Tuesday, 27 February 2024




WHERE TO FIND JESUS! - Separated Unto Purpose Series 009

Luke 2:48-49, NLT

"48 His parents didn't know what to think. "Son," his mother said to him, "why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere." 49 "But why did you need to search?" he asked. "Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?"

You have to know your kiddos and we do by learning who they are and what their greatest love is. If I asked you what could have the attention of each of your children, what would you say to me? If you do not know the greatest love or obsession of your kids, you might suffer for it yourself. Joseph and Mary suffered just for that as seen in today's Bible verses. Imagine if Jesus' parents knew what his greatest love was. They wouldn't have searched for three days looking for Jesus to no avail until... They went everywhere looking for him except the temple. It was when they couldn't locate him at all those places they thought children of his age could be or be attracted to that they eventually came to the temple as a last resort. They were forced to come to the temple. They themselves didn't believe or imagine that their son is such a one that has come to discover purpose at such an early age and is living it. 

You can't predict your kiddo. Some children mature in orientation and purposeful living or its discovery faster than others. That's why they amuse adults who listen to them manifest. The fact that Mary and Joseph predicted Jesus thinking he could be where the cinema was going on at the market place made them not locate Jesus on time. Let me drive home a point. Your kiddo's obsession or his calling manifests also in where he visits or wants to be. We'll be attracted differently and to different places you know. At a very tender age, Steve Jobs was attracted by inventions that he saw from a store's revealing glass. If you ask where such boy would be, I could say around electronics. Jesus would prefer to be at the temple above any other place because that's an identical place for his calling. He told them, "don't you know I must be in my Father's house." Parents who know their kids and what their obsessions are are those who don't miss. They could therefore match or tie their kiddos to their obsessions. While growing up, many of our mothers knew where they could find us and some were oblivion of it too. Those who knew accessed their children faster for errands or for their needs than others. You'll just hear, "he's at XYZ's house." They could tell friends, "go and check him on the football field" or "go to the library." You need to find your child's interest and where it is tied. Engineers won't gather where actors or dancers would be. If your child would love the cinema or theatre, it may be that another Shakespeare is to be revealed. So, if he or she has his choices to be made, you may begin to see him or her flock around media personalities and movie stars. You won't find an Engineer necessarily in such a place. For those looking for Jesus, look no further. He is in His Father's house - the temple. If you'll discover him, go there. Stop walking up and down to no end. Anyone who discovers purpose this early gives parents rest. You're not confused as to where they may be. It's until then you could predict them with assurance that they'll be where their destiny assignment or training is taking place. 

Such early harvest of children to purpose and their specialization is needful if there'll be attention and concentration on their callings. As we round off this series, ask yourself, will I still do second guess if I were asked which place or what thing has the attention of my kids the best". As for Jesus, He was telling his parents, "why the wasted effort? You should know I'll be at the temple. I'm not destined to be a footballer and so I can't be at the field. I'm not destined to be a fisherman and so I can't be at the sea. However, if you're looking for me, "come to the temple." May our children be this purposeful - knowing themselves and educating others to know or discover them same way. 

PRAYER: Father, let my son be purposeful in his pursuit. Let him discover a calling to obsess after as he arises to it.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Leviticus 19:1-20:21, Mark 8:11-38, Psalm 42:1-11, Proverbs 10:17

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