Thursday, 27 July 2023





READ Gen.24:1-20

Genesis 24:6-7, KJV

"6 And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again. 7 The LORD God of heaven, which took me from my father's house, and from the land of my kindred, and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send his angel before thee, and thou  shalt take a wife unto my son from thence".

Do you know what confidence Abraham has before saying the above? Do you? Look, it is the confidence coming from having walked with God. This man's statement reveals that He has learnt God and knows what He's reputed for. Read the verse for the day again and see that truth hidden in every pieces of the writing. 

First, it's, "...the Lord God of heaven which took me from my father's house and from the land of my kindred..."

Abraham is saying, "I am the called or the called out". See, you may not know how hard it is stepping out or being called out of your security until God calls you out. Some people are guided out of their security but I'm talking of being led out of your security. When you thus hear God saying, "intentionally pack your loads and leave" and not you finding yourself by chance somewhere but which later becomes your God given Rehoboth, you'll understand the full import of being called. So, the first reference of Abraham goes to if He calls me out as a nobody and takes me on such a journey that makes somebody of me; then, I can trust Him. 

The second to consider is, "and which spake unto me, and that sware unto me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land..."

God not only called him out but he has been beloved and has experienced God's special love. He believes in the God who swears He'll give birth (at an impossible age) yet He did. He's fully trusting in that God who has made the promise of giving him such land to look for means of perpetuating it in the hands of his down-lines. On that note, Abraham believes this last part of God sending an angel before them will be possible.

Look at me, the kind of life I want to live is "the Lord's doing". So far, I know that's what can be "marvellous" in the sight of all. Abraham didn't speak like a newbie when he said assuredly that God would send an angel before his servant. He speaks out of having walked and experienced God for years. He has seen indeed that God does not fail. A thousand of them may disappoint but God does not fail. On this note, boldly and assuredly, he says, God - who did all we have recounted and analysed to him can't but care again by sending his angel ahead of them in order to jealous for him (Abraham). I pray for you that on occasions that things will concern you, God will send His angels ahead of you and release resources for your sake. Abraham is not doubtful of heaven releasing their resources for his sake. Though it's his son who wants to marry yet it is clear that's Abraham's need. Do you know what I'm seeing there? Your God will not only protect and jealous for you, it will for your down-lines. All your labour of love shall be remembered and they can be reaped by extension by your down-lines. Also, I'm seeing another truth there. Patronage spirits (Holy Spirit or satanic) over families and ancestries always involve themselves in the marital choice of those they are to watch over. Abraham has a covenant with God and that hands Himself and all that'll ever proceed from Him to God. Even when an Israelite or a Jew is misbehaving, God for Abraham's sake can be merciful on him. The truth is how much more if we're in Christ and have the new covenant? In that passage we read, the angel that'll go before that servant is a messenger and part of the resources of God that Abraham cut a covenant and is in a relationship with. In essence, Abraham has done one thing. It is, "how can God forsake me when He has patronage and obligation over my family? He will go before you therefore". If you're born again, all heaven's resources are at your disposal. Be assured of that like Abraham assuredly told his servant. God won't watch. He'll go before you and prosper your journey. Even before you get there, He'll take thought for you. He'll make all the necessary arrangements. Things will fall into their spaces. You will meet it so". 

Indeed, this servant travelled. At arrival at the gate of the city, he prayed that God would prosper his journey and remember His servant, Abraham and then he gave out some demands. Unlike Abraham who's a serious believer and who works in faith, this servant though walking in faith, does in a lesser dimension. Any who asks for signs is either faithless or of little faith. Shockingly, all those were met. Divinely coincidental and fitting time, Rebekah was sure aroused to go to the well. To test the reality of God sending an angel before him and the reality of all the signs he listed being fulfilled, Rebekah didn't object to giving him a drink and then giving his ten camels. 

You see, if God was not in this thing, it wouldn't have worked. I don't know that humble lady that'll give you a drink and then give to ten camels! A camel drinks at least 15 gallons of water. It means those camels at least drank 150 gallons of water. Yet, the Bible says, "until they have finished drinking" (24:19). Of a surety, God must have secretly commanded Rebekah and made her vulnerable to those wishes, prophecy of Abraham and prayer of his servant. Rebekah therefore becomes like the commanded widow of Zarephath that God put under command (oath of a kind) for the sake of Elijah. I pray for you that men shall come under command for you. Where you need help and you're on tip toe for it, it shall be as you desire. Help shall be availed you beyond normal. You won't only drink but you'll receive a helper who'll go the extra mile of taking thought for your extra luggages. Those of you single mothers who want to remarry. This is your time. The Lord is here. I say, receive the man who will give you drink and take complete thought for the number you'll bring." 

Brethren, look at me, the Spirit of prophecy is my witness. God do send angels before people. I call them "sweepers" or let's say, "forerunners". They'll make your way before you prosperous. I left home for higher education at age 17. I sure believe angels went before me because my way was prosperous. Yet, there's something special about age 17 because that's the age Joseph fed the flocks with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah (Gen.37:2). Today, the future you don't see shall be settled because angels shall go before you. Abraham predicted it and though no physical angel appeared or was spoken about in that passage, yet we have reasons to believe an angel went to put things on ground for Abraham's sake. God will be jealous for you for Jesus' sake. Angels will go before you. You'll meet it so. The life I want to live is the type that tells people, "go and you'll see and witness this and that" and which will meet it that way. No wonder that servant bowed and worshipped God having seen how he was guided to the house of his master's kindred (Gen. 24:27). You'll also be led and guided. You won't journey all alone. You'll go in the right path and meet the appointed person. 

PRAYER: Lord, send an angel ahead me to always prepare my way before me. 

BIBLE IN A YEAR: 2 Chronicles 19:1-20:37; Romans 10:14-11:12; Psalm 21:1-13; Proverbs 20:4-6

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