Thursday, 1 August 2024


SUNDAY - 21ST JULY, 2024



II Chronicles 26:15, KJV

"And he made in Jerusalem engines, invented by cunning men, to be on the towers and upon the bulwarks, to shoot arrows and great stones withal. And his name spread far abroad; for he was marvellously helped, till he was strong."

This is the achievement of Uzziah, king in Jerusalem. During his tenure, he was powerful militarily and subdued far and wide. However, that just didn't fall on him. It came because God gave him victory which owes to a subset fact of having a developed nation powered by technology and the rightful invention. Praise to his mechanics, engineers, inventors and all technicians who invented those engines and machines of war by which he defences his people and also fights. If you'd watched Bahubaali, those engines created to haul stones and shoot arrows would be just like the ones portrayed in that movie. 

How could you say an inventor of the fan (a product rarely not present in a home) but  which everybody uses has no call while agreeing that your pastor whose sermons or books the whole world are not reading has a call? It's a misconception. This is how we have separated all other professionals from the holily call and righteous demands of God on the calling they as well carry. So, they began to see themselves as ordinary and secular - as people of "anything goes" instead of consecrating themselves to that field for the Lord's glory. But the early fathers of protestantism didn't see it that way. Martin Luther and John Calvin didn't teach their generation that way. As a matter of fact, they esteemed all work or its form as equal. As far as God is concern, it hasn't changed. An engineer will be called to account in the measure of his calling just as a clergy will give account likewise in his calling. Only that God says teachers would be judged with stricter measures and I want to believe it won't be clergy or preachers of the Word of God only. It'll include all those who instructs or leads anywhere at any time. As long as they're in leadership with a measure of influence over a given people, they'll be judged with stricter measure. They must give account for how they influence those opened to their instructions (James 3:1-2). Verily established is therefore the fact that God holds us accountable and when different, it's based on His investment or expectation from us. Check the story of the talents for this (Matt.25:14-30). That doesn't then mean that your profession (of being a preacher of the gospel) is the most esteemed in God's eyes. No! It is how and what you do with your profession that makes it esteemed or reproachful before God. If you're a sweeper and you sweep so well and diligently, I bet it, you'll have the praise of God. If you're a preacher and you don't give all diligence to research and deliver the best, you'll be rebuked of God. As a matter of fact, you should be afraid and that's because God also doesn't bear the sword in vain (just like the state). God is in the business of dividing to us as we have done without being a respecter of persons or  profession. Our watchword should be whatsoever we do, we do as unto the Lord and with all our might. 

Listen, your baby is called and once called, the equipping is there even if it is not showing now. It may not show anyway if he doesn't do the work for which he was equipped. So, that might render him as one not called. The call of being a minister of the gospel predates my birth but I needed to heed the call. Even before I heeded it, God started training me for it. All the experiences I've had were for a reason - a preparation for that intent of being a minister and those that were not were converted to be. This went on until I was heavily anointed as I listened repeatedly to the sermon of my favourite minister which at that time I was specially attracted to. From then on, my teaching ministry was revolutionized. I want to talk more and people want to listen to me more. Since then, I've not ran dry of teaching, preaching and doing the works of ministry. Why? An equipping capacitates me for that. This devotional you're reading is a proof of my call and equipping. It's the product of my own calling. 

Those engines or machines we read about were made by some inventors. To be an inventor or anything, you must have the mind or be filled with the mind of one. Without the equipping of one, you can't be one. Steve Jobs was just a young boy when he passed by a store with his dad. Seeing the technological devices in the store, he was attracted to them. Later on, he went on to invent good systems for us like Apple and Macintosh. His products stand out. What you love is a function of what God calls you to do. For Nebuchadnezzar to become an animal, God had to give him the lower mind of an animal. So, he acted as one and began to crawl. For him to be human again, his human heart had to be restored so he could regain understanding and stand upright (Dan.4:29-37). Only then was he returned to the community of men. For you to be a teacher, you must be filled or equiped with the abilities of one. If that mind is not in you, you can't manifest it. Even the Bible tells us that we should let Christ's mind be in us for us to act humbly, selflessly and Christlike (Phil.2:5-9). Without having His mind, those qualities would elude us. So, if there's an office or function you covet, follow those who are established in it. As time goes on, you'll begin to absorb them and have yourself changed (by a renewing of your mind with the things pertaining to that office or field). This is one of the ways to get equipped for anything. It is usually a quickened and successful process when you're naturally at first attracted to such field because you're called there by God. You tend to absorb and learn faster by immersion in what you're naturally obsessed with. And as far as we know, obsession after a field or someone in that field is a sign that your child is called or has a destiny in or around that field. 

The moment Bezaleel sees gold, silver, brass, stone, timber etc, he immediately receives an impression of what to do with them. He's that inspired and lofty in craftsmanship because he is set there by God. As such, he could work with those resources. If you're not an inventor, building things by merging components won't interest you. You'll see no sense in it but rather deride those whose calling it is. But if your child is, he'll just be fascinated with technology and devices' parts. Watch it. Is your boy dismantling devices at home i.e wristwatch, toys etc? Does he have uncanny aptitude to build with his hands, move with his body, solve puzzles, sing or speak with his voice or write vividly with imagery? Any of those hints at his future work or calling. You're seeing a boy or a girl set in his own office right there!

PRAYER: Lord, I receive your mind to act Christlike. My child shall manifest the mind of he who you have called him. A beast acts beastly, a man acts humanly; a singer sings. My child shall act as preordained.


Acts 27:1-26 & Psalms 21-22

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