrival. God gossips this to him when He says, "I have commanded a widow woman to feed you there." First, God can use the foolish things of this world to debase the wise. God didn't send Elijah to any noble's household. He rather chose to use a widow. A widow is helpless, lacking economic power since he has no husband, a right arm. So, that choice of word ought be probed. Listen, do you want your needs to be met? Then, follow God and don't mind where and from whom the bread comes from. God can use a prostitute to pay your bills. It doesn't mean God sanctions prostitution as moral or lawful but that'll be the displaying of God's sovereignty over His creation. There's no one God can't command. When God wanted to keep the promise land safe for the Israelites, into whose hands did He put it? ...into the hands of seven nations that are very very wicked than others around them who could keep it safe until he who owns it arrives. God exercises His sovereignty over all creation and when He's doing it, don't let tradition or orthodoxy fight you not to see in whose hands your bread is kept. 

When Jesus needed to feed the five thousand, He asked Philip where they could get bread, proving him. Later on, the provision for meeting that need Jesus saw came from the lunch of a young chap (John 6:9). If it were today, who knows whether the media would have reported that, "Popular Preacher Swindled a Young Chap!"

Don't let fear or tradition fight you from seeing where your need is allocated to be met. Bro. Gbile Akanni once shared a testimony. He once went to preach to some students. This was during his early years of ministry when he just started. Afterwards they presented him with a sum of money (as honourarium), he rejected it though not with any Kobo with which to fund even his journey back to his base. In short, he suffered a lot before another help was raised for him. As recalled to him by the Holy Ghost, he missed his provision rightly provided for by God through that student body by his not wanting to burden them. However, does the labourer not deserve his wages? (I Tim.5:18).

Don't look down on who the Lord sent or said should meet your needs. Don't even think they are incapable and should be excused. I felt that way often and that's because I am generally full of mercy for people. Knowing the will of God however, I don't refrain from carrying it out. What you need is healing, what's your problem with how the minister styles his hair? What you need is your bills paid, why does it concern you who the Lord has instructed to pay for it in all honesty? I pray for you that you'll be able to humbly receive he that is sent to you even if he doesn't look like it. May you see that he or she is the commanded fellow even if he doesn't look commanded. 

PRAYER: Put people under command for me as you put me under command for people.


Acts 27:27-44 & Psalms 23-25

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WHEN YOU'RE AT THE GATE OF ZAREPHATH - Kingdom Administering Series 002

I Kings 17:9-10, KJV

"9 Arise, get thee to Zarephath, which belongeth to Zidon, and dwell there: behold, I have commanded a widow woman there to sustain thee. 10 So he arose and went to Zarephath..."

When you're at the gate of Zarephath, may God meet your needs. I told you yesterday that there's a place we can get to where our needs asked to be met irrevocably. At such juncture, may you find answer. 

After the brook dried up, God relocated Elijah by sending him to Zarephath. He tells him there's a widow there He has appointed for his sustainance. As Elijah journeys, he eventually reaches Zarephath and spotting a woman at the gate gathering sticks, he makes a request on her, "fetch me a little water in a vessel." As she goes to carry this out, the man of God doubles his request saying, "bring me a morsel of bread in thy hand." That's where the matter lies. If this widow is truly the commanded widow, this is the test that'll reveal her so. She replies, "I have not a cake but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse, and I'm gathering sticks that I and my son may prepare this, eat and die." However, Elijah says, "make first for me and afterwards for you and your son. For thus says the Lord, the barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day the Lord sends rain on the earth" (I Kings 17:13-14). So, it is. It was never spent. Multiplication rather keeps happening until the earth could receive rain to bring forth once more. 

What is my declaration today? "When you're at the gate of Zarephath, your hope will not be disappointed." The gate of Zarephath is the juncture of expectation. When you have done as instructed, it'll happen just as God has foretold. So, if God is your shepherd indeed, He's under obligation to lead you to sustainance which if you mark, you'll sure be provided for. Why many people aren't having the expected end that prophecy or promise assures is because they haven't done all to have it.  Elijah went. Just while he was at the gate, he began to test if he had been rightly led out. Indeed, he was correct because that widow opened up to him. Are you at a juncture where a need needs to be met? Has it become a desperate need indeed? Be assured! God has made someone available for your needs to be met. Such are those who are usually given commands on your behalf. Such can't refuse your request as prompted you of God to place on them. You won't be disgraced at the gate of Zarephath. As you near the deadline, help comes your way and assistance aids you. Also, you might need to learn how to prioritize seeding your resources when what you have is not enough or can't do. That woman did by seeding her resources first to Elijah and she and her family ate for many days. There's what is known as "seed power". It is not any man's gimmick to collect your resources. It's God's principle of making you blessed and overcome shortage any day any time. Practice seeding!

PRAYER: What I have shall not finish before I receive another delivery.


I Corinthians 6 & Psalms 119:1-112

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WHEN YOU WANT WINE - Kingdom Administering Series 001

John 2:3, KJV 

"And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine."

I pray for someone there that when you want wine, your need will be met. A child knows nothing about the pressure of meeting needs. Food, clothing and shelter aren't in his thoughts because he is still a dependent. So, he cannot understand the pain and sacrifices of his parents in making ends meet under all circumstances. 

For this reason, I pray once more that when you want wine, may you have your needs met. When wine finished at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, mockery was imminent until a solution comes. An advocate rises for them in Jesus' mother. She tells Jesus, "they have no wine. They want wine." Jesus responds, "my hour has not yet come" but when His hour thus come, we see what miraculous turning of water to wine that happens. Therefore, their need was met. 

I pray for you, your needs will be met. Don't belittle what you have at hand. Don't say, it is not the end product. It is also water that Jesus turns to wine. The end product was not readily available but through what was came what was not. You may not have at hand the exact thing you're really looking for but if you have the tool or raw materials to acquire it, I'll say you're already provided for. Do you need house rent? What you need first of all is a job. A good job will give you your house rent over and over again. However, for those who are currently experiencing shortages, God shall sprout a miracle for you. Wine was nowhere to see but through what was present, the end need of those people was met. 

The Bible says, "and when they wanted wine..." Meaning, they desired wine. Some might have requested to be served wine or some might have longed quenching thirst with it but to no avail. That is the condition they were in that day. The condition of desiring, needing, wanting but having none. Many may be here right now. Those of you who knows my story knew I was there on campus when I needed to pay my school fees and the Lord came through for me. I'm calling on the "I-Come-Through God" to come through for you. Your case is currently being reported and ascended to God. Mary reported to Jesus that they wanted wine. Angels are carrying your needs before God as well. If Jesus would meet the need of making wine available, why won't He meet your needs so as to provide for your family (those you're responsible for). The bridegroom is responsible for all those visitors who came. That necessitated his wanting wine for them. He was not disgraced. His need was met and his face was saved. Any need that's beginning to look embarrassing in your life because they've been delayed till now will appropriately be met by God.

PRAYER: I-Come-Through God, meet my needs and the desperate needs of others where they are.


Acts 26:19-32 & Psalms 19-20

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Monday, 19 August 2024





II Timothy 4:5, KJV

"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."

Mr. Cho has two mules which work his field. Ra is a hard worker while Kue is lazy, often in the habit of feigning sick that the farmer might not hitch him to the plough. With the same field to plough under the same duration, Kue would fall behind, not meeting up. Contemplating on his need, Mr. Cho slaughters Kue for meat and spare Ra to further serve purpose. 

This exactly tells the story of some people's lives. Reverend Olusola Areogun shared a testimony of his wife been taken to the book room in heaven. There, she saw a minister who hasn't fulfilled the number of books he was called to write juxtaposed with a definite bound time he was in at that time. That isn't a good report card I hope you know. It is the news of failure which offcourse could still be corrected because the minister in question still lives and probably still has time for amends. That sharing testifies of a man who's seriously lagging behind in his work and ministry. Instead of making full proof of his ministry, he's still far from filling entirely the circle drawn for him by God. 

For you to make full proof of your ministry, you have to become like Ra. You must apply diligence so that you can plough your allotted ground under its measured duration. Irrespective of your field or calling, diligence will hasten you and make your calling and election sure (known, recognized, saluted, established). Without seeking to be enlarged in your calling, you cannot be known with that calling. So, find under God what He would have you do per time and do it. As you discharge all those further, you'll be establishing yourself in your calling. To get that done, Paul gives Timothy the following instructions. 

+ Watch: be observant and vigilant. 

+ Endure afflictions (of ministry and all sorts)

+ Do the work of an evangelist (which makes him spread what he does)

These three would then lead to "making full proof of one's ministry." To have revealed to all eyes what your calling or ministry harbours, you must learn to take heed to yourself and the work, learn persistence in the face of all contradictions and reach out to making your work grow. For instance, a minister will be making full proof of his ministry by authoring, getting on radio, planting churches and doing all those. The Bible says, "give diligence to make your calling and election sure" (II Peter 1:10). Diligence is hard work. If your ministry becomes your meditation day and night, you can't but succeed or make full proof of it. If you can labour more than them all, your profit will appear to all eyes to see. Ra is able to labour more than Kue even within the same duration. It could finish its own field by diligence while Kue falls behind. As such, the farmer spares it to continue to live and farm. Meanwhile, He takes Kue away because he's of little consequence to his business and progress. Would you want to be feeding a mule that's not giving value in return? Same way, God preserves Paul because he must need appear before kings and fulfill all said of him which he also daily exercises himself to fulfill. He once was stoned, dragged out of the city and left for dead but he later rose to enter into the city (Acts 14:19-20). What about that? Why would that happen to him? Because he is yet to carry out wholly Jesus' name before kings and nobles. God preserves people for purpose and destiny's sake. If you can hook yourself with the will of God somewhere, you'd be saved today, delivered tomorrow and preserved until your work is done. 

PRAYER: I am strong, able and on motion. I receive initiatives on establishing my calling.


Acts 25:13-26:1 & Psalms 11-16

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