Wednesday, 27 October 2021




ON GOD! - NOW Series 005

READ John 5:1-6

John 5:3, KJV

"In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water."

May God come through for you. If He has not, you'll have to stay put. You'll have to lay low. Unless there's a move, no one moves. You can't manufacture what is not there. If you do, it won't yield to you. Today, I am caught up in the Spirit of the Lord and wholly praying that God will show you His mercy. I'm praying that God will at this time come for you. Unless He comes, you won't stop hoping, anticipating and remaining on tip toe. Until He comes, you'll still be desirous of your situation being amended. Why are we all looking unto heaven? Why were the invalids all seated with rapt attention and observation? They were waiting for their situation changer. The herald of joy whose feet announces healing. 

"...waiting for the moving of the water."

An elderly friend of mine who trades in Forex as a master was explaining the movement of Forex charts to me sometimes ago. He was saying, "once this happens like this and that happens like that, it's then he'll make his move and take the profit." You know, it's like getting into the flow of something when it flows. Great generals have learnt one thing: when to strike and when to refrain! Until what that my friend said would happen the way he only best knows how to describe happens, he will rather patiently wait for it to happen that way. He is not in a hurry. He has said his life depends on being awake while following the charts intricately with minor distraction. I was shocked at the rapt attention he gives to that thing. That's all because of money and it does pays him off.

Did you see the wonder of God also? We are needy ones who seek the big God for his needs. So, we wait. We all are leaning on God. It is He we have found to unburden to. All of us are just pilgrims at His corridor and balcony. Do you know how many in the whole world send requests to God daily? They want to collect from God. Pullings here and there. All on God.The invalids represent each of us that will always have a need to meet. Unless God shows up for us, we'll but continue to pray, trust and exercise faith.  That place says, "waiting for the stirring of the water."

The opportunity to come is the stirred water. The bus they must not miss; but till then, they will be seen waiting, observing; at readiness and attention to take this opportunity and ride on its ability, potential and what it has to offer to settle their need. It's like a man whose debtors must pay him before he settles his obligations. He'll wait till then. 

Currently, I'm also waiting for the stirring of the water in a particular area. I've been trusting God to take a step for years. Once the water is clearly seen to have been troubled, I'll be signalled it's time to act but I'm awaiting Him to show off with the final confirming sign of stirring the water as He assures. That's going to be the last sign that will say I should get into active activity of that thing. Until then, I'll have to be full of ears all around my body to detect when the opportunity has presented itself for me to take. I must be able to hit the candle stick or wicket sticks with the ball once that time strikes. The stirring of the water is what signals the jumping into the pool. Without that, no waiter launches into the pool. You may be ready like sin that crouches at the door or like a lion that prowls around looking for whom to devour. However, if the opportunity do not avail itself, you can't still take it. I therefore pray that there will be the stirring of the water now. Let there be a violent reaction. A great warming up. A great signalling and awakening. Let your opportunity, my opportunity, our opportunity show up. Let the transportation we will take show up. I ask for an eruption. A great violence and reaction in the spirit which will birth a physical manifestation in reality that will signal you to move. My spirit picks an image now. It's of sprinters awaiting a shot into the air. You will hear that shot. You won't tarry again but go on this long awaited journey of expectation. The shot is shot, sprint!

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Jeremiah 52; Titus 1; Psalm 119:105-112

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Tuesday, 26 October 2021





Read Psalm 142

Luke 5:6, KJV

"And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake."

Whenever we gather, we don't do to come and sight see. We come to hear what Word God will speak which we can salvage or gather for ourselves and by that wage a good warfare. God has proved Himself faithful again. There's bread at hand. He said I should tell you that the "obedience side is the reaping side!" Let not that man think to himself he'll gather when he has refused instructions. Have you read today's passage? Jesus said, "launch out into the deep" to one Mr. Peter. After much reluctance, he did. Until then, something was not said of that process and until that was witnessed of him, the process also was not complete. What is the witness said of his action?

"...and when HE HAD THIS DONE (obedience side), he inclosed a multitude of fishes (reaping side) and his net break (reaping ride)."

Take it again. When he had what done? ...Cast the net into the sea. After taking that step, then he reaped. I'm hearing again, "don't let that man think he'll have a thing to show to all who has refused instruction(s). The obedience side is the reaping side." Until then, you can't enter into the reaping side let alone reaping ride. You, press that pedal and see what appears to you.

May I tell you what was brought me by angels with wings. They had earlier initiated me into their counsel. They said, "every instruction given but yet to be carried out is a debt you owe!" Only God knows how many debtors there be in the body of Christ and how much they owe. You may be financially buoyant yet owe debt with cries of "when will you pay railing at you?" Debt shouldn't be thought in terms of money only. There are debtors of vows all around also. Until you act out what you know the Lord wants you do, your hand is still not clean. Something is there by which you can be taken into accounts. If you do it, you're free of God!

"The obedience side is the reaping side and the reaping side is likewise the obedience side." If you want to enter into the spree of harvest and you really desire that, you'll climb in by the handle of obedience. It is it that opens what is closed. Instruction given but not acted is like one not given at all. Peter desired fishes and it showed in how he toiled and did all night. When his opportune time came to make it and blow real big, if he had refrained from acting on "launch out into the deep", none of his expectation would have been rewarded though he wanted profit. Expectation isn't as important as action. 

Those of you mourning and saying God has refused to satisfy you early, check if you've been despising instructions. Don't stop working the general ones and let roll of the personal personalized ones. Once you reconsider, automatically, things will begin to work as if your labour isn't involved. If you really desire to profit and take profit out of life, then you must live by "what is God saying, what has God said and what will He say? We call it daily word. They're words to be cherished than your daily necessary food. They're words by which you can't live alone. If you really want to succeed, then pay attention to these words for their suited given opportune time (Matthew 4:4). ...and may I tell you something? None of God's instruction is burdensome to act out! So, act!

PRAYER: Let the practice, practical and experimentation side be my obsession. My harvest shall no longer delay as I steps carry. Thanks Lord.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 49:23-50:46, Titus 1:1-16, Psalm 97:1-98:9, Proverbs 26:13-16

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Monday, 25 October 2021





Read Luke 5:1-6, 

Confess Psalm 102 

Luke 5:4-6, KJV

"4 Now when he had left, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake."

There's an opportunity that you must quickly take. It's like profit that you must quickly rake in. It seems to me that things have been made ready but await your response in gathering same.

Jesus told Peter, "launch out into the deep". Those words aren't words that were spoken to prepare him. They were rather to stir action from him. He had long anticipated results.

"Launch out" means to proceed and take action concerning a thing which Peter in this place already know since he has been instructed concerning the deep. So, it was not preparation or thought time for him. It was launching time. 

When Jesus said "launch", He didn't say it from an empty stomach. He said it from assurance of what He knew would happen. Under the sea, fishes have already gathered awaiting Peter to launch out. Things have been put on ground. That's why it was Peter's opportune time. It's time to harvest and do cheaply without sweating unlike last night's. His time to gather what was not previously there. When Jesus said "launch into the deep", the fishes that were not available before heard the voice of their Maker and quickly came to do the bidding of He that created them and for which purpose He created them. I'm hearing concerning somebody that things that were not previously there are now there. Repositioning has taken place. A kind of bringing back. Things created to meet your needs won't flee from you. You will attract them and they will likewise be attracted to you. There will be mutual attraction. Those fishes had afore rejected Peter though he needed them. For that reason, he toiled (worked hard) to gather them all night, yet nothing. That's how wealth distances itself from people despite hard labour. You can have desire but fulfilment may not complement it. If you ask Peter if he desires fishes, does it not even show he was in dire need by his trying and retrying on the basis of hope whether he'll catch a thing. Yet, at night's end (when the day breaks), not even a dime. Some are labouring (putting in all) without compensation. Don't say it's impossible. Hard work doesn't equals reward all the time. He TOILED and then did ALL NIGHT. Despite this, no result! Have you not heard People say, "despite the night duty, the extra hour, is this all I get?" It means they got nothing! Night duty without pay! Look, I cause a change of your story. I call fulfilment to align with your desires. 

What God is saying is, "Now is the time to favour you. Your opportune time is now.

Psalms 102:13, KJV

"Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the TIME TO FAVOUR her, yea, the SET TIME, is come."

"The time to favour her and set time" means your opportune time. Things have been solved for you. Just use it to touch it and you'll have it! Midas touch I see.

PRAYER: Thank You the Spirit of ease. I'm not slow in possessing. I claim all that was not previously visible to see. I gather into barn. Seed time has become harvest time for me!

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 48:1-49:22, 2 Timothy 4:1-22, Psalm 95:1-96:13, Proverbs 26:9-12

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Sunday, 24 October 2021





Read Acts 16:1-15

Acts 16:9-10, KJV

"9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. 10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."

Do you know some don't know how to be led? That's dangerous! There are two major topics that all Christians must prioritize. Ministers must pay better attention to it. Then, full time ministers should have the best mastery of it. This is because your survival now or in the days to come actually is all on it. However, I'll say all should master and file both to its utmost.

They are how to live by faith and how to be led by the Spirit. If you have learnt this by rehearsing it like a babe who rehearses walking until he walks without faltering, your challenges are under your feet every time they rise.

Did you read about Paul's vision in that place at all? What did Paul resolve to do after he had had that vision? He resolved to go to Macedonia immediately while concluding that God had called them there.

"...immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia..."

That's the opportunity to take. That he has been called to come means faithful is He that called him out who will also do it by making things simple for him there. That he was called to come is the wind to ride on and Paul didn't waste time at all. He rather packed his bags and baggage to go where the next thing has been scheduled to happen. The address has been given. Move has moved. He didn't withheld. Rather, Macedonia straight! 

Where you are should stop being precious to you until the Lord speaks. The remedy to the fear of failing is deciphering who has spoken to you. Once you're persuaded that it is God, take the risk. Walk on water! Throw your net and be assured the fishes have gathered even if you don't have that knowledge yet. Paul was not presumptuous. He judged by the information (vision at hand) that it was God and not another waving them to come. That's why he stepped out. He was not acting on empty stomach but from a revealed position of "come on a journey I have gone to prepare things for your arrival."

"...assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."

But before Paul's resolve, he had a vision where a man of Macedonia (probably because he dresses, speaks the language or has characteristics like one etc) calls on him to come and help them. 

You see, where God is working is where you must work as a minister. God has moved to Macedonia awaiting Paul. Tarrying behind will only be disobedience which will not only wastes one's whole commitment at the former place but rather won't make one have a corresponding result of one's labour. [I'm seeing the image of a man with a digger striking at a very dry hard ground. He wants to break it but it's not opening up]. If that describes you, don't lift that tool again. Leave that land.

Now, they put out. This is leading. He had heard and now he's launching out. He already examined what the vision could mean and who could have given it. That's why he resolved to go. This is different from you awaiting leading while putting on preparations towards an act. On the side of action, don't err. On the side of caution, do. If while you're thinking of launching out or you've even decided to or you're even on the way; then God now shows up, let whatsoever He'll say be your rudder thenceforth. This is where the word behind comes to aid you. None hears the word behind him who's not already journeying.

Isaiah 30:21, KJV

"And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."

Take cognizance of something. God knows where need is. He knows where the cloud has gathered. Since He knows, he can situate you to relocate to that place. You might have been searching for the next big thing in your life and God may be saying "come over." But if you're unwilling to step out, you'll remain in the familiar and remain insignificant. You'll think you're still experiencing when a great adventure awaits you in Macedonia. "Anything we've tasted now can never be compared to the glory to come" is what I heard. Where Paul will work and later reminisces in smiles and thanksgiving is where God called him to. He'll never know how much he should appreciate God until he takes that step first and reap rewards that overflows. You may have the solution for need, goods for sale or services to offer but may be where it is not very needed and can't be rushed. For that reason, he that sees what opportunities is at hand to leverage on can call you out. Your success is tied to your obedience. If Paul won't waste the multitude of souls that are awaiting someone to come and do ministry in Philippi, he must unto Macedonia go. The instruction was clear, "come to Macedonia and help us". Macedonia is where the meal has been prepared but waiting to be served. All things at Macedonia have been made ready. The house he'll stay, food he'll eat, and those who will give attention to him like Lydia. Heaven has even already taken into account how many will be saved. These heavenly event planners have made ready at Macedonia. Why do a night again in Troas?

Perception is the key! Are you perceiving? Do you think you're being instructed? Are you believing you're receiving something new different from what you've been musing on yet you know does not originate from you or Satan after testing. Once you begin to get wind of such smoke immediately, act it out. Such smoke is fire in disguise. The results always defy gravity!

PRAYER: Appear for my direction. Guide me till I reach. Journey with me till I attain. Grant me strength to resolve and break off from all past into the adventurous future of great things.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 44:24-47:7, 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17, Psalms 94:1-23, Proverbs 26:6-8

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Saturday, 23 October 2021





Read John 5:1-8

John 5:3-4, KJV

"3 In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water. 4 For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."

What makes opportunity opportunity is the ripe time attached to it. Opportunity has deadline. If an institution is doing bonanza and you arrive after it ended, you may not be a partaker of their generosity. So, time is what makes opportunity relevant to humans. Opportunities are made for humans but humans must be made for it and then press into it. That's why a statement says, "strike the iron while it's hot!". Another also gives the reason for what appears to be the sudden promotion of some. It says, "time and chance happens to them all".

Ecclesiastes 9:11, KJV 

"I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."

If that be, it means opportunities can make irrelevant and nonsense of qualifications at times. 

Let me ask you, if any of the invalids jumps into the pool afore it was stirred or after an inmate has tapped into the pool's residing virtue, will such fellow still be healed? The answer is no because we have an express instruction that says once the water is contacted by anyone upon stirring, only such receives his healing as the residing healing virtue is once and for all consumed. Let others in their droves rush in or lament their having being long there, yet they won't still receive healing because the power there is a disposable healing power and not always resident.

The Lord spoke to me and I heard. He said, "there's a time to take opportunities." He said, "don't come late because those who do aren't always partakers."

Have you seen surfers before? Do they carry themselves or they surf on the capacity of the wave? Have you researched the eagle also? Did you see that it also rides on the back of the wings to soar? In soaring, it just stretches its wings while the tempest bears it. No struggle, no effort, no insistence that it must work. 

The floating and soaring effortlessness offered by these two natural things are what opportunities are to us humans. Once you can keep watch: be awake and aware as to decipher an opportunity for what it is, what follows is for you to strike it. This is how some became wealthy. They received a stirring or heart direction towards something. They did it and it was a result. I've reaped great result by following the Spirit's leading in this wise also though I've been slow at times but I thank God who deals gently with me as a Father. It was told of a minister who met some other minister friends and asked them all to pull a particular percentage of their monies together in order to buy a particular portion of land that he often sees and which all of them also know. This man saw the land over time with heart's persuasion towards it before uttering it to them. However, none of the friends budged. They said, "why should they spend their money on a land that doesn't has prospects since the land isn't well situated?" This minister who received that heart felt persuasion won't let go. He rather pulled fund together and bought the land. It was some years after that one of the U.S. State Governments approached him for the land. That's how he rode on the wings of opportunities to become well by selling it to them. Yet, he got the land very cheaply years back. 

Look, don't miss opportunities. Your not missing it is actually tied to your own sensitivity. If you read that John 5, you'll see that all those invalids are sensitive watchmen, carefully keeping vigil for the arrival of the stirring angel. They know their lives depend on knowing when he arrives and when the stirring has been done. Those who feels dizzy can't take of that opportunity let alone those who sleep. 

One time, I needed to obtain something. When I woke up to doing that, I  discovered that the possibility for that was just closed. It pained me. I promised myself with all revenge that I won't miss the next one. Then, it was another year. Around a particular month, I observe that whenever I pray and also very often outside prayer, my mind would always go to the matter with heart persuasions to call and enquire from somebody. Over a month, I'll receive this heart persuasion but left it unattended to. Somehow, I just didn't call the person I knew had expert's say on the thing. Then one day, I was in prayer and the Lord confronted me with the consequences of missing it again due to carelessness and lack of prompt action. Before then, the Lord had staged like two embarrassing occurrences to bring me to a rude realization of how I must be awoken. It was when the final hard saying came in prayer I even remembered the  previous two rude incidents. Did you see how human ministers could also be?

So, I enquired. Believe it. The expert involved told me, "it has been available since." She even begs me for having forgotten not to update me since I've called her over time reminding her of my need to catch that opportunity. Yet, my life and future depended on that thing! 

Look, others may slumber but you must know it's your sole responsibility not to miss anything that God is offering you as an opportunity. Of course, it will come cheaply, relieving and satisfactory. If you miss it, you will have to wait another cycle of time to get it done. Some times, it doesn't even show up again. It just looks like a life line opportunity.

I pray for you that you will be conscious as you receive also a fresh baptism of time and what it says. "Knowing what time says is superior to having money at hand!" If when your opportunity is at hand you don't act correspondingly, you'll miss it and later lament. Some have money at hand but yet don't understand time. So, they wrongly invested or reaped the natural void of what opportunities give. May you not lament. May your spouse, land, house, wealth not finally depart to another. Also, the Lord might be talking to somebody to make enquiry and confirm because that, "the time for what you've been expecting is here." So, strike it now and see the result!

PRAYER: Let the Spirit bear me up and aid me where I need remembrance. May I not be stubborn, sluggish or procrastinating. I'm on time.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 42:1-44:23, 2 Timothy 2:1-21, Psalms 92:1-93:5, Proverbs 26:3-5

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Friday, 22 October 2021





READ Galatians 4:1-15

Matthew 17:5, AMP

"While he was still speaking, behold, a shining cloud [[b]composed of light] overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom I am [and [c]have always been] delighted. Listen to Him!"

What A will do that will satisfy God's heart isn't what B will do. The specific act may differ. Only that what Christians does to satisfy God's heart and earn His approval generally falls under being obedient and taking heed. For someone like Abraham, he believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. The specific act that would delight God and bring reward to you or me is what we don't know but let's in all our endeavours be obedient children.  When we have struck the deep of God's heart, we'll know we've done so because God Himself will raise dust and speak about it. It even shows in new promotions and approval. 

The first time a voice like the one above testified of Jesus being God's beloved was at Jesus' baptism. However, God didn't say "listen to Him". That tells you winning of heaven's recommendation is deemed fit by God and comes by and by. As it is occurring to my mind, it's as if God has a panel of divine host that checks with Himself if a Christian or minister has indeed satisfied His heart as to win His approval. Do you remember at creation, God the Father was not only the board member seated and doing it all? God the Son and Holy Spirit were around which reflects in the language used, "come, LET US create man in our own image..." Genesis 1:26.

When you have satisfied God's heart, He'll appear to decide whether you've pass your exams or not. Unless you're tried and you're found to have passed, your word don't come [Psalm 105:19].

"Listen to Him" that God the Father said places a higher degree of approval on Jesus. God is a careful God. He doesn't recommend a minister out in the hearing of others as one they should draw their demands on if the man has not been watched over the years to have a life that backs up what he professes. If he's not a doer of what God says and he preaches, God has no business showing him to the world as a beloved son or daughter that their gathering and obedience should be given to. Of Jesus, it has been afore said that people's gathering shall be unto Him.

Genesis 49:10, AMP

"The scepter or leadership shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes to Whom it belongs, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people."

How it surprised me that when God wants to commend and compensate Jesus for being a beloved son, it was an instruction to "listen to Him" He gives out. It's a blessing when you're not refuted or rejected as a minister. Whenever a Christian is being refuted and rejected, he ought to find out whether he has first satisfied God's heart. Why did I say that? The Bible says, "when the ways of a man pleases God, He (God) makes even his enemy be at peace with him" [Proverbs 16:7]. So, all the remedy for acceptance is actually in pleasing God. If you can strive and seek to expend yourself to please this Father in heaven, if He turns to you, you'll be surprised at what He may reward you with especially if you're a minister. I guess it may be, "listen to him." After all the "you're my beloved son in whom I am well pleased", if " listen to him" don't follow, that beloved son is still like a heir who's but a child but who's under tutor and governor until the time appointed of the father for him comes. You break loose into the utmost and get trusted with the delivery of bread to others when "listen to him" follows "this is my beloved son". 

Those of you that have been longing to hear a voice like this or be promoted from one level to another by the delivering of a letter or news, it seems good to me to announce that your time has come. You will receive the good news and the joy shall be yours to rejoice in. 

PRAYER: Any letter of promotion I await, my word comes now in Jesus' name. May my life and living pleases you.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 39:1-41:18, 2 Timothy 1:1-18, Psalm 90:1-91:16, Proverbs 26:1-2

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Thursday, 21 October 2021





Genesis 3:1, AMP:

"Now the serpent was more subtle and crafty than any living creature of the field which the Lord God had made. And he [Satan] said to the woman, Can it really be that God has said, You shall not eat from every tree of the garden?"

You see, it is a certain behaviour or some enviable traits that God will see in you to be drawn to you. Do you know why God chose Jacob despite the fact that he was a supplanter? He loves the anointing. He cherishes the birthright. Esau rather was a despiser of holy things. What Jacob esteems, Esau disdains. For that reason, the blessing hits Jacob. God loves those who won't mind pursuing to have Him. He'll use and reside with them [Hebrews 12:16-17].

Satan likewise gets attracted to people on the basis of traits or behaviours that they have refused to prune themselves from. For example, if you're bossy, manipulating and stubborn, witchcraft will find you attractive to secure and use very well. If you continue to wish somebody evil and it becomes a habit until your thought is visible in the spirit, you will get to a place where a demon will be attracted to you to begin to grant your evil wishes to come to pass. So, you'll become powerful and satanically assisted. That's why you'll hear some say, "if i wish you evil, so shall it be!". Such needs deliverance. However, something in their lives was what attracted Satan to them. Nothing is causeless. 

In today's reading, Satan is said to be more crafty than all other wild animals. It means, "other wild animals are crafty but the serpent is craftier." Now, this trait didn't work in its favour at all. You know, in a class of some students, we may have one who is the most brilliant and because of that, he could be nominated to represent the school in competitions. The school gets attracted to him because of the brilliance he exhibits above others. So also, the devil, cultists, poverty, death, sickness, diseases, failure etc are generally gravitating towards people that have what they need to stay in their lives. That reminds me of how Jesus was inspected yet without anything of Satan found in Him. So, He couldn't be detained or found a useful material. 

If you look at today's verse, it says, "The serpent was more crafty than other beats." Did you see journeying there? It was not a day he became craftier. It took awhile. He grew in craftiness just like you can grow in your gift until you begin to manifest it at a very high level and draw all kind of men to God and yourself.  When the serpent was just crafty, it didn't attract Satan but when it became craftier [gotten to an enviable level] where it shows cunningness, brutality etc, Satan stepped in. Satan must have said, "the like of you I seek to partner with."

God is bringing a warning to all those who seems to have something but have more of it. It may be gift that you're extremely blessed with. Just know that both God and Satan will seek you. Since you have it really well, they'll both want to leverage on you and use you. Have you asked why the devil didn't enter into any other animal? It was because by their own nature, inclination, behaviour and act, they didn't make provision for him. They did not tend towards places where they'll make it comfortable for Satan to say, "this is a perfect host to indwell." He exhibits all the characteristics of a potential robber, scammer or prostitute. 

God wants you to try as much as possible to begin to prune yourself of negative behaviours as you go. You see, the devil can't enter into your life except there's an handle to climb by. If there's no crack in the wall, will the lizard enter? As simple as a behaviour or character of yours may seem to you, it is a flood gate to the devil to employ you as a useful instrument. A little chink in the armour allows the arrow. 

The snake at creation was created with craftiness just like other animals but the serpent allowed its own to flower and flourish until that becomes a leverage for the devil to indwell and use. When the devil was looking for body to indwell, he saw that one has been made ready for his use. He saw that one has been stimulated to welcome him. He saw that one has the right heart conditions that it takes to be devilish and act like a smart guy that won't be caught. 

God doesn't want you be the "odd one out." God doesn't want you to exhibit abnormality. He wants you to be kept in a confine where Satan can't find you as a host to use. I pray that you won't be sweet to Satan. All things in you strengthening Satan's arm over you is broken. Behaviour, traits, flairs, desires, inclinations etc that will open you to Satan are all wiped off in Jesus name. 

PRAYER: Lord, may I not break the confine that will expose me to the devil. All seeds that makes me good looking to the devil are consumed.

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Jeremiah 37:1-38:28, 1 Timothy 6:1-21, Psalm 89:38-52, Proverbs 25:28

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