Saturday, 13 November 2021



I found this out by experience and I've grown to living it out with moving results. I hope you will agree with it or find it instructing. 

If someone is coming your mind to reach; away immediately, reach him. Especially if it is coming often, that's the Spirit persuading you to lean forward and reach that fellow. Either by chat, text or call, you may not know what need you'll be meeting or what multitude of sin and destruction you'll be hindering. Repetition of communication is for emphasis in the kingdom. Joseph said and I quote: "And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass" [Genesis 41:32, KJV].

Don't forget, it is out of the mouth of two or three witnesses that every matter shall be established also. Whenever I receive often persuasion to reach someone and I don't, soonest, that fellow will reach me. If they're brethren, they'll say a thing like, "thank you for forgetting me". If elders, they'll say a thing like, "You, well-done o. Don't come home. Ensure you stay away". I'll feel embarrassed and at the same time guilty of being irresponsive that soon. That's disobedience to God! My not reaching is not because I couldn't pick that hint or communication of God but because of excuses through busyness. I'll often say, "I'll call. Sebi it is bro/sis/daddy or mummy so and so. I'll call before night closes." Receiving Spirit communication comes in even little insignificant ways like a tingling or remembrance. So, master it. Don't procrastinate also. If you won't let go, you'll receive testimonies and deep appreciation for reaching such person or people. 

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Olusola ADEJUMO,


Morning Wings Ministry, Nigeria.

+234 81 3704 6812




ARRIVAL AT REHOBOTH AT LAST - Leading to Indwell Series 006

Read Gen.26:12-22

Genesis 26:22, KJV 

"And he removed from thence, and digged another well; and for that they strove not: and he called the name of it Rehoboth; and he said, For now the LORD hath made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."

Rehoboth means room. You know I had said in previous teachings that God leads. One of the ways by which He leads is to make you unwelcome somewhere until you arrive where He wants you situated. Today's reading reveals Isaac as a man of peace. The Bible admonishes us to live in peace with all men. There are different men on this earth. As you go and grow in life, you'll begin to meet men like devils. Did you see the unfortunate and confrontational lie that men of Gerar told to have the well for themselves? The witness of the Bible is true as we know Isaac's servants were the ones that dug the well but look at some people appearing to claim ownership with all rights that pertains to it thereunto. Have you lived amidst people that always look for your trouble? They want an encounter. Let me show you how one man described them. It's not at all interesting. 

Psalms 120:5-7,KJV

"5 Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar! 6 My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. 7 I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.

When you live amidst people who envy you and see you as prospering too much, they will contest to claim what is yours as theirs. If your child plays with a doll and leaves it somewhere in the compound and their own child pick it, they'll claim they bought it last market day for him when it's obviously yours. How much will you be pained if you leave amidst such? If you're not experienced and taught by the Holy Ghost, you'll always live in frustration and sorrow of heart. Do you know why they're doing that? They want to curtail your prosperity. They believe by taking what is yours from you, they're reducing your possession and rendering you into an equal. That's why consequently in time, Abimelech, the King of Gerar himself told Isaac to depart from them because he's too great. You see, they couldn't contain him. Did you see envy there? But because of his own maturity, he rather called for separation without picking fight. Look, be for peace. May I tell someone that God will take you to Rehoboth. You might have searched in vain for a place called home. God said, "Rehoboth is just in your front". Isaac dug the first well, it was contested. He shifted. He dug another and they took that over again. If you're having this experience of having not found rest yet, of being not received here or later there, it means Rehoboth is in front. If God allows you to keep being shifted, His allowing it is to work a better place called Rehoboth for you. Rehoboth as we all know however comes last. Rehoboth may even be a spouse. The man that can give you a cover or the woman that will make home a place of rest for you. Series of relationship might not have worked but I decree Rehoboth over you. All this dangling here and there is to bring you to Rehoboth. The rocking of your boat can't sink it. It will toss it to the shore. Arrival in safety with nothing missing or broken is your covenant. That's how Joseph was envied, hated, shifted and sold into Egypt to near Rehoboth and the land God has destined for him to be governor of nations. God's leading is sure. How does He take us to Rehoboth again apart from people not welcoming us or opening their door to us. He does it by creating unsatisfactoriness in you  to keep moving. You'll just have a gulf in you that nothing can fill and begin to develop motivation to relocate after feeling of great boredom or tiredness might have set in. At times, as you inspect where to settle, you won't like the house or neighborhood you're seeing. Something will just discourage you to say, not yet. So, the search continues. This is how it will continue until you get to Rehoboth - the room and rest God has prepared for you. When you get to Rehoboth, what you see will agree with an expectation inside you. May I tell you, destiny unfolds in Rehoboth because it's the land God wants you indwell. Be comforted, Rehoboth in front!

PRAYER: Lord, let all contest over my property stop. Use contest, rivalry, envy promote me to Rehoboth. Give me restful rest.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 24:1-26:21, Hebrews 11:1-16, Psalm 110:1-7, Proverbs 27:14

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Thursday, 11 November 2021





READ 2Samuel 18:19-end

Habakkuk 2:2, KJV

"And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."

Do you know it's actually sin running when you've not been told to? How will you know you sin running? It is when you haven't been given a thing to run with, work on or act out. So, it becomes sin. You run with words that set you on motion and not on your initiative. If God hasn't called you for instance and you say He did, you'll begin to manufacture your terms and techniques of keeping people since God's commitment won't be with you. That "faithful is He that calls you who will also do it" is enough meditation for enlightenment on the matter [I Thess.5:24]. That's why you see many pseudo ministers in the body of Christ. They're running: doing ministry but on whose vision are they doing that? The one they created. For this reason of not having God's commitment, such can't but consult and seek aid from the devil. They're aided indeed but their aid is not the genuine aid that adds no sorrow. Their vine is of the vine of Sodom [Deut. 32:31-33].

So I ask, the race you're running or what you call ministry, who or whose words sets you on motion? Who gives the vision before we question if it's written down or not? Let's settle who gives it. Until you have a vision - script to run with handed you by God, written on your spirit and often downloaded into your mind in bits as motivation to do something and what to do per term, don't run. You must be moved or stirred to doing that act by God's living word. Spirit things are not by might or power. If they were, any human being could have been qualified. Don't call running an opportunity when you have no vision given you from God. Vision - what to do is the equipping that makes running an opportunity, play and not a laborious activity you'll curse or murmur doing. Peter didn't follow Cornelius' men like that. A script predated his following. Apart from the vision, God told him to fear not but rather go with them [Acts 10:19-20]. Cornelius also didn't just set men on a search like that, he was told to. You too, be moved to act. Let your body carry out an instruction received by your spirit. Herein will you be justified that your running or being set on motion has an origin: God and not Satan or any man.

PRAYER: [Check what God didn't communicate you to start, murder them]. What He communicated you to start, pray for their growth. Those awaiting word somewhere, pray God will set you on motion. A go ahead!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 23:1-49, Hebrews 10:18-39, Psalm 109:1-31, Proverbs 27:13

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Wednesday, 10 November 2021





Acts 10:5-6, KJV

"5 And now send men to JOPPA, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter: 6 He LODGETH with ONE SIMON A TANNER, WHOSE HOUSE IS BY THE SEA SIDE: he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do."

Dear follower of Christ: the anointed one. Do well to mark all the words in UPPERCASE in those verses. I've been saying for days now that God's leading is real in showing you where you're seeking and what house to indwell. God is more than able leading you on your search to find a house in the geography of mankind where what you're looking for will be what you'll see. It happened like this one time. A man named Cornelius whose good acts testified of him before heaven was suddenly taken cognizance of. They desire to compensate him. With what? The gospel. So, an angel appeared to him and gave him a description of a house to search for. The man he seeks lives there. How can they hear without a preacher? Angels don't preach the gospel [Rom.10:13-15].

Have you read the verse that says, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding? [Proverbs  4:7, KJV]. It means prioritise wisdom. Irrespective of what you'll hunt or go on a search for, enlist wisdom and let it stay on top. Here also, when where Peter lodged was given him, it means in all their search, they should search for that house. They'll see many houses but in all their search, that house should not depart from their face. That's their target. They have been leaned down to a city - Joppa and then a more specific description of what house to look for and where it's located. The house is by the sea. With this description, they have a compass and map with which to journey. When the appointed people set out for Joppa first of all, Joppa is the bigger picture set before them. On reaching Joppa which they knew, they began to enquire after Simon, the tanner's house who lives by the sea side. Those of you who are in places of authority, give clear description when you send on errand except where you're seeking confirmation or agreement of two on what you already have with you. The angel knew there were many Simons and probably many tanners and many who live by the sea. But it's beginning to be impossible for all the Simons who live by the sea to be tanners. If they are, the next question will be to ask if Peter lives with any of them. It is where Peter is found that they're sent to. Is that not how they discover?

Acts 10:17, KJV

"17...the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate, 18 And called, and asked whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there."

The response they got was yes. That's how they located where they were given its description far back in their land. Today, the Lord will help your search. Divine maps and compasses will orchestrate your encounter (in reality) to fit into the description you have at hand as received communication. They set out with a description. That's the jigsaw puzzle they must solve and fit correctly in an experience or reality on ground. As it was described them, so they encountered. The venue you're looking for - that specific kind of place that you believe will be nest and refuge from storm is the very type you'll secure as shown you. What matters is to have a spirit description and journey by that in locating the description described in the spirit to you. It's like still life drawing. You have a real life object which you observe to put same on a paper. Don't run without gathering descriptive words first of all. Such journeys are vain labours. Beware!

PRAYER: The Mighty Revealer, God Almighty. Give me details of my searches and reveal steps to actualizing them.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 21:1-22:31, Hebrews 10:1-17, Psalm 108:1-13, Proverbs 27:12

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Tuesday, 9 November 2021




WHERE TO STOP IS WHEREVER THE STAR STOPS - Leading to Indwell Series 002

READ Mathew 2:1-11

Matthew 2:9, KJV

"9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was."

Today, God is coming for any who needs a place to indwell for any purpose;  is in search of a thing or even a fellow. You will see whatsoever you set out for because you'll be guided till arrival. Indwelling or locating is a reality. Even demons seek to locate a dwelling place [Matthew 12:43-45]. It is therefore my prayer that as you follow the anointing with estimation, you'll be led and motivated by this teaching to be assured God's plan covers a place (geography) and a house you should live in. God will lead you because He loves you and intends to keep you. The Spirit will not leave you alone but rather guide and go ahead you to show you where you should stop. As you actively make search for a house to indwell for whatever use, the Spirit will tell you where to stop. Where to stop and cease searching on and on is where your search will end since you will see what you are searching for. The Spirit of the kingdom is the Spirit of alignment. He'll make what is real in your mind (as desire or which you receive as divine communication) meet with what you'll stumble on. The wise men were shown where to stop. They found the house they were looking for because where Jesus was laid is where the star stopped to stay permanently on. They therefore stop, enter into that house and behold, it's the right house. The right house that contains what they were searching for. There and then, they worshipped Jesus by bowing down and presenting Him gifts. Likewise, the house or venue you'll find will be one fitting the purpose for which you have set out. It will always measure up to expectation and reason for setting out. That will be the confirmation that here has the Lord prepared for you. Your Rehoboth! The wise men bypassed many houses but the star kept going. It never stopped to identify any of those houses as the one they should stop to check into until it got somewhere where all movement stopped. Like one knowing the truth from falsehood, the star refused to be persuaded or move an inch away from that house. It stayed put with all knowing and assurances while indicating with an arrow now visible in the Magi's hearts that "This is the house. Arrest it. Don't let it go". Who said leading to discover is not real? The star is the Holy Spirit. It is in you. His witness is true and He shall witness to you on all matters that relates to any search you may carry out. If the Spirit witnesses to your spirit that you're a child of God, therefore dispelling doubt, guilt or accusation; will He not witness further on matters that are as well important on your well being [Rom. 8:16].

I read of a king who set out to establish a civilization for men to settle in. Afore setting out, he was told by the oracle that he'll know where to halt and make his abode by an indication the horse he's riding will give. As he journeys alongside other loyal men, his beast of burden suddenly stops and refuses to go which the horse has not been accustomed to. By that indication, this king stopped there and built a city and great civilization that prospered for men to indwell in that same location. Did you see how he was led? Isn't that leading? That's what the star did for those wise men also. This one on the horse I narrated just mimicked the leading God gave to the Magi through the star. The star stopped where they should stop and on the very house they were looking for. Accurate location without using GPS. You may be journeying and your vehicle may suddenly stop like Balaam's ass which refuses to go. Then, you may hear a witness, buy this land. That is, the area you're parking in. You may not know why you're buying it until some years down the line. Some mineral resources may be in there. God leads in mysterious ways. For as many that seeks His will to do, He won't hide from leading them. Even if you've gone on a journey yet without voice or sound, you'll always hear a voice behind you. How can you be forlorn? You're too cherished. If there's much joy in heaven over one sinner that gets saved, do you think God is not wise enough to lead that same sinner (now born again) so that he won't be lost? Any that misses it on any issue is a potential backslider and it's God's will that you'll be retained. May this be your experience when you're in search of something especially a house or venue to locate for use. The Spirit of prophecy on me will aid your search and like the Spirit knows what's in the mind of the Father and so aligns us to pray His will, God will bring you to meet with what will agree with the image, picture or description you already have with you. Receive that!

PRAYER: Lead me in my search to locate or discover on this earth. Give me indicators. Let me understand and interpret signs correctly.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 20:1-49, Hebrews 9:11-28, Psalm 107:1-43, Proverbs 27:11

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Monday, 8 November 2021




TRANCE ON GROUND - House to Indwell Series 001

READ Ezekiel 37:1-10

Acts 10:28, KJV

"And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean."

Those of you asking for assurance, saying "glorify yourself Father"; the Lord said I should tell you He has already glorified Himself. So, don't fear. Rather, let your hands be strong to do that He has been stirring your mind to do.  One minister cried to God, "Locate us on ground!" God replied, "I have already located you on ground." What imagery did God use to explain Himself? The Spirit told him, "the trance of Peter in the spirit world was sooner a reality because Cornelius' men sought him. While he thought on what it could be, he was told they enquire after him and from there he began to experience one step after the other why God had afore called him to rise, kill and eat. When Peter had that trance, we could say he was online. You know he was asleep and in the Spirit. It was not a film or drama playing in reality. It only took place in a world where spiritual realities not yet featuring as physical manifestations must be dragged down to the earth where tangibility can be felt by the senses. All Peter saw in that trance was metaphoric and really pregnant with meaning. The trance was not clear at first sight. It needs to be comprehended and dissolved. That's why he himself gave attention to dissolve it. He thought on what the trance could mean without knowing the interpretation will soon steal on him and be imparted as an experience.

Acts 10:17, KJV

"Now while Peter doubted in himself what this vision which he had seen should mean, behold, the men which were sent from Cornelius had made enquiry for Simon's house, and stood before the gate."

"Doubted" there means to consider whether it is this or that. There was a meditation, wondering or seeking to decipher but just then the interpretation knocked on his door in Cornelius' men. 

Acts 10:19-20, KJV

"19 While Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said unto him, Behold, three men seek thee. 20 Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them."

From the housetop where he had the trance, he had to first come down to start playing the script he had seen in the trance. Reality show therefore starts here. From there, the Holy Ghost embolden him to follow them. Until he got to Cornelius' house to minister, the remembrance of the trance he had didn't hit him in association with the journey he was on. So, when realization dawned on him, he recalled the trance and spoke in this manner.

Acts  10:28 , KJV

"And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean."

So, the trance that he saw on the house top which was only playing in the spirit indeed came to play on ground, in reality and as manifestation like characters do come on stage to actualize a scripted play into a live play. Those of you who have been hanging online for long, it's God's will to bring you down to act same thing you've been acting online on ground. Today, what is on motion shall be finished. Those of you who have seen a reality in God's granted divine appearance(s) yet hasn't transform to what you saw, today there's a shifting and journeying to/into realization. What you saw online will come on ground. All divine communications in your life will be strewn with flesh. They'll be brought to fulfillment and conclusion. They'll be clothed. It happened to the dry bones. They were naked with nothing to beautify what they were but they not only came alive by curious quickening but they were clothed with flesh. Today, you won't have only online witnesses, you'll have on ground. There's a transformation of all online (spiritual) receivings into on ground manifestations (what eyes can see, hears can hear and what the body can relate with). So says El Shaddai! A shifting...and an experience of what you had seen steals on you now. Those that will bring what you've seen to fulfillment are visiting. 

PRAYER: Every great and precious promises that are hanging online (in the unfulfilled arena); Lord, let them come on ground. Bones are clothed!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ezekiel 18:1-19:14, Hebrews 9:1-10, Psalm 106:32-48, Proverbs 27:10

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Sunday, 7 November 2021





READ Psalm 66

Psalms 66:18, KJV

"If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me."

Matters of the heart matters. If you can convincingly protect your heart in every encounter, God won't lift on you. It is not until you commit the sin of Samson and break your consecration that the Spirit lifts, whenever you regard iniquity in your heart and it continues for long, you can stop the Spirit from walking with you. If you're a minister, your anointing can stop working as soon as you're regarding or cherishing iniquity in your heart. Sometimes ago, I was doing heart search and I found I was guiltless. Many things have came my way. This includes intentionally targeted-at embarrassments and some hurtful things. As I survived one, another seems to be showing its head. It was like what happened to Job. They came in a spree. A servant hasn't finished giving report of the occurred evil when another arrives to report. These attacks from the devil came in close turn like that at one time. The devil just wanted to finish me. I had reasons to be offended but I have found out by experience and submission that it doesn't worth my anointing. I ministers on daily basis and I can't risk cherishing iniquity or making it rejoice in my heart. There are those who like it and give it space to grow. One of the things that disturbs and easily kills and cuts off from God's input is offences that leads to unforgiveness. 

Brother Ralph Mahoney shared an experience. A particular lady came around to their evening meeting. Later in time, they told any who needed to be healed to find his way to one of the prayer/prophetic joints. The woman fell in Bro Mahoney's group. As they prayed for her healing, Bro Mahoney saw a fallow hard piece of land that they had harvested maize from. He stopped prayer, shared it and asked if it described the woman in any way. The woman just burst into tears and then related how for a particular thing she had refused to let the husband go. It is this her unforgiveness that let arthritis in. Since then also, she had not been seeing visions. After she had seriously wept and was prayed for, instantly she was healed there. That night, she had her first vision in a long time. She called the man of God to report same. Look, if you regard sin in your heart and let it dwell there - swimming all around and taking its time, you're shutting God out from you. With my little experience, the people that will hurt you the most are those close to you. Stranger's sword can't rip your flesh open. That of your spouse, siblings, associates, parents, children or those you've spent yourself over are those that harms the most. Once the devil dangles this bait and you get offended without healing, you're finished. On such road, some actually died. We've had of spouses who refused to forgive their partners for infidelity until what they regarded in their heart for long gave ground for the devil to afflict them with heart attack etc that killed them. Offence leads to bitterness, criticism and hatred. Today, conduct a heart search to remove off you any dagger you've allowed in yourself. Let it fall down. As you do this, if your sickness or disease stems from unforgiveness, you're set free. Receive healing. Weep it out. Submit it. Let it go and die. 

PRAYER: I forgive any I'm holding in my grip. I'm freed of heart pains and sorrow. Balm of Gilead soothes me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Ezekiel 16:42-17:24, Hebrews 8:1-13, Psalm 106:13-31, Proverbs 27:7-9

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