Monday 3 October 2022





Read Gen.39:1-6

Genesis 39:3, KJV

"And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand."

Did you read that verse above? That verse testifies to God trying to make a room for Joseph. To be noticed or observed isn't far fetched. God only needs to act on your behalf. Men only need to be persuaded to give you a trial. Acceptance is not something you buy with money. Trust is not something you bargain for with mere words. You must earn it one way or the other. When God was set to make Joseph privileged though  a slave, "He was with him." Now, what are the things that the Lord being with any would cause? Favour, prosperity, divine attraction for attention are three which were visible in Joseph's life. Immediately the Lord was with him, all he does prospers. It is no longer Joseph now but the covenant blessing of Abraham giving him flourishing, excelling and productive results. If Joseph should dig where others couldn't get water initially, you'd see him discover and come back with water. Why? A Spirit has joined and mixed Himself with his output so much more that this became known to all. They've been shocked and shocked over at the unusualness of his results. There's just nothing he does that he does not prosper in. This is where it is not of work lest any man should boast but of grace. This is where it is no longer of Joseph but of God. As far as we know, his prosperity was because God was with him. What would he have achieved if God was far from him? This should keep any with prosperity humble and makes him an eternal steward and subordinate under the righteous hand of God. How we ought to also desire and covet like Moses and other men of old that if His presence doesn't go with us, we wouldn't go. His presence is enough and the overall determiner of what might happen to us on the journey. It's that presence Joseph didn't lack and it paid off. 

Joseph also was said to have found grace. He seems to be loved above others. Something seems to be calling attention to him and what he does. Pharaoh seeing the Lord is with him tends to be having soft spot for him now. He wants to treat him specially and entrust something in his hands which others couldn't have because they haven't been certified to him. But Joseph could because he has been recommended to him by the Lord who made all he does to prosper in his hands. And since he's not ready to suffer harm or losses in what he has at home or the field, he needs such a man that can watch his back yet nothing would be marred in his hands. He needs a man that would watch over all he has and same won't decrease but rather multiply. For this reason, he made him the General Manager and Overseer of his household. That's wisdom. He saw that all he does prospers and he's now leveraging on the fact that once it touches that boy's hands, it becomes gold. All these things are steps taken by God to ensure Joseph was carved a space of recognition in Potiphar's house. At least, he had some degree of privilege, respect and special treatment unlike the ordinary slaves and staff (even the Indigenes). Don't forget that Joseph is Hebrew - a stranger. It therefore becomes difficult persuading an Egyptian who must have seen slaves act as slaves over the years to set a slave as the head of his house. It even looks diminishing. Others could have said, "why don't you look for one of us and entrust him with such job? Why that odd one?" But we all know why? Potiphar was necessitated making Joseph the head of his house because God made room for "that boy." How? God made all he does to be prosperous and this was not hidden to Potiphar. That verse says, "and when Potiphar saw that God made all he does to prosper in his hands..." It was that observation that led to the making of the room and the flinging open of that special door he enjoys. Look at me, there's no where you are that God goes with you that any would be able to push you aside. Never! Except you don't go with God. Except his presence has left you. That's when you can be taken for granted but if He be with you, you'll be the centre of attraction without trying. God will just appease men on your behalf and draw attention to you. He did for Joseph. He made him have special results. The mathematics equations that others couldn't solve, when it got to his own hands, he cracked it open. From this and more, all the departmental and college professors began to take cognizance of him and commit into his hands. This is how God makes people who are nobodies to ride on their high places. He only needs to pull a string. God is doing that for you today. He'll speak for you like He spoke to Potiphar on behalf of Joseph. He'll persuade people to receive you without a speech from you. Your space won't be vacant any longer because you shall arise and take your place even if you're a stranger in a strange land. I see a room being made for you. I see men being convinced about you. I see fathers in their fields saying, "he's the man for the job." They're hiring you right away and all shall be traced to "God being with you" that no man may boast. 

PRAYER: Lord, make a room for me career wise. Recommend me to men of high places. Anoint my hands for special productivity and prosperity. Let my good deeds be noticed. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 66:1-24, Philippians 3:4-21, Psalm 74:1-23, Proverbs 24:15-16

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Saturday 1 October 2022





ARE YOU A PIONEER? - Open Heaven Series 023

I Corinthians 16:8-9, KJV

"8 But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.

9 For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."

If you are, one major thing you need is the door of ministry. You need it to open to you lands and the hearts of men. This is if you'll ever do any effectual work for the Lord in the land. It is not everyone who'll carry the call of a pioneer but some are called as Apostles - sent ones to go and break a land and open it up to future wayfarers. Their work is tedious because the land is unfamiliar with what they bring and so might face strong initial resistance since the land has its own religion, beliefs and practices before their arrival. When they arrive at a place, it is usually crude, raw, unattractive and pretty basic. Many would have nothing to do with such lands because it is not always their dream land but a pioneer has eyes of the mind to see what it'll become if the room God opens up to him in that land for effective work is maximized. Also, many pioneers are like Paul here. They build amidst debates and contentions. They have God's permission to plough a land through and erect on it. A mark of God's open door to them but they're always faced with oppositions like Nehemiah faced from Sanbalatt and Tobiah (Neh.2:10). You can't be a pioneer and not have some measure of the gift of faith. This is what makes you act differently and not lose heart when others chicken out. That heart was what Caleb and Joshua possessed. They always see possibilities even in places with strong outlook. 

Today, God is also raising foreign missionaries. These are those who'll be sent as seeds and planted in places other than they know or originate from. God wants to take you away from home. If you are, you need God to grant you this manifestation of open heaven which is a wide open door. People must make room for you in such land. People must agree with you in such land. It is this that causes you acceptance and makes you build what generations and downlines would one day meet. If God suffers a pioneer with an open door to a new place, he'll definitely achieves nothing or little. If you're on a foreign mission and you're not opened up to, one major thing that could then kill you is hostility. But if you're a called pioneer whom God has decided should open up a place to the gospel, you'd see the people accept you and you'd see a productive or tangible work result because of the open door. This is pretty God's work. The Bible says, "while they move from nation to nation, He allows none to touch them (Psalm 105: 13-14). That's a function of an open door. It is what I'm praying on you today. Wherever you may go as God's envoy to situate for Him and His kingdom, may it always be, "touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm." In six troubles, even in seven, God will keep all of you who have left parents, spouses and houses to obey the great commission. May God be your inheritance and always make the provision of pillows for you even if it'll be a stone (Gen.28:11).

PRAYER: Bear burdens on behalf of those on mission. Ask that lands open up to them and heart warm up to receive them. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 60:1-62:5; Philippians 1:27-2:18; Psalm 72:1-20; Proverbs 24:11-12

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Friday 30 September 2022





I Corinthians 16:8-9, KJV

"8 But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost.

9For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."

It'll be foolishness and lack of discernment to abruptly leave a place where God has flung open a ministry door for you to explore. If you lose it, you may not regain it for ever more. Paul knew this and it resolutely made him decide to linger at Ephesus even until Pentecost. Paul was saying, "if I'll leave, it is later. Not now when there are many opportunities to explore. Can't you see them? We've not even done much. Here they are littering everywhere. Not now when their streets are full of eager hearers and many people to bring to the knowledge of Christ. Not now when I've perceived a divine occasion to preach and be listened to. I'll rather stay until Pentecost. If not for the necessity of participating in Pentecost and seeing the brethren (in order to be refilled and encouraged by our mutual faith), I won't even leave to depart. By then, I should have maximized and used what the Lord is offering me anyways. I should be free of the blood of all men by then. I should be freed from any guilt of being given an open door and not maximizing it by then." All these were the revelations of Paul on why he won't leave his field though there are many contenders fighting him from bearing the gospel. 

Who's there that the Lord has flung open a ministry door to though with opposition as its twins. If not for anything but for the much opportunities avail you by the Lord, tarry, endure and do ministry there. From what Paul said, we gathered that some land are not easy to break and that once a wide door of ministry is opened unto any, it is for you to accomplish much for the Lord. It is the wide door of ministry that affords any to do effective or productive work. The work that men would stumble on and say, "how come by you this?" If such door is opened unto you, you could plant hundreds of churches in just few years. The people of the land would just agree to it. Their authorities will support it. All will just support as though they've been held by your spell - God's spell anyway. The Lord is mindful of His business and He'll see to it that a platform is given you to preach Christ, heal the sick and manifest as the called or sent in bringing Christ to men. God or angels can't come and do ministry solely on the earth without the involvement of a minister. It is still how can they hear unless there's a preacher (Rom.10:14)? Your sole responsibility is therefore availability, acceptance and manifestation of the calling you carry. It's because God is planning to rake in a harvest that you must be privy to. For same reason, he has flung open such wide door. Such door is a miracle itself because many are seeking it but they're not having it. Unless God has mercy on you and opens it, it is not what you can use your education, prowess or even connection to open at times. If you attempt any of these and it works, it's because God Himself is at work and not because of your hard work. That door is solely controlled and opened by God to those He trusts to deliver His oracle. To those He believe are sacrificial enough like Paul to contend with the devil, endure even physical sufferings etc and maximize it. If you'll allow me ask, "are you trustworthy or you're a Demas who by choice can turn back?" Do you run away at little challenges or you'll brace up like Paul to take the opportunities surrounded by pack of antagonists. If you're not Paul in mind this way, you can't but be a disappointer whom God won't be able to trust with ministry doors. The reason is because you'll always turn back in the face of little heat when you can even see the reward of pressing on and when you could have prayed your way through. How many of you God has given a place and a job to and would say, "I'll still stay here to do more work just because of profiting God and enlarging His kingdom? Such the Father wants!

PRAYER: Help me to be a diligent, sacrificial and enduring minister. I maximize all widely open doors even amidst contention. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 51:1-53:12; Ephesians 5:1-33; Psalm 69:19-36; Proverbs 24:7

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Thursday 29 September 2022




GREAT AND EFFECTUAL DOOR - Open Heaven Series 021

I Corinthians 16:9, KJV

"For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries."

If you read the verse above and compare it with the word of Isaac after digging the third uncontested well, you'll see that there's a similarity yet with a difference also to consider. Paul said, "a great door for effective work is opened unto me." Isaac says, "for now the Lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land" (Gen.26:22). "A great door for effective work" and "a surrendered room for fruitfulness in the land." There was an evangelist who got such a door but not a great door known for productive or tangible work. A great door is one that's wide open. It is known for the many opportunities it avails any minister. Such door puts no restriction to what any minister could do. He could evangelize in the day. He could preach against homosexuality without fear of the government. He could convert others from other religions and such won't be regarded as soliciting or anything punishable by the law. Such is the door that becomes the joy of any minister. I call it the great opened, wide door of manifestation. Until this door is opened, one may have plans but he can't accomplish them. One might have done a listing of what he'll like to do on a note and bear same wherever he goes on his mind and with thoughtful prayers always but all these would be vain if this great door isn't opened. Some ministers have received the door but unfortunately it was a slightly opened door. When they got to the land of their ministry, they faced the greatest opposition ever. The authorities of the land fought them; the king of the land fought them; the priest of the land fought them and even the government was solicited to come and see to these ones "who have turned the world upside down." There may be opened unto you a door of ministry but let your prayer be, "make it a wide open door, God." There's no joy in having a door that restricts you. It's not different from being cramped on a chair instead of sleeping on a roomy bed. Such man won't enjoy his rest. It would rather be full of disturbances leading to body pain and aches later. This is why we all need God to have mercy on us and push open for us the wide gate of open door for ministry. 

Like I was saying, an evangelist got an invite to organize a crusade somewhere. While the crusade was launching and as he mounted, a woman came out of the congregation, by passed the ushers unstopped and excreted seriously in front of the raised platform so much more that all the souls who had gathered left one by one. A door has been opened to this minister but it's a restricted door. He's still in the midst of warfare. While the ministry door afforded him points to the manifestation of an open heaven yet it is a restricted door. He's still being debated so as not to do the will of God and all they had planned for that crusade. As the devil would have it, that crusade that day didn't hold again because everybody started leaving at the sight of that daring horrible act. It was afterwards the woman was gotten hold of and ministered to. There is a door of ministry but it is either widely opened or strictly opened. Let your prayer be, "give me a door that'll afford me all your will and my heart desires."

PRAYER: Open to me a door without opposition.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 54:1-57:14; Ephesians 6:1-24; Psalm 70:1-5; Proverbs 24:8

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Wednesday 28 September 2022




RECOVERY AT REHOBOTH - Open Heaven Series 20

Genesis 26:22, KJV  

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Rehoboth is afar off in your journey. It is destination. It is not where you start with but it is where you end in. In Rehoboth, you're paid all the vain labour of the past. It doesn't matter how many wells you've dug which have been taken over by others. In Rehoboth, it is covered for in your fruitfulness in that land. Fruitfulness is unusual. It is the land answering by productivity like never before. Fruitfulness here would even be miraculous because it would present bountiful abundant yield to Isaac in order to recover for the wasted labour in Esek and Sitnah. 

Isaac confessed, "for now the Lord has made space for us and we shall be fruitful in the land." This fruitfulness is where the key is hidden. The fruitfulness, productivity, flourishing of Rehoboth is to serve a purpose in Isaac's life. If you've been cheated and you're not vindicated, you might still feel cheated. Your mind would just be casting shadows back, "what if I've had that with these I now possess. My goods should worth this all in all." The fruitfulness of Rehoboth is therefore out to divinely ensure that all your vain labour and wasted time of applying yourself to the work you didn't eat is paid for. God has a way of paying back so that you might lack nothing.

Today, God is saying, "have you worked and you haven't eaten? Do you feel robbed, cheated, snatched from, discontented and hollowed inside?" He said, "I will cover it up." Do you know what image I'm seeing now? When God took out a piece out of Adam to form Eve, he closed the place back thereof. He closed it back so much more that no one could notice there's a  thing missing beneath.

Genesis 2:21, KJV  

"And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof."

He'll close you back with His work of fruitfulness for you in that land. As a minister, you might just suddenly witness church growth or a boom in business as an entrepreneur. God will just close you back. Your fruitfulness will pay for the wasted labour of the past. Do you really know what fruitfulness is? It is producing more than one could use. So, if you produce or possess more than you can expend, what happens to the one you can't expend? You have to lay it up. In this wise, you'll be laying up until you have to account for a store. This is how God recovers people and you are that person this today. It doesn't matter how many years you've strived making it, once you lay legs on Rehoboth, work begins in earnest to have you built back and built up. Rehoboth is an automated land to pay back by yielding its dainty and peak of productivity to its possessor and tiller. It is known for one thing - its opening up to the man called to possess it. Rehoboth is a land that doesn't answer all. It answers a few. I pray for you, "you're paid back." You're vindicated in Jesus' name. You'll witness mass production that will lead to effective restoration.

PRAYER: I'm restored for all the years of wasted labour in Esek and Sitnah. I'm recovered and I'm contented and justified. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 51:1-53:12; Ephesians 5:1-33; Psalm 69:19-36; Proverbs 24:7

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Tuesday 27 September 2022





Genesis 26:22, KJV

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

For the past 18 days, we've been seeing that spaces, openings and ample opportunities you receive is a sole function of an opened heaven or the willingness of God to give you same. That's why Isaac couldn't possess a space until God caused him to happen on Rehoboth. That one was what God surrendered or opened up to him for possession. Others were shut up and it reveals in the sharp contention with which he was evicted from possessing them. May God therefore make space for you wherever you go. May men not frustrate you. 

After occurring on Rehoboth, Isaac just didn't profess Rehoboth and name same land Rehoboth immediately. He proved Rehoboth to be Rehoboth before he professed same and name that newly colonized land Rehoboth. Having witnessed evictions from two places, he wouldn't have been in a hurry thinking he has gotten to his final destination. After the digging of the third well, he'll have waited to see if the men of Gerar would come again to demand them to shift on. He actually did. He waited for them to come but his waiting proved this land is actually different from other two afore collected.  This land is a secured land for them. He waited until no man appears to contest for the newly dug well in their newly located abode. After this, he concluded from all indications of having been let alone that this is Rehoboth and that God has given it to them to live in and till. So it is!

Rehoboth is room. Room is space. You've been given a latitude of free hand; a magnitude of operations. Unlike the other two places they were not allowed to occupy let alone do any effectual work, this is Rehoboth: a place where they have free hand for manifestation and to do anything that occurs to their mind. Here, they are far removed from the men of Gerar who cause strife through their envy and jealousy. This causes them to be all alone possessing all the land round about for themselves. So, if you had looked round Isaac, you'll have seen that the land round about him is indeed roomy. There, they have free hand. The fact that they have free hand is that there's no hindrance to their dwelling in that land and doing whatsoever their heart desires. Isaac had rightly named this Rehoboth. A place where we are allowed, accommodated and given free hand of operations to gain upper hand in manifestation.

After this comes, "and we shall be fruitful in the land." Why won't you be fruitful when there's no one to trouble you? How many of you have witnessed men at work being stopped before because "boys in the community" or rogues demanded to be paid as locals. Such occurrence when often always hinder effectual and fruitful work. When the work ought to have reached lintel level, it may still be at the foundation level especially if their demands are not met on time. But what if God removes all hindrances to your fruitfulness and locate you where you have free hand to operate, you'll observe you'll accelerate in building, growth and fruitfulness. The intention of God for us is that we'll be fruitful wherever He has given us free hand to operate. He wants us possess, dominate and surround such place with our work - which is His work. When Isaac said, "and we shall be fruitful in the land", it means and we shall spread, flourish and shall amount and fill this place with our works. That entire land or region, that entire space that surrounds them (free from the men of Gerar) is now theirs to headquarters. Fruitfulness is denoted by the growth of a gourd and how it covers the ground. That's what I'm seeing. It spreads all around until it fills the land. If God ever brings you into Rehoboth, His intent is that you'll have free expression to bring all He has imprinted on your mind into manifestation on site. That dream might be in you in Esek and Sitnah but you couldn't imprint them there. Here's Rehoboth however, a canvass on which all could be painted. God's mind is that in no time people will begin to come to that no place you once occurred on as a site of attraction and even civilization to want to reside in. I pray that the Lord will make your arm strong, give you rest all about, stop the mouths of lions and all evil workers for you and grant you growth and spreading like a gourd to fill the land with your teaching, business, product, campaign, services in Jesus' name.

PRAYER: Let me search for evil workers and see them no more. Give me rest all about. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 48:12-50:11; Ephesians 4:17-32; Psalm 69:1-18; Proverbs 24:5-6

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Monday 26 September 2022




THRUSTED TO REHOBOTH - Open Heaven Series 018

Genesis 26:22, KJV

 "And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Do you know what God wants you to do today? You should continue the continuance of having an open heart for leading from Him. Many are not leaning on God but their own understanding. How? They don't have it on their mind to be led by anyone - the Holy Spirit in this case. So, they rarely can relate who's refusing them when they're contended with. They rather will die there. You should not. If you believe in the infiniteness of God whom you've submitted to, He can make whatsoever done to you to work for your good. So, you won't worry to fulfil these Bible verses.

Matthew 5:40-41, KJV

"40 And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also.

41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain."

Isaac did because He knows God makes ugly beautiful and He's in charge. Do you believe that? Isaac wouldn't be allowed in Esek and Sitnah. On each occasion he dug a well, he was fought with and necessitated to relocate as a man of peace. Anyone would think he was stupid because he kept shifting ground for those he should take on like a man. Having learnt and known that everything works together for the good of those who love God, He internally believes there's no place he finally settles that God won't make comfortable. It is where He is (by God's will), God is! Is it not that God who afore said, "sow in this land" and the reward became a bumper harvest for him? Can't be different now. That understanding of "everything works for good to those who love God" is what gives him the quick motivation to keep moving until he got to Rehoboth. Now, may I say that Rehoboth is better physically than both Esek and Sitnah. Rehoboth has a testimony of being larger, wider, bigger and more roomy. It has a space for any farmer or herder to do all he has in mind. It is free of disturbances for any minister to do ministry and effectual works. You can go left or right, forward or backward. Every place round about is what God has given you. No restriction. That's the description of the place the contention of men finally shifted him to possess. Does it not pay to be a man of peace and no striker now? If you have committed to God, you have nothing to fear. Your destiny and economy can't be dictated to or determined by the acts of crooked men or dismantled government. God leads and sees for you rather. If Isaac's wealth and rest were in Esek and Sitnah, He wouldn't allow them pack him away but it is not and so the journey for a land of peace must continue. God will rather use whatsoever crooked acts they do to you to lift you to a brighter day and place than forlorn you. This is what God did for Isaac. In the mind of Gerar's men, "we have gotten rid of him. We have sent him far away from us. Far away from where we can perceive insecurity. We have broken him. He'll linger to succeed. Here are his properties (the wells) with us." Those were their own thinking but in all, God was working out His will for a man He loves and who loves Him. Let me ask, "who did you commit to?" One who can fulfill Romans 8:28 or another? Does that verse end strife in you in not striving with men but rather seeing God at all junctures of strife as He who has a better plan for you? I found out there's a disguise God always keep when it concerns His will. The enemy rarely identifies it. For if He knows, he wouldn't allow Joseph to be sold into Egypt nor allow Jesus to go to calvary. These people wanted Isaac broke so they wouldn't have caused him to Rehoboth. This shortsightedness has cost the devil and would cost him more. You're like a dead man committed to the sea. It means the sea has permission to carry him whithersoever. If you've committed to God as a Christian too, you're not in charge. He is and Romans 8:28 tells us what would happen to us even if people call you stupid for giving your cloke to those who sue for your coat. God will not only carry you to whithersoever but where you should be. Just sleep on and see how whatsoever is done you will be mixed together to work out God's will and purpose for you. Rehoboth is God's intention for you. While Isaac was both in Esek and Sitnah, labouring there to dig what they'll snatch, God's thought and mind didn't change for Him concerning Rehoboth. If only he had knew, he wouldn't have done vain labour in Esek and Sitnah. He would have crossed once and for all to Rehoboth because that's destiny land and home for him. That's promise land. That's tent of rest. God will take you there. Destination will be worked out for you in Jesus name. You've committed to God; He'll commit to you. In all men deal you, you'll see His hands. On His hands He'll bear you up lest you come to nought like they're thinking or have thought. 

PRAYER: Bear me up! Let all thrusting take me to Rehoboth. Use contention to content me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 43:14-45:10; Ephesians 3:1-21; Psalm 68:1-18; Proverbs 24:1-2

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