Monday, 12 September 2022




WHEN HEAVEN OPENS - Open Heaven Series 004

Acts 10:11, KJV 

"And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

Peter fell into a trance and saw what? "Heaven opened!" There are things that happen when heaven opens. Peter is a witness and you're next. I say, "you're next." When heaven opens, visitation begins. Vessels or ships do descend. These are heavenly bearers which have come to bear divine resources to men. They seek a point of contact with earth. Luminaries they are. Do you know what a vessel is? It's a divine invention with enough inbuilt for lodging and bearing of goodies, gifts, blessings and all sorts of provision for use on earth. You must know again and again that a man can receive nothing except it's first given him from above. Heaven knows this to be true. For this reason, they seek to make a bridge or connection with man as to bring all their intention to pass in his life. For example, God lowered a vessel or an automobile container down from heaven to the reach of Peter. It was for His benefit. If Peter had hearkened and had risen to kill and eat, you'll have proven it indeed to be true that the vessel was brought down for his benefit. Even without his doing that, the simple, "rise, kill and eat" said to him instructed us on who these goodies were brought for and who was to tap them. It was so brought close to him that he needs no other man's help before he taps them. They're within his reach. That's the first happening at open heaven - a lowering or descent unto men.

However, this vessel is one containing all manner of goodies. It bears many animals in their kinds. What if I tell you that whenever heaven is open, God descends down with varieties of blessings also? The Bible says, "when Jesus ascended, He gave gifts unto men (Eph.4: 8)." Things that come from above are always in their multiples. They're assorted, multifaceted, variegated and diverse. God made it so in order to cater for every aspects of your life. Our needs are numerous and what would meet them can't be one also. Many needs, different solvents is the answer and God knows that very well. So, when He lowers down the vessel, it is always bearing in itself healing, provision, promotion, spiritual gifts, wealth, long life and God's salvation etc. The Bible says, "a great shit knit at the four corners and let down to the earth." It is a very big house of abundance that has visited the earth. When heaven opens, struggle to have a thing ends also. Do you know why? You won't be the one striving to ascend to them. They'll be the one making haste to reach you. Mark the words, "descending unto him" and "let down to the earth." These phrases reveal that it was heaven who came down to Peter. It also reveals the fact that every good and perfect gift comes from above. There's nothing you can do to alter that. If you're angry it comes from above, then you're left with the choice of the devil. Those ones come from where they come from. Any discontented with God may go there to receive his gifts. But as for God's, you'd better gaze to heaven. From thence all vessels bearing all kinds of provision descends from. It's always from the Father of light. He springs all and gives men for their satisfaction. These are what happen when heaven opens. As they do, interaction follows. No gift or blessing is purposeless. Literally, "Peter was to rise, kill and eat" of the things lowered to him. Nothing is brought or given men that's not meant to serve a purpose on earth. It's my prayer that you'll never be a waster of anything brought into your life through God's act of "open heaven."

PRAYER: I receive divine visitation. I utilize gifts, calling and fulfill all intention of heaven for which they've lowered and leaned towards me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 8:1-9:21; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Psalm 55:1-23; Proverbs 23:4-5

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Sunday, 11 September 2022





I Kings 17:1, KJV  

"And Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the inhabitants of Gilead, said unto Ahab, As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.

I said yesterday that a "straitly shut heaven or gate" is one that's perfectly closed. It allows no disclosure. In all wisdom, knowledge and devices, it was crafted to last any wear and tear that may want to be done to it in order to fulfill its intention. Now, let not that man think he's free of consequences if his heaven is shut. There are! He'll see paper and mistaken it for money. May you not get here. May you not know for once what it means for rain to stop falling on your land.  Elijah the Tishbite, so he was called gave a strong prophecy. It was a declaration that aligned earth to heaven. When he said, "there shall not be dew nor rain these years except by my word", heaven heard and the earth became powerless to resist. Immediately, there was a covering, a lid created to seal off any outpouring from falling on the earth. This is where God proves to us over and over again that a man can receive nothing except that given to him from above. It's a thing that all Christians should come into agreement with. The saying is, "nothing" unless it's given to him. If heaven is not deciding on it, let him gather the kings of the earth for petitioning, he won't still have it. When heaven was shut, did the earth receive rain? May God open your eyes to know where to secure. When you pay your tithe and do all necessary obligations to God, you're securing your heaven to remain open. There's no one the gate is shut at who won't shrink. A straitly shut heaven is characterized by two things. There's neither rain or dew. Rain is rain you know that. It's the big thing we all expect. By it, many things on earth survive. Dew is lesser in intensity compared to rain. It gives a kind of water but it is just minimal and impenetrable to the ground, very minimal to the water any would get from rain. So, when Elijah said, "there shall be neither rain or dew", he was shutting all gates of possibilities against Israel. We make do with the dew (though it's not our first option) in the absence of rain. The mist can as well water the earth as proven here when God is not yet giving rain on the earth.

Genesis 2:6, KJV 

"But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."

But now, Elijah told Israel that the mist or dew won't even be available. What a closure and termination of all hopes. Many there be who have such proclamation ravaging them. Nothing big is happening in their lives and nothing small is happening also. They don't have a breakthrough to pen down. They're just at a standstill. They have no respite at all. I know somebody who met himself in such hopeless situation. It was the prodigal son. When he began to be in want, he desired eating pig's pods (food) but even that one was not given to him. 

Luke 15:16, KJV  

"And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him."

Now, pig's food isn't what any human should take but he was boxed to descend to that yet no one availed him of it. 

You know, we humans always make do with the alternative when the primary isn't on offer yet a man is suffered when there's nothing to manage at all. This is a result of a straitly shut heaven. I pray for you, the devil won't take away all your hopes. You'll always have a way of escape. If you inflate a balloon and suddenly punctures it, it becomes that the air escapes. Today, I'm seeing angels becoming busy to create a way of escape round hopeless situations for you. If you don't know, there are hopeless situations. It ranges round every areas of our lives but if God is at hand for you, no matter how bad the situation is made to look, deliverance would be at hand for you always. And so, what the devil intends to choke you will be to your relief. Some three Hebrew men found themselves in the fiery burning furnace but God gave them a way of escape. They lived in it and through it as though it didn't happen. Traces of it couldn't be found on them. Receive this testimony. Receive a way of escape. As hopeless situations come your way, let an inbuilt "way if escape" be devised with it. I say, "escape, escape, escape" and let hope be rekindled for you.

PRAYER: All doors of hope shall not be straitly shut at me. I receive a way of escape in hopeless choky situation. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 6:1-7:25; 2 Corinthians 11:16-33; Psalm 54:1-7; Proverbs 23:1-3

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Saturday, 10 September 2022





Joshua 6:1, KJV 

"Now Jericho was straitly shut up because of the children of Israel: none went out, and none came in."

From ages past, mortals have learnt how to keep secure. They can sacrifice anything to obtain security especially in the face of a bitter and fearful enemy. One of such story is chronicled here. Jericho refused to be taken like other cities. For that, she shut herself in and others out. A lockdown and state of emergency takes effect. Now that the gates are shut, two things are inevitable. "Outflows" and  "inflows" are cut off. Economic life and relations with other sovereign lands is paralysed and interaction is immediately halted. All these result because of one thing - the straitly shut gate. When a thing is "straitly shut", it means it is not only shut but tightly secured; very shut (knitted together) that no man no matter how he tries can get pass it or break into same. That's the intention of the "Military Intelligence and Tactical Department" who advised on what to do. In all their wisdom, "how can you take us when there's no penetration? We're already a walled city."

Jericho that's straitly shut that no one may come in or go out is a typology of a closed heaven or of iron. It also signifies the closure of flows of blessings. If anyone's heaven is shut straitly (becomes of iron), his prayer can't reach heaven and answers can't reach him. There won't be interaction and so there'll be paralysis of progress in his life. Why? The headquarters of "every good and every perfect gift" can't be accessed by him and because of that, they won't be able to receive his submissions for processing. So, that man is alone, doing vain labour on the earth. If you don't know, a heaven of iron hinders interaction between itself and the earth and halts the communication of blessing from above to the earth. What the closure of Jericho seeks to achieve is what the closure of heaven or a heaven of iron seeks to achieve also in anyone's life. It becomes a security gate. No prayer will get in, no answer will come out. I said, "such man is alone." There's no man that heaven is shut against that is not suffered. Those of you who think your hands have provided all for you, it's because heaven has not for once been straitly shut at you. When it is, you won't see rain let alone dew. Then, you'll know what it means to submit and humble oneself before the mighty hands of God. Don't you know that no man can receive anything except it is given him from above (John 19:11)? So, why the boast? Your hands have not given you all that pertains to life to enjoy. God's generosity has does. Stop accruing His glory for yourself.

To the suffered, where have you been alone, forlorn, neglected; languishing because of a shut heaven? I invoke mercy to plead your cause. I invoke Jesus' blood to begin to cry that access should be given you into the gates, frontiers and the palace of heaven. Unless we secure heaven for you, your earth will be desolate. What can any farmer do if there's no rain? He must know someone reigns supreme above him and that it is on such generosity and faithfulness he lives and takes his own being. Oh, my Father, I come on behalf of your people to cause a change in their stories. There's no one whose heaven is shut who won't know want and much need. What he has will finish because he's not receiving new deposit constantly from above. Oh my Father, You're the One I cry to day and night. Let it please You. Be willing to let them have access. I say, "access." I declare as I hear. Who's there already withering away? Who's there already suffering the consequences of a straitly shut gates of heaven? I say let your heaven be opened above you. Know joy. Receive new intakes. Have new experiences. So shall it be.

PRAYER: I secure the gates of heaven by Jesus' blood and Jesus' name. Mercy attends to me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 3:1-5:30; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15; Psalm 53:1-6; Proverbs 22:28-29

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Friday, 9 September 2022




WHEN HEAVEN BECOMES OF IRON - Open Heaven Series 001

Leviticus 26:19, KJV 

"And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass:"

When heaven becomes of iron, you need an open heaven. There's a thing like "open heaven." It is God's blessing to us. A man whose heaven is shut is a man full of struggles. No matter how he knocks, it won't be opened. So, there'll be a maintaining of the status quo. He'll just remain like that. No forward movement or big happening in his life. What he awaits is a life turner and a situation changer but that doesn't come until there's an opened heaven. Open heaven as you must know it is the answer of any one. It is God sent as a reply to the activities of men on earth. So, if you see any man of prayer who God is now ready to bless, He only need to do a thing for Him - open His heaven for his sake. From that one act, that man will receive every possible good and perfect gift that anybody may desire. He'll receive and receive until he has no room to accomodate it. That's because goodies comes from above where God superintend over. When heaven is shut, it becomes heaven of iron. The idea is that of a lock or security door you can't break into or get a thing from unless the operatives (those inside) grants you opening by themselves. That's the mercy that only God gives and I as God's anointed have been given the key to unlock your heaven above you. I cause a change in your experience therefore. By my calling, I pull the giant gates of heaven open for you. 

There's no time there's need for an opened heaven that its intent isn't to meet a need on earth. If the heaven remains heaven of iron, the earth would follow and receive the consequence of its not giving its blessing. The earth would immediately wither, shrivel, fold and dry up and become earth of brass. "Earth of brass" is one you can't break up let alone plant a seed into. From where will it be watered when the heavens are of iron and rain is already stopped? An heaven of iron speaks of "straitness, unavailability of opportunities or a down-pouring of provision and blessings." But when the gates of heaven is torn open, all of these would rush and descend on a man. Until then, they are retained in heaven. Our prayers should be that God will tear the heavens, send us His vessel bearing all kind of provisions like the one lowered down from heaven unto Peter. Such provision was so made ready and at hand for Peter that he wouldn't need to stress himself. It has been lowered down to his arm's length and all he need to do is "rise, kill and eat (Acts 10:11-13). But first of all, from where did it come from? Heaven! Not just heaven but an heaven whose gates were opened to let it down first of all. I pray for somebody that God will tear heaven for your sake. I pray for you that you'll begin to receive some lowering that'll consist of all blessings and gifts that would meet your needs. Today, there's visitation. Your heaven will no longer be of iron and your earth consequently of brass. God is causing a change in your situation. I'm hearing, "you have come to the end of famine. A new rising I'm causing. I do a new thing. It shall spring forth. I tell you of them. Rain shall give its blessings on your land and there'll be a springing up of all hidden blessings till hitherto. I'll pay you for the years of closed heaven and you shall know great increase and catch up!"

ACTION: Make a search. Confess and repent of any cause that left you vulnerable to Satan's actions against you. 

PRAYER: Thank God for the change in status, the giving of fresh breath and new rain.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 1:1-2:22; 2 Corinthians 10:1-18; Psalm 52:1-9; Proverbs 22:26-27

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Thursday, 8 September 2022





Read Gen. 40:1-23

Jeremiah 12:5, KJV

"If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?"

That time will come. The big challenge will appear. Greater performance will be demanded of you. When it does, will you be in the records to have been qualified? Joseph would have been undone forever if he has nothing to leverage on to bring him out of the prison. What we must know is this, all of us can't but be hidden for awhile. There's always a stage in life where God is working secretly on you. At such times, He doesn't suddenly introduce you to men. That would be an early ejaculation. It wouldn't bring about the pleasure of the Lord. What He does is to perfect his work in you and then orchestrate the time and seasons to bring you such opportunities by which you'll be revealed. Men will always remember. They might have forgotten till now but they'll always remember because God will cause an open door for same. When they do, "hope you'll still be in shape. Hope you'll have stepped up your proficiency as to now deliver before kings." The Bible says, "the gift of a man will make room for him (Prov.18:16)." That of Joseph did. What he had in his life that he had taken to calling level finally served him right. When the butler remembered, he said there was a boy in the prison who interpreted our dreams and how he said it would be was how they were." That was the witness concerning Joseph at the footmen challenge level. You could call it the preliminaries. It is now that testimony is qualifying him to interpret Pharaoh's. I had said it, "no one will just handpick you like that." They want to see the portfolio of your work. They want to see the children of wisdom wrath by your hands. They want testimonials. If you've been doing it right and well, then, you'll ascend and have your promotion but if you've been unfaithful, who will commit to you? Is that not the same admonishment made here? 

Luke 16:11, KJV

"If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?"

People, there's always "the true riches", "the true level" - that's where it's really happening. To get there, you'll purchase for yourself a testimony at the preliminaries first of all. Those of you living carelessly today, you're doing so to the detriment of your being recommended. The true riches would be there but you won't be able to take it because no man can vouch for you to be given same since you've not qualified yourself. This is when people will suddenly wake up to someone betraying them or being biased to them. They'll never beat themselves for their unpreparedness and unfaithfulness all this while. Some just believe things should surrender at their feet. They haven't learnt sacrifice to be qualified. One way or the other, it must costs you. Until it does, no one will think of you as qualified to come unto higher things of that place. Where has God put you to serve? Serve well! Joseph never knew he was actually doing himself a favour when as a volunteer he interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh's officers. No one would see that as his key to being called upon or ascended one day. That faithfulness and constance of his was what assured the butler of recommending him. I'm so sure the butler was sure of he who he was recommending. It was Pharaoh he had to do with. The man who has the power of the gods over all. He could have him executed if after Joseph was brought in, his acts didn't align with the witness afore given of him. No one therefore wants to risk their reputation and life for he whom they've not known to be able indeed to compete successfully at the "footmen" level and excel the simple tasks there. You won't even come into the register of those to be harnessed with horses because the prerequisite is that, "they must have been faithful in the little things afore committed into their hands." That's why that place says, "if thou has run with footmen and they've wearied thee, how will ye contest with horses." There is an expectation. It's that victory at the preliminaries is hope for the greater works that lies ahead. That's what makes any begin to think it possible for you to "come up hither" because you've paid your dues at the foundation level. Joseph did. God is not unjust to anyone. He'll give all of us privileges to prove ourselves. Many times, they're not even, "once and for all opportunities." It is of Jesus we have received "grace after grace." What He does is to keep mercy attending us until we're qualified but it would be detrimental to your future and all you can become if you fall below the line every time a fresh opportunity is brought you to prove yourself before the cloud of many witnesses who watch in their throng. God will be justified eventually. He does His things that no man might gain say. Repent, device and purchase for yourself the testimony of Moses, "one who's faithful in all of God's house." This is the key to being committed to at a higher level. Or else, you may wonder why you've not changed position for this while while others are flipping the stair cases to bypass you. This journey is individualistic. Each man's willingness and obedience matters a lot. Make the decision to be committed to practical discipleship. Let God train your hands for war because of the evil days that come in which your strength must not fail when put to the test. 

PRAYER: Forgive my nonchalance. Bring me fresh opportunities. I submit to the ideal apprenticeship.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Song of Solomon 5:1-8:14; 2 Corinthians 9:1-15; Psalm 51:1-19; Proverbs 22:24-25

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Wednesday, 7 September 2022





Read I King 17:29-37

Jeremiah 12:5, KJV 

"If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?"

There's always contest at the preliminaries. Your success at this stage is an indication that you may be ready for the main stream's. Men or God just don't graduate people into the main stream contest. They'll watch such man's performance as to determine whether he qualifies entering the main stream level or not. It therefore becomes of all of us to take caution, gird ourselves and know what expectation heaven has over us. It would be death if you suddenly get graduated into the main stream level. No coach would allow that. They'll rather cook you in the preliminaries to cultivate speed, competence and the confidence needed at the mainstream. This boldness or competence is the basis for your doing well one day in the mainstream. God told me, "your preparation will always show." You may deceive men about it but you can't deceive yourself. And if you do, a test is coming to have it revealed that you've been living in falsehood. 

Consider David. He didn't meet Goliath first of all at his waking up into soldiery. Not at all. God doesn't trust people with Goliath when they're yet to triumph over their bears and lions. He'll rather still leave them at the back side of the desert and not make any effort introducing them into the mainstream. God knows discipleship. He's the greatest mentor. His thoughts for us are of good and not evil but He achieves that end result by first beginning with a man at the humble stage. No matter how much God's thoughts are precious to you, He won't carry you over a level which is your testimonial for the next. It has to be line upon line, precept upon precept. 

While we knew faith in the God of Israel and his covenant position capacitated David for triumphing over Goliath; yet, we knew that he had built some level of competence and confidence at the "footmen" level. At that level, the contest is bearable. The fight is not overwhelming and it has been made mild for all who will enter into the competition there. They always bear with the frame of the contestants. They know "they're formed of dust and have just been weaned from pleasure to be brought for camping and training." If you want, you could call it the light weight championship. When Saul said David wouldn't be able to fight Goliath because he is just a youth and that Goliath has been a man of war from his youth, David quickly open his profile that he didn't fail in the contest at the footmen level. He assured the king he passed the preliminaries and so should be granted the opportunity to face Goliath. On that note, Saul believed him to be qualified. May I ask, "what witness have you purchased for yourself amidst people till now?" He that is capable or he that can't be trusted with the job? If you've been failing at the preliminaries, you have judged yourself out of the mainstream. Nobody, I say nobody would believe in what you're able to do. They'll always tell you to go outrun the footmen before having a view of contest with the horses. I pray for you, you won't fail at your place of training. God might have put you under a minister that's not very popular to learn from. That may be your preliminaries. Don't fail. It's because one day, "horses" will be harnessed for you to compete with. Harder times are coming and only hardened men could take such time for themselves. There was a time even the kingdom of God suffers no violence but a time came when people began to be compelled to double up. The Bible says, "and from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of God suffers violence and men of violence takes it by force (Matt.11:12). Remember, all those who fail in the days of adversity, it was because their strength was small. Brace up. Fill your vessel and let it be known to you, men, God and the devil that you're ready for fights at the height. Purchase a clearance for yourself into the mainstream. 

PRAYER: Enlighten me to take training seriously. The training for my future promotion won't be despised. I esteem the days of little beginning.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Song of Solomon 1:1-4:16; 2 Corinthians 8:16-24; Psalm 50:1-23; Proverbs 22:22-23

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Monday, 5 September 2022





Read Matt.10:1-16

Luke 22:35, KJV

"And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing."

There's always a reason to trust God. If you think there's none, He'll give you one or more until He has you for Himself. A conversation ensued between a young, vibrant minister and God one day. God would have him go into full time ministry and called him to same. The young man has responsibilities. He desires same but it seems many strings are holding him down. He has come to know what it means having money to cater for needs. To him, without a job at hand, many things will suffer. Not even when a wife is in the picture. However, God won't stop coming. He keeps coming and coming to Him to come and be with Him in ministry fully. It got to head on such a day that God like a friend facing the other in a conversation asked him if He had not been afore faithful to him. God asked, "you once had a tertiary education. Despite how sponsor-less  you were, I saw you through. Though you had moments of hunger occasionally, did you eventually lack a thing? Everything that any student could boast of was what I did for you. You took your life in your hands to follow me then and I saw to it that your needs are met even if I waited until you got to the peak of your needs as we walked together. Why not trust me now? Or did you not acknowledge you never lacked a thing then?" The young man replied, "no!" God told him, transfer the same faithfulness here. Trust me this once. Let me be your inheritance, possession and reward. I'm making you a priest. Your source of livelihood will be different from the multitude you know but I promise you my faithfulness. 

I'll say to trust is hard in the face of many things proving it contrarily. God asked the disciples also, "when I sent you out, did you lack a thing? They couldn't gain say. It was a no. You see, God isn't a failure. For as many He calls, He sees to. Faithful is He who calls you who will also do it. Except you're not called. That's why you can't be presumptuous about God's call. If you're mocking, you'll soon be set straight. Today, God is calling people to the field. God crazily needs labourers. The needs overwhelms the labourers. The field is ripe. It is harvest. God needs people who will go and wholly be unto Him in ministry. People who God could call, make demands on anytime because they're not obligated to another master or hindering activity. You may have your fear in your family which you're concern for, your old parents who relies on you to take a living, your siblings whom your parents have now made your responsibility but all still bears on "when I once sent you out, did you lack a thing?" It relies on, "was there not a time I showed you my commitment? Was a thing amiss then?" This is God's way of having you converted to Himself and for His usage. Our fears aren't fear if we'll trust God. Though we may begin to take thoughts for tomorrow yet tomorrow as God slated it has been well taken care of. Our own minds might have been attuned to the common way by which a man takes living which are getting a job or doing business rather than waiting for one's daily bread which has been put in someone's charge. Some wouldn't want to hearken to God's call in that way because of their dignity or ego they want to satisfy. They'll say, "I'm rather paid off carrying my scrip etc all around. Seeing to my needs is more reliable." However, God proved to us that without taken thought consciously for our provision especially as ministers, He could feed any He calls and sends. He did to the disciples. That's why He asked, "when I sent you out without scrip, did you lack a thing?" It was a "no." How were they fed then? They were fed by being admitted into houses where there are children of peace as they salute it. Because the labourers deserve their wages, whatsoever they set before them as provision, they kindly receive. Yet, they made no provision for that journey. Stop reasoning it. If the Lord calls or has called you, provision is settled with it. It's only the sheep or a Christian that it's not the Lord leading out that would be in want because such won't be able to find green pastures. But if He calls you, that's your safety valve. Hold Him by that. He shall meet your needs. God is ever faithful. At all times, the response and testimony we keep gathering from those who He called, who already went is, "we lacked nothing!"

PRAYER: Help me to safely trust in you. Lord, send labourers. Raise me as one. May we be sacrificial disciples.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18; 2 Corinthians 7:8-16; Psalm 48:1-14; Proverbs 22:17-19

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