WHEN HEAVEN OPENS - Open Heaven Series 004
Acts 10:11, KJV
"And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:
Peter fell into a trance and saw what? "Heaven opened!" There are things that happen when heaven opens. Peter is a witness and you're next. I say, "you're next." When heaven opens, visitation begins. Vessels or ships do descend. These are heavenly bearers which have come to bear divine resources to men. They seek a point of contact with earth. Luminaries they are. Do you know what a vessel is? It's a divine invention with enough inbuilt for lodging and bearing of goodies, gifts, blessings and all sorts of provision for use on earth. You must know again and again that a man can receive nothing except it's first given him from above. Heaven knows this to be true. For this reason, they seek to make a bridge or connection with man as to bring all their intention to pass in his life. For example, God lowered a vessel or an automobile container down from heaven to the reach of Peter. It was for His benefit. If Peter had hearkened and had risen to kill and eat, you'll have proven it indeed to be true that the vessel was brought down for his benefit. Even without his doing that, the simple, "rise, kill and eat" said to him instructed us on who these goodies were brought for and who was to tap them. It was so brought close to him that he needs no other man's help before he taps them. They're within his reach. That's the first happening at open heaven - a lowering or descent unto men.
However, this vessel is one containing all manner of goodies. It bears many animals in their kinds. What if I tell you that whenever heaven is open, God descends down with varieties of blessings also? The Bible says, "when Jesus ascended, He gave gifts unto men (Eph.4: 8)." Things that come from above are always in their multiples. They're assorted, multifaceted, variegated and diverse. God made it so in order to cater for every aspects of your life. Our needs are numerous and what would meet them can't be one also. Many needs, different solvents is the answer and God knows that very well. So, when He lowers down the vessel, it is always bearing in itself healing, provision, promotion, spiritual gifts, wealth, long life and God's salvation etc. The Bible says, "a great shit knit at the four corners and let down to the earth." It is a very big house of abundance that has visited the earth. When heaven opens, struggle to have a thing ends also. Do you know why? You won't be the one striving to ascend to them. They'll be the one making haste to reach you. Mark the words, "descending unto him" and "let down to the earth." These phrases reveal that it was heaven who came down to Peter. It also reveals the fact that every good and perfect gift comes from above. There's nothing you can do to alter that. If you're angry it comes from above, then you're left with the choice of the devil. Those ones come from where they come from. Any discontented with God may go there to receive his gifts. But as for God's, you'd better gaze to heaven. From thence all vessels bearing all kinds of provision descends from. It's always from the Father of light. He springs all and gives men for their satisfaction. These are what happen when heaven opens. As they do, interaction follows. No gift or blessing is purposeless. Literally, "Peter was to rise, kill and eat" of the things lowered to him. Nothing is brought or given men that's not meant to serve a purpose on earth. It's my prayer that you'll never be a waster of anything brought into your life through God's act of "open heaven."
PRAYER: I receive divine visitation. I utilize gifts, calling and fulfill all intention of heaven for which they've lowered and leaned towards me.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Isaiah 8:1-9:21; 2 Corinthians 12:1-10; Psalm 55:1-23; Proverbs 23:4-5
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