Tuesday, 29 March 2022





Genesis 4:6-7, KJV

"6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him."

God wants you know that there's no authority that should be terror to good work. By godly ordaining, they are to commend good and fall upon evil works or seemingly ones.

Romans 13:3, KJV

"For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:"

In today's reading, God commended Abel over Cain. Both of them brought offerings to the Lord but one won God's approval and so was commended while the other was corrected to emulate doing well also. God is seen as an authority whose right it is to commend or ask for more. He did just that. 

All authorities wherever they may be must know that it's their exclusive right to be terror to evil works and praiser of good works. Never feel you'll be making enemies or make your followers/workers enemies of themselves if you give commendation to one but ask the other to do better. They may see it so but that shouldn't deter you. As long as you're not biased in rewarding, then you will have a clear conscience to implement such and continually have their respect.

God while speaking to Cain said, "if you do well, will you not be accepted?" 

So, there shouldn't be any system that applauds people that doesn't do well above those that does well. If you find yourself in a system and what goes on there is the sacrifice of good for evil, then you're not well situated. Such system can destroy you and make you a man of evil intention and evil act. 

God is a very just One. He exhibited fairness where we read. God isn't partial or discriminatory like Cain by his being angry feels God is. Rather, God has just discharged as a good leader should divide between those who have done well and those who haven't. 

God said, "if you do well, will you not be accepted?  This shows God is not judging by any other standard but that of "doing well." God was saying, "don't think I hate you. If you had done well like your brother, I would have commended you." He knew God was justified over him. He knew he had not done well indeed. It pained him and he couldn't argue it with God. He knew just like God knew that he hadn't done well. Don't be one of such that it is at reward time they blame themselves for the job they could have done or done better. 

All leaders, authority figures etc must learn from God. You must know what to encourage and discourage by what you commend or withhold commendation from. When God commended Abel, God indirectly was telling him to act that way the more and not change. When God didn't commend Cain, God was saying, there's a thing to repair. Do that and you'll be accepted. For as many that are angry, feels cheated, embarrassed, discriminated against etc, because someone was righteously and sincerely commended over you by an authority figure in your lives; you must know you're not owned an apology. The question you should ask yourself is, "if I do well, will I not be accepted."

You should rather be sorry for not doing well and seek to win approval next time. Your person, your work or act etc that was not commended was because you didn't do well. The criteria for judging is opened to all to evaluate. It is not a mystery or a thing not explainable that could justify your not being praised. Doing well wins praise. Doing contrarily demands correction. This ain't hatred but setting right!

PRAYER: I have capacity for good inside me. I exhibit same in all human endeavour. Let the Spirit of excellence that outruns multitude to win urges me on.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 11:1-12:32; Luke 8:22-39; Psalm 70:1-5; Proverbs 12:4

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com





Read Proverbs 30:24-28

Proverbs 30:27, KJV

"The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands"

Do you know that you can outperform your deficiency? The Holy Spirit wants that to be concretized in you. Normally, we mourn what we don't have and blame what we couldn't do on same. However, we can be born anew mentally to begin to act differently. It is not all the time that deficiency is a permanent restriction. Due to growth and the kind of mindset some have come to arm themselves with over the years, they even believe that out of every deficiency, they can call out a blessing. Was it not out of the strong Samson scrapped honey? Without the strong being killed, who can of it gather honey? To kill the strong (a lion) is obviously a hard thing to do yet the testimony of getting what is sweet is from what poses difficulty being defeated.

In our Bible passage today, reference was made to some four things that are small but are extremely wise. 

Proverbs 30:24, KJV

"There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise"

So, what we are here to study is the wisdom of one of these four characters. They are the locusts. The locusts are said to be leaderless. They have no king. What is the function of a king? He gives the vision, agenda and guides all towards it. That's what the locusts lack. The entity that will instruct, manage and motivate them towards comportment of themselves is lacking in their lives. I have heard people attach misbehaviour to lack of parenting (mentoring) or parents. Some truths are in there because some have manifested the failure of lacking it but it's not always true. You also must not give excuses for failure because you lack a life's manager.  Meanwhile, what could have created deficiency for the locusts was not at all allowed by them. Despite the fact that they lack a king (someone to pack them together and tell them how to behave), the Bible recorded that they still excel. 

Where is their excellence manifested? "...yet, they match in bands!"

Do you understand that? That is, they don't have a scattered life. If you have seen locusts before matching, you'll know they're organized yet they don't have an organizer. When programmes are to be done, there's always the organizers. We put that on ground so that we won't suffer harm but that the programme will fulfill its purpose. That's what the locusts lack yet they still excelled.

Those of you who are giving excuses as to why you have failed or why you are how you are, you better let the years of blaming it on something or someone go. Embrace responsibility like the locusts. Let your testimony be, "...despite lacking this and not having that, I still made it." The locusts have no king yet all of them still match in bands towards a singular purpose. Not even one of them - even the youngest deviates from this attribute of excellence. You wonder where they pick the initiative for correct behaviour from. Even the forces of nations must be taught to go out or fight in bands or groups. But the locusts were not taught by another but intuitively picks that. It was a self taught thing. 

I pray that you will pick the revelation of things to live up to. That's what can mark you out. Each of us can be self taught. When we are self taught, many of our problems will be eliminated since we don't need A to put B right. We will do what's expected of us. Organizations, families, nations etc can then run as if it is being auto-piloted. 

One day, I told my younger brother to mind how he lives. I gave him instances and told him he shouldn't boast or pull rank by saying, "he has me to lean on." There are children who say that and despise what they can become on their own. John warned some people not to be self deceived as to say they have Abraham as their father also [Matthew 3:9].

You see, why was I telling my brother that? He was beginning to fail and not bringing forth corresponding results of his age. I told him, all of us have been fatherless for over a period of 11 years and we can't even put much on our mother. Should we not be self taught? Throughout my undergraduate days, my mother never called me once to ask whether I was serious. She knew it is me. I went with self determination. I didn't need a king over me to begin to show me the ABC of what to face. I hunted for it and pursued after it. When I got to campus, I was the one searching for the fellowship I later became her president and not Christians trying to harvest or salvage my soul. 

May your story be like this. Wherever you have deficiencies, may you receive the testimony of having not being limited by it because the natural thing is to be limited by what we don't have. May you however surprise the world as to put in their mouth stories of how you excelled despite your lack. Receive by revelation how to act in proper behaviour and be praised for same.

May the invisible Holy Spirit be King over you so that physical kings will call you a proper child and one to testify about. 

PRAYER: Father, I rise and perform beyond deficiencies in my life. I shall have a testimony to give while saying, "despite all..."

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 30:1-31:26, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, Psalm 87:1-7, Proverbs 25:18-19

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com





Read Isaiah 61:1-5

Psalms 4:7, KJV

"Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased."

The Lord do not want us to be heavy. He wants us to be cheerful and do joyous acts round about. That place gives God the credence of putting joy in one's heart. It acknowledges it is He that owns exceeding gladness and can put it in one's heart.This exceeding gladness don't come from another quarters but from God.

We have read time without number that every good and perfect gift comes from above. It is not below or from any other places. If you want the exceeding gladness, more than they have when there's an increase in their output, such comes from God. However, you can still settle with the ordinary joy. But if you want the kind of joy that will call forth extraordinary behaviours that we can liken to misbehaviours, let God give you just a doze of this gladness' injection. 

You see, a gladdened heart is like a plastic bowl that stays afloat on the water surface. It won't only stay afloat, it will swim or dance around. It will be buoyant. It will soar. It will be mobile. 

Compare this to a depressed, tired or battered soul. That one will look like a plastic bowl that is drowned. It will go into the water and be stayed just at the very bottom of it. To bring it to the surface, you must go into the deep to escalate it. That's what the garment of heaviness does to people. It makes them sink and remain still at the bottom! Chances of returning are slim. That spirit holds them captive in the bottom of the bottom. 

Isaiah 61:3, KJV

"To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, THE OIL OF JOY FOR MOURNING, THE GARMENT OF PRAISE FOR THE SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified."

Have you seen someone that's heavy and has that iron garment worn on him do acts of a fellow with a raised head before? No! The fellow will just be shut down. I believe the garment of heaviness just like the name suggests is a very heavy garment that whomsoever it is worn upon has to sink immediately. Activities are always brought to a halt. I'll give an analogy. If you want to sink or drown some things in water and your goal is that they should go to the very bottom, what do you do? You look for a heavy object and tie such buoyant object to that thing that by the reason of its own nature can't but sink. Now, that heavy object will restrict the buoyant nature of the other object. It will rather take it with itself down to the very bottom of the water where there won't be any hope of coming back.

When David wanted to go fight Goliath, a coat or armour of mail was worn him. Immediately, one thing results. He couldn't walk in them. His ability to be mobile like a free bird was immediately tampered with. Until it was removed, David couldn't act very freely and swiftly. Garment of heaviness is just like that. It overwhelms its victim and bring another nature over them. If you're around a fellow with a heavy garment worn him, you'll sense it. It is even contagious. 

Such will be at the lowest of the lowest. Like led, he'll sink into the water [I Samuel 17].

But God don't appreciate a heavy spirit either. He wants you to swim, soar and be buoyant both in soul and spirit. What a thing!

If we compare gladness with gladness, we'll see God has done everything perfectly well before delivering to those He gives gladness or joy to. The gladness He offers is the type that exceeds what the world knows. A comparison is immediately sets between the joy God injects in a Christian and the joy exhibited at an increase of yield or at harvest. If you hear that your salary is raised, you'll obviously be happy. That's an increased yield. If you plant and your land brings forth very plentiful, you'll be happy that you're reaping more than you sow. However, this God given gladness surpasses that which they (the heathen or unbelievers) know when what could cause joy that we humans respond to happens to them.  

I pray for you that you will know, hear, see joy. God will use you as a demonstration of a joyous Christian. Wherever you've sunk, the resurrecting power of God will bring you to the surface and you'll maintain buoyancy. All heavy spirit is bound and casted out. Moodiness is arrested. That melancholy demon that makes you unstable in  emotion is rebuked. I say be like a clear weather. Don't be cloudy again. Let people around you enjoy you. Bring delight and be delightful.  

PRAYER: The blessing of the Lord it makes rich without adding any sorrow, I claim your gladness Lord. Experiment gladness with me. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-22, Psalms 67:1-7, Proverbs 23:29-35.

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Monday, 28 March 2022


 MONDAY - 28TH MARCH, 2022



Read Proverbs 30:24-28

Proverbs 30:27, KJV

"The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands"

Do you know that you can outperform your deficiency? The Holy Spirit wants that to be concretized in you. Normally, we mourn what we don't have and blame what we couldn't do on same. However, we can be born anew mentally to begin to act differently. It is not all the time that deficiency is a permanent restriction. Due to growth and the kind of mindset some have come to arm themselves with over the years, they even believe that out of every deficiency, they can call out a blessing. Was it not out of the strong Samson scrapped honey? Without the strong being killed, who can of it gather honey? To kill the strong (a lion) is obviously a hard thing to do yet the testimony of getting what is sweet is from what poses difficulty being defeated.

In our Bible passage today, reference was made to some four things that are small but are extremely wise. 

Proverbs 30:24, KJV

"There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise"

So, what we are here to study is the wisdom of one of these four characters. They are the locusts. The locusts are said to be leaderless. They have no king. What is the function of a king? He gives the vision, agenda and guides all towards it. That's what the locusts lack. The entity that will instruct, manage and motivate them towards comportment of themselves is lacking in their lives. I have heard people attach misbehaviour to lack of parenting (mentoring) or parents. Some truths are in there because some have manifested the failure of lacking it but it's not always true. You also must not give excuses for failure because you lack a life's manager.  Meanwhile, what could have created deficiency for the locusts was not at all allowed by them. Despite the fact that they lack a king (someone to pack them together and tell them how to behave), the Bible recorded that they still excel. 

Where is their excellence manifested? "...yet, they match in bands!"

Do you understand that? That is, they don't have a scattered life. If you have seen locusts before matching, you'll know they're organized yet they don't have an organizer. When programmes are to be done, there's always the organizers. We put that on ground so that we won't suffer harm but that the programme will fulfill its purpose. That's what the locusts lack yet they still excelled.

Those of you who are giving excuses as to why you have failed or why you are how you are, you better let the years of blaming it on something or someone go. Embrace responsibility like the locusts. Let your testimony be, "...despite lacking this and not having that, I still made it." The locusts have no king yet all of them still match in bands towards a singular purpose. Not even one of them - even the youngest deviates from this attribute of excellence. You wonder where they pick the initiative for correct behaviour from. Even the forces of nations must be taught to go out or fight in bands or groups. But the locusts were not taught by another but intuitively picks that. It was a self taught thing. 

I pray that you will pick the revelation of things to live up to. That's what can mark you out. Each of us can be self taught. When we are self taught, many of our problems will be eliminated since we don't need A to put B right. We will do what's expected of us. Organizations, families, nations etc can then run as if it is being auto-piloted. 

One day, I told my younger brother to mind how he lives. I gave him instances and told him he shouldn't boast or pull rank by saying, "he has me to lean on." There are children who say that and despise what they can become on their own. John warned some people not to be self deceived as to say they have Abraham as their father also [Matthew 3:9].

You see, why was I telling my brother that? He was beginning to fail and not bringing forth corresponding results of his age. I told him, all of us have been fatherless for over a period of 11 years and we can't even put much on our mother. Should we not be self taught? Throughout my undergraduate days, my mother never called me once to ask whether I was serious. She knew it is me. I went with self determination. I didn't need a king over me to begin to show me the ABC of what to face. I hunted for it and pursued after it. When I got to campus, I was the one searching for the fellowship I later became her president and not Christians trying to harvest or salvage my soul. 

May your story be like this. Wherever you have deficiencies, may you receive the testimony of having not being limited by it because the natural thing is to be limited by what we don't have. May you however surprise the world as to put in their mouth stories of how you excelled despite your lack. Receive by revelation how to act in proper behaviour and be praised for same.

May the invisible Holy Spirit be King over you so that physical kings will call you a proper child and one to testify about. 

PRAYER: Father, I rise and perform beyond deficiencies in my life. I shall have a testimony to give while saying, "despite all..."

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 30:1-31:26, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, Psalm 87:1-7, Proverbs 25:18-19

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com


 SUNDAY - 27TH MARCH, 2022



Read Isaiah 61:1-5

Psalms 4:7, KJV

"Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased."

The Lord do not want us to be heavy. He wants us to be cheerful and do joyous acts round about. That place gives God the credence of putting joy in one's heart. It acknowledges it is He that owns exceeding gladness and can put it in one's heart.This exceeding gladness don't come from another quarters but from God.

We have read time without number that every good and perfect gift comes from above. It is not below or from any other places. If you want the exceeding gladness, more than they have when there's an increase in their output, such comes from God. However, you can still settle with the ordinary joy. But if you want the kind of joy that will call forth extraordinary behaviours that we can liken to misbehaviours, let God give you just a doze of this gladness' injection. 

You see, a gladdened heart is like a plastic bowl that stays afloat on the water surface. It won't only stay afloat, it will swim or dance around. It will be buoyant. It will soar. It will be mobile. 

Compare this to a depressed, tired or battered soul. That one will look like a plastic bowl that is drowned. It will go into the water and be stayed just at the very bottom of it. To bring it to the surface, you must go into the deep to escalate it. That's what the garment of heaviness does to people. It makes them sink and remain still at the bottom! Chances of returning are slim. That spirit holds them captive in the bottom of the bottom. 

Isaiah 61:3, KJV

"To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, THE OIL OF JOY FOR MOURNING, THE GARMENT OF PRAISE FOR THE SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified."

Have you seen someone that's heavy and has that iron garment worn on him do acts of a fellow with a raised head before? No! The fellow will just be shut down. I believe the garment of heaviness just like the name suggests is a very heavy garment that whomsoever it is worn upon has to sink immediately. Activities are always brought to a halt. I'll give an analogy. If you want to sink or drown some things in water and your goal is that they should go to the very bottom, what do you do? You look for a heavy object and tie such buoyant object to that thing that by the reason of its own nature can't but sink. Now, that heavy object will restrict the buoyant nature of the other object. It will rather take it with itself down to the very bottom of the water where there won't be any hope of coming back.

When David wanted to go fight Goliath, a coat or armour of mail was worn him. Immediately, one thing results. He couldn't walk in them. His ability to be mobile like a free bird was immediately tampered with. Until it was removed, David couldn't act very freely and swiftly. Garment of heaviness is just like that. It overwhelms its victim and bring another nature over them. If you're around a fellow with a heavy garment worn him, you'll sense it. It is even contagious. 

Such will be at the lowest of the lowest. Like led, he'll sink into the water [I Samuel 17].

But God don't appreciate a heavy spirit either. He wants you to swim, soar and be buoyant both in soul and spirit. What a thing!

If we compare gladness with gladness, we'll see God has done everything perfectly well before delivering to those He gives gladness or joy to. The gladness He offers is the type that exceeds what the world knows. A comparison is immediately sets between the joy God injects in a Christian and the joy exhibited at an increase of yield or at harvest. If you hear that your salary is raised, you'll obviously be happy. That's an increased yield. If you plant and your land brings forth very plentiful, you'll be happy that you're reaping more than you sow. However, this God given gladness surpasses that which they (the heathen or unbelievers) know when what could cause joy that we humans respond to happens to them.  

I pray for you that you will know, hear, see joy. God will use you as a demonstration of a joyous Christian. Wherever you've sunk, the resurrecting power of God will bring you to the surface and you'll maintain buoyancy. All heavy spirit is bound and casted out. Moodiness is arrested. That melancholy demon that makes you unstable in  emotion is rebuked. I say be like a clear weather. Don't be cloudy again. Let people around you enjoy you. Bring delight and be delightful.  

PRAYER: The blessing of the Lord it makes rich without adding any sorrow, I claim your gladness Lord. Experiment gladness with me. 

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-22, Psalms 67:1-7, Proverbs 23:29-35.

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Saturday, 26 March 2022





READ Acts 8:26-40

Acts 8:29, KJV

"Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot."

You see, only God knows who will do you favour or from whom you will reap benefit. You might not have taken a step since but if you hear the voice of the Spirit any time, I'll like you run towards obeying that voice like Philip the evangelist does.

God saw a prospect in the Ethiopian eunuch. He's like a made ready field that has been ploughed but awaits the seeds. Philip becomes the sower who preached Jesus to him from the place he couldn't understand which he was reading from the book of Isaiah. Only God knows what you don't know. That's why if He tells you to join yourself to that fellow in business, friendship or even marriage, you should. God has seen a need in his life like that of the Ethiopian eunuch that needs to be met and it's you who would meet it. More importantly, God has seen there would be a return to you also from such person you might joined. Imagine what profit it was to the kingdom of God that the Ethiopian eunuch received Jesus. God profits and Philip himself profits for having gotten him born again. This man plays a part in bringing the gospel to Africa. Isn't that a thing to be deposited into Philip's account also? If he had withdrawn joining himself to that chariot, the man wouldn't have been born again and the gospel might not have reached some in Africa. This man already escaped Jerusalem and God didn't want him escape. So, who will get him for God?

I Kings 19:17, KJV

"And it shall come to pass, that him that escapeth the sword of Hazael shall Jehu slay: and him that escapeth from the sword of Jehu shall Elisha slay."

God didn't plan that a fellow escapes Jerusalem and then escapes Philip the evangelist. If he does, he'll cross continental boundaries into his country empty handed and heart emptied. Don't forget that this eunuch is said to be a man of influence who serves under Candace, queen of the Ethiopian. God is after influential people. The door that an influential man can open through his influence to the gospel is actually of emphasis. All of these comes from someone's heeding "join yourself to this chariot". If the major political officers of your country receives Jesus and become disciples, your nation may begin to be kingdom like.

Are you hearing your call today? That brother or sister must not bypass you. You know whom God is saying already. He is just pointing a finger to the fellow for you. God is saying "stop looking for chariots that might or might not pass. It is this current one going on I'm saying You should join."  If God is saying, join yourself to him or her in whatsoever level of relationship, I'll like you take it for what God calls it even if you don't see the prospects. God is your eyes and why He's saying "join yourself" might not be clear to you until you actually join yourself to such chariot (person or individual).

Also, this is a call to be sensitive to recognize those who have been made ready by their afore contact with the gospel but yearns for salvation (but who knows not how to go about it). I sense God is calling you to a finished work. He wants the honour to be yours. He has done the work but wants it to be labelled "if not for you". This is God's quick work which He wants to do upon the earth. Look, today, when you hear the voice that says " join yourself to that chariot", do not rebel. Like Philip, displayed great faith and rather proceeded to carry that instruction out. Don't mind how the Ethiopian eunuch look or his nationality in being joined to him etc. Once you contact him, it is good things to the satisfaction of your soul that will come from there. If God is saying that's the fellow and you're afraid because you don't want people label you as a gold digger, I'll say "don't miss your chariot." Who instructs you is greater than those who accuses you. Beware that the chariot however waits for no one. Even if it waits for awhile, it shall move consequently. So, let me say today is the day of salvation (day of acting), tomorrow might be too late.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 5:1-6:25; Luke 7:11-35; Psalm 68:19-35; Proverbs 11:29-31

Powered by Morning Wings Ministries. Share with others in English, French, Arabic, Swahili and Chinese. Enquire or counsel through +234 80 77 63 85 50 or +234 8137 04 68 12 II morningwingministry@gmail.com & Blog @ www.morningwingsministry.blogspot.com

Friday, 25 March 2022


 FRIDAY - 25TH MARCH, 2022



Read Exodus 2:1-9

Exodus 2:4-5, KJV

"4 And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him.5 And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it."

Do you know that the Lord is faithful? The heathen must know and cover their mouth with their hands. Saints in Christ must see and to Him glory. Look, if there's no hand to receive you, one hand won't let you down. Even before your arrival, He takes thought for you. 

The case of Moses reveals a God that won't let you be stranded wherever and at whatever time. It doesn't matter those who are watching how your end would look. If no strand of hair falls off without God's knowing, it means nothing happens to you without God's acknowledgement and permission first of all also. From this, you should draw assurance that you're always in the hands of God even if you're alone now. Moses was just a baby. His own case is worst than Joseph's. Joseph was an adolescent sold into slavery though without parents or one to point to as a familiar face. Moses when he was dropped by the river found himself in a bad condition than Joseph. He was not only without parents but defenseless since he was just three months old. What could a baby do if an ant or snake crawls on him? If we agree he's against these protected, what would he do if a hand comes to collect him away? He wouldn't have resisted. That's why God ensured Moses fell into the right hands.

To test whether God is faithful or not, one character proved God for us though she did out of curiosity. Moses' sister wouldn't go. Something held her still to continue to watch this season movie and see where it would end and where Moses would fall. She therefore hide herself in the bush at a vantage distance where she could see any transaction happening to baby Moses. What a connection between the siblings. Blood is powerful indeed. It brings two or more together in unbreakable bond. While she watches, she saw in queenly garments a figure arriving at the river. What could this mean? That's how the woman drew Moses from the water. As the contemplation was going on, she came out and suggested if her royalty would need a nurse. Yours truly, that's how the boy's mother nurses her own child. Imagine that! When it seems there was no hope, God rose one for Moses and preserved a prophet for Israel. Is it not because of situations like this that we have a scripture like the one below written for our exhortation.

Psalms 27:10, KJV 

"When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.

Don't forget that clause, "the Lord will take me up." If that's the only verse you remember when you're deserted but surrounded, you'll beat the devil cyclically again and again. Are you a student on campus lacking support? It may not be to your sponsors' joy but don't forget God will take you up. Adoption is a reality. I was adopted on campus by many parents. Different people put money down at different times I needed it. My father had passed on and the burden was just too heavy on my Mama. Are you a missionary or minister who's forlorn in the field? Is the quarterly widow's mite promised you not coming again? The Lord will take you up. Wherever and on whatever you feel this is the end; may I announce, that's the beginning. My Father, you're the One I cry unto day and night. You also freely gave Jesus to us. If you gave this your best, will you withdraw any other good thing from us? Will you not rather freely give us all things to enjoy? I affirm it can't but be. I pray for all forlorn and those at a juncture where like Moses' sister watches what would become of themselves and their situations. It may look like you're in the midst of the sea and you're drowning. You might even have taken some gulps of water but salvation that arises in Zion for Israel shall arise for you today. When you're in no man's land, at the verge of being finished or on the road of being ended, help in time of need: an immediate help shall come your way. If Pharaoh's daughter didn't miss her time but hearkened to God to move to the saving of Moses when an invisible hand stirred her up, none would miss his time to aid you.

PRAYER: Your faithfulness is proven. Moses' sister waited and saw it. I am waiting, let me see it.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Deuteronomy 2:1-3:29; Luke 6:12-38; Psalm 67:1-7; Proverbs 11:27

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