Wednesday 8 December 2021





I Samuel 17:50, KJV

"So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and smote the Philistine, and slew him; but there was no sword in the hand of David."

God wants to take all the glory which is why He uses foolish things to trouble the wise. In today's passage, David triumphed absolutely over Goliath but he did without what it takes to secure victory. To fight a Goliath, one's priority should be the sword, javelin, coat of mail and other weapons. They tried wearing him that but he couldn't move in it because he has not been used to it. In his own words, "I have not proved them". That's part of God's work to strip any man of what could have taken the glory of God and reduce the possibility of effortlessness of achievement of big things in simple manner God wanted it achieved.

However, it is recorded so that God might be praised that there was no sword in David's hand. That's the testimony. Goliath was killed but not according to popular public opinion. As soon as the people hears Goliath dies, they'll be interested in how he died. They'll be expecting a fierce battle between him and the fellow that killed him but the testimony is that there was neither a prolonged battle or even a sword in David's hand. The sword is the esteemed instrument of victory but God gave the honour to the sling and the stone, the lesser instrument. How many people will hear, "a sling and a stone" that won't sit well to declare the impossibility of such story?" They'll declare it as non plausible until another confirms its validity. What a surprise and a miracle! Did that trouble you at the reading? A sword should be in his hand but he got the job done without one. You know when you expect a job to have been done some how because of how esteemed the job is but the job that seems that big is rather accomplished almost without effort and with the least instrument (one despised as unable to do the job), shouldn't one wonder at how it has suddenly become easy as to be so cheap to be attempted that way. Those of you that are always putting trust in big things to achieve big things, it doesn't have to be like that. May God lean you down to face all Goliaths with what could really win the awe of men. If Goliath had died by the sword, the shock wouldn't have been much. Many would have predicted a warrior like him dying through such war tool. However, a sling and a stone downplays the almightiness of Goliath and reveals him as no mighty man that a sword should even be drawn at. It's like saying a notorious robber is arrested without charm or a gun. You know he's notorious. His being notorious makes him invincible to any human mind but at last, his arrest just happen like that. God will touch your mind and hands. Henceforth, you'll begin to secure your Goliaths without sword. That will be the testimony. People will come around to question you as to how you won so cheaply. They'll want you explain how the victory took place and the moment you say you recovered without using drugs, birthed without CS despite the complications, they'll wonder and say, "abnormal". This is the kind of awe God wants to command.  Look, the testimony is Goliath dies without a sword in David's hands. May you accomplish in such simplicity what is tough. 

PRAYER: Downplay what is hard before me. If it takes them years to do it, let me accomplish same in a month. Let there always be a place of testimony and the desire to confirm if my testimony is plausible. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Hosea 10:1-14:9, Jude 1:1-25, Psalm 127:1-5, Proverbs 29:15-17

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Tuesday 7 December 2021





Read I Sam.8:11-17

I Samuel 17:7,ESV

"The shaft of his spear was like a weaver's beam, and his spear's head weighed six hundred shekels of iron. And his shield-bearer went before him".

There are those that fall into the category today's devotional's title describes. They are the set that are impressed by the honour those who heed calling or purpose enjoy but who eventually get deceived by it. In today's quotation, we read of a fellow who bears Goliath's shield. Goliath has been a man of war from his youth. At this time being referenced, he was not a youth but a fully blown adult who has stayed a soldier for years. The decades he has put down in service is now returning payment to him however. One of such is the fact that he has a shield bearer. If you read through the Old Testament, especially the Historical books, you'll see kings and master warriors having shield bearers. The shield they use in battle for defense, it is somebody's responsibility to carry it for them until it's time to use it. This reveals them as masters and the bearers apprentices. Having a shield bearer is prestigious and honourable. It reveals your rank. There is no office or position that doesn't has its honour. If the honour of your profession isn't revealing itself now, it is a matter of time. You'll see much of it. It is however wrong to be influenced to go with another to his own field because of that field's honour. Have you found your own calling? Tarry there and your field will also yield the specific kind of honour it has to give to those who are called to it. To start a ministry because of the honour you see those who are called to it enjoying will either make you seek Satanic assistance or get you frustrated. Ministry, especially founding work is not what any man takes its honour unto himself. You must be called - not by yourself or any human but God.

Hebrews 5:4, KJV

"And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron".

Start because of the calling and stirring of heart to do such for the Lord. The Bible says, " Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it" [I Thessalonians 5:24, KJV].

It is He that calls you that will do it. Ask yourself if He'll do anything at all if He hasn't called you. Commitment is secured at commission. When we see those who have paid the price of their vocation benefiting from their years of years' sacrifice and commitment to that field, the temptation may arise to be aroused to follow suite without being called. If you're already called, it is good if you see what God has made them and by that strengthen yourself. If you're not, never be deceived by same to start what they're doing. God doesn't supply strength and endurance for what He doesn't call people into. Somebody could have said, "I want to become a soldier. Look at Sir Goliath and the honour he enjoys". In reality, I wanted to become a soldier. I like the respect, honour and estimation given them but God never released me to go that way. May we be taught to stay in our lane and not poke nose. Admiration of those who have made it isn't sin but be warned never be led by that only to consider for a vocation what God hasn't planted in you at eternity to manifest as calling in time. "Somebody carries his shield for him. He's a big man. A driver drives him. They carry his Bible for him. Come and see jets. He has maids. He has convoy". Yes, he has and should do. Don't be deceived by all these. They're just by-products of walking the road he was called into. It is the road walked with persistence that produces them. If Goliath was not a champion and taken for same, do you think any will submit to carry his shield for him. He won't even have the heart's release to allow his shield to be carried. You can follow to a place in purpose where any privilege done you is what you're not guilty accepting. It just befits you. It doesn't matter those criticizing you, saying, "he's making slaves of men". Let them also go and heed their destiny's call and let's see if at the utopia of their calling, there won't be those who will voluntarily submit to them. But you, know that there's no glory without the call first of all. Being a warrior is an endangered work. It is not by skill only survivors makes it home. That's why this same Goliath fell victim one day. That was despite the skill. So, before you're tempted to accept the challenge you were not called or equipped for, count the cost and the danger. Let not admiration seduce or lure you to death and injury. The glory of the calling can encourage us to follow but it can be deceptive if you have heeded to chase after the shadows only. After a few years in ministry, if no one gifts you a car, you'll opt out and be offended. The genuineness of anyone called is always tested as to sift the called from the uncalled. It's then you'll know how bad it is considering ministry because of the honorarium involved. Be warned and be guided before you go on this road. Judge your motive and let it be correct. Once it is, throw yourself wholly into it. You'll always float because He'll bear you up. Faithful is He that calls you. That same Father will do it.

PRAYER: Lord, may I master the two sides of admiration and honour. I persist in my calling to reap the glory. I refuse to be deceived to go the road of another.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Hosea 6:1-9:17, 3 John 1:1-14, Psalm 126:1-6, Proverbs 29:12-14

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Monday 6 December 2021





Read Jeremiah 1:1-8

Jeremiah 1:5-6, AMP

"5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations 6 Then said I, Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am only a youth".

Mindset is very powerful. If people regard you as the head but you persuasively convincingly believes yourself to be the tail, you'll manifest the 'tail'. Whenever God encounters people and calls them as tools to use, one of the first things He does is to make them see they're capable or reinforce same believe in them. That angel told Gideon, "The Lord is with you thou mighty man of valour". Gideon himself was not seeing any fight or warrior spirit in himself. He questions whether God was indeed with them [Judges 6:12-16]. O, how I pray that God will give you those who will show you who you're really are until your perspective is changed when doubt arises in you. Your circumstance, background, past life isn't as important as the  demand on your life and what by calling you are. If God comes to you for use, it means you're usable. Don't reject yourself. While in secondary school, I was called upon to replace a senior graduating student who did chanting and eulogy every year at our graduation ceremony. People would applaud him and spray him money. The Yoruba language teacher knew I could do it. I knew I could do it also because it's a thing I had done in the closet. I was given the material to memorise for the chant but deep down in me, I knew I won't take it. What trick did I pulled out? On the D-day, I didn't go to school. That's how I disappointed them but I didn't do it intentionally. I did it out of fear and non acknowledgment of myself as the one who should do it. I was the Labour Prefect but I was thinking, "why not the Head Boy?" At that time, I suffered a lot of inferiorly complex. I did't even want to be seen. The discovery of my purpose destroyed the yoke. Now, I'm not afraid of taking up assignments. I do and discharge same in boldness. When I preach, it is strong and in boldness. I'm no longer bound by inferiority complex. I'm called and anointed. I'm the chosen. If not me, who else? That's my confidence. So, I radiate it. 

Did you hear what Jeremiah told the Lord? I'm but a youth. Did God call him a youth? Did that One not tell him that his calling predates his formation in the womb? God was saying all these to assure and set him to come to a place of believability in himself. Do you know how many talented, gifted, called, chosen, well favoured people are acting contrarily today? Do you know why? They're seeing themselves lesser than who they really are and what God has really called them. Why are people too conscious of their problems? Why are they swallowed by the thoughts that only some people are glorious vessels but others must be hidden! 

Look, if God is striving to change how you should see yourself and you refuse, you won't be used. God may want to but it won't still work. A poor mindset can't reflect a correct manifestation. Even if you say your God is big but your mindset is poor, you'll downgrade God to a small God. Change your mindset; believe in yourself. You're not too young to be used. Forget about all those disqualifications you are mentioning. There are highway robbers, kidnappers, terrorists, suicide bombers who are just teens. So, what makes you a child that can't do the job? Accept the offer and God will equip you to make up for your real or unreal inadequacies.

PRAYER: [Touch your Bible and say] - This is my Bible and I believe it. I am what it says I am and I can do what it says I can do.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 11:2-35, 1 John 3:7-24, Psalm 122:1-9, Proverbs 29:1

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Sunday 5 December 2021





READ I Timothy 4

I Samuel 17:32-33, KJV

"32 And David said to Saul, Let no man's heart fail because of him; thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine. 33 And Saul said to David, Thou art not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him: for thou art but a youth, and he a man of war from his youth."

If you have started, congratulations. If you are just seeking entry, may you be fortunate gaining one. The reason is because there are demons fighting starting. David showed interest in combating Goliath but he was not allowed to act on it immediately. He was first of all held back. A voice reasoned his authenticity to fight Goliath and almost quenched him. The voice was Saul's saying, "you are just a youth but he has been a man of war from his youth." Though it was a sense of responsibility that made Saul made this statement yet the demon of discouragement that lurks into people's lives and hinders them from ever going or starting on the road of mainstream purpose was actually hiding behind those words. David could have reasoned with those words and agreed he was just a youth. Saul's description of David humiliated David as being small and incapable. The picture that demon was painting to David was that of his incapability. Thank God David didn't see himself in the light of those heavy words. Saul said David can't handle the challenge but David rather reveals his past valour as criteria that made him fit for the job [I Samuel 17:34-48].

My prayer for you is that you'll pass when you want to heed destiny's assignment but discouragement are being launched at you. How many of you has the Lord called who should run for Him but who have been stopped and forever quenched by men's words especially those of authorities or those with oversight over you? Saul is a man with authority over David and he almost killed that divine motivation and energy of David to go and fight Goliath - which could have hindered the climbing of David into being acknowledged as a man of valour and one to be trusted and then followed in matters of war. It is not the fault of those who despise you and say you're too small for the job but yours if you allow your motivation to be quenched. Did the Bible not say that you should let none despise your youth [I Timothy 4:12]. You must shake them off with their despise.

There are despisers of one's youth. They may also be acting out of jealousy. They are of the set that missed the will of God while young who are too full of envy to guide youths (who still have time and energy) into starting and catching the flight of destiny while they may. I pray that every counsel, admonishment, question that is not the Lord's will for you to agree with won't comfortably take you away from your assignment. This same Saul telling David he was too young to confront their challenge also said "Goliath has been a man of war from his own youth." Why shouldn't David start from his own youth? Many who are saying you're too young to start actually started early. Please, ask them when you'll start if it is not now. Did you see the lie of the devil and how he crawls into the called, chosen, anointed's life to postpone their destiny until they're drawn and drawn further away from heeding the call of destiny through the demon of delay and procrastination which makes them see their incapacity. I'm sensing the oil flowing on me now. Henceforth, the devil won't lie to you successfully again. See what is not the right advice to take. That's what Eve could have seen in the garden when the devil was telling her what good eating the fruit will do her. She did not until eating it leads to their undoing [Gen.3:1-7]. Have an open sight and heart. Don't be dull in perspective but rather like a contender and apologist be ready to give an answer like David gave to Saul on how God has been using him to glory and gloat over similar issues but represented in killing of the lion and the bear.

PRAYER: I refute seduction away from destiny and kingdom assignments. I have correct insights into wrong counsels and advice. I won't fall prey like those that heard the call but couldn't heed it. I start now. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 11:2-35, 1 John 3:7-24, Psalm 122:1-9, Proverbs 29:1

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Saturday 4 December 2021





Read Genesis 37

I Samuel 2:19-20, KJV

"19 Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice. 20 And Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said, The LORD give thee seed of this woman for the loan which is lent to the LORD. And they went unto their own home."

Training is always in secrecy though manifestation may be public. When Samuel was taken to boarding school for concentrated studies, the house of the Lord became his house. If you're a man of purpose, you must find your home of purpose and stick to it. He not only sticks to his home of purpose but lose all familiar faces to embrace strange ones. Mother Hannah and father Elkanah have been left behind. Eli, Hophni, Phinehas and probably their wives are those to embrace now. 

There's loneliness in the calling that every man called according to God's willed pleasure must embrace. Did you read there that Samuel only sees his parents once in a year? He has been driven off for concentrated learning of God's things. Emotional attachment must be set aside when it concerns life's training. Only during that once in a year visitation he stands the chance of receiving the mum's precious gift. It's not different from how parents bring special meal or gift for their students during school's open day. Samuel must have anticipated same on tiptoes. The parents, especially Hannah closed her eyes to cut him off. It seems hard but she did. Samuel was just a small boy when he embraced the loneliness of the night all on a bed.  At times, he might reminisce about home but he knew he couldn't change anything on that. Look, in purpose, all familiar faces may be lost for a season because that's not their own destiny. You must be strong to face it. Joseph was just 13 years old when he was set on the journey of destiny. Without parents, money or any leverage, he entered into Egypt. He was a three times sold slave but despite all, God was with him. Let that be your comfort. Is the journey becoming difficult? Are you abroad for studies e.t.c. and you're really missing home and all faces you know. I'm hearing, "yet a little while". Endure! Be patient and you'll see that this temporary separation causing nostalgia isn't as strong as the blessings of reunion and the celebration of your success. To all those who don't even have a caregiver to check on them even once in a year, be courageous. You seem forsaken yet you're not because like a mother hen broods over her chicks, God who secured a house for you for grooming has reserved you a seat amidst the strong and great. Face life. Let your payment of attention to training graduate you quickly to become the father or mother you don't have to others. When you succeed, it is the comfort you receive on this journey you'll use to comfort others like you. Journey of destiny is lonely and when it does, embrace it. When you're in your own boarding school, don't escape home or revenge on having being forgotten at the place of training by not taking training seriously. Don't undo yourself. If Samuel had thought so and labelled the parents as neglects, he wouldn't have possessed the witness of being a prophet in the land. Even this lonely moment or longing for home is but for a moment. Night is the timeline of expiry for weeping. The day shall soon break. 

PRAYER: Encourage my heart to embrace the loneliness of my training and calling. Comfort me when I'm alone.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 11:2-35, 1 John 3:7-24, Psalm 122:1-9, Proverbs 29:1

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Friday 3 December 2021





Read Galatians 1:15-24

I Samuel 1:22, KJV

"But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the LORD, and there abide for ever."

There's a place known as the academy in reality. There's pedagogy yet there's an instructor and then the instructed. To immerse a learner into full studies and learning of his equipping, he may need to be separated to the academy. When Hannah tore Samuel off at a young age to begin to learn his purpose, it was a separation to a specific place that represents the academy. The place was headed by Eli. You could call him the school principal. Hophni and Phinehas were as well instructors and assistants to him. This is where Samuel was torn off to. In Hannah's own word, that he may abide in the Lord's house forever. The academy gets you ready for a life you'll one day live forever. This is being given, dedicated and consecrated to a service. In this case, the Lord's.

It's in this academy that contacts are made with young flowering men and women who have discovered their place in this place (the earth). There, those who have become instruct them to become and take their shine amidst the great and strong. Brethren, there's a place where concentrated studies is taken place. Though it is not always that God requires a separation to a formal setting like this for equipping, yet God will instruct you either in an academy or in the field. Even Paul, he said he didn't confer with flesh and blood but rather went to the desert of Arabia immediately [Gal.1:17].

In the academy, only weaned students are desired. They don't want those whose training will start and the thoughts of home will occupy them. The academy is a place of separation for grooming. When Samuel was taken to this hostel as a boarding student, it wasn't interesting at all on Hannah. Those of you parents who have children in the boarding school especially your first, last or beloved child, did you not weep and feel uncomfortable letting him ago. Meanwhile, if you want your child to become a man to be praised and watched for his accomplishments tomorrow, off to the academy he must go. Consider Samuel's first night in the academy. He was probably crying all around. It was just a horrible start. Samuel himself just knew the mother's face and figure faintly when the mother broke him off to the process that makes kings in that field. The Bible recorded that Hannah's visit was only once in a year.

I Samuel 2:18-19, KJV "18 But Samuel ministered before the LORD, being a child, girded with a linen ephod. 19 Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice."

You could call it Samuel's open day. He receives a new gift that once in a year from his mum. They'd spent time to catch up on things happening at home. Thank God all these sacrifices of costly separation and denial didn't end in vain. Samuel was able to focus on his training at the institution until he started picking calls of God when He calls. This is how he progressed to pass all his courses like Integrity 404, Morality 101, Divine Communication 200. At last, Samuel was certified by God Himself as one that has learnt Him faithfully. God certified this to be true by making all he says come  to pass. It's an approval unto, "this is my beloved son". Yet, it started in tearing him off to the academy. If need be for you to congregate at the academy for specific training, do. This is also a message to all caregivers to let their children go to be with purpose early in the academy. There's rarely a field now that doesn't have its institution. Bear the pain once and bear the joy of it forever. 

PRAYER: I shall not miss training time. I receive insight to submit to godly training wherever I find myself.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 11:2-35, 1 John 3:7-24, Psalm 122:1-9, Proverbs 29:1

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Thursday 2 December 2021





READ Psalm 127

I Samuel 1:27-28,KJV

"27 For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: 28 Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshipped the LORD there."

Give yourself away early. You'll be doing yourself a favour you'll come to testify of in days to come if you give yourself away early or do same for those you have oversight over. You have to use concerted effort to tear yourself away early from vocations, lifestyle or tasks that are not destiny related that you're currently reclining in. I know people who can't fast. If he discovers his call as a minister for instance, he must be ready to afflict his body with fasting and know that he may not always appear fat-flesh at the beginning if he's the set man of a God initiated thing especially. I know it is hard tearing or giving yourself away to your purpose when you've been woken to the burden of responsibility as an adult. There be many people that know they have calls on their lives but they'll tell you, "If I let this job go now to start as a newcomer somewhere, how do I survive since this one won't immediately speak? Meanwhile, I've built one to the peak of manifestation." You see, they're being militated against starting why they're here because they didn't enter or get admitted when others were. They've gone too far before discovery.  There's time for everything on earth. If God destines anyone to be part of David's mighty men but didn't gather when they were gathering, yet of that same generation of men; he may wake up to see he has been left behind [ I Sam. 22:2, II Sam.23:8]. For people being hindered to let go like that, find out if you're to go full term or per term. Even if it will be full term, unless the Lord needs you right away (which He'll compensate with covenants and blessings), retain your job to finance your obligations and ministry for stability. At the beginning also, those who are doing full term now (especially set men and founders) started like that.

Hannah did something that was hard. How many of you know that it is hard casting off a child, especially one's first child after one or let's say three years of weaning? Some will say, I still want to bond with him. God has no use of a three year old child. What thing will he be doing in the temple or around the house of the Lord? That is wanting to suffer the child and suffer his trainer. That's why many parents are not imparting destiny training into their little children. They believe they are not yet ripe for it. Hannah however did contrarily though with great determination and endurance of that pain. She separated from her first born that should comfort her that early. Sorry to say, many parents aren't resolute. I've heard some say, I can't let my own child become motherless at a tender age. So, they're not sending them to the academy where they'll get full concentrated training on the destiny of their manifestation. If you pray to God to find you where he should go and He instructs you, that God is enough to shelter this defenceless child. Except if it is not God requesting for the need for his enrollment.

When did Hannah tear off Samuel from her? Immediately after weaning [I Sam.1:24]. She lends him to the Lord to dwell in God's house forever. Samuel had not woken to the reality of life when his feet were put on the path he should walk. Is the Bible not being fulfilled that says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" [Proverbs  22:6].Before your children receives senses to argue, contest or rival with what God's will is for their lives, immerse them there, so that their waking up will be into the resurrection of things of destiny. Saint, it was hard on Hannah, it will be on you but be resolute also. Cutting off from one's beloved isn't easy but if you want to be made ready for life, you must learn to give yourself away properly into what destiny has for you. No one has two lives to live here practically on earth. This is the only one you have to make contacts. Ensure as you make encounters daily, it sparks and gives you a sense of satisfaction that you're doing what you should do where you should be. Separate yourself now and forever to the will of God - that profession. Time is still young even if this is your eleventh hour. This announcement marks another enrollment season. May God help you to leave behind everything that's combating you from giving attention and total attention to purpose. Paul when he discovered this purpose and the reality of where he should be fitted confessed in truth without lying when he says, "... I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ" [Phil.3:8, KJV].

First of all, settle the fact that your certificate is lesser than what God will make of you in ministry if that's where He's calling you to. If you're earning big in the secular and God is saying, "stop all and go to the seminary, it means you'll have to become a dependent like a student who may face embarrassment of being a dependent at times". However, dung (things left behind or to be left behind) don't always worth the glory of the calling that you'll one day begin to see.

PRAYER: [Worship with "I give myself away" song]. Ask for resoluteness and understanding not to be deceived to see dung as glory. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 9:1-11:1, 1 John 2:18-3:6, Psalm 121:1-8, Proverbs 28:27-28

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