Friday 21 January 2022




WHICH KNEW NOT JOSEPH - National Stories Series 002

READ Gen. 41

Exodus 1:8, KJV

"Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph".

Treatment that we are dealt many times is harvest of the seed someone sows. Action begets reaction. This unfortunately may be negative ones at times. If you won't forget Joseph, he's significantly and best remembered as the saviour of Egypt through the given and applied wisdom of grain preservation. He brought Pharaoh and Egypt wealth untold by taken advantage of other nations' blindness to see the coming evil and hide. Having been very much esteemed by Pharaoh and the Egyptians with all knees submitting to him, he became a model for all to look at. He was a gift and if you'll put it right, a "god" to the Egyptians. Joseph himself even sent his brothers to tell his father that God had made him a "father" to Pharaoh [Gen. 45:8]. If that be, there won't be anything good and comely in life difficult for Pharaoh to release for Joseph's sake. All these his deeds made Pharaoh succumb to accommodating Israel into a specified separated land called Goshen. Pharaoh didn't see it a hard thing to do to harbour a whole nation in his country because he had seen an example of the Hebrews in Joseph. If Joseph had wisely behaved himself in a manner as to bring salvation to the Egyptians, then the other Hebrews can't but be the good luck and charm of the Egyptians. No wonder, when Joseph presented his brothers to Pharaoh as nomadics, he immediately seized that opportunity to request them to be shepherds of his own herd too. Trust immediately rose [Gen.47:6].

However, this Joseph of mighty deed and this grateful Pharaoh soon passed away. With the death of a saviour and the rise of a new king who doesn't know Joseph, the Hebrews became second class citizens in the land their brother, predecessor, ancestor had preserved and won recognition for. Yesterday, I taught in the devotional what embarrassment befalls someone whose his defence or influence dies or falls away. We saw how the Philistines didn't flee for their lives until they had ascertained their champion: the one in whom their soul rested in had fallen and died. Things embarrassing and disgraceful happens to one's down lines at one's back because the man whose reputation should be considered for one's soft treatment has left. 

That place says, "a new king rose who knew not Joseph". It simply means one who didn't hear of the achievement and preservative work of Joseph. If he had been told and had heard, he would have respected Israel and had not taken them as slaves nor had their born sons thrown into the Nile. But when history is not told, people become guilty and victims of the past that should have curtailed their wrong actions or preserved them from same. I pray for you, the deeds of those on whose account you should be kindly treated shall always appear, recalled and known. If it goes into oblivion, you may suffer for it. That Israel went into slavery may fulfill the prophecy God had given to Abraham afore time but it was also because one man who should know Joseph didn't know Joseph [Gen. 15:14-14]. If he had known Joseph and his deeds had been rehearsed in his ears, it may not be him who would be this hard on Israel. May your Joseph not die. That's your ticket to good life. When he does, may his deeds speak still. Have we not read of the voice of righteous Abel that cries though dead [Heb.11:4]. Better still, Jesus blood speaks better things even till now on our behalf than the blood of this righteous Abel [Heb.12:24]. I therefore pronounce you blessed. I say let Josephs rise for you. Whenever it remains little for you to suffer and become victim of a wrong decision or action, may mouths, records and deeds be recounted to your salvation. I have spoken and it is so. You will reap the good deeds of someone you don't even know was sown.

PRAYER: God of all the earth, make me a Joseph to nations. Let my deed preserve, bless and bring nations out of depression. Even at death, may my Josephs (parents' etc) deeds speak for me. Before the Father and men, may Jesus' suffering, death and righteousness procure me favour always. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 39:1-41:16, Matthew 12:46-13:23, Psalm 17:1-15, Proverbs 3:33-35

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Tuesday 18 January 2022





I Samuel 17:51, KJV

"Therefore David ran, and stood upon the Philistine, and took his sword, and drew it out of the sheath thereof, and slew him, and cut off his head therewith. And when the Philistines saw their champion was dead, they fled".

Strike the shepherd, the sheep will scatter is indeed true. After the verbal exchange between Goliath and David, Goliath ran towards the battle line to confront the young lad whom he esteemed as a little rat.  "And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods" 1 Samuel  17:43.

David, who won't allow the words of Goliath to damp him also gave his response. It was first of all war of verbal exchange! When the Philistine drew near to him for battle, he didn't waste time but rather went up to meet him for battle. David releases a slingshot which hits the giant on his forehead. The stone sunk in and he fell to the ground. In absolute victory, David stood on the once giant giant and rejoiced over him. He then took the sword of this enemy of the Lord and Israel to cut off his head. This act proves the irreversibility of Goliath's death. 

On seeing the fate of their champion sealed, the Philistines turned their backs and fled. But these were the Philistines that once stood like Mount Zion that can't be moved. Why should they turn around now? The simple truth is this. We all have who or what we put our confidence resolutely in. Once it fails or falls, we're vulnerable. If you'll remember, in afore verses, it was Goliath who was making a call for the adoption of one to one combat. He challenged Israel and echoed, "give me a man that we may fight...". For anyone to have made such request, he is in the first place not a warrior to confront. He was not only sure of himself but all the Philistines' souls rested perfectly well on him. "He had done it before. He'll do it again", they say. While he was saying, give me a man that we may fight and was setting the terms and conditions, all the Philistines were busy giggling, mocking Israel and relieving themselves of the worry of army to army combat. They had seen in him a chest to lean on. To them, Goliath whom anyone of us would regard as a villain was a mighty deliverer. Isn't that why the Bible repeatedly calls him, "a champion". Guess whose champion's. Of the Philistines. The defender of their nation. A great ambassador of all they embody. But something happen. Goliath of Gath, the giant that scares a whole army went down. In absolute victory and rejoicing unparalleled, David, the boy he least esteemed carried his head. To this, his followers responded with a swift race to escape death. If the shepherd has been struck, the sheep should look unto his ways. 

That's why I pray for you that your champion won't fall. The one God has given you to rely on shall tarry. Your parents, that sibling, that spouse who's your joy, helper, burden bearer shall not suddenly be taken away from you. If it happens, one should get ready for many embarrassments. When my father passed on, those who were apprenticed or like servants to him who couldn't come out afore times were the ones proposing love to my mother. I was so embarrassed at one such event like that that my blood boiled with jealousy to go beat one of such men. What couldn't afflict the Philistines at the watch of Goliath while he was standing tall, did at his back. That's what I'm praying you'll be saved from in all facets. So shall it be. Your wall shall not break down. Your defence shall not be weakened. Though man of flesh has little days and is not Spirit as to be eternally trusted, yet I pray that until you can stand on your own and defend your integrity, those whom God has given as covers to you won't be removed. In Jesus name!

PRAYER: Goliath is useful and is the importance of the Philistines. He is their shield. A singular man that protects the national integrity. Make me so. Those you've made so to me, spare them Lord.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 37:1-38:30, Matthew 12:22-45, Psalm 16:1-11, Proverbs 3:27-32

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READ John 1:35-42

John 1:41,KJV

"He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, which is, being interpreted, the Christ."

John the Baptist gave Jesus the validation that His ministry needed for a recommendation to the people of His days. As for John the Baptist, he was a recognised prophet with a recognized ministry. Jesus also needs acceptance in the body of people He was sent to and John certified Him as "the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world" (John 1:29-37). Don't forget that man's certification is nothing if man is not affirming what God has already said. So, John simply revealed Jesus out of His obscurity and affirmed Him to the world after the saying of the Father [Matt. 3:17, KJV].

John didn't direct attention to himself but turned it to Jesus: One Who he esteemed as He whom he is not worthy to serve as servant to. In the light of this, some two disciples of John the Baptist found Jesus to be the Messiah. One of such who followed Christ in today's passage is Andrew.

This Andrew is a man that we should emulate his attribute of firstly and quickly sharing the news of his finding the Messiah with his household member. People are selfish on different occasions but which is only earthly bound. They communicate opportunities to those who are theirs before thinking of outsiders. However, they neglect sharing the gospel with parents, siblings and relatives. They have this mindset that it would be good for another believer to do it whom their family may consent to. A prophet has no honour in his own town is their deception when their light can so shine as to even convert without their verbosity. Andrew unashamedly shared the discovery of Jesus with his brother, Peter. He didn't worry if Peter would accept that good news or not. He only preached it and Peter was wrapped enough in that news to the extent that Andrew brought him also to Jesus. Holy Spirit has not stopped being the convicting One. Humans however are the preaching ones. 

You must know that God has a plan for you to be saved and then your household inclusive. His plan starts with each family. Once you're saved, it means your household becomes your first responsibility. Most times however, converts nowadays don't see the need for their immediate family members to be saved. They're not yet touched with the consequence of seeing these beloved being wasted eternally. While you have a responsibility to preach the gospel beyond your family scope, however, you should prioritize your household. That was the jealousy, zeal and selfishness of Andrew for his brother. What is near us should be prioritized. Even Jesus told the disciples to start from Jerusalem to extend to other places [Acts 1:8]. So should you. Start from your family.  

PRAYER: Lord, use me for my family's salvation. May I not be ashamed of reaching souls and bringing them into light.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 35:1-36:43, Matthew 12:1-21, Psalm 15:1-5, Proverbs 3:21-26

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Sunday 16 January 2022





READ Luke 8:43-48

Luke 8:43-44, KJV

"43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, 44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched."

This woman suffered so much from many physicians because she was looking for a cure it all - what suffices. She has an issue of blood that detests curbing which need to be stopped but to no avail. This has put food on the tables of those who claimed they could help her for these twelve years. 

After searching for what could cure it all for twelve years, she attempted Jesus. Alas! It worked. The Bible reported that her flow of blood stopped immediately. 

What could suffice - meets her need and ended it forever for the very first time in twelve years. That's what many physicians (doctors) in their profession couldn't get done. When she meets Jesus, it suffices her. She didn't have to go see another who could do it again. Philip told Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus said He who has seen Him has seen the Father. When this woman receives her healing from Jesus, it is equal to having received an answer that would make her not to begin to crazily seek after people whom she thought could give satisfaction again. That healing of Jesus sufficed her. It was enough for her and nothing else was needed again. All was settled and that ended her journey to who else could do it. May what is making you shift from one place to the other end today. May you meet the healer, provider and be sufficed - satisfied and settled of that thing forever. A man with a met need is a satisfied man. It's a man that still has an unsatisfied need in his life that keeps looking all around for remedies that could work. May you stop being on the run. May God give you rest that your soul desires and hope. A hart finds rest in the flowing water of the stream. I decree that your rest comes now!

PRAYER: Lord, any stubborn need in my life that has defied solution is met in Jesus name. I know rest and receive a testimony. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 32:13-34:31, Matthew 11:7-30, Psalm 14:1-7, Proverbs 3:19-20

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Nahum 3:12, KJV

"All thy strong holds shall be like fig trees with the firstripe figs: if they be shaken, they shall even fall into the mouth of the eater."

A stronghold is a place built to withstand attack. It is a refuge or fortress. In time of war, people run there. A cave can serve the purpose of a stronghold. Contradictorily, God's declaration speaks concerning the defence of Nineveh and how weak her stronghold will be - permeating the enemy. A stronghold which is meant to be a defence will now be one that rather will give way very easily to intruders. It will just be easy to break through it or into it. So, security will be compromised.

Like ripe fruits fall without much effort but by just a shaking of the tree, so does God declares ease of penetration into Nineveh. To be sincere with you, God's decrees can make difficult things easy. If you know what a stronghold is, you'll know it is always intentionally built to resist external aggressions. If it's a wall for instance that's built into a stronghold, the bricks will be thoroughly baked in the furnace and given the quality of seven times processing. Apart from that, it won't be like our normal nowadays fence in width. Like the wall of Jericho, it could be a wall that two vehicles could comfortably drive on - one going, one coming at the same time. That may be the width. Imagine a fence with the width of an express road. This made such hardly breakable. To break walls like this, Uzziah during his reign gave special attention to the building of engines and machines that shoot arrows from towers and at the same time haul stones. To break through such, one will need to haul persistently a specially made combo stone at a specific place until holes are made in there for soldiers to enter (II Chronicles 26:15 & Ezekiel 26:9). Defences are not easily broken even in sports because it's specially made to resist and withstand the opponent especially front line attackers. You can fight it but it is meant to tire you until you drop.

Why this in - too - to attention? Because it's a wall meant to serve as a protection, hiding place and a keeper at distance of offensive  launches. They call such walls bulwark. Imagine such a stronghold well built by the best of minds to keep lives and properties in the city safe now being made into ABC for its attackers at God's declaration. What's the thing that could be likened to a stronghold - which is not giving you a way to pass and penetrate in this life? May God make the decree of ease that will make what Satan calls stronghold open to you of its own accord.

Many times, men's minds don't know how to grab with difficulties. However, what they view as threat is settled before their arrival at the location of its encounter. For example, an angel rolled away the stone at the tomb's mouth for those caring and seeking women (Mark 16:3-4) which they had concerned themselves with. At their arrival, God has made difficult things easy for them.

That's the covenant of ease. Before you press, it opens. It's like getting to the ATM machine and withdrawing once from the same machine that didn't dispense for hundreds. When the covenant of ease taints your head, the key in your hands will have no work to do; your effort and strength will be saved and things will be happening for you by God's finger and supernatural power.

Brethren, Jesus makes difficult things easy. Come to Him today and tastes how strongholds can become a tree shaken once with an immediate release of all its fruits.

Today, you won't be denied entry. Access is given you. Receive an entrance and a penetration. No more bounce back but rather an opening even in the toughest of the toughest. For you to have your way, I see God betraying strongholds to you and making holes and loopholes in them for you.

PRAYER: Jesus, You make difficult things easy - give me the covenant of ease and peace. Let strongholds open to me even at my first attempt.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 31:17-32:12, Matthew 10:24-11:6, Psalm 13:1-6, Proverbs 3:16-18

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Friday 14 January 2022





Ecclesiastes 11:9, KJV "Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment."

God is never against our making choices though He desires we make the right choices. He placed life and death before Israel but still leaks the exam question to them by whispering to their ears to choose life (Deut.30:19). That's how God desires we choose right despite having full right to choose from a variety of good or bad. If He wants us to be pruned of making choices, he'll have made us robots or eliminate alternatives.

God has given man freewill. The man He makes is one that can explore the world for himself. Somebody who can say like Solomon: "And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour" Ecclesiastes 2:10, KJV. Or one who will not make his liberty a bait to hook himself despite his having the privilege of doing anything that interests him (which of course may not interest God). We know that the undoing of Solomon was that he didn't deny himself some things his eyes saw and which his heart cheers or encourages him to do. If there's no inner restrain of the Holy Ghost on some choices, they'll be detrimental to you. That you have the right to choose what to eat shouldn't make you desire and eventually eat poison. Who don't know that will kill you?

Our passage for today is bringing to our prompt consciousness one reason why youths and all humans must be tempered: the remembrance of judgement. God is not against your exploring life like Solomon. That's why in the first place He makes you the wanting man He made you. That's why He gave you sight. Just remember that after doing all as you may deem best by yourself, God will call you to account. Nobody is on his own. No human is an absolute authority or end of the road to himself. Youths are known for experimentation. They are in a time of life where they want to have, taste and touch everything. When you restrict a youth on adventure, he might resent you and see you as one limiting the exercise of his liberty. Meanwhile, God is not saying, "don't exercise your rights" but rather calls us to restricted liberty even while total liberty is given us. Though God has said you could make your choice and do whatsoever, it doesn't mean you should begin to live like Esau, as a profane man who despises his birthright. When you begin to fornicate, club and waste your time in this life and the ingredients of your calling, never think God won't call you into account one day for that.

So, what manner of man ought we to be when we know brightly that a day of accountability comes to request us to give a tender on how we've spent our time and use our free will. God isn't against enjoyment but sin must not be what you'll indulge in and call enjoyment. To all of us without an exception to an age group, our moment on earth is the time of our choice. We can do anything, act anyhow (either good or bad) but we should bear at the back of our mind that we would be checked out. Our acts won't just go like that. So, hear and be tempered. Caution yourself and live a life that's acceptable before Jesus Christ your Saviour and the Father. You should fear and call yourself to immediate caution if you've run out of control because you were told today to know for sure that you'll be brought into judgement. The certainty of it is steadfast and you should expect that. So, that's an enough reason to repent and live right.

PRAYER: Lord, teach me right living on earth. I will not be baited by undisciplined liberty.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 28:1-29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12

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Thursday 13 January 2022





Read Psalm 1

Psalms 1:3, KJV

"And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper."

The righteous is like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in his season. What your gaze must be fixed on is _"that brings forth his fruits in his season."_ Do you know some things won't just yield unless their seasons come. If you know this, you'll quickly be hastened as a Christian to discern and separate between what you can accrue any time any day and what can only be received in its season.

There is a thing like " _the day, the time or the season_ ." If it is not the season for a leaf to fall off its branch, it won't fall unless you pluck it off. If it's not day for the sun to shine or night for the moon to peep out, you won't see either. Though they both wanted to be seen at the peak of their performances, yet they stick to the rule of their seasons. Season naturally calls you into manifestation even without your taking thought for it. That's why you have to pray that your season will come upon you. It is not age that determines season but the ordaining of God and how cooperative we are with God on our personal journey. Some by their own acts are delaying or postponing the ripening of their seasons though it has been afore fixed that they manifest or bring forth someday. Stop sinning, stop not putting preparation in place for the D-day.

If that tree bears fruits in its own season, the message is that you must bring forth at your season. It means some things must happen or be fulfilled upon you because of their time which has mature and is fixed. You're not destined not to be productive. You carry in you the seed that gives birth. That place says, "he brings forth HIS FRUIT in his season." Did you see? Some fruits were allotted to him. That is, whether he likes it or not, he must bring forth something which is his. God has destined you too to bring forth. Unless seasons come for some things, no matter how you try, you can't force result. If at your season, you however are not productive, then there's an attack and a curse of the devil hindering that. I break it off you in Jesus name. What did the Bible say here?

Psalms 102:13, KJV

"Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come."

Why would God arise? ...because that fixed time has come. That's all. Nothing added and nothing removed. Singularly, that's the reason for God's coming through for Zion. Are you not Zion today? Your season has come. If it's your season for it to happen or be done, it means it can't be hindered because things must answer at their seasons. A law is there and an angel watches over your season to ensure that it is kept. You won't miss seasons! I pray for you, because your season has come, you'll be productive in your calling and career. You'll be favoured, sought after and things would happen for you faster and better than you've been labouring to make happen. Alas, the season has come upon you. Result can't be hindered again because the Law and the Lord of seasons are watching to perform to you in your season. 

PRAYER: Lord, help me by early discovery not to miss seasons. Restore to me any missed season/opportunities. Watch over my season with jealousy for accomplishment of purpose.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 28:1-29:35, Matthew 9:18-38, Psalm 11:1-7, Proverbs 3:11-12

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