Wednesday 29 November 2023




OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM - Our Travelogue & Travails Series 005

Acts 28:4, KJV

"And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live."

If humanity exists without any justice system, the hearts of many would be set to do evil. It is also the same when the law refuses to execute justice at a go. 

Ecclesiastes 8:11, KJV

"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

Having a justice system encourages being good over being a criminal and a violator of community laws. It's clear that the islanders of Melita have a justice system and believes in justice. Their deduction might be wrong on why a viper fastens itself to Paul's hand, however, it is clearly portrayed that justice is a world wide phenomenon whether with the barbarians or the civilized. 

They inferred that for a venomous snake to have fastened itself to Paul's hand, it is because Paul was a criminal who though has escaped the sea, justice isn't allowing to go scot free. They've indicated that a criminal ought to be punished. According to cosmos and God's laws, offenders ought to pay. A murderer is someone who has taken the life of another [intentional as it might interest us to hear here]. If Paul were one - having a record of such recent case which has not been pardoned, then he ought get punished according to God's justice system. God is the One who puts order in place and for order to be, there must be a system of rules and regulations that will keep the body of people under or reward the obedients. He calls order out of disorder at the beginning (Gen.1:1-3). A revelation that God is interested in order and not disorderliness. He asked Cain why he was not his brother's keeper and also punishes him accordingly for Abel's murder (Gen 4:9-13). Another revelation that God takes interest in how we treat our neighbors. It can't interest you to do evil while believing in escape without retribution. The law is the one who maintains recourse between you and your brother and it should be on nobody's side. Wherever the law hesitates however, God's or cosmos' justice system shall take effect. You can't bribe that.

The sanctity of the human life says no one should take it unnecessarily. For this reason, God seeks to protect lives - same is what any law of the land does. So, when the barbarous people inferred that Paul should pay for what he has done, their minds have gone nowhere but the universe's justice system and I'll say until a society is governed by an impartial justice system, justice can't reign. Justice should be able to catch up with anyone irrespective of status or background. If you do it, you should pay for it. However, many justice systems are corrupt and justice is all overlooked or bought over. 

God is addressing the issue of justice this morning. He has put nobody else in charge but what we call government today. 

Romans 13:1, KJV

"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."

It should be our prayer that the government established on behalf of God to bear rule in every nation shall discharge holily and not judge after the sight of their eyes but rather in judgement and God's fear.

Isaiah 11:3, KJV

"And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears."

PRAYER: God of all flesh, teach the nations Your heart. Let Your sense of justice be known rightly by all. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 5:1-31; 2 Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 28:19-20

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Tuesday 28 November 2023




ALWAYS RECOVERING - Our Travelogue & Travails Series 004

Acts 28:6, KJV

"Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god."

May you always recover. Comebacks will be your testimony. That place says, "however, they looked when he should have swollen or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god". 

This will be your perpetual testimony. You will always recover to make comebacks. What does the Bible say about the righteous falling and coming back? "For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again" (Proverbs 24:16, KJV). I pray for you today that salvation will be near your house. Comebacks in your to and fro and in any trouble you might enter into. 

What you must know is that as long as we live on earth, we can't but enter into troubles. We don't have to be the cause as you'll testify but life can't but happen. However, if you'll survive and continue to live on, what you must always have is recovery, a comeback or what the Bible succinctly calls salvation. 

Psalms 91:16, KJV

"With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation."

If you're denied God's salvation when you're in trouble, you'll sink, get choked and might pass out. It is salvation that draws you out of the miry clay or many waters, setting your feet on solid ground. If not, the quick sand had swallowed you up. That's why the Bible guarantees long life for anyone who keeps getting saved from his troubles. That'll always be consequential. It says, "with long life will I satisfy you and show you my salvation". Long life doesn't become an experience except salvation - saving from trouble is first of all activated. The man of God, Sunday Adelaja, the pastor of the largest church in Europe said he was called and labelled a lot of things when he began ministry and God began to move things for him. He said he was likened to North Korea dictator's leader and that many national and international newspapers spread rumours about him as being a cult leader who hypnotizes people. Moreso, being a Nigerian born leader, they called him a drug lord. He even confesses CIA monitored him for three years to discover nothing. It was when all was revealed that he knew. He said in that audio message of his I listened to that he dreaded what next would be published about him each day. His members had cried for him testifying about his integrity. He also had locked himself up to pray 10-15 hours once a week asking God for all the help He could muster for him. At the end, the victory came and he was recognized as a godly influencer and a rare African who's a gift to Europe and all the world. 

You see, that was salvation that worked for him. If not, he could have died - ceased because of the many cases filed against him. He could have been falsely sentenced! Imagine a minister appearing in court like money appears in your hands. You yourself would have thought there was an iota of truth in the accusation levied against him. You'd say, is he the only minister in town and why are they coming after him only? But God preserved him by granting him salvation from all his troubles. This leads to the long life and the present life he's still enjoying. I even watched a video where he testified of how he escaped from Ukraine when the war began as he was a major target. He left with nothing. Scarcely could they pick toothbrushes. But look, God granted him salvation and he yet live. Thank God for his salvation and recovery from all our present troubles.

Paul got bitten by a snake and he could have died from it. However, recovery answered. As a matter of fact, those who knew the process of things and how long it takes for the poison to choke waits for him to yield up the ghost. But when they looked that he should have swollen or fallen down dead, yet nothing happens, they had to change their minds. Look, I proclaim recovery over you, your health, family, finances, business. I'm picking there's someone whose child is sickly unto death there. I proclaim recovery. Let God's salvation draw him or her out of the many waters of sickness. Salvation! Salvation! Salvation!

The king Darius rushed to the lion's den where Daniel has been sealed to die. He cried, "Daniel, the servant of the living God. Has your God whom you serve continually being able to save you or not?" Daniel replied, "O king, recovery has answered! Salvation has worked for me!" Look at how he puts it to the king. 

Daniel 6:21-22, KJV

"21 Then said Daniel unto the king, O king, live for ever.  6:22 My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt."

Did you see that? Yesterday, I was ruminating on the expression, "where there's no doctor". I know there's a book like that. Then, the Holy Spirit said to me, "where there's no doctor, you can pray!" Therefore, where the charmer can't charm today, God is ready to help. Over all situations that are dilapidated and are already collapsing, I declare, begin to experience recovery. Recover! Know God's salvation and amend from that corrupted state to the perfect model. Everything, anything that has being spoilt, plundered, dispersed is being gathered back now. Paul recovered, Daniel was recovered, Adelaja was recovered, you're recovering also. I heard something now. "Recovery from every wound, especially wound of the head". Anyone wounded on the head, be healed. Let your leadership power be restored. Salvation is walking and surging your highways now. Amendment is being done. Yes, amendment. All our missionaries are saved. What they'll experience at every juncture is God's salvation!  

PRAYER: Father, I enjoy recovery, salvation and amendment. I see the end of all arguments and I last. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 5:1-31; 2 Peter 2:1-22; Psalm 119:113-128; Proverbs 28:19-20

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Monday 27 November 2023




NOT ACCORDING TO THEIR THOUGHTS - Our Travelogue & Travails Series 003

Acts 28:5-6, KJV

"5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. 6 Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god".

There's a way everybody has walked. Forces and ancestral spirits might seek to mandate you to follow that same path. Once it's the way or path that leads to death and reduction of humanity in life, you should refuse going such way. Yes, firm in your faith and warfare. 

A viper fastens itself to Paul's hand. Seeing this, the islander of Melita labelled Paul a criminal who though had escaped the sea, justice is still not letting go. With the viper having bitten him, they expected he'll foam or suddenly fall down and yield up the ghost. However, this never happened even after Paul had shook the beast into the fire. The Bible records that the natives even waited a great while to watch their expectation come to pass over Paul. Their waiting a great while became caused by two things. One, snake's venom in any human being takes some time to react and prove effective. It needs to get into the blood stream and circulate, choking life. While a viper is one of the deadliest snakes there be, yet the process is still the same. Two, they had waited a great while because it took longer for the poison to prove effective on Paul. They were wondering why it had taken so long and had proved abortive. So, after waiting, they waited again because Paul seems to be defying the situation and the normal processes of things. 

For the islanders to have waited a great while or awhile for the poison to work in Paul, it means they are as well familiar with the process and could therefore time or predict the poison's effectiveness. If there was a wristwatch in their days, one could have looked at it and said, "in fifteen minutes time". That's why they waited and then waited a great while to reascertain the effectiveness of the poison. That's why they set a certain time range for Paul to manifest the poison's effect. 

"Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god".

Mark the expression, "they looked when he should have swollen..." It means they were timing Paul to begin to manifest, scream, dance around and fight for his life. However, they never saw it. 

What the Lord is putting in my mouth to say is this. Defy situations! Don't go the ways of others. The islanders have learnt by experience how long it'll take for that venom to work. It's what they've seen people died of. Paul wouldn't be the first victim. It was therefore from such experience they predicted Paul's fate and timed him to manifest like the so many they had seen. However, Paul didn't go the way of their thoughts. He walked a new path entirely. The path Paul walked was so novel in their eyes that they said Paul was a god. 

Here comes the testimony God wants you to live up to. If ancestral early death or whatsoever has been getting people in your lineage, you should be the first man to defy that process. If onlookers and those who know the history of your family line predict that it'll soon be unto you as it had been unto others, you can surely shake it off, defy the situation and live on without harm or any loss. They'll look at when you should have swollen or fallen down dead suddenly but it'll never come. You'll still be here and that'll be because the redemptive blood cries and silences every other voices calling for your blood. New story could begin to be written from you. The Bible records that when they awaited the poison to take effect on Paul and it didn't, they changed their minds and concludes Paul was a god. God can use you to change the minds and notions of people. God wants to set you forth as such testimony. If you'll take the provision of Christ, stay under His shadow and live to invoke the abilities of His redemption, you can break what has been breaking men and women where you are that you know. It may be that no one has spent a full term in an office you're vying for. Probably, something has always been kicking them out or off. But you can go to spend two and change the narratives. 

It's therefore my prayer as it's God's that you'll see another day, go another mile, celebrate another birthday and defy all limitations and break processes that have been known to be sure. You're the one chosen to become a god to that situation like Moses is a god to Pharaoh. You have power over it and I could hear the Word of Jesus saying, "and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

PRAYER: Nothing shall by any means hurt me. I escape. I triumph. I am the new man on the new ground. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 4:1-37; 2 Peter 1:1-21; Psalm 119:97-112; Proverbs 28:17-18

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Sunday 26 November 2023




BE WEANED OF YOUR MYTHS - Our Travelogue & Travails Series 002

Acts 28:4, KJV

"And when the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand, they said among themselves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath escaped the sea, yet vengeance suffereth not to live".

We began by looking at the word "barbarous" and using some of its meanings to make definitions for our teaching. While we've been able to establish the Islanders of Melita as not being barbarous but kind men, yet there's another side that proves them so. This is what God wants us to be weaned of so that we might take a change from glory to glory until we eventually have His semblance. God will keep adjusting us in the mirror of His word until we take full dressing and are aligned to the properness of His mind. Irrespective of your growth or maturity in Christ, there'll still be weight or fat for you to shed off. If you'll follow Christ on, you must see with Him whenever He points them to you. 

The Islanders of Melita sure have their beliefs, culture and even myth. They don't stop inferring that's how something is because of something that they'd observed or thought to be. As the stick pretending to be snake fastened itself to Paul's hand, they theorize immediately from the multitude of their belief system that it is because Paul was a murderer. Though he has escaped the sea yet justice seems to still be seeking him out for vengeance. This is a myth and none of us would have believed it as myth until it was proven otherwise and the natives exposed as men of mere guesses who don't seek to find out real causes of things. If Paul had really swollen up and died from that viper's bite, the natives would have said, "they said so". However, things didn't go the way of their guess or belief at all. Without Paul being privy to what they had said of him. He shook the beast off into the fire. Even after that, they still awaited the poison to circulate, take effect on him that justice might be satisfied over Paul. They awaited his swelling up. However, it never came. They just didn't see such day. They were baffled.

Acts 28:5-6, KJV

"5 And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. 6 Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god".

You see, they were all proven wrong. Their myth was exposed. This is what makes any still barbarous. If you do not find the truth before you establish the fact, you're barbarous. It doesn't matter what city you live in, what city life you enjoy or what calibre of people flock around you. The moment you reduce yourself to wishful and easy thinking of causes of events without the due diligence of seeking out, laying bare, questioning, observing, interviewing, gathering witnesses' reports and even experimenting, you're no other but a barbarian. It might not show that fast but you'll soon be exposed to have been wrong all the while. The natives of Melita could have gotten away with their thesis. Those who heard what they said who also believe in God's justice system might as well believe justice was trying to get Paul considering the fact that he was even a prisoner. "Who knows if he is a murderer", they might have accented? However, they were all proven wrong. After they had waited long enough to prove the certainty of their guess and seeing nothing happen to Paul, the Bible records that, "they gave up and assumed Paul is a god."

Acts 28:6, KJV

"Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god".

Look at how quick they changed their minds again. That tells you their first thesis was not a grounded one. If it was, they wouldn't immediately agree they were wrong. They'll rather investigate why their findings didn't work. When you're given to suggesting and casting answers on life which have not been tested or proven, when you're suddenly proven wrong or when your principle refuses to work, you'll agree immediately at being wrong. I mean you'll easily be reproached and boxed to a side by a thesis that seems raving and acclaiming in the meanwhile and that'll be because you never gathered the assurance that stems from having done one's own due diligence. However, we ought to be noble men who won't just give in to compromise when defied and that'll be because we have a certain measure of confidence in our original findings having found it out indeed. 

Imagine this, "after they had looked a great while and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds and say he was a god". On that wise, they were correct. Paul was a god in the human flesh. He has the divine blood running through him. He enjoys divine healing and protection. Having being bitten by that viper that fastens itself to his hand yet didn't swell up or fall down suddenly (as the natives have learnt and affirmed it should be to any who gets bitten by such snake) proves Paul indeed to be of a supernatural stock. Meanwhile, their calling Paul a god is not that they understood what made him a god. They didn't investigate that.  However, they felt he had supernatural powers. If not, he should have suffered the fate of the rest they had known. They only used the broader term, "a god" to excuse themselves from investigation and proper query again that could have given them much answers than they had applied and forced on Paul (though correct). Today, God is calling us all to become diligent investigators in our fields who do his due diligence and follow a process of testing to arrive at his answers. You may not follow a scientific method but give due diligence before you publish your results. If you're proven wrong, you might be forced to change your position and relinquish your claim. Anyway, you should be humble to do that and accept the defeat of having not given scholarship and diligence in research and fact finding. Those are the truly barbarous men!

PRAYER: Lord, give me the patience, diligence of an enquirer. Secret things belong to You but that which is revealed belong to us and our children forever. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 2:24-3:30; 1 Peter 4:7-5:14; Psalm 119:81-96; Proverbs 28:15-16

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Saturday 25 November 2023




THEY CALLED THEM BARBAROUS PEOPLE - Our Travelogue & Travails Series 001

Acts 28:1-2, KJV

"1And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. 2 And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the present rain, and because of the cold".

The word "barbarous" has many meanings and we shall begin to teach and consider some truths right from some of these. 

Our evangelism and making of disciples never end. God is the One who locates us in the next field to till. He sees right and so allocates us rightly. How Paul got to the Island of Melita was something not planned by him. It's something more of God's providence than man's foreknowledge. Though God had told him, "they'll be cast on a certain island" after escaping the sea and its turbulence, yet Paul and others wouldn't have wanted to be shipwrecked or be diverted from their course (Acts 27:23-26). Paul couldn't have imagined what he met there. As a matter of fact, what he saw there far outweighs the imagination of any missionary if he were called to testify. 

They didn't know what Island they were cast until they had arrived ashore. In that angel's revelation to Paul, the name of the Island was not given. The Island is obviously a cut off from the thorough touch of civilization for we read that the people are barbarous - uncivilized and uncultured. If they are uncivilized, there's a manner they might have been expected to behave. They might have been expected to be unfriendly, violent and rude. However, these islanders and natives proved to be otherwise. For we read that as soon as they were cast on the Island, they made fire for them, took them in so that the escapees could have shelter from the present rain and the consequence of cold. 

It's God who justifies us even when men wrongly thinks of us. It's not your business to seek to speak for yourself. That may even be lack of humility at times. However, He that sees it all can as well win all and sooner or later, men's opinion of you would be different. We should be free from, "what do they think or are saying about me?" It's a bad snare that'll make you obedient to men instead of God. You'll be engulfed turning men pleasers. 

The Bible reports them to be "barbarous" or "barbarians". They are not different from the Piraha people in the Amazon world of Brazil that Evangelist and Missionary Linguist, Daniel Everette once went to convert. The Piraha people are mostly untouched. Though, there had been a delegate of missionaries to them - to live with them, learn their language and translate the Bible into their language so that when preached to, they might be converted, yet all failed until Daniel Everette was sent. He became the first to break the code and understand the Piraha language. Though he failed to have them converted but his contact of the Piraha people is no different from Paul's contact of the people of Melita. The two natives could be both described as "uncivilized". They are cut off from the often touch of the general world. They rather live by their own beliefs, cultures and myths - untainted by the world around them. 

You know the Melita people are lost in their own beliefs and myths considering what they thought Paul must have done wrong for vengeance of death to still have sought him despite having escaped the sea (Acts 28:4-6). This is nothing but a myth. They expected him to swell up from the viper's bite and give up the ghost. However, that never happened. Like I afore said, don't speak for yourself. Let God speak for you. His sole voice will drown a thousand voices with preconceptions or wrong notions of you. Your defence can't do much. It'll only raise more arguments and doubts. I know a God who clears men and makes him welcomed in people's mind. 

Today, the barbarous are no longer uncivilized. It is the civilized that have become barbarous. We should be weary of calling ourselves Christians without Christ like characters or fruits to establish same (Gal.5:22-23). That makes us barbarians! Also, how often do we think the rough would be the unrefined? Only to discover that he is a gold wrapped in rag and a gift to humanity. This is who the Islanders of Melita are. Contrary to the opinion of men about them [considering they were cut off from the regular touch of men], they were called, "barbarous". However, they proved not to be one. Their act of kindness proved everybody who had called them barbarous or might have expected them to act uncivilized wrong. Let us all fight with acts and not with mere speech. One echoes louder and wins without arguments. The Bible has spoken conclusively on this when it says we should be doers [instead of mere hearers] - James 1:22. How often do you do the Word of God so that men may see your good work, be converted and give glory to your Father who's in heaven. 

This is Day 1 of this series. You're welcome to the Island of Melita where they said the barbarous people live. We have found the barbarous to be friendly anyway. This is our experience so far in our journey and encounter with men as we preach Christ. God always surprises and surpasses our imagination as what we thought difficult and hard are cracked and opened nuts at our arrival. Today, I pray for you, you'll meet it differently. Trusting God for all missionaries at distant, isolated and forsaken lands, God will shut the mouths of lions for you. The barbarous will become friendly with you and they shall give ears to the gospel. 

PRAYER: Father, let us meet it differently. Let the unfriendly become our friends. We have a better testimony. Your gospel is preached and men are discipled. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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Tuesday 14 November 2023





II Kings 6:17, KJV

"And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha".

We have to pray. We really have to pray that God opens our eyes to see. Not seeing is a deficiency. Blindness is not an asset but a vulnerability to many dangers. It's only a blessing for the blind to have as its guide he who sees. However, it pays to see for oneself. It pays to have the faculty that's aware personally and without looking unto any one for revelation or notices. 

In today's reading, the King of Syria would want Elisha to be arrested for having exposed much of his military plans. Having gathered intelligence on where he dwells, an operation "Catch Him Young" was sent by this Syrian king to nip Elisha in the bud. It's this that brought the many horses and chariots that have themselves surround Dothan. Indeed, Elisha is grinded in human parlance but for God who is with him. 

When his servant observes and sees this reality, he shouts desperately and wonder what they shall do - how they shall escape. However, Elisha is well confident because of what else he has seen. Apart from the physical reality around them, he has seen the spiritual reality that's for them. It's this succour he provides for his servant when he says, "they that be with us are more than they that be with them". However, this only scratched this servant, it yet didn't build faith in him until Elisha had prayed that he be brought into same position and status as he. He therefore prays that God will open his eyes. In a jiffy when this was done, the servant sees the entire valley filled with horses and chariots of fire. Only then could he agree that they that be with them are more than they that are against them. He saw their resources. He saw the beings that are not ordinary or physical yet tangible to influence the earth and its realities. In this wise, he resolutely rests in the provision of the Lord. How many times have we feared because of what we see - dread as physical fear but to the neglect of our divine resources that is more able even to the pulling down of great strongholds (physical or spiritual). 

Brethren, we need to see. We need to see beyond the physical that's common and is the special privilege of all. We can see through and see into the world of the spirits, discern good and evil; demons and angels. We need to see. We desperately need to see! Some have shared how it's not only humans that live on this terrestrial ball called earth. One might take it for a wonder and deem it impossible but if God should open your eyes to see, you'll observe that not all humans are even humans. If Elisha's servant's eyes were never opened, he won't know as reality that apart from physical horses and chariots that there are on earth, there are such models in the spirit. 

Paul praying for the Ephesians says this. 

Ephesians 1:16-18, KJV

"16 Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; 17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: 18 The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints..."

Whether your understanding is opened to conceptualize the Word or God's plan and activity on earth or you have insight into divine knowledge, all is a form of seeing - because it involves knowing being granted you. And until you see, you can't understand deep things. There are heights that we can attain, there are blessings that we can have and that's to have the blessing of the opened eyes. Even Psalmist hollers in prayer that his eyes would be opened. 

Psalms 119:18, KJV

"Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law".

He knows that without the opened eyes, without the scales falling off from the eyes and the capsule or casing of the Word being broken, he can not penetrate or see any wondrous thing from God's law. One thing is consequent upon an opened eyes. You will see wondrous things! Things that you cannot all describe. Things that until you saw you never believed existed. My prayer is short, simple yet shall be again effective on you today. It's that God will open your eyes/understanding. You'll know God's love plan for you and see into the riches of His glory. You won't be deaf and dumb children. When God pipes to you, you'll respond accordingly and you shall altogether fulfill your very purpose of existence. You won't miss out of the will of God because the Lord will open your eyes to see wondrous things (deep and uncommon revelation) from His Word. This way, your path will be naturally ordered and you won't fall into the pits of many. You're therefore saved. You're therefore delivered from what will happen but which like Elisha you have seen and now get warned by or warns others of. I see you with the blessed seeing faculty.  

PRAYER: Lord, grant me the blessing of the opened eyes and understanding. Enlighten me and let me see wondrous, awe causing and troubling things.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 21:1-22:31; Hebrews 10:1-17; Psalm 108:1-13; Proverbs 27:12

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Monday 13 November 2023





John 1:16, KJV

"And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace."

Today my Wing brothers and sisters, I'll be describing those two experiences above. They are what you can have. They are experiences that are possible, can and should be consequent in your life. Your season can come for you to enter into each of them. One precedes the other. Being filled precedes the experience of overflowing. By the anointing today, you shall begin to experience being filled and then you shall experience an overflow. Just believe in God and then believe in me, God's anointed. In this way, difficult things shall be made easy. 

At Cana of Galilee, as Jesus readies to turn water to wine, He instructs to fill some six water pots with water. 

John 2:7, KJV

"Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water..."

At day's end, we have this report, "...and they filled them up to the brim" (John 2:7b). There's a huge difference between filling something and then filling it to the brim; having something and then having it to the fullest. A huge difference there be between both. It's possible to be an owner of something but a scanty possessor of it. However, it's possible to enter into the experience of "receiving grace for grace" from God until one is really filled to the brim. To be filled to the brim means to be blessed for one self, lacking nothing that can delight and comfort oneself. You automatically become self contained. You get where your own hands can meet your own needs any time, any day. However, there's another level and that's the one Psalm 23:5 talks about when it says, "thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over". Now, here's a new experience - different from being filled to the brim that makes one able to support oneself. This rather describes a vessel - a person who has so much of something until he constantly gives or pours away of same. 

That actually describes Jesus in John 1:16. The Bible says, "of His fullness have we all received grace for grace". Jesus has a fullness - to the brim or filling the room blessing. But beyond that, He pours into us on daily basis. No one can pour into another yet doesn't have an overflow or an issuing spring that renews him. Not having a spring or overflow is a signal to a soon drying up. 

You might also need to be taken on a reminder that as that widow in debt pours the oil into one vessel to set it aside by itself, the oil keeps pouring because it's actually operating by a spiritual overflow. As long as there are vessels to pour oil into - to call oil out from this original giving jar, oil keeps pouring though the oil in the pouring jar doesn't fill its jar to the brim. However, that little oil has suddenly being enlarged and blessed to give away abundantly (II Kings 4:6). 

Where do you want to stay? Where you're filled to the brim with heaven's blessings or to go a step to where you're not only filled but you overflow, and because you are, you shed your fat and abundance of overflow to others? When I hear the term, "shed fat" or "lose weight", I wonder. Only those with excesses go into such exercises of shedding  already accumulated and overflowing fat or weight. If you're slim like myself, what excess of body fat do you need to shed when your wife's effort and prayer is that you'll even add weight?

God told Abraham that He'll bless him and he'll be a blessing (Gen.12:2). There are blessings that are personally contained. They become a pool. They are not rivers neither streams that run to bless others. I don't want self contained blessings only. I want a gift for all, an anointing for the nations. 

It's my prayer today that the Lord will shuttle you into the next level of joy. It's my prayer that'll you'll leave being filled to the brim to entering into the overflow experience. 

PRAYER: Lord, top me up with blessings until I'm filled and then overflows. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 21:1-22:31; Hebrews 10:1-17; Psalm 108:1-13; Proverbs 27:12

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