Friday, 4 February 2022





READ I Kings 16-28

I Kings 3:27, KJV

"Then the king answered and said, Give her the living child, and in no wise slay it: she is the mother thereof."

Two prostitutes were in a house. One had switched her dead baby for the living of another. The other in the morning light discovered she had been robbed by careful consideration and refuses to go with what is not hers. 

These two prostitutes finally landed at Solomon's court. They wouldn't have appeared there if the case was settled after the discovery of that exchange and while argument for the retrieval of the living child by the rightful mother lasted. But because the false woman won't agree, the real mother appealed to the king as the only way of escape. This is affirmed in her narrating what happened explicitly to the king. She desires to be vindicated and tendered the case before Solomon.

If a thing can't be settled by you, it is wisdom if you seek an external power - one that's greater than you, the thing you're fighting or that's fighting you. Anointing is represented by the sword in that passage. It has not lost effectiveness in getting things done.

This woman that appealed is wise. Should arguments continue till the day is spent? To stop the rivalry, she needed somebody who could hear both of them out, discern the genuine and separate it from the false. Her desire to put an end to their rivalry made her appeal.

Saint, the court of heaven is opened. Have you been robbed? Have you been cheated? Is somebody infringing on your rights? Report it to the King. He is for the just while He'll rebuke the unjust. I pray for you that wherever there's a contest with you over what is yours (which has been robbed you), the sword of God will severe your lot for you without harm today.  Restoration in Jesus' name. This month, value won't be exchanged for shamble in your life.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to the belief in Your ability to bring solutions to all my problems. My soul thus rest in you.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 21:22-23:13, Matthew 24:1-28, Psalm 29:1-11, Proverbs 7:6-23

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Thursday, 3 February 2022






ACTS 1:26, KJV

"And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles."

While some people are mounting into places, some are losing their places. In today's passage, Judas need be replaced. After the casting of lot, a fitting replacement was found for him in the person of Matthias. The Bible recorded afterwards that he (Matthias) was then numbered with the eleven.

Something will always cause an opening to be. Matthias was numbered with the apostles. These apostles are the ones known as the apostles of the Lamb. They are the apostles that Jesus promised a special reward.  Their names are written on the new Jerusalem. 

Revelation 21:14, KJV

"And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb."

Amidst these chosen and lucky men was he joined to. He who was just an ordinary brother was therefore lifted up to become somebody who now enters into the first class relationship and cycle of the apostles of the Lamb. It looks like an overnight miracle but the preparation for that began since the baptism of John. A time of numbering is coming. Will you be qualified?

Who are the people that you're numbered with? You can be numbered with mockers, vain people or people of purpose (Psalm 1). The testimony that should follow you should be your numbering amidst good people in God's book. What privilege is it rather to be numbered amidst the apostles. How I pray for you that you'll take your place. You won't be distributed amidst fools. When your lot is falling, it will fall amidst men who will be  blessings to you. It won't be amidst those that will reduce God's grace, gift and unction on you. 

There are people currently where they are who are numbered amidst those to be executed. These are hardened criminals that the law will go sour against. There are those who are currently numbered with sinners. Whenever your association is investigated, it's a blessing if found that you're numbered with those who have good records with God. If you're numbered with those God is angry with, expect God's anger.  He who companies with a fool will surely become one and vice versa.

One of the ways by which God protects your destiny and aligns you continually into who to become is by numbering you amidst those who are purposeful. When you are numbered with the great, you weave power, think like them and enjoy their privileges. You're let into special secrets and always put ahead of time. When you have much of them around you, they become your lamp and your eyes. It becomes very difficult for you to be defeated by the devil.  A Christian that's numbered amidst such fellows as the apostles here and yet misses it will be a brand that has first been plucked out of the fire like Satan did to Joshua (Zechariah 3:2). If you're separated from your number, you can then be handled by Satan. However, may you forever stick with your group. This is a call to forever be numbered amidst those God takes pleasure in. This is your security when the enemy comes like a flood.

PRAYER: Lord, number me amidst the great and strong. May I not discard anointed relationships in my life.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 15:19-17:7, Matthew 22:1-33, Psalm 27:1-6, Proverbs 6:20-26

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READ Luke 15:11-end

Luke 15:31, KJV

"And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, AND ALL THAT I HAVE IS THINE.

This statement when it was said was given out as an assuring statement. Who was in doubt? Who needed to be reassured? It was the elder brother of the fellow popularly known as the prodigal son. The younger brother had found his way back home. The father had thrown him a welcome party with lavishness. The elder brother on enquiry and detection of what was going on refused to go in. He'll rather cut himself off from participation to show his disapproval and protest against his father's perceived unfairness. To him, the father accords favour to his younger brother than him though the younger brother has been the waster. One who has brought grieve and many sleepless nights to the father until he was found. He never knew the whole truth until the father's explanation.

"You're ever with me. All that I have is yours. The father said, "your brother was lost and he's found. It is good we celebrate". 

This statement ends all his inner agitation and contention. It's just a statement but one that casted away the spell that Satan rubbed on him to rob him of the father's love. That statement also shows how the younger brother and father would from thence live on the elder brother's allocation. Don't forget, the father had two children. The younger brother had collected his lot - the one that fell unto him and had exhausted it. Automatically, that leaves only one portion which is that of the elder brother. 

This is also a message that God loves sinners or backsliding Christians and would do all to have them back with cheers but God never celebrates a repentant sinner at the expense of a faithful believer who all the days of his life tarries in the Father's house without shifting position. So, if you've decided to backslide, don't just think you'll be equated with a faithful Christian. There's joy in heaven that you're back but much more than that are the privileges enjoyed by loyal sons and daughters who stay with God under seasonal weathers.

Until this was said, the elder brother never saw reasons to continue to esteem the father as one with a right sense of justice. When he saw that indeed his younger brother has been made like a servant unto him, he let go of contention. Who will be in his shoe amidst us that won't be jealous? If somebody wastes his own portion, should he come back and allow another not to enjoy his fully when at first, his was measured out in full to him? However, thank God for forgiveness. 

Brethren, who are the ones you need to assure?  Assurance answers cries of the heart. It comes by speaking the right word to change perspective, solidify perspective and concretize it. If there's no assuring word from parents to their children, the children may lose faith in themselves, their parents and what their parents' ability can do for them. If a lover don't give constant assurance and reassurance to his lover, she won't know her place. She'll have tough times believing wholly in the man especially if such man is popular or object of desire. 

So, don't withhold to say, "all that I have is yours." This plus some other assuring words will bring encouragement to your lover and win them to your side. What will it costs you to exert your energy and say some words of affirmation? 

PRAYER: Loving Father, the author of assurance and reassurance, put words in my mouth and acts in me that fit their seasons to win my lover always. Teach me the laws of assurance.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 17:8-19:15, Matthew 22:34-23:12, Psalm 27:7-14, Proverbs 6:27-35

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Tuesday, 1 February 2022





READ Acts 1:15-26

Psalms 107:35-36, KJV

"He turneth the wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into watersprings. 36 And there he maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation".

When you're carrying the calling of a pioneer; I'll say it is a heavy call. Don't be carried away by the honour and prestige accorded successful pioneers whose labour paced way for others. If you blaze successfully a path for others to follow, you may always be referred to, regarded and also esteemed but you as well must embrace the foundational works. These foundational works are what God didn't create everybody to do. Foundational works are for founders. Associates are to provide support for such.

Did you know any pioneer that thread the highway? He is rather the one who clears the path for others to follow. Have you made a road somewhere for access before? How easy was it? If it's a physical road, how many people remember the labourers who worked to create it? However, we must not forget pioneers.

Someone will start what others will continue with. This starter that we call the pioneer can also be the set man. The man who sets the pace for the work, determines standard and what should be followed.

Who prepared a city for habitation in today's passage? The hungry, whom God brought to a land He changes and then fills with prospects. God then gives them an assignment - which is to prepare a city for habitation or dwelling. Can you imagine what it would means raising from the ground a city? Imagine if you're among the first settlers who founded the popular city in your country. Flashback to when that city was founded and think of how uncivilized things were. If a prophecy comes to you then "that you'll prepare a city for the habitation of many", will you not doubt it?

If God wants to make it difficult to believe for you, He'll also tell you a kind of population your small head can't fathom or understand. We'd be talking of millions of people and houses numerously all around like the stars in the sky. You'll just sigh and say "impossible!" Are there people who are doubting what God has said to them also? The future can be so great like this empty land made into a city that you tell the prophet to come off fallacy! Do you think all God has said to you are too high to be true? You should be the one coming off it. God made it possible for the hungry to build from the scratch a city for dwelling. So, there is your comfort. You can raise that vision to a place where it will become global. A city is not what is built in a day. It takes time. Time it takes for one generation to pass away and another to come in while the cycle goes on. Meanwhile, you can build that implanted sense of purpose put in you by God before you leave to rest like David departed after serving the will of God in his own generation (Acts 13:36). Nothing else can satisfies you except the fulfilment of that coding in your spirit. We all have our generation with specific assignment for individuals in it. May you not carry yours back to the grave. May it be discharged and unburdened here on earth.

PRAYER: Let the implanted sense of purpose in me become a light beaming me to come up hither. Draw me to my assignment and my assignment to me. I discharge as a founder. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 13:17-15:18, Matthew 21:23-46, Psalm 26:1-12, Proverbs 6:16-19

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Monday, 31 January 2022






Genesis 2:21,KJV

"And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

God removed a rib from Adam and formed it into a woman. The same miracle of making a skeleton into a whole person here was done in Ezekiel 37 also. All the Lord had was a frame or structure through which He built a whole human in both places. When Eve (that rib) was removed, there was an open space in Adam. It is a hollow that comes to be formed just like a hole is formed in the earth when a digging out of soil is done. It's this vacant space that God brought Eve back to fill in Adam's life. God seeks to make two become one and complete by bringing them together. That's what makes Eve Adam's perfect match. She becomes a match because she could fill in the gap left in Adam's life by God's deliberateness when her very self was dug out. That tells you that a spouse is only a half of the other. No spouse is complete on his or her own. There will always be a vacancy (deficiency) or room in his or her life that whom God will bring to him or her will need to fill up. So, seek after completion and cherish your spouse's contribution into your very life in perfecting you. Also, don't marry the wrong Christian or else a fitting may not occur.

Thank God we all did fill in the gap in school. Do you remember how you used letters to fill in gaps. Let's say we want to fill "C--P". For those letters to make a word and be regarded as same, we will need to put into it a letter that can make it a meaningful word. For example  "u" or "o" can fit into it to form a whole word. That tells you it is not only a person that your 'word' can necessarily be filled with as a Christian for you to be completed. Let's assume Brother Green-pastures proposed to Sister Still-waters. If the sister though God's will for that brother refuses him, God will still find another Christian sister for him that can fit into his life and fulfill the ministry that the first sister turned away from without loss. So, we can say there is a complement and substitute complement(s). Mind you, this doesn't mean a Christian is permitted to marry and keep two spouses at a go except the first dies. What I'm saying is that "o" or "u" can be inserted into "C--P" to make "cup" or "cop". That means there are vessels who can fill in your gap by fitting into your nature, tolerate your habits and accept you as a spouse. God is likely to choose from such set of people for you. They're always more than one that you can marry or can marry you! Is this therefore preaching to you to therefore reject God's will when it's made known to you? No.

Your better half is somewhere and only God through His leading and good choice making can make the path of you both cross. Like Ezekiel prophesied, I pray that you will gravitate towards your life partner in Jesus' name. No matter how distant the deer is to the stream, it gravitates towards it. There is a calling of it to come to the stream. Unless he drinks from the waters, he is unsatisfied and lacks rest. May the hollow and unsatisfactoriness in your life drive you to seek after that fellow who will bring completion to you. Let it be bone to its bone.

PRAYER: Lord, give me one that will be water to my deer, a satisfaction to my soul and a complement to/of my person.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 10:1-12:13, Matthew 20:1-28, Psalm 25:1-15, Proverbs 6:6-11

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Sunday, 30 January 2022





READ Genesis 27:1-25

Genesis 27:20, KJV

"And Isaac said unto his son, How is it that thou hast found it so quickly, my son? And he said, Because the LORD thy God brought it to me."

I pray for you, the Lord will bring it to you. When the Lord brings it to you, you will locate it easily and your time of wandering shall be saved. 

Isaac was old and he knew not the day of his death. To this end, he called Esau his son to go hunting and fetch him meat such as he liked for preparation of a delicious meal. He'll need to bless him before his death. They wouldn't know that Rebekah spies on them and has heard all. 

While Isaac was jealous for Esau, Rebekah was concerned for Jacob. They each have their team member and one they were loyal to. May you not lack your man. It was Jacob's man (her mother) that helped him or else destiny blessing would have jumped him over. May God give you those who will watch your back and the back door for you. That was Jacob's advantage in today's reading. It's also your leverage in this life.

Where critical decisions will be taken, may you have those that will fight for you.  On that note, Rebekah therefore instructed Jacob to bring two kids from the flock which she'll prepare into the kind of meal Isaac loved. Jacob's fear was eliminated and this plan was carried out. When Jacob got the food ready for Isaac, Isaac was shocked at how the process of getting a bush meat could have been so shortened for anyone. So, he asked, "how is it that you were so quick about it?" That question shows Isaac was not ignorant of how tedious hunting for animals could be. It was also a means of verifying who came. Jacob however said one thing that my emphasis will be on today. He said, "because the Lord thy God brought it to me."

We knew God didn't bring anything to Jacob because he didn't even go hunting. He only lied since the animals he prepared were domesticated animals. However, let's leave all those to concentrate on the feedback of Jacob to his father which is actually a possibility in any Christian's life. 

Do you know God could bring things to you? We all know that it took Esau a considerable longer time before he appeared before Jacob. What if as soon as he got to the wild, he didn't have to spend much time but a shorter one than he spent before God brings it to him.

People of God, God is still in the business of bringing it to His children. Twenty of you can be primary school mates. You started all together from the beginning but after twenty five years, some of you might have gotten why they're in this wild (life or earth) while others are still roaming around to find a perfect game or even find their foot. When you meet some of them and ask, how are you doing? How's family? They'll have evidences to show for it. They already have those things and on every matter of life have been helped greatly like the Lord helped Uzziah. If it's on purpose, they're already functioning big time in the anointing of their callings and details of their careers. Nothing is just lacking because their names are fledgling brands that are now being noised around at their level. When God brings it to you, struggle is eliminated. The house some are not eating but saving heavily to build can be given you. What the world is dying to have, cutting corners to achieve all can be delivered at your doorstep. Gift and inheritance are two means through which God can bring it to you apart from reaping a bumper harvest in what your hand has found to do which can give you quick acceleration to achieve. Favour is another way of quickly gathering. 

I pray for you that when you go out in the morning to fetch what to eat, it will quickly come to you. While scouting for what to bring home, you won't meet a predator. All the things that a man needs to be a man or woman in this life, may the Lord God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob betray them into your hands so that your journey will be quicker over your mates. Receive it.

PRAYER: God, you're a betrayer and deliverer of good things needed for life unto my bosom; give to me on time.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 10:1-12:13, Matthew 20:1-28, Psalm 25:1-15, Proverbs 6:6-11

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READ Mark 11:1-10

Mark 11:3,KJV 

"And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that the Lord hath need of him; and straightway he will send him hither."

I want you to see that you'll be doing yourself a great favour if the Lord beckons on you and you hear. Men can call you with a no at hand for them. If the Lord does, I'll say, drop that which you have in your hands and follow. Jesus sent the disciples to go to a place and bring a colt tied on which no man has ever ridden. What a virgin it was! He, knowing they might be questioned gave them words to answer them. It wasn't that Jesus had afore preplanned with the colt's owner. The utterance which would communicate to the hearer, "the Lord has need of it" was therefore given to the disciples. That's the currency with which they went on that journey. 

The Lord has need of it? Yes. That's His demand. If it is, let's give Him. You should be humble to learn from today's teaching. He they met didn't delay them after they said the Lord has need of it. They immediately let them go with it. What the Lord has need of is what He can't but get. That's how it should be though we have known some for their obstinacy and disagreement even in the face of the Lord has need of it. These are of the group who won't let go. These are of the set that their possessions are too weighty for them to part with. These are those who disdain God and do not esteem Him in act but can confess Him as Lord till tomorrow. For no one esteems God really that doesn't do so when sacrificial demands are made on him. Pharaoh won't let Israel go but Israel had to still go. God will do it even if it will be by strong arm.

The Lord has need of it! In the Yoruba culture of the Nigerian people, their ancient monarchs are known for exercising absolute authority. This authority was so far reaching that the king could see a lady and say, "she pleases me well. I'll have her for wife." All can't but agree even if they're not well pleased. It is the king. It is royalty that has made demand on them. It is not a man of mere presence. They'll even be honoured becoming in-law to the king though he's one with many wives already. How much more God to you? If the Lord requests of you a thing, He should have it. That's when there's nothing in God's will you stretch at without obtaining. It is the Lord that has need of it. It doesn't matter how costly it is. It's obtainable. If men would obey these ancient kings, how much more the Royalty that gives royalty to royalty? We should see and fear. Jordan saw and fled. You must be touched also. The Lord has come. If He tells you I need you for this or that purpose, let go. Don't struggle with God. He only wants to bring you to a great estate. When the Lord told Peter to lend him His boat which he did, the Lord rewarded him with the catch he has never caught before. Afterwards, the Lord made a final demand on him by saying, "follow me and I'll make you fishers of men." You can tell whether after Peter's heeding of this call he wasted away or grew in relevance. Is there any God has been saying, "I have need of you to but who's withholding?" Are there parents there who are withholding their children from their God's need for marriage? Those words have not changed. It is still, "the Lord has need of them." You should hear, be touched and submit. Come to the acknowledgement that it is the Lord and not the disciples you're seeing in their irrelevance who have come to make the tender. 

PRAYER: Lord, I submit to your demand over me. Nothing I possess will be held back from Your service. All that's mine is Yours and Yours first of all.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Exodus 8:1-9:35, Matthew 19:13-30, Psalm 24:1-10, Proverbs 6:1-5

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