Read Luke 10:38-42
Luke 10:39, KJV
"And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word".
There's a connector known as the bridge of admiration. When you greatly admire someone, you naturally surrender and open up to whatsoever they have to say. This is why critics have called a lot of followers of great men in their fields blind followers. Do you know why? He that you admire, you don't criticize. What he does is kind enough for acceptability to you. This, as simple and delicate as it may be is the secret of receiving a greater than Solomon.
If you're challenging, resisting, refusing, refuting someone, you don't have to carry an axe to do that. It happens in the mind. The moment you don't have admiration for a model God wants you receive from, you can't receive because what He has to offer can never be assimilated by somebody playing defensive game. Receiving is a two way thing. It can be felt by the model as he speaks and give himself to receivers. If you truly receive a minister, he'll know because a to and fro affirmative process will occur between you both. If a couple is having intimacy and the wife is defending, the man would know. The wife won't participate and send back the same communication of love. She'll just become rigid like a dead, graven image. The man may occupy this position also. It is through this that the deception of those who pretend to be receiving is revealed. You're not hidden. We know you!
Mary in today's reading sat at Jesus' feet. This is not a small girl though younger than Martha but admiration for Jesus and what He has to say is making her take a posture and position that shows she is not at all equal with the Master. She sat at His feet! There are people who are equating and equalizing with a model by taking wrong postures when he ministers. Learn the art of posture taking here. Kathryn Khulman while alive knew this and so won't allow anyone who has not learnt how to open himself/herself to her anointing sit on the very front row. Those who have been long with her and thirst for what she has to offer who won't sleep or show tiredness, who won't seem to show interest in another thing while she's ministering are those she specifically requested to sit in front. If you don't know, how people react to the anointed can shut him down. That's why Jesus could in no wise do any mighty work in His hometown [Matt. 13:54-58]. Attitude at times is reflected through body postures and demeanours that people carry round someone they feel is not worthy to be esteemed or applauded. This includes not taking note when a speaker is speaking. They are still questioning why he is the one God is using. They are still clamouring why he should be speaking with much confidence which off course Satan has helped them to interpret as pride. You'll never see someone that has admiration for a model set in front of him watch or listen to him with the eyes to find his faults or criticize him. No critics ever pick up the mantle of those he has chosen to feast on. He defends him.
Look at Mary and how she became a child to receive. Her fallen down is out of respect. This reminds me how we gathered round an elderly man at vacation at my paternal grandmother's town in West Africa to listen to this man's folklore. We looked forward with expectation for the next night and would persuade him to tell us stories and great fables. You see, anyone who will receive a greater than Solomon must go with estimation and burning admiration for him. I never thought he was saying rubbish. Due to this, till date, I could reproduce all the great stories I heard him told us. I knew how he'll start, how he'll ask us sing and clap our hands. Through admiration, you'll know what your place is and then take it. Mary sat on the floor. She did without being instructed by Jesus. You're self taught to be more receptive when at first you have seen no iniquity in that model. If you don't know, a minister cherish people who are ready to hear him. On several occasions in the Bible, Jesus' anointing to teach was triggered when He saw admirers and thirsty hearts who have come to receive. It's then He climbed up to a mountain or requested they push a boat into the water [Matt.5:1-2, Luke 5:1-3]. Immediately He saw the yearning, burning and sponge like heart of the sons of men, He readily makes them a pulpit to communicate as God's oracle. Openness is what collects words from a minister's mouth. Watch your attitude to God. It is marked by how you give off attitudes (right or wrong) to those He sets as shepherds. May you not offend God through them.
PRAYER: What is the attitude that will soon put me in trouble? I sight and exterminate it. Make me like a child to receive. May I stop equalizing in my mind.
BIBLE IN A YEAR: Zechariah 10:1-11:17, Revelation 18:1-24, Psalm 146:1-10, Proverbs 30:33
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