Monday 23 October 2023




GOD IS SHOWING YOU WHAT HE IS ABOUT TO DO - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 006

Genesis 41:25, KJV

"And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do".

Do you know what is paining me the most? It's that God keeps bypassing a lot of us. How? When God comes down to you with communication and you fail to heed or let that communication influence your action, you'd successfully allow God to pass you by. God came but He didn't benefit you and that won't be because God chooses so but because you did. 

The intent is to put you in the know of what's to soon happen. Do you think God just wakes people's ears morning by morning to hear instructions in vain? No! Since the Bible already tells us how man should live, saying, "man shall not live by bread (physical food) alone but by every word (rhema word of instruction) that comes out of the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). It means as daily as we need physical food to survive daily, so also do we need God's rhema word or instruction to survive. It then means not being in the know of world events, natural disasters or even your neighborhood events may be the doom or end of you. But how does God overtake such events? By coming to you before their happenings. But it'll be unfortunate if God speaks to you and the closeness/urgency of the communication does not influence your action or change your attitude. I was on campus in Tai Solarin University of Education, TASUED Ijagun, Ogun State when a student ruckus broke out against the State Authority actually. However, students began to show their anger by making it show on campus. It warranted the students destroying many school's properties. It was just a total state of anarchy. To put an end to it, the school management requested for soldiers from Ilese Barracks (it should be). I had just finished bathing that day and was contemplating either to stay in my small room at Joy Gate Hostel at Ijagun to study or not. I wanted to stay to read in my home but I just lost my peace over staying at home. Going to St. Peter's Anglican Church just became the vocal point. I was almost hearing St.Peter's. I submitted and I left for there. I was entering the compound of that church when I saw pick ups of these battalions beginning to roll into town. I never knew it only remained some minutes for students to be shut off and curtailed by them. That day, those battalions were going from hostel to hostel beating and dealing with students and they didn't mind whether you were guilty of the offence or not. They got to my hostel and dealt with almost all the students there except for any who might have escaped into the bush. Even those who locked their doors weren't safe for they were forcefully opened or broken. That was what God saw coming before saying I should go to read in a religious place where they'll fear to desecrate. I just stood by that church's fence watching the turmoil from inside. Everywhere was lit and loud. It was too much. Even some of my fellowship members were so beaten that they had to go home for treatment and rest. Would it have been good therefore if it was heard that their president (I was president of the fellowship then) was as well beaten. God forbid! I refuse to share in the reward of the wicked. Since I didn't destroy any property, why should I be overtaken with such consequence. Just like me, many students might receive God's leading but they just might have despised it. But I thank God who always leads us to victory for having not kept back any communication that'll be to our saving at each particular time. You may be on your conversant road and the Spirit might appeal or protest to you to jettison it for another. Whether you'll hear or not is now the ultimate. Over the years, there are two skills I've horned. It's being led by the Holy Spirit and living by faith. You can't master those two and be stupid or fail. 

Joseph says, "God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do". It means sooner or soonest, God will bring to pass the seven years of abundance and the seven years of famine. It isn't going to be something with patience and longevity of years like the return of Christ (for which God is showing mercy to the yet unconverted). 

The same is the communication of God to Peter in outlook. It became a manifestation almost the same instant he had had that trance. As a matter of fact, the Spirit had to call him off from further rumination because the means through which the trance would begin to come to pass has made arrival to seek him out (Acts 10:17-21). This event is not for donkey years to come. God is the One showing you what He is about to do. It's something that must come to pass shortly. Due to this, you can't joke with what action to take promptly. Knowing this, Joseph recommended gathering grain like the sand of the sea shore -  and it worked. If the fulfilment was deceptively said to be for the future, all of them would have missed it and God would have bypassed them though He brought them that aid of the seven years of abundance. What to watch for rather is that the ground would yield greatly abundantly unlike before. That's the mark of having entered into that season of special abundance that must be conserved. Brethren, what God has shown you is what He wants to bring to pass shortly. May you not be defiant to it. May you rather provide it bodies and means to find expression through. I declare you blessed and unintimidated in the face of sweeping world, national and local challenges. Escape is always yours. 

PRAYER: Lord, I listen. I am the sheep of your pasture and I am led. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23; 2 Timothy 2:1-21; Psalm 92:1-93:5; Proverbs 26:3-5

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Sunday 22 October 2023




IT WILL MEET PREPARATION ON GROUND - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 005

Genesis 41:53-54, KJV

"53 And the seven years of plenteousness, that was in the land of Egypt, were ended. 54 And the seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.

What God is about to do, He tells Pharaoh. In same way, what God is about to do or what shall soon come upon the earth shall be told you. 

Genesis 41:28, KJV

"This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What God is about to do he sheweth unto Pharaoh".

As far as God is concerned, it is concluded. What He therefore communicates to Pharaoh is the conclusion and establishment of events that have been slated. For a Christian, events of life shouldn't just catch you unawares. We should have been in the know since awhile before the event. We are not like those of the world who become wiser after the event had happened and by then have learnt how to protect themselves next time. No! We see and act wisely before the event ever happens. We're the prudent men and women. What will soon happen is what we see from afar so that we can put necessary preparation in place in hiding, saving and protecting ourselves. The Bible records concerning the virtuous woman that, "she is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet" (Proverbs  31:21, KJV). First question is, "when did she get scarlet for her household?" Obviously before the snow! When men are suddenly afraid and their hearts fail, it is usually because of an event that has struck which they have little or no preparation in place for. This woman is a woman of days to come. She knows the snow would come and so acquires the right clothing for that change in season. So when the season arrives, she was not thrown into frenzy or erratic behaviour of seeking curtailing and controlling measures. She had taken thought ahead of time against such problem. Always, the snow always meet preparation on ground in her household. She's not taken unawares by what she has privileged information and understanding over that same will come. Never!

Look, it'll meet preparation on ground. If it comes and it doesn't meet preparation on ground, it means you have been nonchallant and independent of God's communication to you. God doesn't want you to act that way. When God gave Pharaoh dreams on the plenty years and the famine to come, the counteracting solution is to save up grains in those seven years of plenty so that it might be used to tackle the hunger and famine of those seven years of famine. God is just. He'll not allow any temptation or trial come to you without providing a way of escape still. With every hardship comes a commensurate solution and relief. The seven years of plenty is the key to dispelling and making of no effect the seven years of famine. The land or ground as interpreted by Joseph would bring forth plentifully - that is unusually abundant (Gen. 41:29). That is something that Egypt has not known before but it's to an end. That the land will bring forth unusually unlike before is something to be suspicious of. God wouldn't have allowed the land to yield this way if He was not trying to equate them with the hard days of famine that'll not make those days of plenty to be known or traceable at all. 

However, it meets preparation on ground. It didn't catch them unawares. The seven years of famine came indeed, but before then, the Bible records that Joseph had stored up grains as the sand of the sea shore and he has even left numbering (Gen.41:49). So, the seven years of famine that could have plunged the entire country into death became a walkover just by the power of revelation, action and preparation. We should likewise act this way. It is better for our preparation to be in excesses than it not being as the sand of the sea shore. If it's not as the sand of the sea shore, we'll find out we have not prepared at all even some few miles into the event. So, go all the way.  

God won't owe us. He'll not keep from us anything that can benefit us and save us from trouble. He'll give you a very floral job so that by it you might be able to handle the famine in the land or the one to come. All He hopes you'll do is that you'll learn the power of investment and the saving/gathering of the remnant. But if you blow your allocated portion like the prodigal son, just get ready for the famine that shall rise and visit after your riotous living. A greater tribulation is coming upon the world and many sectors shall be shaken. Take scarlet for your household now! Only the foresight would survive it. It is the preparation we put in place that makes us men of strength in the face of what could have broken us. The Bible says, "the conies are a people feeble but they build their houses in the rock" (Prov.30:26). Living in the rock therefore gives them strong shelter and makes these feeble animals strong as well. Look at how their preparation and a place they intentionally make choice of aids them for strength against and ahead of any unforseen circumstances. Let anything yet to come but which you have seen or that is slated meet preparation on ground. Prepare! Go all out. Gather grains round the cities round about you. Fill all the basins with the oil now that you're in your season and the time of preparation. Stress yourself and gather till you can't number any longer. Until then, your preparation is not strong and you might not have bread to eat and spare. Be like the ants who have a default setting and a reputation of "not being strong yet gather their meat in summer" (Prov. 30:25). Look, let preparation make your weak strong!

PRAYER: Father, teach me the power of preparation towards the revelation and divine move you'll open my understanding to.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 39:1-41:18; 2 Timothy 1:1-18; Psalm 90:1-91:16; Proverbs 26:1-2

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Saturday 21 October 2023




LIFTING UP A STANDARD AGAINST IT - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 004

Isaiah 59:19, KJV

"So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him".

A standard as rendered there is also banner. The Bible says, "when the enemy (or let's say that which is contradictory to a Christian's welfare) shall come in like a flood (suddenly, unannounced, rushingly, shockingly) that the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him/it. 

I said a standard is also a banner. Then, let's ask, "how will a banner be the answer to a sudden attack of probably a rushing army or well coordinated invasion? Very simple. Banner there is just synecdochical or metonymic of your own resources also - an army or what help the Holy Spirit will bring in for you. If you'll observe, you'll see that when armies go to battle, they go with flags and banners. Each nation has its flag and banner. So, when that place says, "when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against him, it means God shall come in to stop his raging mouth. There'll be a resistance that coming flood or event will meet at hand. The Bible records that for forty days and forty nights, Goliath rails at the army of the Lord saying, "give me a man that we may fight together" (I Sam. 17:8). However, God lifted a standard against him in David who God sent to the battle field by the hand of Jesse. What will answer the enemy is at hand. What will put a full stop to any work or ongoing activity of Satan in your life has been engineered and as soon as Satan moves against you, God also is obligated to move those resources for you. Don't forget that no sooner that Bible passage says hints casting oneself down, it as well says, "on their hands they'll bear you up" (Psalm 91:11-12).

I see God with a standard. I see God earmarking a provision that can eradicate, nullify, numb the launchings of the enemy against you. God can see that the times would be hard and so might come ahead for you by giving you yet a better job so that you might have wherewithal to sow (invest) and to eat. That's no lesser a lifting of standard against what the Lord has foresaw is coming your way - economic hardship. I remembered my journey to my hometown one day. When I boarded the vehicle at Sagamu, I felt a stirring to begin to pray in tongues. I did till I got to Abeokuta and I continued until I got to Lafenwa where I would board a vehicle going to my hometown. I never knew I was arousing my sensitivity level, refreshing my spirit to new consciousness that day and counteracting something in the spirit. I had taken the seat beside the driver so that I might have view of things as we traveled. Just then, a woman came wanting to sit with me. She asked politely but I just felt like leaving the front seat for her. I did. Our vehicle had not gone a mile when it had an accident. It was a head on collision. Thank God the harm was nothing except for a little scratch of the vehicle. That woman in fear relocated to the back and kept looking at me in awe. Later in time, I deduced my prayer not only saved me but was even intercession for everybody in that vehicle. Else, it would have been more terrible than that. I've had this same experience of being stirred to pray on another journey. The second was on a journey from Ikenne Remo to Ondo State. I prayed in tongue to and fro though pounded yam was seated in me while returning (from a function) at Ondo. Yet, we escaped an accident and what could have been a really dangerous somersault. These acts of praying are ways by which God lifted a standard against what the enemy rushingly came in to do those days. No sooner the enemy came in like a flood, God answers with the lifting of a standard. 

Mind the use of language. That place says, "the enemy shall come in like a flood". Flood is always out of control when it hits. When it comes, it rather sweeps everything in its track away. That's why when water or flood of water comes, humanity is usually helpless even in the physical. It's this characteristics of the natural flood that makes mess of the best and brilliant minds that God says He'll help lift a standard against. That is, He'll as well release an allocation to stop, resist and override it. Your allocation won't tarry. Wherever a coordinated attack is planned against you, I pray, may God override it by lifting a standard - raising an army, a voice, a resource for you against it all. You shall always experience salvation. In six or seven troubles, no harm will come to you. Write it down and be assured of it. God is your salvation. 

PRAYER: Lord, lift a standard against any coming like a flood of the enemy against me. Give me foresight to team with you. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 37:1-38:28; 1 Timothy 6:1-21; Psalm 89:38-52; Proverbs 25:28

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Friday 20 October 2023




AN ENCOUNTER BEYOND THE ORDINARY - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 003

Genesis 41:8, KJV

"And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was troubled; and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt, and all the wise men thereof: and Pharaoh told them his dream; but there was none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh."

Look, an encounter beyond the ordinary will set you ablaze. It'll wake you up and interrupt your sleep. It'll write itself on your mind. If you're a spiritual man, you can't but acknowledge the fact that something is in store and at hand looking at this dream, vision, trance or communication of God to you. Brethren, you can know and know that a dream is not ordinary. You'll just know by the equipping you have in your spirit. You'll just have awareness and a very sharp call to note it and follow it up by praying and doing other practical things. Such communication might come with its own fear or awe to drive you to unravel why they are given. Such happens to Pharaoh and Peter in today's reading. 

Peter would have eaten but while they made ready, he fell into a trance. In simple interpretation, it means Peter was still fasting or yet tarried in fasting until he ate. So, while in that condition where a man is attuned to His Creator, he receives a visitation. A sheet is let down from heaven to him with a voice saying, "rise, kill and eat". We know the remaining story. 

However, after this trance, Peter knew he had an encounter beyond the ordinary. He knew for sure and through the content of that trance that this is no ordinary. Something is at stake or in store for him. So, he starts to enquire. 

Acts 10:17, KJV

"Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate".

How did he begin to enquire? By starting to wonder at what that trance could mean. Stop having dreams or divine revelations just for their sakes. Probe them. God has an intent in mind for their communication and if you won't take it for granted, you'll see that they are signs pointing to something. Imagine! The reason and answer for which Peter had that trance was just at his gate while he was still wondering on what it could be. 

This version (NIV) puts what Peter does succinctly in this manner. See with me.

"17 While Peter was WONDERING about the meaning of the vision, the men sent by Cornelius found out where Simon’s house was and stopped at the gate... 19 While Peter WAS STILL THINKING ABOUT THE VISION, the Spirit said to him, “Simon, three[a] men are looking for you."

That's it. Peter thought, wondered and imagined what the vision could be. He wanted to know. I said it, the need to know or the urgency to know always come with God given revelation. He'll put a reason there to compel you to seek after it. Peter while still searching and troubleshooting as to what it could mean didn't spend much time in that rumination before the reason for that vision or trance begin to unfold. 

Listen to me. Listen to what I have to say. Yet a little time. Just a little time and you shall begin to see come to pass what the Lord has already brought you in/as communication. The next phase now is manifestation phase. So, get ready to travel. I don't mean travel abroad. I intended getting ready to journey in the direction or path that vision, revelation would have you ordered. I pray for you that you shall see all you prayed for. All your seeds will germinate. All your expectations will meet with answers and your probings will meet with their unravelling. Hear this, "now is the day and today is the time". It is happening now. Your door shall be knocked and men shall ask after you. You shall be located and put on the next phase that you must take. You'll be shipped away to your location and all things shall fall in place. The Spirit that knows God's mind for you is doing this. 

PRAYER: Lord, give me that awe to probe, prove and unravel your communication to me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 35:1-36:32; 1 Timothy 5:1-25; Psalm 89:14-37; Proverbs 25:25-27

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Thursday 19 October 2023




WHEN GOD USES FIGURE OF SPEECH - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 002

Read Gen. 41:1-33

Genesis 41:32, KJV

"And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass."

There's a figure of speech called repetition. It's generally categorized under figure of speech in Literature in English though it could receive categorization as a figure of sound. What is clear is that it is a figure of speech with the like of Metaphor, Simile, Pun, Assonance etc. 

God uses figure of speech and the one He uses today is repetition. Joseph told Pharaoh that because the event is slated to happen, that's why God doubles the dream to him. That is, God wouldn't have spoken once and gone further to speak the second time if He had not established and planned to bring that communication to pass. 

Genesis 41:5, KJV

"And he slept and dreamed the second time..."

In Literature in English, repetition is never used by any writer in vain. It is always used for the purpose of emphasis - the exact reason for which God doubles His communication to Pharaoh. A very cogent act of telling him that it has been decided and fixed!

I've said it over the years that God is a God of emphasis. The Bible highlights Pharaoh's first dream of seven thin fleshed cows swallowing the fat fleshed. One might have taken that for granted and Pharaoh actually could have did. But he slept again to encounter a dream in the similitude of the first. Putting two plus two together, he knows something is hidden somewhere that must be deciphered. Moreso, the Bible says, "and his spirit was troubled" (Gen.41:8). It's not every troubling of your spirit that's of the devil or a signal of the devil. No! God might want to use it to rouse you to action. If the alarm bells didn't rise in his spirit, he might sit down quietly and not seek solutions towards unravelling those dreams. Personally, whenever I dream and they are not dreams from multitude of businesses, they always come alive. I often find this as a measure that God is speaking to me if it were through dreams. The reality of it would hit and it'll keep ringing and reoccurring. 

Just like Pharaoh, there are those of you that God in His infinite mercy has visited recurringly yet without corresponding action for which God visited you. I can tell you that you'll be consumed and will soon reap the reward of your disobedience. As I'm even looking at you, your part might soon be with sinners and that won't be because God failed you but because your sheep is camouflaging and beginning to live as a goat. When God sees the future and wants to bring us into its awareness - He doubles His communication to place emphasis or importance on it. If you're not stupid but wise of heart, you should be able to naturally deduce that something is in store or at stake if you repeatedly have the same dream (targeted towards a goal) though with diverse elements or scenes. You should think it up and like Peter upon the house top, such communication is such that you should give yourself to quickly find out by meditating or counselling on what it could be (Acts 10:17, 19). 

Today, mind it, God does not use figure of speech in vain. Like a writer seeking to show the inevitability of an event, He repeats what He doesn't want men to take for granted. May your spirit however be alive. May God speak once, may you hear twice and move in fear and terror like Noah to obey Him. 

Psalms 62:11, KJV

"God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this..."

Hebrews 11:7, KJV

"By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith".

Brethren, I see a rain coming upon the earth. It will drench a lot of people and its water will sweep many away. The unplanned will begat and like a shock, it'll surprise the unnotified. However, you can be that prudent man who foresees ahead and hide himself or become that wise man who builds his house on the rock in anticipation of the besetting flood and wind (Matt. 7:24-25). Foresight is a manifestation of divine notices or understanding you have. That's when you can escape the coming flood in world crisis or trouble - be it financial or political etc. Things are moving. Be moved in the spirit to sight same!

PRAYER: I'm full of ears round my body. I'm full of perception. I foresee; I anticipate and I am prompt in obedience.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 33:1-34:22; 1 Timothy 4:1-16; Psalm 89:1-13; Proverbs 25:23-24

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Wednesday 18 October 2023




MEN ARE STILL DREAMING AND RECEIVING - It'll Meet Preparation On Ground Series 001

Genesis 41:1, KJV

"And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed: and, behold, he stood by the river".

It is a blessing if you can hear God. What blessing it is cannot be lightly regarded. As you proceed in life and in your Christian journey, the many salvation the Lord will bring and give you will be based on your being able to hear God - be led or guided. 

The Bible says, "the prudent man foresees the evil and he hides himself" (Prov.23:3). Before the 'hiding', there is 'seeing'. Seeing is a function of knowing what's coming to happen before it happens. That's what propels that prudent man into taking the action of hiding himself and that's what you stand to benefit when you can still pick waves of God's communication. Therefore, no matter how dutiful you are or tight your schedules may be, never find it obsolete or impossible coming to God whose His is secret things to keep or give.

Being privy to secret information yet to come on the world is a rare privilege that artificial intelligence is short of. Artificial intelligence can therefore go far but not farther. However, God can go the farthest distance by revealing to you the future that no one has ever entered or stumbled into. The Bible says, "7 there is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture's eye hath not seen: 8 The lion's whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it" (Job 28:7-8). There is! No matter how perusing, sound to the latter and good in analysing details they are, there's a layer and level of what's to come that they can't decipher. They'll totally be oblivion of it. They can't just know it. Why? It is only God who knows what's in darkness - having light on every matter always. He only reveals deep and secret things (Dan.2:22). Mortal man needs divine illumination if he'll ever enter into a future yet to come and make ready for it. 

The Bible says, "and Pharaoh dreamed..." Simply put, "and Pharaoh heard God!" That's it. That is no ordinary dream. That's God seeking to awaken a man to the events soon to befall the world. And so, God gives him a dream. In these dreams, he saw clearly the description of plants and farm animals that'll later be interpreted by Joseph as being seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. That he dreamed is the beginning of his breakthrough. The question God is directing me to ask you is this. Do you still hear Me? Are you still in the condition of life where you can pick Spirit information? If I lighten your path and enlighten your darkness, will you treat it as divine communication or identify it for that? That's why God began with us on the importance of hearing him. While Pharaoh didn't pray to hear God or make any effort before he heard God, yet if you'll ever come to hear God and know His mind always, you must first have His Spirit and that comes by being born again. The Bible says, "for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they're the sons of God" (Rom.8:14) and we know that no one becomes the son of God who has not being imparted by divinity (God) with the power to first be. The Bible says, "but as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1:12, KJV). That's a great mark. The Spirit of God won't lead you into misbehaviour. Why won't you be known therefore as a peace maker? So, you can't but be in reputation of being God's son who lives holily and above any flood that the enemy might rush in upon the world. However, you must keep your hour. Jesus told His disciples to watch and pray that they may not enter into temptation. He even asked them, "could you not watch with me for an hour?" (Matt.26:40-41). Watching in your hour will keep you from the temptation or adversity coming upon the world. It's while keeping fellowship with God that you'll be intimated on those coming hard times and enlightened on how to save or hide yourself.  Everybody will come into such time. A time that'll try you out. It's what the Bible calls in another place as the "day of adversity" (Prov.24:10). Adversity is just to test and reveal your strength. May you be kept from such hour and moment that's slated to come upon the world. May you be one of the few that'll attract the testimony of being saved from that hour because you have kept the word of God's patience. "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth". I pray for you, you'll be in relevance, position and erection to receive from God. Like an antennae well positioned to pick signal waves, so will you be. Noah heard God and was kept from the hour of temptation that came upon the whole world. You will and you'll be kept from same.

PRAYER: Lord, I keep my hour and I am kept from the temptation slated to come upon the world. I am not dull of perception. I see and I note.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 31:27-32:44; 1 Timothy 3:1-16; Psalm 88:1-18; Proverbs 25:20-22

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Sunday 15 October 2023





Read Gen. 48:8-20

Genesis 48:14, KJV

"And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn".

We are choosing beings just like God is a choosing Spirit. There's none of us here who has not chosen something or someone above another before. It just pleased us to choose what we chose. At times, we even choose the unpopular and what others would demean if they heard of our choice of same. Somehow however, we liked it, was attracted to it and even though without any special good in that thing, we chose it above others that may even have better qualities. 

Election runs through the Bible both subtly and obviously. Election which is a debatable doctrine in Christendom is a truth that we can't still deny because election of God has even found expression in each and everyone of us. You might be there doing something the other is not, having an equipping for the work the other doesn't know how to do and one may wonder why the other (though more eloquent, brilliant or even more presentable at times) isn't the one doing it. That'll be because he was not chosen for it. As far as I know, you can't call yourself and it'll work. That's election in expression. If you ask any married man, they'll tell you there were many women on offer when they chose their wives above others. Same applies to the woman. One troubling truth that all of us have come to face is to ask people who are about getting married why they'll get married to somebody we believe is lesser than them. Yet to them, that's just a perfect fit. That's what they've elected or chosen above others. It means if it were left to us, we wouldn't have considered that fellow as a choice but the fellow turns the other person's choice. That's election in expression. 

In today's reading, Joseph hearing that his father is sick brings his two sons with him to check on him. In the course of Jacob's recounting of the days of his pilgrimage on earth, he has eyes for these two sons of Joseph and even adopted them. But with the adoption comes a blessing which necessitates Jacob's crossing of hands. Though Joseph brought the children in a manner that his blind father won't have choice but naturally fall his hands on them and blessed them that way, yet Jacob, being a man of the spirit could smell their destinies and so followed the order of that dictate. 

Genesis 48:13, KJV

"And Joseph took them both, Ephraim in his right hand toward Israel's left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israel's right hand, and brought them near unto him".

Joseph seeing that Ephraim has therefore being set before Manasseh refused it but the response of Jacob shows he didn't make mistake with what he did. The Bible even says, "Jacob guides his hands wittingly". Though Ephraim facing him is positioned towards his left hand and Manasseh facing him is positioned towards his right, yet Jacob crosses the hands to lay the right hand on Ephraim (the younger) and the left on Manasseh (the elder). Joseph himself who had enjoyed the mystery of election over his brothers till this time hated the fulfilment of that. He wanted his first born to be ranked first - having the blessing commensurate to the first born and the second born following. However, the mystery of election still cries and fights for expression that Ephraim the youngest be called and set over Manasseh, his elder. 

Herein is the mystery of election revealed. You might fight it; you might detest it but indeed election is true. The Bible says this of Jacob and Esau while they were yet in their mother's womb. Rebecca knew this when she went for consultation (Gen. 25:23).

Romans 9:10-12, KJV

"10 And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; 11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger".

Mark it, election is not of works or any good that anyone has done as to please God or make himself attractive to Him. No! It is basically of Him (God) Who calls. On this matter, no one toasts or woos God. He rather woos us! He makes his choice out of mercy. You might have all perfectly in place and God might still elect you to the dismay of others looking up for the same election that could make their valleys to be exalted and so commensurate to yours or He acts vice versa. I know you might have chosen some things above others before but with confrontational questions from friends or parents on why you'd chosen that. Your simple answer might be, "I just did". While God has a purpose for each vessel He chooses yet it is basically of He that calls. You can't charge God with unrighteousness. He's simply expressing His choice the same way you'd done if you walk into a shopping mall for purchases. It is, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion" which consequently makes it, "it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy". That's what is at work. I pray for you, may God come to you. May you hear God's voice where you lay above Eli's children. May you begin to have dreams of a glorious destiny in Jacob's house even while among the children of Bilhah and Zilpah. May you be preferred above others whereever you are or find yourself. Be favoured!

PRAYER: I receive mercy and favour of God today.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 23:21-25:38; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17; Psalm 84:1-12; Proverbs 25:15

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