Monday, 28 March 2022


 MONDAY - 28TH MARCH, 2022



Read Proverbs 30:24-28

Proverbs 30:27, KJV

"The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands"

Do you know that you can outperform your deficiency? The Holy Spirit wants that to be concretized in you. Normally, we mourn what we don't have and blame what we couldn't do on same. However, we can be born anew mentally to begin to act differently. It is not all the time that deficiency is a permanent restriction. Due to growth and the kind of mindset some have come to arm themselves with over the years, they even believe that out of every deficiency, they can call out a blessing. Was it not out of the strong Samson scrapped honey? Without the strong being killed, who can of it gather honey? To kill the strong (a lion) is obviously a hard thing to do yet the testimony of getting what is sweet is from what poses difficulty being defeated.

In our Bible passage today, reference was made to some four things that are small but are extremely wise. 

Proverbs 30:24, KJV

"There be four things which are little upon the earth, but they are exceeding wise"

So, what we are here to study is the wisdom of one of these four characters. They are the locusts. The locusts are said to be leaderless. They have no king. What is the function of a king? He gives the vision, agenda and guides all towards it. That's what the locusts lack. The entity that will instruct, manage and motivate them towards comportment of themselves is lacking in their lives. I have heard people attach misbehaviour to lack of parenting (mentoring) or parents. Some truths are in there because some have manifested the failure of lacking it but it's not always true. You also must not give excuses for failure because you lack a life's manager.  Meanwhile, what could have created deficiency for the locusts was not at all allowed by them. Despite the fact that they lack a king (someone to pack them together and tell them how to behave), the Bible recorded that they still excel. 

Where is their excellence manifested? "...yet, they match in bands!"

Do you understand that? That is, they don't have a scattered life. If you have seen locusts before matching, you'll know they're organized yet they don't have an organizer. When programmes are to be done, there's always the organizers. We put that on ground so that we won't suffer harm but that the programme will fulfill its purpose. That's what the locusts lack yet they still excelled.

Those of you who are giving excuses as to why you have failed or why you are how you are, you better let the years of blaming it on something or someone go. Embrace responsibility like the locusts. Let your testimony be, "...despite lacking this and not having that, I still made it." The locusts have no king yet all of them still match in bands towards a singular purpose. Not even one of them - even the youngest deviates from this attribute of excellence. You wonder where they pick the initiative for correct behaviour from. Even the forces of nations must be taught to go out or fight in bands or groups. But the locusts were not taught by another but intuitively picks that. It was a self taught thing. 

I pray that you will pick the revelation of things to live up to. That's what can mark you out. Each of us can be self taught. When we are self taught, many of our problems will be eliminated since we don't need A to put B right. We will do what's expected of us. Organizations, families, nations etc can then run as if it is being auto-piloted. 

One day, I told my younger brother to mind how he lives. I gave him instances and told him he shouldn't boast or pull rank by saying, "he has me to lean on." There are children who say that and despise what they can become on their own. John warned some people not to be self deceived as to say they have Abraham as their father also [Matthew 3:9].

You see, why was I telling my brother that? He was beginning to fail and not bringing forth corresponding results of his age. I told him, all of us have been fatherless for over a period of 11 years and we can't even put much on our mother. Should we not be self taught? Throughout my undergraduate days, my mother never called me once to ask whether I was serious. She knew it is me. I went with self determination. I didn't need a king over me to begin to show me the ABC of what to face. I hunted for it and pursued after it. When I got to campus, I was the one searching for the fellowship I later became her president and not Christians trying to harvest or salvage my soul. 

May your story be like this. Wherever you have deficiencies, may you receive the testimony of having not being limited by it because the natural thing is to be limited by what we don't have. May you however surprise the world as to put in their mouth stories of how you excelled despite your lack. Receive by revelation how to act in proper behaviour and be praised for same.

May the invisible Holy Spirit be King over you so that physical kings will call you a proper child and one to testify about. 

PRAYER: Father, I rise and perform beyond deficiencies in my life. I shall have a testimony to give while saying, "despite all..."

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 30:1-31:26, 1 Timothy 2:1-15, Psalm 87:1-7, Proverbs 25:18-19

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