Monday, 26 December 2022






Matthew 1:19-20, KJV

"19 Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily. 20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."

For that which is conceived in her is of the "what?" "The Holy Ghost", you'll say. People of God, we thank God for such Christmas we had yesterday. It's still in the air and so let's see some issues further from the birth story of Jesus. 

Here's Joseph fuming and contemplating on what to do - "yes, I'm done with her. She has played the harlot! How can I? (He stammers as he talks and you could see displeasure in his face). As he sleeps however, God's angel meets him in a dream and otherwise was told him. Let me ask. If the fellow you're engaged with is caught cheating on you and you have a solid proof like seeing pregnancy in her, would you allow for persuassion on the matter? I know your answer. You're as jealous as Joseph. All of us though we be righteous men can't endure that sight of another man leaping on our own. The very reason you must not do it to another.  It's horrible and killing. That's why a fellow like Joseph though a righteous man was at least minded to put her away secretly. And I'll say that's good of him because his lenient resolution still shows he's indeed righteous. If it were some, before the angel ever told them the truth that'll console them, Mary would have been slighted. The abuse rain that would have descended on her would have been terrible. Rather, he concludes, "just let's separate quietly as not to put her in any shame. God will do mine at its right time." This should have been how Joseph consoled himself. But then, God heard his contemplations and saw his worry and the very thing eating him up. Though he sleeps, it is a sleep to relieve the sorrow of heart he's having. Thus, the angel says, "Joseph, the son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."

What do you think settled the matter if not for that singular utterance, "that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost." This is where I knew Joseph indeed knew God and was a righteous man because I began to think of it, if somebody else was the one, "will he agree or understand at all what excuse the angel was giving when he said - that which is in her is conceived of the Holy Ghost?" Will you also believe in the truth - "that which is in her is of the Holy Ghost?" Will the next subject matter not be to evaluate the correctness of the means by which you were spoken to though that's your established means proven over the years? But Joseph believed. When he heard, "it was of the Holy Ghost", all inner jangling ended. He dropped all he had planned to do and you could see him wholeheartedly relent. What a thing! Just like God spoke to me and I heard. This teaching shall be focused on only one thing - "for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost."

Brethren, that statement is the reason why Joseph let the sleeping dog lie. Nothing on earth could have convinced him and had him drop his intention if not that. And the Lord came to me saying, "Olusola, do you know why you'll be absolved? Do you know why none could accuse you it's your fault and that you should be held responsible? It's because whatsoever you do as a minister (in the anointing and in truth) is reckon to Me and not you." Then the explanation went further. "If you heal the sick who's under the affliction of the dark powers of this world, those dark powers and their human ambassadors in what you humans call witches, wizards, priests or priestesses can't do a thing to you. They'll absolve you and let you go because at any search to know who did that, they'll always encounter - "for that which was done by him was by the Holy Ghost." And because it's by the Holy Ghost - He we can't say NO to, they'll let the matter die." I sighed as I concurred. He told me, "this is how I protect all ministers and that's why they can take on more evil upon evil. It's because I'm the One working in them. They're just vessels. I needed just a body and that's what Mary provided me to fill up. Who should be faulted and held responsible by Joseph then? Mary or I? "You Father!" "But how would my son, Joseph not absolve me. Even if any witch or wizard isn't my child, am I not their Creator and they My created? What will a vessel do to its maker? It's at this juncture that all became clear to me. God told me, "go and touch the untouchables, do the unthinkable, preach the gospel to the poor, the recovery of sight to the blind and the breaking of chains of the oppressed. No one can hold you responsible. They might say, "it was that minister who loosen the chain of our captive, now let's touch him or any around him but I'll respond - that which was done by him was done by the Holy Ghost. In this way, it'll always be case closed before it begins." I was just laughing and smiling around. 

Christians and ministers, God is saying to you, on every occasion that I'm the cause, I'm to be blamed but who can have (receive) my prostration? "Oh, I'm in Your awe and praise O Lord." So, be confident people. What an occult priest can't heal, you can. What many people have been punished over, it's your own walk over. It's because - for that which is done by you is of the Holy Ghost. This is your pardon, why your Mary would be forgiven and befriended once more or let be by that opposite force. It has never proved to work. No Christian does a thing. It's God working in you both to will and do of His good pleasure (Phil.2:13). It's He filling Christians and all sent ones strength to do all things (Phil.4:13). He's their fuel and since He's higher than the ancient mountains and also created we all, "He has the last say" which you can inherit anytime opposing forces rival you. Today, are you a sinner, you're absolved first of all. God is calling you to Himself. Take the sinner's prayer: "Lord, forgive and receive me." Be baptized by immersion and in the Holy Ghost. Then, begin to do terrible things around - loosing chains by the Spirit's power and witness how you'll become like a seed of corn in the bottle to their bird. Oh, I'm absolved. I'm let go. Cases are closed this morning. All of you having cases in courts, I edit it! I end it. I say, "you're forgiven." Because the Holy Spirit carried the blame for impregnating Mary and Mary was not made a scape goat, let the real doer of what you're being accused of come under the Spirit's convinction and own up. You, "go and misbehave in the Holy Ghost and by the Holy Ghost" and let's see who would misbehave, maltreat and hold you responsible. You're absolved in God! (Laughter...)!

PRAYER: Lord, I'm absolved. Because my workings are by You, I'm absolved. I receive that favour spelt all over and all mine.

BIBLE IN A YEAR: Daniel 6:1-28; 2 Peter 3:1-18; Psalm 119:129-152; Proverbs 28:21-22

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