Wednesday, 5 January 2022





READ II Kings 5:1-27

II Kings 5:26, KJV

"And he said unto him, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?"

Where can we go from the presence of God? Psalm 139 is a psalm of discovery that shows our not being able to escape from the Lord.

Psalms 139:2-3, KJV

"2 Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. 3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways".

God is the one that compasses your path. He is the God that surrounds you. In today's passage, Gehazi runs after Naaman to demand of him things that his master, Elisha had rejected after Naaman has been healed of leprosy. After his arrival back to the master, Elisha requested of him where he was coming from. He lied and said " thy servant went no whither (II Kings 5:25, KJV).

Elisha then replied, "went not mine heart with thee when the man alight from his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to collect this and that?" The following consequence is that Gehazi is cursed and he carries the leprosy of Naaman.

You should know that God's eyes follows you all-around. There is nothing done in secret that won't be made manifest is what the Bible says. As a child of light therefore, let your deeds be wrought in God so that you won't fear being exposed. If you have good deeds, you'll want to manifest it in light/public but if your deeds are evil, you'll want darkness to cover you. This year is a year where secret sins and abominable deeds are really irritant to the Lord. You shouldn't indulge in any because God's heart and eyes would always go with you. Your conscience would bear you witness and call you to questions and order.  

There's no time like any other to stop secret sins also than now. It is God before whom we all have to do. Fear Him as one that knows all, sees all and surrounds you about. Decide today not to carry any consequence resulting from secret sins like that of Gehazi. When your ways are straight, you purchase for yourself clear conscience before men and God. Gehazi though lied he goes no where that day knew deep down that his conscience bears him witness. As he denies his master, his heart tells him, "you lie". Your first judge this year is your heart. So, pay attention. 

PRAYER: I break loose from any habitual sin. I shall keep no secret sin that would bring me losses, harm or death. I'm a child of light and I manifest so.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalm 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23

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Tuesday, 4 January 2022





Ecclesiastes 1:1, KJV

"The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem".

Solomon was king where? Jerusalem! When God causes your rising, your rising will be tied to a place. In your becoming famous, that place will become famous also. Even if where God will cite you is undeveloped or popular, by your works and fame, it will take a new turn. You'll begin to see men patronize that place which previously may be the reproach of many. You'll begin to see multitude and throngs of people calling the name of that place. Ventures and new setup will begin to be situated round it. Why? An anointing, a gift or a grace has made that place its residence and is causing a change. Don't forget, it is where the carcass is that the fowls of the air gets drawn to. John the Baptist was in the wilderness yet people trooped out to watch him preach and get baptized in Jordan [John 3:1,5-6]. Anointing draws and once the drawing starts, it will as well turn a jungle into a city. It's just a matter of time. 

Solomon, that great preacher was king in Jerusalem. Due to this, Jerusalem's highways never rested. People were trooping in from all places to listen to Solomon's wisdom. His fame had gone to the ends of the earth and now Jerusalem has been set above all cities and places of visitation also. Only God knows how much they earned in Israel a year because of the crowd and pilgrimage who traveled to witness Solomon. Through Solomon, many foreign products found its way to Jerusalem. People saw and heard foreigners they would never have seen. Many Israelites became more prosperous as they build inns for rentals for these pilgrimages. Yet, all these were caused just because of a man, Solomon. 

I Kings 10:2, KJV

"And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels that bare spices, and very much gold, and precious stones..."

Did you see that? She came where? Jerusalem! When the wise men saw Jesus' star as well and heard of His fame in the East, they came where? Jerusalem also [Matt.2:1-2]. It doesn't matter whether that place God will cite you is far. It doesn't matter whether people don't even know the place. Like the wise men enquired of men and were guided by divine means, men will enquire and be led by providence to contact you too. Once God sets you somewhere, just know that place will no longer be hidden. It won't be the road less travelled again. 

Through you, God wants to bring fame to a place. God wants its name to be heard. Benin City became extremely popular attracting tons of international audience when Archbishop Benson Idahosa was alive. Yet, Benin City was not Lagos. It doesn't matter where you're cited. As long as there's still balm in Gilead, men shall find you out. They shall seek you for ministration. I pray that your glory won't wane but God will use you to bring focus, attention and regard to such places that have been despised or are invisible. Nathaniel said, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" [John 1:45-46]. Yet Jesus did His childhood there and so was regarded as a Nazarene. Many times in the Bible, you'll hear people call Jesus in association with Nazareth. They'll say, "Jesus of Nazareth". It is this year and not another. Your name shall be known in relation with a place. Once they mention your name, that place will come to mind and once that place is mentioned, your name will come to mind. I show you a mystery.

PRAYER: Cite me. Use me to bring a total change to a land. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 5:1-7:24, Matthew 3:7-4:11, Psalm 3:1-8, Proverbs 1:10-19

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Monday, 3 January 2022




SOLOMON'S AND JESUS' FAME - Witness Series 008

READ I Kings 10:1-7

Matthew 2:1-2, KJV

"1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him".

Jesus and fame. Solomon and fame. You and fame. It was reported by the wise men that they had seen Jesus' star in the Eastern sky. At the seeing of that star that announces His birth, they took a journey to Jerusalem to see the one whose fame was announced to them. Jesus was in Bethlehem of Judaea at that time but He was heralded far off in Babylon. That's how fame works. Fame crosses borders. It always checks out. You don't have to be somewhere before you're heralded and learnt of. You're just a person and that restricts you from being ubiquitous or omnipresent. Due to this, you need fame to pick you and fly your works to places at a time. Fame is a publisher. It can spread a man until his knowledge fills the earth. It goes ahead of him to where he may or may not be.

"For we have seen his star in the East and have come to worship him". Once fame goes ahead of you, it is to the intent that men may be drawn to you. Fame attracts. It will begin to create a thirst in people to come and satisfy their curiosity or dissolve their doubt. That's why these wise men and even the Queen of Sheba journeyed. 

1 Kings 10:1, KJV

"1 And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions".

Don't forget that the Queen of Sheba confessed herself that she didn't believe what was told her until she saw Solomon in all his glory. At her believing, she did obeisance to Solomon while saying, "half was not told her".

If you look at our study so far, you'll see we've been dwelling on how greater Jesus is to Solomon. This one is to draw similarities of greatness between both. They both drew international audience. Their audience both admired and gifted them gifts. Both were kings. Solomon was King of Israel; Jesus was King of the Jews. Only that Jesus' fame began as a baby. The intent of fame is that all men through you would know Jesus. When the Sheba Queen arrived, she blessed God who had set Solomon on the throne. Solomon's fame that even drew her was in connection with the Lord. When the wise men came, they also worshipped Christ. This reveals the purpose of fame. It's to give you multitude whose hearts you could turn to God. As God seeks to make you a national and international figure this year, know the purpose of fame. No high or rising officer  brought to your rising should escape the knowledge of your God.

PRAYER: Lord, I am lightened to lighten men. Give me a rising that'll draw a host to believe in You through me.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Genesis 3:1-4:26, Matthew 2:13-3:6, Psalm 2:1-12, Proverbs 1:7-9

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Saturday, 1 January 2022




SOLOMON'S WISDOM IS A BRAND - Witness Series 007

Read I Kings 3:4-28

Luke 11:31, KJV

"... for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon..."

Have you heard the phrase, "wisdom of Solomon" before? Imagine somebody being described as having the possession of a commodity because he originates things that refers to him as initiator and owner.

I Kings 4:32-33, KJV

"32 And he spake three thousand proverbs: and his songs were a thousand and five. 33 And he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall: he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes".

Solomon had wisdom and his wisdom became a brand. Worldwide, the moment you mention wisdom, people's mind immediately shifts to Solomon and vice versa. Name someone that his name quickly hints wisdom like Solomon's. None of the men of his days could stood to the challenge. He excelled them all and established his own brand of wisdom as the valuable to listen to.

I Kings 4:30-31, KJV

"30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt. 31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about".

How did it start since  Solomon was not this wise from the beginning? When the Lord encountered him at Gibeon where he asked of God a discerning heart to judge his people, he was therefore given wisdom plus other things he didn't ask for. It is a day something will start. Do not despise the entry of spiritual graces into your life. They are your aid and leverage. That gift in your life may be a brand the world is awaiting to receive in the manner God has given you to give the world. It's easier thinking in abstract that Solomon was born with such great wisdom. Meanwhile, He was not. It was rather a donation somewhere around his adult life. This same wisdom divided between two prostitutes. That was the first riddle solved by Solomon's wisdom. It was here that all Israel knew God's wisdom was with him to do judgement [I Kings 3:28]. He began to be popular. You can't say you have a thing without putting its existence in your life to test and confirm its presence. We knew Solomon had wisdom because it was tested and found real. He started by using his wisdom to serve his kingdom until he became an international presence. Do you desire a greater platform? Serve diligently on your smaller platform until you're promoted.  

His wisdom also led to products. He spoke proverbs and songs. May I tell someone that you're the next producer and next big brand that people will begin to pursue to buy. Solomon became a great brand that the whole world wanted to tap into. This same brand known as Solomon's wisdom brought the Queen of Sheba to Jerusalem in order to solve her doubts of how bohemian Solomon was described for vastness of wisdom. If you have a gift in your life and you're not using it to serve right where you are, then you may not taste how mighty it can become. Solomon asked for wisdom to govern Israel but look at how his unselfishness made him an international figure. In Solomon's days, all other great people and countries were inviting him to minister and coming to watch him. Yet, it was the wisdom that started as a seed of mustard in Jerusalem.

You can go beyond Jerusalem. Jesus was careful to tell us to start from our immediate environment but not stay there. He told the disciples to start from Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria until they reach the ends of the earth [Acts 1:8]. Somewhere must be your base. Jerusalem was Solomon's and from there He touched the world. May I prophesy concerning you that what seems local today will go worldwide. Solomon was not first an international presence that people were willing to pay to watch. He was a local champion using wisdom to settle disputes and social matters. His faithfulness grew his wisdom. May it be said of you that people will be coming to listen to your brand. This teaching is Olusola's brand if indeed we have a brand called Solomon's wisdom.

PRAYER: Lord, bless me with a valuable for mankind. Let it touch nations.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 1:1-2:25, Matthew 1:1-2:12, Psalm 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6

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Friday, 31 December 2021






Luke 11:31-32, KJV

"31 ...behold, a greater than Solomon is here.  32 ...and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here".

This honour of being greater than Solomon and of being greater than Jonah has not even been mastered to a good degree by many ministers, especially pastors. Why did I say pastors? They many times invite guest ministers to their churches. If you invite a guest minister to your church and you're the set man or senior pastor, ensure you're the one who calls the minister to the pulpit. Now, in calling the minister to the pulpit, God will be giving you an opening to sell him, create awareness about his anointing and great and mighty works which he or she is being used for. You don't have to exaggerate yet you can introduce the minister in such a way that you will pave a preparatory ground for the word He wants to sow. You must learn something and never forget same. Anointing works on the channel of estimation. Much people will read this devotional worldwide. Individuals of them will have different level of estimation for me and what is written. So, they will directly determine the amount of my anointing, wisdom or grace that'll flow in their direction. People that cultivates the greatest estimation for me won't only be able to reproduce the words or information in my teachings but also imbibe my spirit. The moment my spirit is absorbed by them, they'll become my aloe and will begin to do the works I do. This is the greatest place God desires we get to and that's why He sets models before us to role model after. 

If you invite a minister and you tell an associate of yours to call him up or introduce him, unknown to you, you have told your members he should not be very much cherished. You may even be passing the message of, "Look, he's my boy". Introduce him in a manner Jesus was advertising Himself for acceptance. One time, I was invited for a ministration. Due to the traffic jam of Lagos, Nigeria I couldn't catch up at all with the time left for the ministration outside Lagos. So, I called a brother who submits to me in that other city to make preparation under four hours to go minister with the given theme. I wrote this downward in exactness for his acceptance by the leadership of that campus fellowship.

"A brother and one I can trust with ministry will be coming to minister. His name is Minister XYZ. He is a man God moves through. He understands campus ministry as he was once three times president of XYZ, Choir Coordinator of XYZ but the current XYZ Coordinator (Campuses overseer) for all the schools at XYZ. We should have come together. Receive him in the name of a prophet and you'll see revelation, grace, anointing and the supernatural breaking forth".

Believe it, after the ministration, the leadership of that ministry called me and thanked me for sending him. They were thanking me profusely because they were really impacted. But I did my job. I gave them assurance and sold the brother and God's grace on him to them. I refused to let them treat him like a commoner because I knew it would hinder their being blessed if they received him so. Jesus made a loud announcement about Himself. He said, "greater than Solomon and Jonah is here (in town)". He esteemed Himself before the people so they'll receive Him so. I do say something every time. Do you care to know? I'll say, "I am Olusola ADEJUMO, M'Wings. There's God and there's anointing". Yes, I believe I am called and that my soul knows right well. I know who I am and whose I am. Jesus first discovered Himself before He could call Himself a greater than Solomon and Jonah. Discovery makes you speak out your calling, destiny and predestination so that men may be brought into the revelation of same. Men must see you right to receive you right. Go and adjust yourself. Discover who you are this year and introduce yourself to men in like revelation. Year 2021 has ended and this is 2022. May your journey be smooth. May the God of the past year bear you up. 2022 is our year of SENSIPORTUNITY. Await my book on Sensiportunity: our theme for the year.

PRAYER: Lord, give me an open revelation to know who I am and my worth and to call men to believe in same. May I not regard myself as a grasshopper but the hope of nations.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Malachi 3:1-4:6, Revelation 22:1-21, Psalm 150:1-6, Proverbs 31:25-31

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Luke 11:31, KJV

"The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here".

If you look at this statement of Jesus, you'll see how stern it was. Jesus didn't make this stern statement out of pride. Indeed, we've established He was greater than Solomon. It was He who came to redeem the world from sin and give them eternal life. If the wisdom of Solomon preserves for a good earth living, Jesus' value transcends the earth into giving us an eternity with the Father. Judge for yourself who should be more respected. He whose wisdom not only preserves on earth but offers life for eternity or He that is earth bound.

Jesus made this statement that seems hard to bring all the doubters and unbelieving men listening to him to repentance. He didn't say it to exercise glory or outrightly sought their destruction. May I tell you something? It is not sin or pride for a minister to tell people to receive him. If people don't know you or your worth, give them an exposition probably they may better receive you. Jesus did it and your reason for doing it shouldn't be for fame or vain glory but so that they won't miss God's provision through you. If you're a healer and you're not received, some will die in their sicknesses. What good will it do them to die untimely when their salvation is at hand and to be brought through you.

What Jesus said here was a rebuke and exhortation to receive Him and give Him the proper attention or honour that befits a greater than Solomon and Jonah. A greater than those two deserves more than those two. If Jesus was someone who didn't care, He ought not to open the eyes of these perishing people to the fact that He was greater than Solomon. Do you know that anyone that opens your eyes to who he is for correct acceptability is actually helping you to see the blessing that could have bypassed you. Jesus is indeed a giver of life and He still doesn't want any stumble by Him though that was and is impossible. As Life and life giver, He tried all to bring all men to the knowledge of their prepared salvation in Him. Why would He be telling them a greater than Solomon is here? A greater than Jonah whose message should be believed  is here? He wanted them to accept God's provision of salvation which is Himself for them. Has the Bible not done well to have said:

John 3:16-17, KJV

"16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved".

What Jesus wanted to achieve by revealing  Himself to them in the image they should receive and esteem was to help them believe in Him and have everlasting life. Is it the person saying He casted out devils by Beelzebub that would trust in Him or those who sought signs? In that state of error, no one believes but they must be brought out of it. The fact that Jesus isn't a destroyer but the Redeemer is revealed in that statement of rebuke and correction. If He delights in the death of sinners, He'll just close His eyes or mouth and never open their understanding to who He is and what He worth to them. He'll let them stray and stray to hell. His noise making was to show them to stop over and receive salvation. It is in knowing a thing's worth that you celebrate it. Without its identification, you toil with it.

Who's there and knows not the importance of  Jesus in his or her life? He is actually Life and your life giver. He offers the hope of eternity with the Father after the termination of life here on earth. Don't disdain Him or be offended by how He was birthed even if it seems like a fable to you. Believe the message of the gospel, receive Christ and have your name written in the book of life. In so doing, you'll escape the second death. You must know that God doesn't love the death of sinners but that they'll be saved. That's why Jesus was shouting at the top of His voice that, "a greater than Solomon is here and a greater than Jonah is here to receive". He was not doing so to be commended but to save men from their inevitable destruction. See reasons to turn back today.

PRAYER: Lord, open my eyes to see my impoverishment and receive my salvation. Lord Jesus, I believe and receive you. Salvation is mine.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Malachi 1:1-2:17, Revelation 21:1-27, Psalm 149:1-9, Proverbs 31:10-24

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READ I kings 10:1-10

I Kings 10:6-7, KJV

"6 And she said to the king, It was a true report that I heard in mine own land of thy acts and of thy wisdom.  7 Howbeit I believed not the words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the half was not told me: thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame which I heard".

The Queen of Sheba saw and wasn't quiet. She brought honour to Solomon by her confession. As an admirer and one who was not contesting with Solomon in wisdom or prosperity, she confessed how Solomon had touched her. One continuous way to receive a greater presence is to confess in truth how they've impacted you which of course will reassure them they are making impact. Yesterday, the Samaritan woman left her waterpot and noised Jesus abroad as the man who told her all she ever did. In surprise, she asked, "is not this the Messiah?" She had seen the supernatural in operation in Jesus' life. Her conclusion was to begin to think Him to be the long awaited Messiah and she was correct [John 4:29].

The Bible says, "4 And when the queen of Sheba had seen all Solomon's wisdom, and the house that he had built, 5 And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel, and his cupbearers, and his ascent by which he went up unto the house of the LORD; there was no more spirit in her".

It was after all these that she said herself, "half was not told me". If the Queen of Sheba was someone contesting with Solomon, she wouldn't have said that. You must know it is hard bringing another honour especially when you also think you're something.  Did you read the words she said that brought honour to Solomon? Half was not told her means what she now sees surpasses what she was told far off in her homeland. It even means all she had heard never amounted to what she has contacted now with her eyes. So, Solomon is bigger than reported. That's what she confessed out of admiration. This is how an admirer does. He expresses his surprise or testimony when touched. He doesn't withdraw what can make another great in front of many witnesses. If there were men in Jerusalem or Solomon's court who had begun to get familiar with Solomon and view him to be small, this testimony would reinstate them to have a boosted estimation for him again since they're hearing from a stranger greater than them all. This proves to us that Solomon was indeed a great presence of his day. This is the testimony of another royalty concerning another royalty. You as a minister, can you testify of another minister to have ministered very powerfully? Ok, you can't because you're his contestant. After Sheba Queen had seen all, her mind must have gone to her own wealth and the wealth of the surroundings she had seen and how none equals that of Solomon. From this background or knowledge, she confessed in truth and didn't lie that, "half was not told me of your prosperity and wisdom". People's report previously is that there was a king far away with acts and wisdom that's none to equal. That was what she affirmed. She said, "it was a true report she heard in her land concerning Solomon though she didn't believe until she had seen it". Mind you, she didn't dress the reputation of Solomon or lied to cover him up. It was what Solomon manifested she affirmed. So, when we say confess, we're simply saying, "give people the fruits of their hands and let their works praise them at the gates".

That day Solomon would have appreciated God more than enough for blessing him in such a way that a heathen queen testifies of his blessing in relation to God's name. The blessing of God upon your life is meant to be radiated so that through you God will be brought praise and that all may know there's no other source of greater blessing except God. Those of you that have seen, heard and were moved, don't withhold. Speak of what you've seen and what you've heard and let God be glorified. It is what you sow you'll reap. You can by your act teach some to follow your precedence.

PRAYER: Teach me to bring another man honour. Give me humility that praises another. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 14:1-21, Revelation 20:1-15, Psalm 148:1-14, Proverbs 31:8-9

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