Friday, 20 May 2022





READ Psalm 90:1-12

Psalm 90:12, ESV

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."

Why many don't get or receive a heart of wisdom is simply simple.  They neglect the mathematics of their years. One way or the other, all of us are involved in numbering somewhere so that we may get a heart of wisdom in that same area. For example, consider a fellow who receives #500,000 every month after the deduction of his tax. For him to put this money to effective use and leverage on same till another comes next month, he must first recon with how much he was paid. He can't budget on #1,000,000 when he was paid #500,000. This is the beginning of his having a heart of wisdom. Do you already recon you also don't have eternity on earth? Having known that, he'll draw a budget on that money. As he removes money for this and that, he'll come to the realization of being left with little and little. If he doesn't number how much is left and goes on spending unbridled as if the money were still the whole #500,000 he was earlier paid, he'll come to poverty before month's end. So as not to come to poverty, he must then bring in the calculation and mathematics of, "how much do I have left in my account?" If not, he might order a thing he doesn't have money to pay for again. You know that can't but be trouble. Relating with this example will make it easier for you understanding that verse that says, "teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom." A begat B. If you number how much years you've spent and set how much you may have left, you can't but learn how to live your life anew, purposefully and responsibly. It is he who has a spare tyre that drives roughly. If you know your status, you'll be tempered and live in that revelation. It means without learning the numbering of your years and having information at hand on where you stand, you can never gain a heart of wisdom. Lack of numbering of what is left is what is putting people in trouble. That's why they live like a new born baby who still have all years ahead him.

Let's say here is Mr A. He knows he'll spend 103 years on earth. If he celebrated his 50th birthday for instance this year, he ought know that the years he has left isn't increasing but rather diminishing. He is now left with 53 years. He should then measure himself. How much of purpose has he lived out? How many people could say he is a gift to humanity? What could he himself claim to have lived for? What legacy will he leave behind? Has he satisfied God even if he's not popular or had never been on the TV? If his conscience doesn't judge him wrong and God witnesses of his being a beloved son, he has lived well. If after these checkups, the report isn't satisfactory, it means he has 53 years left to make impact on earth and live out the coding left in his soul from birth which may manifest as calling, gift or passion etc. If we'll be true, we should justify his having 30 years left. This is because at old age, it is only little anyone could do. Depreciation sets in as we age. Even before death arrives, old age can retire anyone. That's why the time any could count on is his youthful years. Teens and youths should hear and gain a heart of wisdom now. I mean those who still have much years to cash out. Number your years because your race is against time. You don't have all day. As you live, you near the grave. As you near the grave and it seems your departure is at end, you must be settled that you have been a good manager of your lifetime, calling, gifts etc given you and has done God's will and achieved by same on earth. Today is the day of mathematics of number. Number your own years and gain the new hows by which you should live your life by.

PRAYER: Lord, may I gain a heart of wisdom by discovering my status of years at hand and ones already spent.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 26:1-28:25, John 11:1-54, Psalm 117:1-2, Proverbs 15:22-23

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Thursday, 19 May 2022


FRIDAY - 20TH MAY, 2022


IN THE GRAVE WHERE YOU GO - Heart of Wisdom Series 001

Ecclesiastes 9:10, KJV

"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."

What God wants you pay attention to in that verse is, "in the grave, where you're going." This verse is one of the verses in the Bible which if understood will make you live your life to the fullest. You have found a thing doing. Good! Are you a student, professional or a minister in God's vineyard? That's a thing you might have found doing. However, we can't talk of "doing well or labouring actively" in what you have found doing if you had not first of all found a thing to do. If you're on the wrong road, consistency is not your message. It is a u-turn. Meanwhile, if you have discovered purpose and you're beginning to live it, this place admonishes that you live it wholly to the utmost. Give yourself to it. Let it have you. Let it use you. Take purpose to its peak. Take calling, career, skill, gifting, vocation or that discovery to its apex where all eyes will see it and you'll be deemed to have made your "calling and election sure (II Pet.1:10)." The reason however for which you must be dedicated and become a spender of it all on that which you have found doing is because of a stated specific reason. What is it?

"...for in the realm of the dead, WHERE YOU ARE GOING, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom [NIV].

Our being admonished to be wise here and do all with our might is due to the grave in front which we near daily. Have you held unto, "the grave where you and I are going?" I found out as we sleep and wake up, we become a step closer to the grave. Even if you'll spend 500 years on earth, if you wake up from yesterday's sleep to read this, a day in this year's 365 days is already spent again! As you use it and use it, you actually draw near the grave because you decrease your allocated time by living it out. Time is the resources God gives to man to live by. All other things being equal, at birth, we all come with a tag in the spirit bearing the number of the full years we should spend here on earth . Once your time is up, you get called home. So, God through Solomon has seen the fate of man. Having beheld our end and final destination, that place says, "the grave where we're going." The tense is in the present continuous tense. We are always taking a journey towards the grave daily. The baby born today (with many years still ahead him) will have a year lesser than God allocated him when he does his one year birthday this time next year. The foetus in the womb is no better because in nine months time, he must obey his schedule and rush out to live out his lifetime. At birth, his time begins counting. At all stops and levels of life he reaches, that time reduces. His time will be much fuller as a primary school student than a married man. As he age and celebrates what we call birthday, he is actually making moves towards his death day. Note it, we are not insinuating his dying untimely. Even when God has ordained he lives his days and die like the patriarchs in the Bible who were gathered at old age to their children and children's children, he can't still but go. When he eats, he's fattening himself for death day. When he sleeps, it is an action towards this same grave. When he marries, he simply acknowledges that's what's next to do because a day of entering the grave will also soon come. So, he too is on the move against this day. His entire living is towards the grave. That is because birth is the entry point of all humans into this world and God has set death to be the exit of man also. We all have a span. God is so wise. He controls humanity's population by birth and death. I imagine how many people we will have in the world, that city of Lagos or Paris for instance if no one ever dies. Overpopulation can't but result. So, death is that means God uses to curtail overpopulation. Even if no one dies untimely, we can't still occupy the whole space. Today, God wants you remember that as you journey, the grave is actually ahead you. It doesn't matter your age now. You can't stop your time from counting. Even if you go into coma, day will continue to turn into night behind you and you can't but grow old on that same bed to heed death eventually. You can't stop time from ticking against you. Your being sent to school, your being told to be serious with life and be full of focus is so that you'll arrive early to eat the benefits of life and have sufficient time in front of you to enjoy life before slipping finally into the grave. As for the grave, it is fixed for us all. No one can evade it. It is the place we're all going yet as we live. This new morning will soon be darkened. As that happens, we all near it. If so, what sort of man we ought be?

PRAYER: Teach me activity, dedication and on time discovery to take much out of this life before my time is up.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 1 Samuel 24:1-25:44, John 10:22-42, Psalm 116:1-19, Proverbs 15:20-21

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Ecclesiastes 9:9, NIV

"9Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the sun--all the days of futility. For that is your portion in this life and in your work at which you toil under the sun."

You do not have time for experimentation. It is only one life you have which in every ramification must be lived to the fullest. Today, God is coming for homes and marriages. It is the intention and sweet intention of God that couples will live happily thereafter. However, many things may hamper their living joyfully as wanted.

That place admonishes men to live joyfully with their wives in the time they have to spend on earth. That place recognizes that life is short and is filled with wearying labour. Life itself with the cares to succeed can make one tired and casted down. There is nothing that seems like a reward or compensation for being here than one's spouse whom God has given one. While you therefore tarry in this momentary life of futility: which has not much to offer, you must enjoy yourself to the fullest. This ultimate satisfaction comes through living joyfully with your spouse. One way of doing that is being consoled through your wife and the wife through her husband.

You may be blessed with a good job, good things to satisfy your mouth with, build houses and study to a greater extent etc. However, all these and others don't measure the highest level of compensation you can receive during your years of futility on earth through your spouse. The picture of heaven on earth is a good home where the couple lives joyfully reciprocally. It won't be good living in clamour, arguments, and strivings with one's spouse in this fleeting life of toil. Tell me, what's in the world to enjoy within the short moment you have to spend here if not beautiful moments with the one called "lover"? Now that God has given or will give you a spouse to enjoy, shouldn't you enjoy it to the fullest? Shouldn't you explore it to the fullest?

It is unfortunate however that where the Lord wants many people's joy to come from, it is rather sadness that oozes from there. Where the Lord wants them to be strong, they are weak. Just imagine, the Lord wants you live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your life (which flies away very soon) and can't be compared to eternity and yet you're just trying to coast along. Have you not cheated yourself like this? God intends joy for you yet you're living in sorrow and great hurt daily. The regret that fills your heart is like a deep gorge in you.

There is nothing a man can take as a reward in this life and in his lifetime that's the highest of what God intends to give him except his spouse. You may be fulfilling purpose but there will be moments when you will long to cheer yourself through a man or woman. That's where a life of joy with one's spouse comes in.

Proverbs 5:18,KJV

"Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice with the wife of thy youth."

This place confirms it again. Instead of rejoicing, many homes are down casted. May you be lifted up.

Change the plans for living with your spouse. You deserve joy. If God intends it for you; then you really need it.

PRAYER: Lord, I redeem my marriage from all things contrary to joy. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR:1 Kings 12:20-13:34, Acts 9:26-43, Psalm 132:1-18, Proverbs 17:6

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Mark 14:13-15, KJV

"13 And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him. 14 And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples? 15 And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us."

One day,  a minister was burdened for ministry and was praying to God to situate him and site his ministry on ground.  As he prayed, he was saying, "God, where have you prepared for us?"  He was saying this and praying this prayer as a thing that occupies all his heart when that passage of the Bible I quoted above was ministered to his heart. 

Are you looking for a place? Are you in search of a house to indwell? Do you want to start something by the Lord's commission and you want a place that will be free of trouble, losses, evil, etc that only God could prepare? You can receive your answer if you'll receive through this teaching. In essence, if you're in anticipation of a thing or person but you want it to be the prepared thing or person, God gives that. 

Jesus wanted to eat the passover and without keeping appointment with anyone ahead of time, He instructed His disciples to go to a place. He described their meeting a man carrying a pitcher. He told them to follow him into whatsoever house he enters and asks the owner of that house to show them the guest chamber where He'll eat the passover with His disciples. To my surprise, the exotic demand of Jesus was met. Jesus even said the owner of the house will show them a large, furnished and made ready place.

The reality is that what is yours from the Lord in the spirit can be seen and received as yours in reality. There's always a place prepared for us all. Now, if Jesus kept no appointment with this people and they did not keep with Him, how did they make preparation of that place ahead of time for use of someone they didn't know? That's God's business and dealing with those Jesus sent His disciples to. Look, may God deal with people on your behalf. If you do, you can't turn things. If He does, even if it is their last bread, like it was in the hands of the widow of Zarephath, they'll prioritise you and make for you first of all even when it concerns matters of life and death.  

Jesus has not gotten there yet he knew and had the assurance that a place has been prepared for him and was speaking like one who has already possessed it with high boast. What a thing! May you find each thing that has been prepared for you. 

On this journey of faith, if we won't be beaten, battered and turned down, we must ask God to do only one thing for us: lead us where He has prepared for us. I found out that if a thing is prepared, it is made ready and totally made fit for you to come and occupy. Jesus was not turned down because that guest chamber had his name on it in the spirit. He went to where He should go. He made demands on the right person. You too can propose to the right person. That's when they'll say yes. 

Who knows however whether that guest chamber was dirty? Who knows whether they had left it unoccupied for long but something just rose in the mind of the owner of that house to give instructions to clean that forlorn guest chamber? Even his children and the servants might have asked, "daddy, for what reason and he could have said, just clean it. I'm feeling we should and get every place clean."

Did you see? There will be moments that the body of people will be doing something unintentional to them because God is moving them to get ready for someone or something. There have been people who went to the market, cooked a special delicacy or acquired a property not because they needed it but because they're just being troubled or persuaded to do so. It was after they did that the fellow whose is it arrives and such is released to him. I heard a scripture. 

Ezekiel 21:27, KJV

"I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him."

If a thing is for you and has been prepared for you, it is one like a material with a name tag on it. No one will touch it. People may not know why they're not picking interest in it. I have heard over and over testimonies of how ministries come to possesses some lands. God will just do something that will make others not to see value in what God has prepared as value for you. For anyone awaiting the prepared of the Lord which includes a spouse, may the Lord continue to over turn until what is yours from the Lord is yours in reality. 

PRAYER: I thank You Lord for taking thought for me ahead. What is mine, none can possess. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 2:31-4:18, Colossians 1:1-17, Psalm 76:1-12, Proverbs 24:21-22

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Tuesday, 17 May 2022


TUESDAY - 17TH MAY, 2022



Acts 1:10-11,KJV

"And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven."

What these two men (who could have been angels) said here confirms again that our waiting will not be vain. It shows of a truth, Jesus will return. These men said something worthy of note. They said "in like manner Jesus left will be the manner in which He'll return." Since we know the manner in which He left, by that we can anticipate the manner in which He'll return.

Heaven hasn't left us without witnesses. They have left for us a prescription of how things will follow. They wrote a direct letter and sent a private e-mail or SMS into our boxes so we would not be uniformed and not some day give excuses. Jesus' return is real. 

Didn't the Bible say in II Corinthians 13:1,KJV that " the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.." Talks about His second coming littered the Bible. This happening (of two men appearing for confirmation) didn't happen while Jesus was on earth. It was while He (Jesus) was on His way to heaven. He had left. That made that witness stronger because He wasn't around to put words into anyone's mouth. He didn't convince any one to speak about His coming back. Those ones spoke separately (from God).

I believe this witness. What about you? I believe it is true and it will one day come to pass. I believe our waiting will be justified. I believe those mocking us will be ashamed. I believe those taunting us will feel the heat of that day.

Those angels said " *this same Jesus"* . They laid emphasis on who will return. Not another person but the same man that had left. That's what I Thessalonians 4:16 agreed to again when it says " *the Lord Himself."* It is not another man. It is rather the same man, Jesus that the earth experienced some 2000 years ago who will be back.

I tell you brethren, our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.  The night will soon break into day. How far with your preparation? Is your garment white? Is there oil in your lamp? Hope your head also isn't lacking oil? The D-day is here! Congratulations to the elect and woe to all unrepentant sinners.

PRAYER: Cleanse me from sins and give me a new garment. Sensitize me to the breaking of the day.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Exodus 4:1-5:21, Matthew 18:1-20, Psalm 22:19-31, Proverbs 5:15-21

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Monday, 16 May 2022


MONDAY - 16TH MAY, 2022



Read Genesis 4:1-7

Genesis 4:6-7, KJV

"6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him."

Sin lies at the door. Why is it lying there? Has it come to stay there in vain? Obviously no.

In today's reading, Cain and Abel brought their offerings to the Lord. Abel and his offering were accepted but Cain and his were rejected. God is like a kind of father here that commends one and has the right to tell the other not to give up but strive to do better. God did just that. You must know that in the Father's house and as a Christian, we don't lose our rewards. You may have been doing good, don't be weary because everything is in record. The store will be opened to you one day. 

Now, when Abel was commended by God over Cain, Cain was displeased. It's normal for one's flesh to feel that way. We all want the spotlight to be on us. It's not interesting seeing your younger sibling or junior at work for instance winning the attention from those who gives it while you take the back sit. This has been the cause for sibling rivalry. When somebody does well and one doesn't do well, the other who doesn't do well may feel uneasy. That can be properly channeled however by striving to be better next time. One can disallow what could come after that which is negative from happening. That was what God was telling Cain. He was saying, "will you not be accepted if you do what's right but if you don't, sin lies at the door."

The possibility of sin coming in is very sure and it did for Cain. After he was displeased, he didn't keep watch. That led to bitter envy and contention. He motivated his brother for a walk and killed him there. He was bitterly jealous from the acceptance and commendation Abel received which he was dying to receive but didn't have. All of us must know that the sin the Bible says crouches or crawl at the door here is like Satan who is described as a roaring lion who seeks who to devour. That's the aim of the sin at the door. 

I Peter 5:8, KJV

" Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:"

It looks for whom to prey on if any opens the door to it.  The people this teaching is addressing are those that seems hurt. God is saying, be watchful less you do the desire of sin or Satan. God warned Cain that the chances are high if you continue this way. You can't but yield to sin and he did eventually. Have you being offended, the chances are high if you won't let go to do something that will sell you out into the hands of Satan.

Don't forget this, "sin crouches at the door. It's desire is to have you but you must master it by refusing it entrance."

PRAYER: I receive healing over hurts, offences, injuries. I am made whole. All doors for sin to enter or for Satan to pounce on me are shut!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 60:1-62:5, Philippians 1:27-2:18, Psalm 72:1-20, Proverbs 24:11-12

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Sunday, 15 May 2022


SUNDAY - 15TH MAY, 2022



Read II Kings 6:8-23, James 4:13-16

II Kings 6:8, KJV

"Then the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying, IN SUCH AND SUCH A PLACE SHALL BE MY CAMP."

This Syrian king's action calls for derision. At the war room, he said to all his generals, "my camp is going to be situated in so and so place." His speech comes from boasting and a strong sense of self actualization also. He was talking as if he knew by such location where he commanded, things shall just fall in place for them and Israel shall be trapped.

He so much spoke with boldness, assurance and rejoicing of heart that you could see self deceit, and regard not for any other (especially the Almighty) in his utterance. The plan, stratagem and location of camp/ambush he was rejoicing in as a dream come through is what God without effort scattered through its disclosure to Israel by Elisha. God is quick to show to those who will tell Him to His face He's not part of their plans they're also on their own. 

Didn't the Bible say, "horses are prepared for the day of battles but victory belongs to the Lord (Prov. 21:31).

That's what he didn't look unto God for. He rather says in his vanity and lifting up of his soul with a sense of "I'm enough. It shall work", while saying, "in such and such place shall my camp be."

What right do anyone has to say this is how it shall be and that's how it must be? You can say that but you can't enforce it. What was the purpose of his building camps at those places? To trap Israel. Was Israel trapped? 

II Kings 6:10-11, KJV

"10 And the king of Israel sent to the place which the man of God told him and warned him of, and saved himself there, not once nor twice. 11 Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was sore troubled for this thing; and he called his servants, and said unto them, Will ye not shew me which of us is for the king of Israel?."

The man that was boasting and rejoicing to the success of his well laid plan though which had not been achieved is same who now in confusion asks why his plans are not succeeding. All of us should exercise ourselves in humility and know that he who is putting off his armour shouldn't pride himself like one putting it on. 

Unless your plans succeeds and it is assured your success can't be reversed, don't rejoice. Look at the disappointment expressed by the king of Syria as to why his plans didn't to why his ambush was not catching Israel.

May God teach you not to glory, boast or celebrate when success is far away or at all not at sight. May you learn humility that plans and knows only God gives success. 

There are those who are saying, "I'll do this tomorrow, I'll do that tomorrow. I'll go into that city and trade, accumulating wealth. However, you don't know what would be tomorrow. Due to this, how do you ought to talk so that you won't connote independence of God?

James 4:15-16, KJV

"15 For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16 But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil."

Whereas, that was the mistake the Syrian king made. He was so assured of his trapping Israel where he'll camp that he was saying so boldly with utmost assurance, "in such a place will I situate." It doesn't take long to reveal to him that his plans are not his to fulfill like the man who says he'll pull down his barn, build a bigger one and say to his heart, "eat, soul; for you have goods for many years in store for you (Luke 12:16-20).

What happens to such man? It was that same night his soul was requested of him.  See this as a reason to be humble instead of exercising yourself in futility. Don't let your pride make God scatter what you're planning in order to show you He reigns in the affairs of men and without His consent, no man lifts hand or foot. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not incur Your wrath by leaving You out of my considerations. May I take You as my greatest counsellor. I receive humility to include You and put You in front. Take charge Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Samuel 17:1-29, John 19:23-42, Psalm 119:129-152, Proverbs 16:12-13

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